• Member Since 16th Jun, 2014
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Hey all, I'm billymorph, a semi-professional writer, self-published author and full-time pony fan. If you enjoy my work, please support me on Patreon!


Lyra’s hunt for the supernatural in Ponyville continues unabated, and this week the object of her desire is not changelings, nor sea-ponies, but the rare and secretive human. With the help of her plucky (and irritable) assistant Rainbow Dash, Lyra is sure that this time she’s going to get to the bottom of a real mystery. However, the real question is why does Rainbow Dash hate humans?

With thanks to Thornwing, JCatt and Lord of Dorkness with their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 180 )

This... I like this.
This is something I have not seen... ever.
Hope it gets featured.:raritywink:


I normally don't care all that much for Dashie but damn.... Just damn, that tugged on my heartstrings

Sheesh rainbow dial back the misanthropy. Humans are Gray we have a system of right and wrong it just that we have to do things to survive in a grey world new flash not everyone wants to be our friend. Also rainbow ignorance is outstanding human medicine is years.ahead of equestria's , our jets can break sound barrier, we will one day travel the stars, sure we gear up for war, but because humans have to as said before not everyone wants to be our friend, we have the world. Wide web a essentially at home library, etc. In short humans lack of magic forced to think outside the box and aim for greater heights. It seems to me that rainbow is simply afraid. All the ignorant excuses she put out is just a cover to mask her fear of the unknown that humans. I hope there will be a sequel where she takes a mandatory field trip to the human world. Also she is pretty selfish in this fic I mean she didn't want to see her own birth mother who probably still hurting from your disappearance so she can continue to live in a fantasy world.

This is good, but it's easy to tell Dash stopped being human as a kid. Alcubierre drive, cybernetic replacements, genetically modified crops, germline modification, neurological acceleration, ECG-computer interface, exoskeletons for medical applications, artificial intelligence. The fact that if we ever saw magic we would crack it inside of a decade and have it replicated in common tech devices... Sure we kill things, we can't help that, we're primates naturally territorial and aggressive. But we are also some pretty damn smart creatures, smarter then 80% of us even realize.


She is the element of loyalty, and almost everything she cares about is in Equestria. Also, if she did went back home, she would be an adult that's legally dead, with no social number, no id, no money, no magic... maybe she could have gone back when she was a little filly, but now is just too late.


She was five, you can't expect a five year old human kid to know everything about the world she came from. Also, is not that weird, even nowadays for a small kid to move to another country with a very different culture and end being so used to it that it prefers it to the one she was born on.

And think, whats really for Rainbow Dash in the human world? Nothing, the human she was has been declared dead for decades, she only has a five year old understanding and knowledge for it, and she would not fit at all. Also, Had she left the first time she could, then there would not be Elements of Harmony and Equestria would have been doomed when Nightmare Moon came back. Remenber the first chance she got was AFTER HER FIRST SONIC RAINBOW...

Wait... think about it, what if she had left the first chance she got? Then she would have doomed Equestria. That would make a good story.

Return to Fantasy

Robin Daniels was lost in another world when she was five and expended two years there. Then she came back and no one believed her. It took years of therapy to get over it, but now a crazy girl claims that they need her back in Equestria, what the heck is going on?

5943387 I never said she should go back :3 Buck no! She made a life for herself. I'm just saying, humans are a lot better then she thinks and we still slowly improving. We will hit United Federation of Planets levels of not that bad eventually!

Oh and Humans Make Rainbooms Too


Balance the scales -- send Lyra in your place. She could find out if your family still exists etc.

5943387 I don't mean.permanently. Go back. Just go learn about her human heritage maybe find her birth parents bring her human stuff as proof and bring some proof of where she been and open the portal back up and go back. Besides she is human at the core, and humans are extremely adaptable we always find a way. We learn what we need to, to survive. You can change her appearance but her soul will always be human. She needs to accept that. It's to quote dragon dogma "Cold hard truth." https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PRIZi0fewMI

Awesome story.

I loved the references to other stories scattered throughout, but the central plot point of Dash secretly being a Human was brilliant.

I did think Dash had a point about her life being in Equestria now. She's built herself & life & a reputation, & I don't see why she should have to give it up. That being said, her intense adversion to Humans doesn't seem healthy. Its pretty clear it stems from not wanting to return to a Human state herself, so maybe if that was off the table for discussion she'd admit the real reason she feels that way is because she doesn't want to have to give up her wings.

So yeah, very interesting premise that more could probably be done with, but I think its stands up great on its own.

Hmmm using Rainbow Dash as the vehicle for the story was certainly interesting. She would have alot to loose if she were found out. In the confines of this world it works, if i just go with the flow :derpytongue2:

Rainbow's rejection of her heritage is interesting, and all the little allusions to human "suspects" are also interesting. But what really got me was the "Anthropology Curse". Love that idea!

