• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance | https://ko-fi.com/chillybook



(Part 1: LBS) After the Battle of the Bands, Aria realized that she still wanted to stay with the other two Sirens. If anyone were to ask her, she'd say it was "just cause". But the truth was she stayed for Sonata.

(Part 2: LCS) Aria and Sonata are happy together, finally ready to start their lives with one another. Time to see if their marriage can hold up to their anger, stupidity, and selfish, gold-digging landlord.

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 395 )

Hmm. Cute so far. Let's see what else happens here.

Well, I'm completely okay with this and would very much appreciate more. Have a fave and like, sir.

I knew I picked a good story but can you do me a good solid bro?:moustache:

can you space the paragraphs it's fine but just a solid if you don't mind!:pinkiesmile:

I don't like the fact that you think they are probably sister, then shove it all to hell just to write a ship fic.

I admit that in some situation sibling romantic relationship is not really moral, or good, but if the love is right than the love is good mate.

Also was good, but not super-duper-good

Give you a 6.8 for not having Discord in it, an not even mentionning his name

Her hair, normally a massive curly mane, was slick, wet, straight, and almost touching her legs.

Pretty sure, with hair that long when so outrageously big and curly, that it would be trailing the ground, not just almost touching her legs. It was already butt length after all, hard to believe it would only be a an inch or two lower when wet.
Also trying to figure out how a household of three, with a car that should have monthly insurance payments no less, are getting by well enough on a single, probably minimum wage income to afford takeout and orchestra tickets.
I need to know their secrets; I'm starving over here!

Other than that, good start. I hope to see this continue.

5756522 They're a thousand years old, it isn't too big a stretch to think that they'd have some other plans set to get money and the like over their time on Earth

5756522 I imagine the Sirens probably have accumulated quite a fair share of wealth from their extended stay on the EG world; I'm assuming they've traveled much of the world across the centuries. Being creatures of the sea, it isn't too hard to believe they might not care much about the state of whatever terrain home they occupy at the time. Adagio might be using the music job as a legit reason to get out of the house and maintain a cover image until they decide what to do now. Aria is a hermit and Sonata is likely too enlightened to hold a job.

Now I really want to see AriNata go to a bar with Beloved Leader for beer and cocktails. It could be an interesting setting to allow us to see the Sirens personal tastes. Which would be more fun, Sonata being even more Sonata and getting Aria to drink herself into a stupor, or Sonata turning out to be Drunk Yoda (while Adagio gets patrons to buy her drinks, 'cause I would... don't judge me)?

If people feel like throwing in their two bits, what do you think each Siren would prefer to drink?

I can also totally see Aria as a stoner. How great would it be her to get her fellow siren to imbibe as well?

Oooh, I really like the bar idea. I might just have to run with that.

Hm. I suppose you're right about the hair. I'll change that ASAP.

5756984 Sweet! I look forward to it!

Perhaps Sonata will turn out to be a beer connoisseur; that would be an amusing revelation for Aria :heart:

Stouts, Belgians, mead, pilsners, and hefewiesens, oh my!

Or maybe Aria would have to deal with Sonata favoring a strong Sex on the Beach :trollestia:


Sonata: Hey Aria, wanna have Sex on the Beach?

Aria: What?!

Sonata: yeah! I love having sex on the beach! It's the best!

Aria: Sonata, what the hell?!

Sonata: Jeez Ari, if you don't wanna try it, more for me!

Aria: sh-shut up already!

Sonata: fine, I didn't wanna give you a sip anyway!

Aria: wait... Is that just the name of your drink?!

Sonata: well DUH!

Aria: ugh you're the worst Sonata!

Sonata: no you are!

Umm.... What about Green Lantern? The Flash? Green Arrow? Wonder Woman? Martian Manhunter? Also, did I mention that DC started Years before Marvel? Anyway, this was another great chapter. No mistakes that I could find. :twilightsmile:

The chapter was good (d'awww...). The author's note, on the other hand, was hilarious. Still not quite sure why, but it was.

“Really? You do remember that you have Aquaman, right?”
“We try to forget about him.”

What's wrong with Aquaman? :rainbowhuh:

I modeled this conversation after one I had with one of my friends. He's DC til death, while I'm a Marvel Maniac.

We both agree, however, that Aquaman is the most boring, most useless hero on DC's roster.

So... what you're saying is that not only did Aria get 1D...she got all the Ds?

Fair enough
Personally I think he's decent
Sure his powers make him the butt of every joke but he is still a very noble character and I also like how he is always torn between the land and sea.
But that's just my opinion :twilightblush:

That's still a more useful power than talking to fish :rainbowlaugh:

Eh, he also breathes underwater and swims really well. Which makes him niche, but not useless. He's good doing lifeguard or coastguard stuff, basically. Also, the DC universe ocean is full of sea monsters, which makes 'talk to sea animals' a lot more useful.

But what's important isn't what the hero's powers are (often less powerful heroes are more interesting, even) but how well-written and entertaining they are. Sadly, this is where Aquaman hits his real problems. He's not useless, he's dull.... Usually. A few writers managed to do better with him.

If I have things my way, the next chapter will be done by Wednesday at the latest.

I just imagined at one point a ball hits Trixie in the face and one of the girls said "I GOT IT"

Liking this quite a bit. Can't recall if I've commented before. And it's written in a way that just flows well.

Even the fans can't make DT worth existing... -le sigh- :facehoof:

Wasn't sure when I went into this, but the way it flowed through and wrapped up gets a big clap of approval, heh.

I think this might actually be my favorite chapter so far (and I'm not just saying that because it focuses on Adagio), :raritywink:

I loved this chapter. It was great to see how Adagio was going through life, and it was great seeing how she made some friends after what she went through. Gotta say, though, I was expecting Vladmir to be a vampire, not Blueblood. :rainbowlaugh:

Not many people know this, because it's not very consistent, but the closest thing to an official first name for Blueblood is Vladimir.

5864265 That's certainly something I didn't know. Good on you for incorporating that into your story.

I would like more Adagio stuff. Post it as bonus chapters, post it as a side story, I don't care just POST IT. :flutterrage:

Plz don't feel gypped because of this super-short chapter! I couldn't in good conscious pad this story out with unnecessary garbage just to give it word count on par with the other chapters. I hope you understand :twilightsheepish:

5883982 No big deal. Short though it was, I thought it was a really cute chapter :twilightsmile:. The part at the end was especially funny.

Still cute, yep. And the little twist at the end. ;)

Looking forward to another adagio chapter actually.

Seriously, though? Aquaman doesn't talk to fish. He communicates with and/or controls sea creatures. Including sharks, killer whales, and Cthulhu. Also, he has super strength. And is the king of the sea. And is basically merma-Superman.

Comment posted by chillbook1 deleted May 26th, 2015

Good stuff, as usual. Any other specific notes would be spoiler-ish by nature, so I'll just leave it at a smile. =)

I had to stop midway just to do the Safety Dance.

The Safety Dance, hmmm? I approve of somepony's taste in music. :pinkiehappy:

Also, a couple more videos: short version with music video (audio watermark at end) and long version with music video (significantly quieter). (I think the short version sounds better - more instrumentation - but that's just my opinion.)

The way you executed the reindeer scene just left me in stitches, I saw it coming but the method was perfect!:rainbowlaugh:

5987480 That scene spawned from a dream I had when I made the mistake of drinking half a carton of eggnog right before bed. Glad it made you laugh :pinkiehappy:

5898625 Nothing controls Cthulhu, he is Eldritch.

It'll be sad to see this end, but I can't fault your logic. Either way, these have been adorable thus far, and I can't wait to read however many more there'll be!

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