• Member Since 15th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago


Calm enough to know I'm insane. Insane enough to be calm about it.


Princess Luna left some things in the moon when she returned after her thousand year banishment. To recover these forgotten items, the Lunar Recovery Program was created. But on the first launch, something goes wrong. The controls break and the crew finds themselves on a planet inhabited by an advanced bipedal species.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 49 )

They missed the moon. They missed the moon and landed on another planet. Whoever plotted that flight plan needs to be fired. And whoever put enough power into a spacecraft to actually go so far beyond its intended range needs to be shot.

“Aborting charge… Nutbunnies! The Sparkle Drive isn't responding!”

:rainbowderp: Wait! What did you just say?!? Uh, oh!...uhh...Canterlot? I think we just found a flaw in the design.... :twilightoops:

damn you metric system!

other than that good fic

Prime number bases are mathematically inferior systems. Division only results in a terminating decimal expansion when the number base includes the same prime factors as the divisor.
Right. Smaller words. In base 10, if you divide by anything that can't be expressed as a power of 2 times a power of 5, you'll get an infinite number of digits.

So working in base five is actually pretty nasty. Not only are your numbers going to get annoyingly long fast, you're going to get really ugly fractions.

5880225 I was unaware of this. I have changed the pony number system to base four, though that's probably not much better. I'm honestly not sure exactly what my logic was for base five, but it went something like this, "humans use base ten because we have ten fingers. Ponies use base five because they have four legs." :derpyderp1: Anyway, thank you for the information. I like to make things realistic when I can... Not that cartoon characters magically teleporting to Earth is realistic, but oh well. -Calm

Ponies now use base four as they no longer consider their head a leg. -Insane

5882353 Simple example: Babylonians used base 60. They could divide by 2, 3, and 5 easily, as well as 4. How long is a third of an hour?

Do you know how often words from other languages lineup? I’ll tell you how often, virtually never.

Actually, it's quite common.

5918464 Right. Forgot about the whole, root language thing. I was thinking about languages that don't share a heritage. I'll be re-wording that now. Thank you for pointing it out.

I'm not sure what Luna just saw, but I am sure that it was hilarious.

*slowly claps* Nice ducking dream man... :rainbowlaugh:
P.S: can't wait for more! :pinkiehappy:

can't wait to see their reactions tot he species they listed, when the humans thought they might just animals with no intelligence while the ponies think of intelligent beings. I expect tons of yelling, physical violence, and possible scenes of ponies liberating animals from cages and homes

Mostly enjoyable story, but Luna's monologging made me want to burst into flames.

Still thineself Luna. Thou art not at fault. Thee tryst thine best to remedy this predicament. Thine vessel shalt be repaired and you will voyage home...

Still thyself Luna. Thou art not at fault. Thou tryest thy best to remedy this predicament. Thy vessel shall be repaired and thou wilt voyage home...

Thou shalt message thine sister. We are most certain that she is distressed over thine vanishment. It willest sooth her greatly to learn of thine safety,

Thou shalt message thy sister. We are most certain that she is distressed over thy vanishment. It will sooth her greatly to learn of thy safety,

Archaic Grammar things to remember:
Thou is Subject and Singular (like He, She, It, I)
Thee is Object and Singular (like Him, Her, It, Me)
Thy is genitive adjectival pronoun (like My)
Thy, My, and A become Thine, Mine, and An before a vowel SOUND (letter is not important, sound is. Important when it comes to initialisms and words with aspirated 'h' like honor and hour)
Thine is also possessive pronoun (like Mine)
-eth is a direct (and optional) alternative to still existing -(e)s conjugation of third person(singular present). Don't conjugate -eth if it normally doesn't get -(e)s ending!
-(e)st is the regular conjugation for Thou. Irregulars include art(are), wert/wast(were/was), wilt(will*), shalt(shall)
*Only conjugate the helping verb will this way, not the action verb (if Green Lantern wills a cannon into existance or He wills his brother his estate, it is "thou willst").
**Conjugate other helping verbs with Thou as well! (canst, couldst, may(e)st, might(e)st, shouldst, wouldst, etc.) [They aren't conjugated with other subject cases]

General Grammar things to remember:
Only conjugate to the subject! ("thou comest", not "I comest thee")
Only conjugate the first verb to the subject! ("thou canst come", not "thou canst comest")
Questions can have inverted subject-object order! ("Who art thou?", not "Who are thee?")
Object clauses can have their own subject and object!
Don't conjugate in an imperative statement!
Don't conjugate in a subjunctive statement! (Except for "Wert thou", as in "Wert thou my friend, I would be good to thee")
Genetive Adjectival Pronouns are used as adjectives, not nouns! (in "Thy friend", "friend" is the noun, not "Thy"!)