This is a very serious business

The most. serious. thing.

I was afraid. “You can’t convince me to give up my entire life for a fantasy.” I murmured, trembling.

“I’m afraid that I already did.” she said, with a sad shake of her head.

That exchange was incredibly powerful.


The portal only opens once every thirty moons, if she misses her way back, she would stuck on Earth for two years and a half, ALONE, with no clue what to do or who ask for help. It would be very dangerous. We don't even know if the portal always opens to the exact same place, she would end in a warzone, she could get shot, and so on.

Sure Rainbow Dash reasons are selfish, but going back decades later, with how little she really knows about Earth and humans would be stupid. Hence my idea for the author of writing a story where she had actually gone back the first chance she got, and doomed Equestria in the process because: No element of loyalty = The Elements of Harmony don't work = Eternal Night.

5943587 Er- I agreed with you. I was only pointing out that humans suck way less then she thinks. Apparently RD thinks humans are this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIv40zbwyVk


That link made Firefox crash, please remove it. But as a pointed out, RD was five, of course her views would be all black and white, and once she found out about atomic bombs, wars and so on, why would she want to go back? Heck, her relationship with her mother must have been really strained, to have just decided to not go back after just after two years. I lost my mother when I was eight and missed her for longer than that.


Someone else would have fit the role, I imagine.

The interpretation that the elements only belong to one pony at a time before they are ever used is hard to swallow, and would make no sense in context. Even if you got Rainbow to return to Equestria. . . she'd be abandoning her human life, family, and friends. How would that be loyalty? Unless it wasn't permanent.

I mean she could treat it like Megan did in G1 and go back and forth freely. That. . . might actually be an interesting story, actually. She'd be constantly tempted to remain but if she ever gave in to that temptation she'd be unworthy of Loyalty, and defeat the purpose.


She technically lost her mother when she was 5, and had a loving foster family care for her for two years. It's hardly the same scenario.

The sad part is that Rainbow Dash has pushed all her guilt over the choice into misanthropy. She only experienced being a human for 5 years, and I find it hard to believe her life was so bad before coming to Equestria to justify being a misanthrope.

I feel Lyra has a point here.

Ri2 #21 · May 5th, 2015 · · 30 ·

You want humans so much, Lyra? Go ahead. Have fun. Maybe a dose of reality will make you appreciate your colorful magic fantasyland all the more and stop spying on and harassing people who just want to be left alone.

God damn. This story is beautiful :raritywink:

Congratulations on getting featured!


Wow, best story I have read! It really strikes a chord in me. If I ever found myself in Equestria, I'd never go back to the human world. Ever.

Good story. :twilightsmile: Maybe one day RD will return to Earth, and will see all the good we've done since her departure.


I think ultimately the hatred Dash has for humanity is her own justification to fight away the guilt she has that she choose to abandon her family and loved ones to live in a fantasy world. She had plenty of chances to go back and say hello or calm the worried people who think she's dead, but choose to live the life of a kid. Instead she hides her shame with hate. It's not humanity she hates.

it's herself.

Great story. :pinkiesmile:
Just a little strained in the end, if I can, when RD seems to repeat the same thing several times to different counterparts.

I think a five year old colt or filly Dash's age would probably act the same way if they stumbled upon humanity, and abandon their pony roots. They'd think ponies are stagnant and naïve, just as Dash thinks we are vicious and cruel.


Rainbow Dash taking Megan's role? Yeah that could work, wanna write it?

5943175 It did! Whoo :pinkiehappy:

5943202 5943274

5943296 Does going home fix anything, though? After all it's a needle in a seven billion strong haystack.

5943308 But they still don't have wings :rainbowdetermined2:


Wait... think about it, what if she had left the first chance she got? Then she would have doomed Equestria. That would make a good story.

Sounds like fun, I'd give it a read.


Balance the scales -- send Lyra in your place. She could find out if your family still exists etc.

Well she does have access to the Canterlot archives now... :scootangel:


You can change her appearance but her soul will always be human.

I'm sensing a nature vs. nurture argument building here :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by blackcomet1224 deleted May 5th, 2015

The beginning of this story reminded me a lot of this old favorite: The Support Group for HiEs

Hmm... Robin Daniels could probably benefit a lot from joining that group. Then again, she might just transfer her anger to them.

And then there was this bit...

"You know, you said that about changelings."

"I know what I said about changelings," I said, snarling.

My own take on this... Changelings didn't exist. They only dwelled in the world of dreams (and nightmares), which is full of things that don't exist. Then a fateful encounter between Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis prompted her to launch an invasion of the waking world -- and Equestria. Full story here: Black Angel

5943473 Thanks, I always like to slip in at least a few refferences, I'm glad they're appreciated.


But what really got me was the "Anthropology Curse". Love that idea!

