• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations.

However, when the world needed them most...

They vanished...

Alicorn's soon faded away into myth and legend as hundreds and even thousands of years flew by..

It was at the very end of a long and gruesome war that something miraculous and unprecedented happened:

An Alicorn was born.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 72 )

uhh.... :rainbowhuh:...... good job? :rainbowderp:


Heh, I know its starting out kinda slow and stiff but i'm working on the current chapter now which is 2500+ words long and I'm not done with it yet!

That phrase they vanished, reminds me of avatar the last air bender lol. The intro.


Haha! I know but trust me, this isn't some Avatar knock off.:twilightsmile:

Never said it was. Look still an california being born a thousand years after the others vanished. Wasn't that my idea, look you know with my failed story lol., Things change. Jk. You can use it like. Like you need my permision anyways. Hmmmm. I was wondering if maybe you could help me with an idea I came up with for a story, as in if it's good or not?


Sure, PM me the plot synopsis and I'll see if I can give any advise. :)

5643868 LOL, WOW........ :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
I was not accepting that being added to description. That was really funny. So what did you think of my story idea?

It is sad I thought "The Last Unicorn" Parody and not "The Last Air Bender"? Am I that old!?

So would it be safe to say that the new story image is Sapphire? That color scheme looks much better than the first picture. Her image was never described in the story.

5648074 Pretty much, yeah. I never described her because I figured the pony generator was good enough but later thought better of it.:twilightsheepish:

Just a quick note. I think spell check got you in the description.

something miraculous and unrepresented happened:

I think you meant unprecedented instead of unrepresented. :pinkiesmile:

An interesting concept, definately adding this to me stack of things to read.


Thanks! I corrected that! :)

"That's it! Thanks mom!" Sapphire exclaimed, hugged her mom tightly and ran off before her mother could utter a word to stop her.
It was at this point that Steel walked up to his wife and nuzzled her. "So, what's Sapphire up to?" he asked curiously.
Merrybelle looked to her husband and gave him a worried look before she spoke. "I think I may have just unintentionally told our daughter to jump off a cliff." Merrybelle remarked aloud in a dreading tone.
"Uh, come again, honey?" Steel asked

Soooooo we've got an alicorn here that seems to be channeling the CMC..... I think I'll need to make some popcorn before reading anymore. :pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

not really sure what to make of this but a good broad view of what i am sure is to come. also the tags suggest alternate universe. is it an actual alternate or just a future version of the universe we know (guessing before tia and luna's rule or after there demise)

Okay had to stop reading this (gonna return after this) but FUCK swifthoof where the hell does this son of a bitch get off telling merry belle they gotta get rid of sapphire? seriously I wanna just slap the hell outta his ass right now. okay will write more back to the story now.

okay so yeah still hate that lowlife prick swifthoof (which knowing you you'll make him a goodie later) I don't give a damn your reasons you do NOT hurt a child/foal thats just cowardly BS. I got a filly's tale vibe from this. not like it's gonna follow the same story path but the passion, like a uber excited vibe to this. I already know this is going to be ranked in my top 5 of your fics which is awesome as I see this reaching 40 chapters easily.

onward to the next, also death to swifthoof may he rot in tartarus (yes I despise him thanks to you)

*sighs* I can already see i am going to get really pissed off at this story and hate so many pony's. why do you gotta so be so good at writing for horrible pony's. the amount of racism in this is putrid and it makes me wanna choke the buck outta many but damn it the more i hate them lowlifes the more i wanna read. also speaking of low lifes I am sorry but I will NEVER acknowledge sapphire with her last name. sorry but no that name has been tarnished by that worthless shit of a farther steel had. (yes I still hate him and WILL hold a grudge till he recants his idea to kill sapphire, low life scum)

also why the buck do you have to make these stories addicting? for the love of luna girl put a warning label on em lol ^^

this is what I imagined upon seabreeze learning of sapphire's wings lol.
I'll be honest with ya deathsia right now I love and hate you. I love you for the wonderful story but I hate you because once I finally catch up you are going to make me wait for the next part. why can't you just be a machine to spit out chapter after chapter for us adoring fans. dang it deathsia embrace cybernism become our fanfic machine! :fluttercry: if you don't mind please.

but seriously loving this story so much so far and looking forward to many more chapters.

You know... I'm not through what you've put up so far. I'm giving this one a chance. and I like it so far.
Still... The whole Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight being... gone... it's unsettling.
Did they die, by aging, assassination, or in defense of Equestria, literally vanish, leave Equestria and never return?
I just don't KNOW!!! :twilightoops:

I like the young alicorn so far. She seems nice. We'll see where this leads...
But Wooooona.... :fluttercry:


All will be revealed in time....:twilightsmile:

Celestia's, Luna's, Cadence's and Twilight's fate was mentioned in part 1, but Twilight's was mentioned in more detail:

"From what the old manuscripts tell us, they had succeeded in killing three of the Alicorn princesses and had their sights set on the final princess. The Element of Magic." The unicorn continued. "It was only after a long a gruesome battle that the Element of Magic sacrificed herself by casting a spell that not even our best unicorns could hope to cast to this day. We know not even of the spell's name." The unicorn said simply but paused to allow the Pegasus to take this information in.

