• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 16,346 Views, 573 Comments

Twilight Shares The Narrator - Stratocaster

The sequel to the hit one-shot comedy that started it all, where Twilight shares her life with an unseen narrator.

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The Seeds of Mistrust

Chapter 9: The Seeds of Mistrust

Oh this is so not right. I have to keep quiet or else she'll hear me. Ahem. *quietly* Rainbow rummaged through her own house frantically, pulling open drawers and cabinets while breathing with nervousness. The house around her was covered in discarded clothes and furniture showing signs of rumpus from the night before. She pulled away the covers of her bed, threw off the pillows and even searched underneath the couch cushions. But what she was looking for didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

"Oh man this is bad!" she said to herself. "If I don't find Twilight's Daring Do book she's gonna blow her lid! Why did I have to let Pinkie stay over last night and mess up the place?! 'Oh let's keep this party going!' she says, 'The Narrator may be passed out but the night is still young! Let's take this over to Rainbow's!' she says. That's the last time I let her try Wonderbolt-brand energy drink!"

Wow, I was really out of it last night. Hey wait, what's that? Perched atop her ceiling fan, also made of cloud, was the very same book that Rainbow had borrowed from Twilight the night before, half open and hanging off one of the blades. Hmm, if I just tell Rainbow where the book is, she can return it to Twilight, she won't be mad anymore and I can be done with this drama.

Hey Rainbow!

"Wha?!" she startled. "Oh, Narrator, it's you. Look I don't have time to mess around. I have to find Twilight's book or-"

Rainbow, look up.

She peered toward the ceiling fan. "Hey! There it is!" she smiled as she floated up to retrieve the book.


"Thanks, Narry. Twilight should be relieved when- Oh shoot!"

What is it?

"There's a huge stain on the front page! And it's soaked through a bunch of other pages!" Rainbow examined the stain closer. "Pinkie!" she exclaimed angrily. "She spilled energy drink on the book! That lunatic! She's gonna get me banned from ever borrowing books from Twilight again!...I mean, not that I care about reading or anything. But that crazy mare is more trouble than she's worth! Hmm..."

Um, why are you making that look?

"Narry, I need ya to get back at Pinkie for me!" she grinned deviously. "And tell her it's for messing up this book!"

What?! Rainbow that's absurd!

"Oh please, she needs a little payback. Why don't you mess up one of her cakes or something?"

There is no way I'm doing that! I've sworn not to use my powers for misdeed, especially not vengeance!

"Fine, be a sissy about it." Rainbow turned away. "Some friend you are. See if I ever invite you over to race again."

You're really gonna do this now?

"Sorry, I thought I was talking to a friend!"

...Agh! Fine I'll do it, but I won't like it.

"Thanks, Narry! Make sure you stick it to her good!"


Pinkie slumped over one of the cafe tables in Sugarcube Corner, her chin resting on the surface next to a cup of hot chocolate, the closest thing she could drink to coffee. Strangely, her usual perkiness was not present, her eyes just lazily glowering in a state of doldrums. It was obvious that something was troubling the peculiarly grumpy mare.

Uh, Pinkie? Are you okay?

"Ah, not so loud, Narrator!" she groaned. "I'm still coming down from our party last night!"

Sorry. Um, you would't happen to be planning on baking any cakes, would you?

"I wish!" she rolled her eyes as she slurped her hot chocolate, adding sugar for an extra pick-me-up. "But you wouldn't believe what happened last night after you fell asleep! After we hit Rainbow's, we came back here to Sugarcube Corner to make cupcakes. But the whole time, Rarity did nothing but stuff her face with all the donuts in store!"

Seriously? Rarity did that?

"Yeah! She ate every last donut!" Pinkie continued. "Which meant we practically had nothing to serve the morning rush today! I would've made more if I wasn't crashing so hard, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake were out catering. And when they come back, they're gonna be sore about what happened here! Ugh, this headache is killing me!"

Sounds like Rarity was pretty out of her mind as well.

"Oh you have no idea! I've never seen anypony pig out like her! Hmph!" she dropped her head back on the table. "Thinks she can eat whatever she wants. This ain't a lending donut library! Narrator, can you do me a favor?"

Oh no.

"Go tell Rarity that she's gonna have to work her snooty white butt off here in the kitchen to repay for all those donuts she gobbled up! And if she says no, then just use your freaky deaky Narry powers to make her come."

Pinkie I really don't think-

"Ah ah! I won't hear a word of it!" she turned her nose up. "If no Rarity pay, then no anypony donuts! Comprende?!"

...*sigh* Comprende.

"Thanks, pally!" she immediately perked up. "I'll make sure Rarity knows she'll get no leeway from me!"

Jeez, when did she get so cynical?


"Oooooooh, woe is me!"

Rarity lay on her purple velvet drama couch, rubbing her stomach and moaning in agony. Her gut seemed a little distended, still digesting all the sugary, starchy dough she devoured last night. An ice pack sat atop her head, trying to quell a fever brought on by the food coma, as she continued to shame herself for her gluttony. It seemed like it would take quite a while for her extra pounds to burn off after-

"Narrator, is that you?"