Glad you liked it, it's actually a refference to two different stories, Well of Pirene where a pact prevents lone humans wandering into Equestria, and my own story The Humans in Equestria Club, where humans can't survive in Equestria as the local version of physics doesn't support them.

5943513 :fluttercry:


I feel Lyra has a point here.

Deep down Rainbow Dash does too, the unknown is the hardest thing to face.

5943756 5943870 Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

5943846 One mare's fantasy is another man's reality, but seriously Lyra, stop with the binoculars, it's creepy :rainbowlaugh:

Well that was weird.

5943880 :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Also, damn it, you beat me to the screen-cap :raritywink:

5943921 I fear I might get lol cat withdrawal, but it wouldn't be an easy choice :twilightsmile: glad you enjoyed the story so much.

5943999 Lets hope they've got a jetpack ready for her or she's outta' there. :rainbowlaugh:


She had plenty of chances to go back and say hello or calm the worried people who think she's dead, but choose to live the life of a kid.

To be fair, finding her family is a massive task, the only information she has is a name, half remembered adress and the fact she once went to New York (probably). That said, hating humanity helps her sleep at night, there's no doubt about that.

5944015 Thanks, glad you had fun. Hitting that line between making things clear and keeping things tight is a tough line to walk.

5944066 Nature vs nurture? It's an age old question.

That would be enough for the FBI to help track her family. They keep a report of all missing children both living and thought deceased over the years. They have a database that can help. All she needs to do is find the police, have them do a report, FBI come in, help her find her family.

The 'Anthropology Curse', was interesting, but my favorite interpretation of Equestria is that its actually a Fisher Kingdom where transformation to a form suited to its magically-saturated environment (usually Pony, but could be any other Equestrian species) is actually automatically built in for any travellers from other worlds such as we saw with the Equestria Girls mirror.

That's not to say that I don't like stories where the Human remains Human though. There's a number of really good ones, but the Fisher Kingdom thing is just my favorite headcanon.


Also, damn it, you beat me to the screen-cap :raritywink:

The story is sitting at #4 #3 right now, so might want to go grab an updated one for posterity. :raritystarry:


That would be enough for the FBI to help track her family. They keep a report of all missing children both living and thought deceased over the years. They have a database that can help. All she needs to do is find the police, have them do a report, FBI come in, help her find her family.

Sure, you and I know that, but I doubt five year old Robin Daniels would have; let alone 20+ years later and with a head full of a whole lifetime living and breathing Equestrian culture.

Heck, considering that canon RD needed help studying about the nitty-gritty of the Wonderbolts, I'm surprised she even remembers as much as... well, the name Robin Daniels, to be blunt. :rainbowderp:


If that would be all that's holding you back, well, cats do exist in Equestria. Rarity has one. It would be as easy as stoping by Fluttershy's place and adopting one. (or more if you want to be "that" pony) :rainbowderp:

Misanthropic humans are usually a major annoyance to me but it works here. Probably because this isn't purely a "grass is greener" bullshit humans spout off after coming and living in Equestria after a month at most.


The beginning of this story reminded me a lot of this old favorite: The Support Group for HiEs. Hmm... Robin Daniels could probably benefit a lot from joining that group. Then again, she might just transfer her anger to them.

Oh yeah, I thought that story was great. Robin would probably get a clip around the ear, but sometimes that's what's best.

5944388 It's a fair point, but as Lord of Dorkness said it's debatable if RD knows that. Even a PI could track them down for her, but there's only a three day window for her to get to Earth and get back so she has to judge whether it's worth the risk.

5944428 It's up to three now :raritystarry:, two if you turn on the mature filter :rainbowlaugh:

5944477 It's more the lack of technology than anything else, I'm sure I could fix that in a few decades though :twilightsheepish:

5944510 Thanks, I worked hard to try and weave the misanthropy into the tradgedy, rather than have it stand on it's lonesome. I'm glad to hear it works.

5944343 Thanks for the tidbit!

5944275 Germline modification and tissue grafts. :pinkiehappy:

*Insert praise here*

Seems a human in Equestria are gifted with incredible amount of magic if we are to go by Rainbow Dash. Wonder what you get if you have a human earth pony or unicorn.

This story was very entertaining and original! kudos to you. The sad tag is well earned.


Well according to Metal Gear Solid, nurture.

I don't think she actually believes any of the stuff she said about humans.

I think it's easier for her to say she doesn't want to go back because humans are horrible than to admit she's scared.

And scared, she is. Of not being special anymore, of not having the freedom of flight anymore, of leaving behind everything in Equestria she came to know and love.
And she's scared of what she'll find in the human world, of how much opening old wounds will hurt when she meets her original parents again, of going to a world that went on without her, and maybe, just maybe, finding out that she actually wants to stay in the human world once she gets there.

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