• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 36,377 Views, 754 Comments

The Witch of the Everfree - MagnetBolt

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I am the strongest unicorn in all of Equestria, and my life is over. I'm in hiding and on the run, and I have no idea where to start putting things back together.

  • ...

Epilogue: You Can Go Home Again

The next few hours were a blur, largely because I was still recovering from oxygen deprivation, magical exhaustion, and being locked in a small room with Celestia. Still, I found a way to enjoy the celebrations, despite my home being largely reduced to rubble. I'd have to see how much damage the ancient castle had sustained later. I hadn't wanted to go and look with Celestia there. I was embarrassed about it. I didn't want her to see me salvaging my things from the rubble.

“So then I threw a book at her, and got kicked right out of the castle,” I said, grinning. The foals sitting in front of me gasped. I only recognized two of them. Rarity and Applejack’s sisters were among the group, and I could have sworn I’d told Apple Bloom this story already.

“Were you a Princess like Celestia?” asked a pink foal with a purple and white mane.

“Nah, I was just her student, like Twilight is now...” I glanced past the crowd. I could see Celestia from here, despite all the ponies between us. Her size made her rather hard to miss.

“Why aren’t ya with Applejack an’ the others?” Apple Bloom asked. I looked back at the foals and smiled at her.

“They’re the ones who saved the day, not me. I was just an innocent bystander. If they hadn’t figured things out, it wouldn’t have ended well for me.” I coughed, and continued in a near whisper. "And I might feel a little guilty about almost killing them."

“Nay, Sunset Shimmer. 'Tis no need to be so modest.” The voice was fragile, raspy, and unfamiliar. The foals looked past me in surprise, and I turned to see Princess Luna. Apparently she’d slipped away from the crowd. I couldn’t blame her. They were all cheering for the defeat of Nightmare Moon, and that couldn’t have been comfortable to be around.

“Princess Luna,” I bowed slightly.

“Don’t,” Luna said. “We do not deserve such supplication from thee. In truth, We came hither to speak with the mare whom is apparently Our niece.” She looked... nervous. She wouldn't meet my eyes as she spoke.

“I’m not-” I sighed. “You must have gotten the wrong impression. I’m just a former student. And not a very good one.”

“Tis not the impression We got from Our sister, whom spoke most fondly of thee.” Luna sat next to me, face turned away. “We wish'd for thee to ken that We were most impress'd with thy spellcraft. We did not expect alicorn-level magic from a unicorn, and thou came closer to defeating us than thou realizes.”

“When I ruined your hair?” I joked.

“Aye.” Luna touched her limp, sky-blue mane, the edges crispy from where I'd burned it. “‘T’will take some time to recover, more e’en than We will. Sooth, Our sister did not put up half as much resistance. We retreated from this town licking Our wounds, though We dared not show how much thou had done.” Luna coughed demurely, covering her mouth with a hoof with what I recognized as disguised trepidation. “We also wish to apologize for trapping thee on the moon.”

“It was interesting, at least,” I smiled. “I guess it was supposed to be some kind of ironic punishment for Celestia?”

“Exactly so,” Luna muttered.

“Ah, Luna, I see you and my daughter are getting along.” I jumped a little at the voice. Celestia had come over while I wasn’t paying attention. She still intimidated me - being scared of her was a difficult habit to break. I was at least going to pretend I wasn’t afraid, though.

“Princess, I’m not…” I shrugged. She knew what I meant. "It's a little late for that, isn't it?"

“When I said we were going to fix things, I meant it,” Celestia said. “Once the celebration here is over, I’ll be taking Luna back to Canterlot. I want you to come with me. You’ve spent a long time running, Sunset. I just got my sister back, and I’d like you to be there too. It's partly my fault that your home was destroyed, and the least I can do is welcome you back to where you belong.”

I hesitated. “I… I hurt a lot of ponies in Canterlot. I didn’t even think about it at the time, but I never treated any of the castle servants like they were real ponies, and the other students at the school…” I trailed off.

“A lot of those students are still around, either with their families or continuing their studies,” Celestia acknowledged. “You’d have to apologize to quite a few ponies. But they’re owed apologies no matter where you decide to live.”

“Sunset!” Twilight yelled, running up to where we were talking. “Princess Celestia’s going to let me stay here in Ponyville! I know it’s not really that much closer than Canterlot, a-and you don’t live in town, but, um…” She trailed off, digging at the ground with a hoof. "I've been thinking about that favor you owe me."