Oh shoot.

"Was that you saying that just now?" she said, distraught. "You think I'm fat?!"

No no no! I never said that! Uh, I just meant that...there's more of you to admire now!

"You DO think I'm fat!" she wailed dramatically as she rolled over on her couch. "Oh sweet Celestia! This is the second worst thing to happen to me last night!"

I'm sorry, I just...second?

"Oh Narrator, it's just absolutely dreadful!" she sobbed with her hoof over her forehead. "I decided to wear my best cocktail dress last night during the party. But Applejack had had too much cider, and at one point, she grabbed me by the teeth, and- and- and...she tore a hole right down the ba-ha-ha-ha-hack!" she let out a burst of tears.

...What kind of party did I miss last night?!

"Oh that ungrateful ruffian!" Rarity's mood suddenly swung to angry. "It's going to take forever to repair the delicate fibers in my dress, and it's all her fault! And ponies wonder why I engorge myself!" She covered her eyes to cry some more, but then was struck with an idea. "Ooh I know how to make Applejack feel!"

Oh come on!

"Oh Narry!" she suddenly beckoned pleasantly.


"Narrator, would you please be a dear and help me get revenge on Applejack?" she asked innocently. "I was thinking since she ruined my dress, perhaps she wouldn't like it if her hat was somehow besmirched as well! I'm sure you could do something like that, right?"

Okay, let's just pause for a moment. First off, I'm sure Applejack's hat has taken enough of a beating that she wouldn't even care. And second, I will not subject myself to doing wrong to others!

"Oh please, Narry?" she gave a seductive look. "I thought you would do anything for me! You wouldn't want me to stay in despair, would you my dear?"

You're not convincing me!

"Pweeeeeeeeease?" she batted her eyelashes and quivered her lip.

...Mmph! That face...Why do I have to be so darn nice?!

"Oh Narrator do be my hero!" she fluttered. "And teach that miscreant farmer a lesson about fashion! Oof, my poor stomach! Sweetie Belle! Where is my sparkling water?!"


"Hmph! Consarnit! I can't believe that girl!" grumbled Applejack as she paced inside the barn.

Uh oh, she looks mad. I'm out of here.

"I can hear ya, Narrator!" she called out, grumpily.

Stupid powers!

"Leave me alone, will ya?" she snorted as she continued pacing. "I'm too mad to deal with anypony else's nonsense."

Okay then!

"But you won't believe what that flousie Fluttershy said about me!" she stomped.

...*sigh* What happened?

"Last night at the party, we both got hopped up on cider, and Fluttershy said that Granny Smith's apple pies taste like moldy crap!"

What?! Fluttershy said that?!

"Yeah! Moldy crap! I couldn't believe mah ears! She insulted Apple Family cookin' right in front o' me! The nerve of that pony!" Applejack shook with rage.

AJ, are you sure Fluttershy said that? It doesn't seem very likely.

"I'm the Element of Honesty, Narrator! I know what I heard!" she snapped. "Boy that really got mah goat! I just wanna tell her off but I'm too proud to do somethin' like that!"

Here it comes.

"Say, Narrator, I got a little somethin' I want ya to say to li'l ol' Fluttershy." She said. "I want ya to tell her that, um, her butt looks like...looks like...uh, yeah! Her butt looks like a mound o' old cheese!"

Goodness! Applejack, that's just plain mean! I can't say that to anypony, especially not Fluttershy!

"Ya gotta be cruel to be fair, Narrator." She said stubbornly. "Now I suggest you toughen up and tell her I said that if you want anymore of my cider ever again."

But- but- but-

Applejack looked upward with a sinister sneer and a piercing gaze.

...Yes ma'am.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I got some steam to let off on some apple trees!" She looked over at a wall calendar. "Wait a minute, today's mah day-off?! SON OF A-"


"Angel! Come here, silly bunny! Good boy!"

Oh man, she looks so happy in the yard there! I can't say that awful thing Applejack told me to say to her. Oh why do I do these things to myself?! Why can't I just toughen up?!

"Narrator? Did you say something?"


"It's nice to hear from you again." She greeted warmly. "I hope last night's party wasn't too much for you."

Um...Fluttershy? Uh...Applejack...wanted me to tell you...something...

"She did?" she asked genuinely. "What is it?"

Um, your...your butt...uh......Oh I can't do thiiiiiiiis!

"Oh my." Fluttershy blushed for a second. "Um, Narrator, have you been having a bad day?" she asked sympathetically.

Oh you don't know the half of it, Fluttershy! Everypony is going crazy on me!

"Tell me all about it."

Well, it all started earlier today when I woke up. Twilight was jealous that I was hanging around with you and the other mares all week. And she was also steamed about Rainbow not returning her Daring Do book. So then she told me to go spy on Rainbow and-

"Wait, she made you spy on Rainbow?" she gasped. "That's awful! How could she force you do such a thing?!"

