• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,221 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Hunting Party

The group of ponies began the short trek back to their campsite. Big Mac and Tech only rolled their eyes as the mares of the groups argued.

"I'm sick of scratching around in rock and bone and making guesses, deductions about the nurturing habits of animals that have been dead for sixty-five million years." Tree Hugger argued. "Right or wrong, we're ridiculed because we can't prove anything, we can only make assumptions based on how modern day animals behave. It's frustrating, then you ladies show up and fill my head with stories for years."

"Stories of mutilation and death! Weren't you paying attention?" Applejack asked.

"Quiet eloquently put Applejack," Rarity compliments.

Please don't treat me like I'm some wide-eyed pony, I've worked around predators for most of my life. Lions, hyenas, jackals……you.” The mare joked, looking at Fluttershy. “They're obsessively territorial, and those territories are all in the interior of the island. The only other place they'll hunt is on the game trails. If we stay on the outer rim and off the game trails, we'll be fine." Tree Hugger continued.

"They go wherever there's food! They have legs, you know, and on these legs they're known to walk." Fluttershy argued.

"Could you make that a little more condescending?"

"Run even." Tree stopped in her tracks and glared at her close friend.

"You know, I'm not sure I can listen to you right now without wanting to hit you."

"Hit her on the way home. We're taking you out of here." Applejack argued. Up ahead Mac noticed something was off and went charging back to camp.

"Where's the fire?" Tech asked, wondering what was up.

Rarity looks up with wide eyes in the direction Big Mac ran. "There!" She points to a trail of smoke rising into the sky up ahead from their camp.

"Fire at base camp!" Tech slung the gun over his shoulder and charged towards camp. The mares followed closely behind. Big Mac pulled a tank from the jeep and began pouring it.

"No, the water leaves smoke. Use dirt." Tree Hugger said, the ponies began kicking dirt on the small fire. Applejack could only look at it with a very confused look.

"Who started the fire?" She asked. She soon got her answer. It was that exact moment that Babs opened the door to the trailer with a skillet in her teeth. She sets it slowly on the grass with a smile.
"I thought I'd surprise you guys with breakfast." The whole group stared at the filly, stunned, none more than Applejack herself. She looked at Babs, then at the trailer door hanging open, then back at Babs as she figured out how she did it.

After several minutes of scolding their little cousin, the southern had finally began to calm down. The others tried to keep their attention on the tech, clearly failing

"Why did ya'll think it was a good idea to come here?" Applejack said to the filly, trying to get the satellite phone to work so she could get her cousin out of her. "Talk some sense into her." She said to Big Mac. Big Mac just raises an eyebrow at them. Babs looks visibly upset as she sits on the hood of a jeep beside the receiver for the satellite phone.

"But Applejack you as good as told me to come! You said not to listen to adult ponies not two seconds after telling me not to come! What was I supposed to think?"

“You know what I meant by that!”

"Bit curious about that myself," Rarity says as she files one of her hooves.

"Dont team up on me here!" Applejack snapped.

"What do you want to do, lock her up for curiosity? Where do you think she gets it?" Tree Hugger asked.

"I think you're getting curiosity confused with suicide," Rarity says dryly. "And speaking of confusion, why did you refer to Fluttershy as a predator during your little spat earlier?"

"You'd be surprise how angry she gets." Tree Hugger said.

"Ok, moving this into the trailer." Applejack said, taking Babs by the hoof and dragged her into the trailer. Which is an absolute, almighty mess on the inside as can only be expected from a filly's inexperienced attempts at cooking. Applejack groaned loudly, slamming her head on the console.

Outside Tech watched the two ponies go in, then turned to Rarity.

"She really doesnt wanna be here." Rarity gave him a flat look.

"Have you not been listening to us? Any of you? This island may hold fascinating creatures but they're twice as dangerous. Especially without facilities to act as safe havens, or fences to stem the tide of these monsters." She shudders as she looks back at the trailer, "You saw those Stegosaurus, and those were the Herbivores so they were rather tame compared to what we've seen. At least they weren't dead-set on killing us! Why if we were found by Raptors we might as well serve ourselves up on platters. Did you know that Velociraptors can open doors? And easily break their way through bulletproof glass when said doors are locked?" She fixes Tech, Big Mac, and Tree Hugger with stern looks in turn.

"Don't get us started on the T-Rex." Fluttershy threw in. Tree Hugger opened her mouth to argue, but paused, her ear twitching.

"Anypony hear that?" She asked. Fluttershy listened intently. For once, what they were hearing didnt sound like a dinosaur.

"Eeyup," Big Mac says, looking up. Then he points a hoof up at a convoy of helicopters flying towards the island. Under them they carry jeeps, and large crates of supplies from cables.The trailer door burst open, Applejack pulling Babs out with her.

"About time. Hello! Over here!" She tried waving the choppers down. Tech looked through a pair of binoculars, frowning at what he saw.

"It says Ingen on the side of those choppers. Why would Firefly send two teams?"

“You can let go Applejack!” Babs complained, her hoof beginning to hurt.

"Doesnt he trust us? We havent even started." Tree Hugger argued. Applejack looked through the binoculars herself. Scorch didnt seem like the type of pony to her that would send this group.

"Ah think I reckon who's behind this....."

“Oh so do I," Rarity says darkly as she glares at the choppers. "And I mean it when I say this... I would rather hug a Velociraptor than set one hoof closer to that convoy."

The convey was dropped off into the jungle, exploding out of the brush and onto the open plain where several dinosaurs rested. The creatures noticed the oncoming convey and began to flee. Inside a jeep nestled in the middle of the group was the one behind all of this, now dressed in safari gear, Blueblood.

