• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago

Starlight Jimmer

please no punterino Starlight Jimmer


In the ruins of a world, the last god contemplates Happiness, and how it broke us all.


Written for Hypnosis and Mind Control's Story Theme Roulette.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

At first I was confused but it eventually clicked. Cool story.

Sweet merciful cheesus.

An interesting story and yet very grimm.

So, a reprogram chip invasion, am I right?

Nothing short of an EMP weapon has a chance to take out the chips and if not, then perhaps a solar flare must burn away Equestria, if only for the sake of the world. I find the idea of a grieving goddess wandering the world, giving warning to all about the dangers of unchecked progress and smiting those who advance too quickly and too greedily, to be an interesting plot for an epic. The naturalist who uses fear and intimidation to force compliance with zealotous fear of the unknown while heros make the case for freedom from oppression and to the betterment of lives and are forced to consider the motivations for her actions.

In fact, it is very cool written. I'm now writing about happiness and would like to mention this story as well. I read different essays on the site https://samploon.com/free-essays/happiness/ but I was also looking for some original ideas for my paper about happiness.

Hey fam, sorry for the late reply. I think that's awesome that you'd like to mention my story! I know it's probably a little late now, but still

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