"I guess you were right about the ancient prophesy thing..." I admitted.

"I want you to go with Celestia," Twilight said. "Part of me wants to be greedy and ask you to stay here with me, but then I remembered something."

"What? Some other prophesy thing?"

"No," Twilight said, narrowing her eyes. "I remembered that you dropped out of school! I'm not going to let my best friend ruin her life because she didn't get a proper formal education! I'm calling in my favor, and I want you to go back to Canterlot and stay with Celestia and finish learning from her." She blushed and looked at the Princess. "I-if that's okay with her."

"Of course it is," Celestia laughed.

“You got me there. Applejack would kill me if I welshed on a promise. Guess that means I’m going to have to visit you for a change,” I said, standing up. “Think you can take care of the town while I’m gone? They’re gonna need a pretty powerful unicorn to hold the place down.” I looked around the streets and mumbled. “It seems like there’s a new disaster every week around here.”

Twilight smiled. "I know I can. And I want you to take care of Princess Celestia."

"Aye, she nearly 'took care' of Our sister quite permanently," Luna said, quietly. "Perhaps 'tis best to keep her close at hoof, as long as she can avoid turning Canterlot into rubble as well."

“I might have gotten a little paranoid over the years,” I admitted. “But you need to learn from our friends, and I need to…” I took a deep breath. “I need to stop being a scary monster in the woods and actually get on with my life. It’s been on hold now for a long time because I was too afraid to face what I’d done.” I limped a little as I walked over to Twilight to hug her. “It took a lot of ponies to drag me back into the world. Especially you, Twilight.”

“It won’t be the same without you,” Twilight whispered.

“Are you kidding?” I snorted. “Twilight, I’m going to be a few hours away by train, and we won’t have to try and go behind Celestia’s back to see each other. Do you know how much easier it’s going to be to hang out?”

“Twilight,” Celestia said gently. “True friendships can’t be broken by distance, time, or even the mistakes we made, as long as we don’t give up on them.” She leaned down to nuzzle Luna.

“You’re right, Princess,” Twilight smiled. “I guess I was just excited to finally be open about Sunset. I’ve been hiding it for so long and… I’m sorry I never told you.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Twilight,” Celestia said. “But, as part of your official studies on friendship, I think the crown can manage to pay some minor travel expenses. Say, a pass for the train to and from Canterlot?”

Twilight brightened up at that. “Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

“I wouldn’t want to keep my little one from seeing her friends either~” Celestia teased, picking me up with her magic and pinching my cheeks. I groaned, my ears flattening against my head with annoyance.

“Celestia! I’m supposed to be a terrifying, mysterious witch!” I complained. Whined, really. The whole town was looking at me. I blushed as red as Big Macintosh.

“I think it’s time we started heading back,” Celestia said. “We have a lot to prepare for your and Luna’s arrival.” She started walking, still holding me in her magic like I might try to escape. As we started towards the chariot waiting for us, I saw my friends, waving to me.

“Can I just… say goodbye to everypony first?” Celestia put me down without argument, and my friends crowded around me.

“Don’t be a stranger, sugarcube,” Applejack said, as she squeezed me with the incredible strength she’d developed over the years.

“You simply must invite us to the castle,” Rarity put in. “Not… your castle. It was… interesting, I suppose, but rather in disrepair. Canterlot castle. Please don't blow it up.”

“Come on, Rare,” Dash snorted. “This isn’t the time to be asking favors!” She lowered her voice and whispered into my ear. “But if you like, get in close with the Wonderbolts, drop my name a few times and let them know I’m awesome. Just be honest.”

“I’m glad that you’re, um, that you’re doing better,” Fluttershy added. “I’ve been worried about how sad you were sometimes and… I’m glad you aren’t now.” She smiled.

“This calls for a going away party!” Pinkie shouted.

“We’re already at a party, Pinkie,” Twilight sighed.

“How about a homecoming party for when I come back,” I suggested.”That way you’ll have time to think about how to make it really, um…” I looked at Dash. “Awesome?” Dash nodded in approval.

“We could have a pinata!” Pinkie gasped. “No - the world’s biggest pinata! Filled with smaller, Maretyoshka pinatas!”

“Is that a thing?” I tilted my head.