"This is as good a place as any for base camp." He spoke into a radio headset."First priority is the laser barriers, I want them all up and running in thirty minutes. That’s half an hour, understand?" A net of camouflage separating Blueblood from the front seats is jerked aside revealing an irate Griffin. His head is of a golden eagle, dark brown feathers edged with yellow on the tips, and his feline half is a tiger. For clothing he wears a tan wide-brimmed hat, and a matching vest with pockets for ammunition. His name is sewn into the left side of the chest; Goliath.

"Cancel that order," Goliath demands with a scowl.

"What? Why?" Blueblood asked, genuinely confused at the order.

"This is a Game Trail, Your Highness," Goliath yells over the roar of the motor. "Carnivores hunt on Game Trails! Do you want to set up Base Camp, or a buffet?" The prince took a moment to consider this.

"Let's find a new spot shall we?" He spoke into the radio. Goliath rolls his eyes, and taps Blueblood's shoulder with a knuckle to get his attention.

"Prince Blueblood let me make a few things clear. First of all I'm in charge, and when I'm not the Bloody Dagger here is. We give the orders, your only job is to sign the checks, tell us we're doing a good job, and open the cider cabinet when we're having a good day. Second, my fee, you can keep it. All I want out of this is a chance to hunt one of the Tyrannosaur, a male, a buck." He tilts his hat back to look the prince dead in the eye, "But by all means set up Base Camp here, or in a swamp, or the middle of a Rex nest for all I care. But personally I've been on too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to anymore suicidal ideas." The look in his eye almost dares Blueblood to argue. Blueblue didnt know how to respond to that.

"Okay..." He said numbly. The jeep tears from the forest with a roar of the engines followed by several more that fan out over the plains before them. Herbivores take notice, and scatter. A few Pegasi swoop overhead with a Griffin or two while below ponies ride jeeps, ATVs, or even a motorcycle or two.

"Scramble the herd, try to isolate one of the strays," Goliath says in his headset, riding shotgun while Bloody Dagger drives. Bloody Dagger is a unicorn buck with a green coat, red mane in a Mohawk style, and a blood dripping dagger for a Cutie Mark. While he focuses on driving one of the ponies on a motorcycle speeds past. This pony deftly drives up between the hind legs of a young-adult Brachiosaurus before speeding ahead between the forelegs.

Blueblood lifted the net out of the way, still astonished by what he was seeing roaming around him. Then he clapped his hooves, laughing as he did. Point Blank, you got one on your three o clock," Goliath says, flipping through an illustrated guide to dinosaurs, and furrowing his eyebrows at the name. "It's a... a Pachy... Pachycheph... Ah hell, the one with the dome head surrounded with little nubs!" As several hunters closed in on their target, one hunter rode along in a jeep.

"Hold on stop!" Book Smarts ordered. "Pachycephalosaurus!" He exclaimed, jumping out of the parked vehicle.

"Carnivore?" His assistant asked.

"Huh? No herbivore, late Cretaceous." The pony explained as several hunters circled the defensive creature. Carefully the two expert ponies trotted forward. "See that distinctive domed skull? That's nine inches of solid bone. The pachy's neck attaches to the bottom of its skull instead of the back of its head, as with reptiles. So when it lowers its head, its neck lines up directly with its backbone, making it perfect for absorbing impact." As if to prove the pony's point, the dinosaur rammed the open door to one of the jeeps, sending the pony behind it flying right back into the car.

A short ways off Scorch's team and the little filly hunkered behind a boulder to watch. Pegasi, and Griffins armed with tranquilizer rifles swoop in on targets they manage to separate from the herd, and pepper them with darts until they're visibly drowsy. At which point ground forces use ropes to sweep the legs out from under the larger ones, and large mechanics with loops of rope to snatch the infants. The hiding group could only watch on in disbelief. Even Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack, who all wanted nothing to do with this island, could agree this wasnt right.'

As the dinosaurs in the field were rounded up, Point Blank stood next to Goliath. Both beings were examining a rather large footprint. Goliath bent down to examine it curiously.

"…Book.” The griffin called the dinosaur expert over. “Do you recognize this track?" The expert pony came trotting over, examining the print.

"Yes I do. Tyrannosaurus." Goliath's eyes widen a bit, and he flies back to the jeep. He picks up a large double-barreled riffle, loading it with twin 20mm rounds before sheathig it across his back, walking for the woods. Blueblood's jeep came skidding to a stop. The stallion needed to have a word with the lead hunter.

"Goliath, where are you going?"

"To collect my fee," Goliath says simply. The stallion opened his mouth to argue until he felt himself step in something. Looking down, he found the T-Rex footprint.

Bloody Dagger was pouring water from his canteen down his neck to cool himself, when he noticed chirping sounds. Looking down, he found a little green dinosaur lapping water off his hoof. Book Smarts found the two as Bloody pulled out a cattle prod.

"Compsognathus triassicus." The smart pony explained. Bloody tilted his head at it.


"I don't think so." Book said. "Compys have always been presumed to be scavengers, like jackals, feeding on dead or wounded animals." Bloody Dagger tilted his head at the creature.

"It doesn't look scared..."

"Well there hasnt been any visitors to this island, it has no reason to fear pony kind." Book said. Bloody gives Boom Smarts a flat look, and then casually zaps the Compy with the Cattle prod, making it squeal before it takes off with a series of yelps.

"It does now," Bloody says in an almost bored tone.