• Member Since 16th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago

Dusk Melody

I wish I was enough. But I'm not and never will be.


Comments ( 293 )

Off to a great start =) Oh gotta say I'm liking this mare's name :ajsmug:

5731069 somehow i thought you might :pinkiehappy: the second and concluding chapter will be up soon, but there will be a lot of sequels detailing Wildfire's life

I love it and would love to read even more! So many possibilities =)

Why was this submitted to Hoof/Foot Fetish? I couldn't find any content with that in the story. Is it planned?

5747818 coming up in the next chapter


OK awesome :D I'll add it as soon as you post it! Thanks :)

Nice story so far. Can't wait for the next chapter!

5750448 thanks, it won't be long, half written at the minute :twilightsmile:

5750635 I'll be waiting with bells on.

5831261 thankyou. :twilightsmile: i'm writing the second part now, should be up in a few days

Just added my thumbs up, great story I must say, erf, now, where is my Kleenex?....

5969058 thanks :yay: i'm glad you like this story. working on chapter 2.1, that should be up tomorrow or thursday :twilightsmile:

Damn this story is awesome

5995163 thanks very much. may i ask what you like about it?

5995247 I love that it shows what a true hero is that even if they have a heart problem there still willing to put others lives ahead of there own an that it makes me feel for the characters when there sad and when there happy it's like I'm there with them an it has awesome sex in it ^^

5995967 thanks :twilightsmile: there will be more awesome sex in future chapters. in particular the next one is at a funfair. anything you'd like me to include in terms of kink?

why is this is the pet play group when it doesn't have that fetish listed?....

5996859 oh my bad i thought the fic was finished without looking....

Very interesting, i'd love to read more (btw, I read the story a few hours ago,just forgot to comment!):twilightsmile:

Right in the feels... :raritycry: :fluttercry:

Have an upvote and a favorite my friend.

5998350 thank you. hope you like the rest of the story

5995983 I do have a pee fetish but I don't think it would fit in the story well so just keep it the way it is unless you wanna try fitting it kn either way it's still an awesome story :)

5998778 so do i, pee is cool :pinkiehappy: there is watersports in chapter 1.4 and there'll be more in 2.2

5998867 awesome <3 :D can't wait to read those chapters ;)

I'm a terrible friend for just now getting to this. The bits you've added since I've read it last fit splendidly. Just the right amount of kink to. Great job Dusk.

6057696 Rosie please, as if you could ever be a terrible friend. :rainbowlaugh: you're awesome! :pinkiehappy:

"Soon enough, the ride was over. They climbed out of the car, breathlessly laughing and stumbling. Wildfire’s head was swimming and her eyes couldn’t quite focus, but she didn’t care. She was too damn happy to care right now. ‘What’s more, Raid looks happier than I’ve seen her in a few days. Why, she has that look on her face when she’s just won a big race.’ Wildfire stumbled over her own hooves, but caught herself on Air Raid’s wing. Air Raid laughed a genuine laugh and held her marefriend with her wing, pulling her onto her hooves. Wildfire held onto the wing firmly, and blushed as she gazed into Air Raid’s grey eyes."

Just want to point out this paragraph is in there twice. Otherwise great work so far ^.^

6205566 ahem...so it is...ooops! :twilightsmile: i'll just go and um...sort that out


Scootaloo's Syndrome...

:raritycry: :fluttershysad: :raritydespair:

This Blitzwing character doesn't seem too bright. "Hey let's bully a prince and his friends." No way that might turn out badly... :facehoof:

6205922 can scootaloo fly? no. should she be able to at her age? yes. have younger pegasi been shown flying? yes. have the creators made any attempt over five seasons to explain why she cant fly? no.

i haven't been insulting in any way. i have merely attempted to explain why an otherwise perfectly healthy pegasus is unable to fly. i am also suggesting that she's famous enough to have the condition named after her. also despite her condition Air Raid hasn't let it hold her back

6205981 Blitzwing isn't bright at all, he's a homophobic bully. yes his character is exaggerated to the Nth degree but he isn't meant to be a genius. plus he'd been drinking, and saw his favourite target and took his chance to inflict some bullying

6206018 dude no one knows why she can't fly everyones different.
would she let someone name a disorder after her. no. would she do something about it. yes.
to me that just is low man im done not reading this sorry ever again

6206040 Oh, I'm certainly not criticizing your writing of the character or anything. I'm just awaiting his inevitable misfortune with bated breath. :rainbowlaugh:

6206155 :facehoof: it will come, don't worry there :twilightsmile:

So. Many. References. Great work Dusk, as always darlin.

6212504 thanks Rosie, i'm really glad you liked the chapter

Again another awesome chapter and for the love of luna I hope that bastard blitz pays for what he did to raid and her lovely car! I will accept nothing less then the death penalty or being crushed by princess Lunas anger ^^

6216524 you shall have to wait and see. :moustache: Chapter 2.4 coming up will be the end of part 2. something really big and life-changing happens. Wildfire & Blitzwing are involved. ends will be tied up, hopefully to everypony's satisfaction :twilightsmile:

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