“I will need to do party science to find out,” Pinkie said, very seriously. “I’ll need five hundred pounds of paper mache, two bags of glitter, an old priest, and a young priest.”

I shook my head at that. My other friends stepped aside as Twilight embraced me.

“You will come back, right?” Twilight asked. “I’d feel really stupid if I moved here to study friendship and ended up losing my best friend at the same time.”

“Twilight, it’d take an escaped god of chaos to keep me away.”

I felt really stupid about saying that, later, but that’s a story for another day.

Author's Note:

And now I can mark this thing as completed.

Luna's speech here is deliberately even more Ye Olde Equestrian, as she's so fresh from the Moon that no one has even started correcting her yet.

It's been a wild ride, and I'm glad that people have been reading something I wrote. It was fun! I've started work on a sequel tentatively titled The Witch of Canterlot, and I'll put a link to it here if I eventually get around to finishing it.

Comments ( 247 )

Hahaha, this was great!

There is going to be a squeal?! My friend you just earned a follow.
Loved this story, it was absolutely fantastic. I will be sure to check out anything else you have written.

Just know that when you do get around to posting the sequel, I'll be one of the very likely many readers, eager to read.

Thank you for writing!

Twas a really fun ride

I guess she is FINALLY gonna get that leg fixed.



"Why not? Surely you want to look your best?"

"Princess..." Luna glared at her. "Auntie Luna, fixing my leg was one thing, but the scars... they are a reminder of what I did, of what foolish I was."

"Very well, is your choice and I will respect it. So, how are your defensive spells going?"

"Anything but the fire shield is too weak, but I am improving. Do I really have to learn healing magic?"

"Lady Sunset Shimmer, you have expend a lot of your life just trying to blow things up, working how to heal ponies is more than just learning a new magic, is thinking about doing things different. Healing magic needs love and compasion, and that's a lesson we both need to learn."


Since Sunset is so powerful regular spells are hard to her, why not make Luna her tutor? They both bond, and Luna learns to fit in modern Equestria.

That was a fun ride and in the end Sunset gets what she always wanted.

Ah, so she did in fact prepare explosive runes. Excellent.

She just needs a metric [BUY MORE APPLES]-ton for Discord. After all, an explosion is ordered chaos rapidly separating molecules from one another, so a billion-jillion works well for separating discord-molecules from one another.

Let me be juvenile for a moment.

explosive runs

Heh, heh.

Got to admit, I wasn't sure how this would play out. It's rare to have a story that stays interesting even when the endgame is in doubt.

Nice to see everything wrap up. I enjoyed the ride and look forward to any new projects within this story line.

Excellent work!

This was really good.

Sequel? HELL YES!

Sequal?:pinkiegasp: yes yes YESSSSS:pinkiehappy:
But still this story was amazing and I can't wait for the upcoming sequal( of both this and new videos Indicating the possible new Equestria girls movie especially sunsets music video)
I love how almost unfazed celestia is after the explosion happened, and I'm glad they finally made the mother daughter thing official now, and now sunset can FINALLY fix her leg or at least a little bit
Anyway this was awesome, your an amazing writer and you just earned a follow mr.:twilightsmile:

Edit: I can't believe I spelled sequel wrong twice in a row.

5808636 Agree on the mother-daughter thing. Sunset will probably never be a princess or an alicorn, but here it looks like she's gotten what she really wanted all along.

Great story!

I couldn't help but notice that "prophecy" was misspelled multiple times, though. Other than that, awesome work!

And that was when Twilight Sparkle shot Nightmare Moon in the face.

And that is where I burst out laughing and drew a weirded out glance from my cat, well done :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously though, that took me off-guard and in a good way - seeing things suddenly derail so forcefully was all sorts of entertaining, and that's how I feel about the finale as a whole - it was all sorts of over-the-top entertaining, in a dark comedy sort of way that's more funny than dark - I believe the grin never left my face past the point where Twilight nailed Nightmare in the face.

And I admit you pulled the finale off better than I expected - with just one chapter left, I admit I was somewhat worried how you were going to pull off the whole Elements shindig, but having it happen off-screen while Sunset spent time reconciling with Celestia was a good move that sidestepped the issue pretty well.

And the castle exploded and everything was hilarious again.