6166959 Thank you for the lesson. I spent somewhere between forty minutes and an hour trying to figure out archaic grammar before going, "eh, screw it. Some English major will correct me when I'm wrong." I apologize that my writing made you want to combust. The offending mistakes have been corrected. I'll keep your rules list handy, but to ensure it does not happen again, do you mind if I message you to look over any other archaic speech in this story? -Calm

My suggestion: wear a fire retardant suit.- Insane

6167716 Sure, but the suit only helps keep others from combusting too.

Hmmmm... A mysterious, 'magical' director who seems to know more than he's letting on... The plot thickens! :pinkiesmile:

As for movies to show... How about Apollo 13? It shows some human technical achievements, demonstrates our desire to explore, and shows off comradery, teamwork, and overcoming challenges. I can think of worse movies to show to a batch of aliens. "Look! We're not as advanced as you, but we've been to space! We're trying! And we're excited about the idea!"

Gravity, Interstellar, and 2001: A Space Odyssey are my suggestions.

but why keep a pictures covered?


“I really like it’s… ability to hang on a wall?”


“Let’s not forever ruin human-alien relations with a possibly offencive move,”


“So we can show them latter?”


I'd second the Apollo 13 recommendation.

2001: A Space Odyssey would probably be considered a slow, boring movie by the ponies. As well as incredibly shocking. Just consider the introduction! Or the HAL disconnection scene! Nightmare fuel, certainly.

Could always go with a documentary, or a historical documentary.

Johnathan Smith: "So, Jessica. What movie did you end up showing them?"
Jessica: "'King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table'."
Johnathan Smith: "'King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table'?"
Jessica: "Yes. We need to introduce them to Earth culture."
Johnathan Smith: "Earth culture? With King Arthur?"
Jessica: "Sure. That tall one is one of their princesses. King Arthur has lots of princes and princesses. Castles. Knights. Little Medieval villages. From listening to them and their description of Canterlot, King Arthur would be perfect, with our Camelot. And how Arthur ruled with his knights at the Round Table."
Johnathan Smith: "Of course. All those knights."
Jessica: "See? You understand."
Johnathan Smith: "I sure do. All those knights. Who. Ride. Horses.:facehoof:"
Jessica: ":twilightoops:....oh, futa!"

I nodded. Evolution, I had forgotten about that word. Evolution was the process of random mutations in offspring, a form of chaos. And like all forms of chaos it was dangerous and unpredictable. Luckily thanks to Tia and my guidance nearly every force of chaos had been suppressed or completely stopped and evolution was no longer a threat. Here however, it seemed that such a level of control had not been reached to allow for the removal of such threats. The entire planet now had my sympathy.

Looks like someone *Cough*Celestia*Cough* has been severely misinformed about evolution, but due to the nature of ponies, this is not out of the realm of possibilities.
Good chapter, the intrigue increases!

EDIT: Suggestions? Well, Monty Python and the holy grail for its comedy, weirdness and dark undertones with both the good, the bad and the silly humans do.

6950397 Evolution is an injured man in the medical room, to whom the doctor says, "You shouldn't even be alive right now, considering how many holes are in you."

Um....Celestia and Luna do realize that without evolution they are only becoming more vulnerable.....right?

As for a movie for them to see, hm.....I'd say Schindler's List because I'm assuming that you're going to have WWII come up sometime. They show it to the ponies to point out that not everything is black and white like they keep seeing everything as.


Thank YOU! I'm happy I could contribute :pinkiehappy:

Now, I'm really curious as to what films they get to see....♪♫:rainbowkiss:

Jessica*mumbling*: "Blazing Saddles? How The West Was Won? Gunsmoke? Ponderosa? The Good The Bad And The Ugly? Jesse James? What IS it with this base? Why all these American westerns!? Where the bloody hell are the Doctor Who episodes? Wait...what's this...Mr. Ed?"

The entire Star Wars saga? Starting at episode one and ending at episode 7?