I know right?! I told her that I couldn't in all good conscience do it, but then she-

"That big meanie!" pouted Fluttershy. "How dare she be so cruel over her own jealousy!"

Right! So then I-

"I think she needs to learn a lesson or two."


"Narrator, you need to get revenge on Twilight!"

What?! WHAT?!

"She made you do something that you feel bad about. Oh she can just be so controlling sometimes! And since she was so fussy about her book, maybe you could take one of her other books without her knowing! It'll drive her crazy!"

No no no no no! You're supposed to be the compassionate one!

"But Narrator, don't you want Twilight to know how you feel?"

Well yes but-

"Then you should take action, mister! Make her pay for her misdoing!"

But that's not going to- Oh my gosh the Stare! Okay, okay, I'll steal one of her books! Just put that lethal thing away!

"Good for you, Narrator!" she smiled as she pranced off. "I'm sure you'll feel much better once you get back at Twilight."

...This is so bucked up.


Okay, Narrator. This is no big deal. It's not like she's gonna miss one book. Besides, maybe Fluttershy is right. It's high time I got back at Twilight for being so immature...Then again, what I'm about to do isn't exactly any more mature...Eh, what harm could taking one book do? There's thousands here in the castle library! I'll just...narrate one out of the shelves.

Slowly and silently, a tome entitled 101 Soup Dishes To Make In The Desert began to slide from its perch on a low shelf. The spine of the book tipped over the edge and carefully it floated out from the shelf into midair and- *coughs loudly* Whoa. Where the heck did that come from?

"Narrator? What are you doing?"

Twilight?! Uh, I mean...I am not a narrator! I'm a ghooooooooost! Ooooooooooooh! Fear the Flying Book of Doom!

"Narrator, stop using your powers on my books." She sulked as she levitated the tome back. "So did you find out what Rainbow was doing? Did you see my book?"

...Oh, right. Uh, well, it's kind of a long story. First off, Rainbow found a stain on the book and-

"Aha! So she does have the book still!" Twilight interrupted. "And she got a stain on it! I knew I shouldn't have trusted her!"

No wait, Twilight, I can explain!

"Twilight!" came the voice of Fluttershy, who entered the castle looking scornful. "You have no right to push around the Narrator! And for that, I think you deserve to have lost that Daring Do book!"

"Fluttershy?" gawked Twilight. "Wait a minute! Narrator, you told her about this? You're still talking to other ponies?!"

Twilight it's not what you think!

"What the?! Fluttershy! Get back here with my book!"

"It's for your own good, Twilight!" said Fluttershy discerningly. "At least Narry has every right to talk to me instead of you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" glared Twilight.

"Maybe he's better off friends with me instead of a pushy, jealous meanie like you!"

"Why you little-"

"Fluttershy!" Applejack suddenly appeared. "Ya got some nerve insultin' mah family's cookin'!"

"Eep!" Fluttershy turned to her. "Applejack what are you talking about?!"

"Aha! I thought I'd find you somewhere, you clumsy oaf!" Rarity waddled in. "My dress will never be the same thanks to you!"

"Back off, Rarity, it was an accident!" glowered Applejack.

"Donut thief!" Pinkie shouted as she charged in after Rarity. "Mr. and Mrs. Cake will go bananas unless you get your flank back to Sugarcube Corner and sweep up, missy!"

"Ugh! Please, Pinkie, can't you see I am suffering enough?!" scoffed Rarity.

"Twilight! Twilight!" Rainbow rushed in with the darned book. "I have it right here, see?! I haven't been able to return it because...Pinkie?! I should give you such a thumping for ruining this book!"

"Hey, you knew the risk when you gave me a fruity energy soda!" retorted Pinkie.

"I knew you'd get my book defaced somehow, Rainbow!" huffed Twilight. "This is the last straw!"

"Oh come on!" whined Rainbow. "You're such a stickler!"

Girls, please! This has gotten out of control!

"And don't think I still haven't forgotten about you, Narrator stealer!" hissed Twilight.

"Well somepony's overreacting, friend hog!" Fluttershy replied.

"Hey, don't turn your nose away from me, pie hater!" barked Applejack.

"Oh leave her alone you dress murderer!" came Rarity.

"Boy you've really let yourself go, huh donut monster?!" seethed Pinkie.

"Like you're one to blame anypony, book klutz!" shouted Rainbow.

Please! Stop! I can't take any more of *coughs* this is *coughs louder* we can't *wheezes* I just wanted...oh no I...ait...inute...What's... pening...I...an't...eak...elp...ilight............

"And another thing! If I ever hear that any of you backstabbers have been stealing the Narrator away from me, I will never, ever, speak to any of you again! Do you understand too, Narrator?!...Narrator?...What?...I can't understand you...Narrator, what's going on with you? You're cutting out!...Narrator? Can you hear me? Oh no. Oh no what have I done?!"