One place where I do think you jumped the shark a bit was Celestia immediately labeled Sunset as her daughter, though - it felt like way too soon for such a development. They have just met once again - there had to be more airing of dirty laundry between them as they reconciled and reconnected before Celestia would take the step towards something so monumental, and before Sunset would have been comfortable with the idea.

It would have been better if she had simply been restored to the student's position for now and they had some time to settle down in their new and improved roles before taking that particular step. As it stands now though it feels kinda tacked on, without any real emotional impact behind it (when, by rights, it should have been one of the more emotional moments in the entire story).

All in all though it has been a wonderfully entertaining story and I'm looking towards the sequel. And how the cannon events will be influenced by it.

Especially looking towards the changeling invasion - with Sunset having been burned twice by that point by ignoring Twilight's 'mad' conclusions (both about Nightmare and Discord), I have a feeling she might be willing to listen when Twilight starts going on about something else. And them shooting Changelings in the face ... hm, I suppose Twilight kinda that originally anyway, so more shooting this time? With fire? Yes, definitely fire ...

5811079 Mind linking to an example?

Great story! Can't wait to see more from you. Also, was that an Order of the Stick reference with the explosive runes last chapter?

Super awesome, so glad there is going to be a sequel. Really looking forward to it.

I had a feeling that Sunset's paranoia about Princess Celestia was a way to punish herself for disappointing the princess. She was keeping herself away from the comfort that the princess would have given her. The twisted hoof and scars were the physical reminders of what she had done. The dream she had about Celestia during her fever is what she knew the the princess really felt about her. I am sorry to see this story end but at least it had a happy ending. I can not wait for a sequel.

Can't wait for a sequel!

Great story!

I spent all day reading this. Was time well spent, this was a fantastic Sunset Shimmer story. Well written, story wise and grammar wise (which is hard to come by it seems) full of good humor, good characterization and some feels. I'm so happy Sunset and Celestia reconciled at the end and Sunset gets to go home with her mother.

And a sequel? I'll eagerly be awaiting it.

This was a seriously great story, and definitely needs more attention than it currently has.


That was a great story! That first chapter was definitely my favorite part too, it was perfectly executed. If every chapter were half as good as that one you'd smash Penstroke's 7000 like record without breaking a sweat! (Not saying the other chapters weren't good, but that one was incredible.) The rest of the story reminded me a lot of Monster in the Twilight, and I loved that one too. I think my only criticism is that the action never escalated very far past canon proportions, but that's only personal preference really.

What a wonderful story~! :D

I keep being lazy and not properly reviewing it, especially since I've spent a lot of time reading it =). Reading through, it very quickly became one of my favorite Sunset Shimmer stories.

Your characterization of her is generally one of the more positive I've seen from her. You make her typically 'rough around the edges', but she's noticeably kinder and more amiable then in alot of portrayals.

Meeting with the other Elements, befriending Twilight, and leading up to the first episodes of Season 1...you made this story feel very nostalgic and I think it helped with the positive happy feel of this story. It's certainly the first SS story I've read where she meets with the others this early.

Nevertheless, there are the usual conventions that I've grown used to seeing, like Sunset's orphan origins or her increasing guilt. There were naturally your own twists and I think what I enjoyed the most was really hoping Sunset would get a happy ending. Some stories...you can sense whether it will happen or not and how well she'll get off. This story, once more, definitely has a very happy ending for Sunset with her befriending Cadence and reconnecting with Celestia. All in all, this is one of the most positive Sunset Shimmer stories I've ever read ^^.

I think the single most unique aspect of this story was your choice to do it in a first-person perspective. It really just isn't something that I see all that often at all. There were moments where it really helped out, like when Sunset was trapped in the Moon with Celestia. Having it be in a first-person perspective helped keep the focus on Sunset and Celestia. The story can't just shift to Twilight and the others because the story has never done that before: the 'camera' has remained firmly from Sunset. It helped with the 'realism' of the moment and what came after since we have to use our imaginations to wonder what happened with the Elements and NMM (though not really, since we KNOW what happened from the show ^^).

Overall, it was a fantastic story. It's not often that I see a SS story as positive as this one and, in general, it's not often anymore that I read stories centered around Season1 or even before-hand. It really gave the story a sort of warm nostalgic feel and it's something that I always enjoy~ :).