6950420 It seems you don't know a lot about Evolution. Here, let this man educate you.

6952436 I meant what I said as a joke/metaphor, i.e. evolution does not exist; there are so many holes in the theory that it's unsustainable.


1. The fact that the laws of thermodynamics, in particular the second, make the theory highly implausible, if not impossible.

2. Migratory patterns in birds; it is of no use for a bird to be able to navigate halfway to their destination.

3. No transitional forms have been found in the fossil record.

4. The theory expects us to believe that non living matter became living matter. You might as well say that a rock one day decided to get up and walk of its own accord.

There are more such holes in the theory that leave it crippled.

(Scott M. Huse's The collapse of evolution, plus some internet sites)


1. Im pretty sure the Sun has something to do with that.

2. I don't know about that. Can you explain?

3. You obviously didn't watch the video. please do, and you will see that your claim is incorrect.


6959541 6959626 It has become apparent to me that neither of you are going to be able to change the other's opinion. I thank you both for keeping this discussion on the civil side of things, but I don't want others entering this and trying to turn it into a flame war. If you still feel the need to discuss this please do so through PMs. Thank you for your cooperation.

6959778 Ok. Sorry for the trouble, author.

“And I say that the eldritch god of chaos, The Ittever, decided that there was not enough randomness in our worlds. Thus he modified our languages, instated quantum mechanics, and invented windchimes, Legos, and Youtube comments. All hail the Ittever!” declared Thomas Franklin, throwing his hands into the air.

God dammit, Discord. Lego, fine, windchimes, alright, but Youtube comments? That was just adding insult to injury.

Sparkle Drive

I still find that term just hilarious. I can't wait for the scene in which the ponies actually reveal that name to the humans. The reaction will be priceless.

I don't know why you put this on hiatus, but it was fun. I hope you'll be getting back to it.

7161735 This was put on hiatus because the next chapter was originally going to start with an argument about evolution. Then the debate in the comments section happened and my delicate sensibilities could no longer deal.:trollestia: I have since gotten over/found a way around this and I'm slowly chipping away at the next chapter. Thanks for reminding me to change this back to incomplete.

I would never make it on 4chan.

Awesome. Operation "Sparkle D'awwrive" is go. :yay:

Oooooookay, This is the first I've seen of this story, but the parallels between it and what I did (two years later) are... um... worrisome.

Are you talking about Changeling Space Program and The Maretian? I've had those on my reading list for a while. Kept putting it off as Changeling Space Program wasn't completed and I didn't want to start it's sequel until I had read the completed first one. I do see the similarity biased on the description. I don't have a problem with it, but if there are issues let me know.


To be honest, this has potential to be something I enjoy more than The Maretian. I'm not sure how best to describe what I look for in contact fics, but The Maretian had a pretty low concentration of it.

(I think it's that the demands of survival and the length of the story stretched the inherent wonder and novelty of a contact of cultures pretty thin.)

Changeling Space Program, on the other hand, is something I love for the comedy... and it's hard to beat it on that aspect.

oooh! OC villian! :twilightoops:

Cool! Is his middle name: Dan? :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh, and welcome back to the land of the living, CalmAndInsane :rainbowlaugh:

The Martian would be better. It shows the heroics of humans and also shows that we are working towards such things without anything offensive.

Seems that way doesn't it?

And I can neither confirm, nor deny your theory about his middle name.

Oh no. Calm, they're on to us! Quick to the bunker!

Twilight hurried over and pulled the papers on the desk into a pile on top of the book, “You’ve caught up on all of it? Harmony theory? The Message in a Bottle theorem? The Eighteen Arrows Paradox? All of Merlos the Mad’s…”

:rainbowlaugh: Heh! So this Twilight has at least looked into all those Alternate Universes! :twilightsmile:

No. These are real papers in universe. I just decided to name them after other fanfics that I like and that inspired me to write this one. Glad you picked up on it.

"Hey, I had no hand in any of that! You humans are the one species as chaotic as I am!"

Twilight hurried over and pulled the papers on the desk into a pile on top of the book, “You’ve caught up on all of it? Harmony theory? The Message in a Bottle theorem? The Eighteen Arrows Paradox? All of Merlos the Mad’s…”

Ah, a shout out to one of my first "Super Favorites" authors! It's been ages since any of those stories updated though...

Did you die? This story has been dormant for a while now

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