Comment posted by EliteRoyalGuards85 deleted May 10th, 2015

Not quite the whole time, but several years. She's better at finding out Twilight's secrets than Twilight is at keeping them. She never went to get Sunset back because she knew it wouldn't end well. Celestia has always been very 'hooves-off', especially when she feels someone is learning on their own.

This was incredible! (So incredible that it's somehow after midnight already... I need to get better at watching clocks.) I'm waiting for the sequel with bated breath; after all the imaginative ways you took this story (I loved Sunset interacting with 'her own generation'!), I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes next!

And I adored the little comic touches; they felt like things you'd see in the show itself (except maybe Rainbow Dash's STD). The story's such a wonderful mix of poignant, heartwarming, and side-splittingly goofy...

And, as a minor point:

"I want you to go back to Canterlot and stay with Celestia and finish learning from her."

I really like what Twilight just asked for here. :raritywink:

I want to see how she handles Discord and Chrysalis. Sequel maybe?

This story was so good, I read through the entire thing over the course of two days. I'll be sure to check out your other stories in the future.

Awesome story! :rainbowdetermined2:

There's just one thing that's bugging me (and it's really bugging me, because aside from this one thing the rest of the story was exceptional)... I'mma spoiler tag the whole thing just to be safe.

What exactly was Sunset planning on doing with all the explosive traps that she placed in Town Hall for her 'exit strategy'? Sure, the way things ended up going down NMM was the only one in the blast radius, but that was because everypony ran away, which I doubt they would have any reason to do if Celestia had been there as planned and simply spotted Sunset. The way things are set up, it makes it sound like Sunset was willing to literally kill the entire crowd just to get away from Celestia, and that feels way, way out of character for the Sunset that you spent the whole rest of the story building. I dunno; did I miss some part where she mentioned a plan for clearing the place out before setting off her traps?

Anyway, that bit aside this was still a wonderfully woven journey of transformation for Sunset, and probably the best non-EQG one I've had the pleasure to read, :twilightsmile:


Though I didn't touch on it (and perhaps I should have) her original plan was to set off only a few, and escalate as needed to keep Celestia busy containing the damage and otherwise distracted. With Nightmare there in her face, she just lit the fuse on the whole barrel of tricks. Of course, there were still a lot of pyrotechnics mixed in even with her original plan. It wasn't a great plan, but very few of Sunset's plans are great.

Just finished the story. Congrats on that-- I wish completed stories were the norm.

I enjoyed the overall story and the new take on Sunset, a character that I'd pretty much had zero interest in since I don't care for the humanized movies (I never even watched the second one. Did it come out?) Honestly it'd have been fun if the show writers did what you did and added sunset as the witch of the Everfree here and there in the season and then had her involved in the season end. They've tended to have bigger arcs lately.

Oddly we never see her get her leg fixed or any other physical problems dealt with.

I might have had Rarity's new cloak get toasted in the final battle just so there's SOME loss. Honestly the fall and manticore did more actual damage than Nightmare did.

Since the story ends at season 1 episode 1, unfortunately you couldn't really explore the alternate timeline you've created here in a meaningful way. Next story could be interesting if you focused on Discord or Tyrek.

Anyhow it was an excellent fic and provided a couple days of fun while I let my text-reader chew on it while I worked at the computer. A hearty thumbs-up!

Ah, that makes sense, :twilightsmile:

*Potential Spoilers*
This was a fantastic story. It's one of the only Sunset Shimmer fics I've ever read, and no matter how many I might one day read I cannot imagine the others will even be able to compare to this one.

I saw this on EQD, and I think what drew me in is that this story description implies Equestria Girls never happened. I hated the first Equestria Girls, and while I found the second one to be entertaining, I would hardly call it good. I didn't really have any expectations going into this fic, but it seems that many times I assume a fic is going to be terrible (damn you Sturgeons Law). Regardless, this fic blew me away right out of the gate.

I was really surprised when Sunset fell over the cliff and got hurt. I just sorta assumed we'd be following cartoon physics and that she'd be perfectly fine. Then, when the manticore attacked, a part of me genuinely feared that she was going to die. Of course I knew that was foolish, Sunset Shimmer is the main character of this story after all, and that was the second chapter, so it only followed that she would survive. Rarely has a fanfic actually made me feel worry for a charater. Bravo. Oh, and despite the obviously life or death situation, I was still surprised when she killed the manticore. Other than the broken leg, it was the first really obvious sign that this fic would be darker than the show.

Possibly my favorite thing about this fic were the character voices, and the characters in general. Your dialogue was so close to being show accurate that I had no problem hearing the voice actors from the show. It almost seemed as if the writers themselves were writing your characters. Same thing with most of the first person narration. Speaking of characters, that was another strength. I think you understood your characters very well. I found them all to be believable. In the beginning of the story, having really only seen Sunset's jaded view of events, her rage against Celestia seemed justified. I wasn't sure what your depiction of Celestia was going to be like; for all I knew you were going to fall back on Tyrant!Celestia. I'm glad you didn't. As the story progressed it became more and more clear that Sunset wasn't entirely correct, but that blame rested on both sides.

There was a moment, just a moment, when I thought this fic might take a darker turn. I thought that maybe, just maybe, Sunset Shimmer was going to turn out to be a tragic character. I thought that, maybe, she would push away everyone in her life and really embrace the whole 'Witch of the Everfree' thing. I envisioned Sunset, old and alone, dying in a castle in the middle of the Everfree, remembered only as a terror and a menace. I'm happy this fic didn't do that. Not that I would've really minded, although the happy ending is more satisfying in the end, but the good ending left this story open to sequels.

On a side note, if you wrote a sequel, or even a prequel, I would totally read it.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome story.

I take it you're the kind of author to write an entire story before publishing it, and then post a chapter every few days?

This has been a great story, one of the only fanfics I have enjoyed in a long long time, amazing job!

Can we get an ETA for the sequel?

Earlier today I was reading another story that had a similar "what if" type thing going.
Like yours it also did a bit of rehash of the pilot episode.
Unlike yours it did a terrible job, basically writing verbatim the dialog from the show, with some rare changes to account for the what if change.
It was very refreshing to have a story with those changes being much more... organic is maybe a good word for it? It still had the flavor of the first episode, but it also had enough changes to be its own story, and the extra addition of Sunset didn't feel tacked on.
Washed the bad taste from my mouth as it were.

Great story, really enjoyed it. Look forward to the sequel.

Just wanted to say--excellent story. Exceedingly well written. Awesome read. Amazing job.

Ten thumbs up, this was really good. And I'll be looking forwards to that sequel when it comes out.

This was actually really good. The character arc was tight, there didn't seem to be a lot of wasted filler, and I like how you handed the time skips. Just wanted to write something encouraging. Keep up the good work!

I have to say, thank you for writing Sunset as my favorite Pyromancer, Jaya.

That... was amazing. I have no complaints, and that is a rare thing with me and storys. I really look forward to a sequel.

Hmm, pretty good, an upvote for you.

Some bonus chapters from the perspective of others would be nice, like when Celestia first thought Sunset died and the week following. Moments with the Apples. Therapy with Fluttershy. Ect.

Now that Sunset is in Canterlot and is Celestia's daughter, she should have access to the finest medical care available, which includes plastic surgery to lessen her scars and surgeries on her leg to improve its function. It will never be 100% again, but there should still be things that can be done.

Hope for the sequel soon. Is it going to be romance? I think it was being hinted at that Twilight was crushing on Sunset some.


I definitely second some Bonus chapters!!! :D

Obligatory "Sequel please?" comment because I would very much like to see more of this because it is brilliant.

I wonder if Twilight or Sunset will remember what they talked about just before the Celebration.

One of the best Sunset stories I've read so far.

Kudos for not just outright ignoring her canon age difference like 95% of authors do and actually using it to work her into a more interesting character and overall story arc.

There are very few things to complain about, really. It was a little fast phased but still detailed enough that it didn't feel like you were glossing over events much. Didn't care for Twilight's ship tease cause we know how she acts when she has a crush and I just don't see it and in the end contributed nothing to the plot, but that's a minor detail. Not sure what Sunset was planning to do if Celestia had showed up instead of NMM, seemed a bit extreme that she had planned to blow up the building or whatever the original an was, but I guess it kinda worked for the better. I never really bought into Celestia's motherly relationship with Sunset, but again, neither here nor there, she would be concerned for her anyway, just thought it went a little further than it needed to go for credibility given the brevity of the story.

Thanks for your work!

Oh this is one of the best Sunset fics I have read so far.

Loved the story. The way you develop Sunset along it, her struggles, her fears, the slow opening to others and finaly realizing her mistakes and trying anew to be a better pony.
Truly good work, well done.

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