Yeah, Twilight went down fighting, and she took as many dark horns she could with her. How the others succumbed to their fates, only the author knows for sure.



Not everyone is going to want to know what happens like 5 chapters later!


The quote IS from the previous chapter YOU wrote, remember?

Besides, what part of

How the others succumbed to their fates, only the author knows for sure.

is giving away what happened to the others. Only YOU know for sure what happened to them, and I'm sure the others will want to know what happened.

Just relax. I just quoted from the previous chapter and gave my interpretation. Don't need to bite my head off.



It's 6 in the morning nearly where I am and my brain isn't perfectly working as I just finished the latest chapter. :twilightblush:

I've got two unpublished chapters and I'm aiming to keep a chapter ahead each day so I can keep on releasing on a daily bases,:twilightsmile:

5672946 Your Dashie was perfect for that comment! :rainbowlaugh:

5672932 That said... Agreed with 5672946 about spoilering. I only got up to the end of about the 4th chapter last night, I see a comment posted at the notifications on the top of Fimfic when I get up this morning, click it, and BAM!!! that's in my face. Why in Tartarus do people feel the need to copypasta chunks of chapters, especially when the nature of a comment makes it clear they've not REACHED that particular chapter, nor it's information, yet. :twilightangry2:

Buck... I spoilered Fallout: Equestria in that blog post about this fic... How bucking old is that?! :rainbowderp:

I partly blame Knighty... The Spoiler tag is way off to the side, next to the ponymoticons, where as a primary formatting tool, it ought to be next to the text formatting tools (like italic, bold, etc). I actually DIDN'T know what the grey [SP] was for the longest time for that very reason. :twilightblush:

The description and name call back to that of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but that's as far as it goes in regards to referencing it, right? Like how Dawn of the First Day hadn't actually been a parody of Majora's Mask despite the name and cover image.

...or am I completely off the mark here? BAH I AM SO CONFUSED


so I can keep on releasing on a daily  bases  basis

Oh sweet Luna, you're doing the "I can has horse words all the time" thing! WhyWubWoo!!! :rainbowkiss:
Just got caught up... Sees new chapter.
Buck. Yay. :yay:

So, the new chapter... A little put off by the whole abortion pill business, but exchanging blatant vengeful murder for another, far more subtle type of killing (beaky's potential offspring, his hope, and all his pride... dead)... the impact that ending had was priceless! :pinkiegasp:

I have to admit, this story has grown on me! It does deserve more attention! :twilightsmile:
In regards to your blog post, it also would not bother me if you chose to have an M rated version as well... :twilightblush:

You really took some interesting liberties on this one

A YEAR??????????? There's no way!

so looks like she'll be learning all she needs of the elements of harmony as she goes a long, but will she learn to control her magic before then or is she gonna be left defenseless? guess I'll find out once I get time to read the rest which hopefully will be monday

finally got some free time to catch up on some much needed reading. really loved the moment the element of flyswatters was shown seeing as she was described as old I pictured her looking like the old mare from sleepless in ponyville looking for her rusty horseshoe. was made funnier when it appeared the element of cool hoodies had not aged at all. kinda curious if we are gonna see later down the road the elements of whispers, smiles, stetsons, and eventually books? be pretty cool to see kinda like in the zelda games where the old warrior shows link his new moves as he advances and learns more. also really got me curious as to the order of the dark horn's. at first i thought they were some kinda police force like ya know the FBI or something but now it's looking more like some kinda freemason/CIA/cult kinda group, it's also making me wonder what happen to discord and his bloodline.

welp not gonna get answers looking at the text here so off i go onto the next chapter

so i was right the elements will be helping her along the way, funny how this one was the element of loud and annoying after dash had just mentioned them being an item before. also cranky's family too. it's like seeing poniville alive all over again but from different lenses. I'm also sorry, tho i did not mention it last chapter i was really hoping that stupid bartender would get his ass kicked for being such a racist ass.... and once seeing what happened to him thanks to the evilness of the dark horn's I regretted it. so surprised he didn't rat out snowbreeze specially given the end result of the dark horn's plans. also what the hell is with sappy's sleeping habits? this girl sleeps more than sleeping beauty after going super nova. glad she is ok but girl needs to invest in an alarm clock I mean she slept thru snow's birthday, how rude heh.



I'm sure you've noticed by now but Sapphire's Alicorn magic has a weakness to using it(Mostly due to her lack of control) as it weakens her psychically after using it. Now, you'll start to see the big picture soon enough but for now I'm glad you're enjoying the chapters! :twilightsmile:

ahh so we shall learn what happened during her time off huh. gotta say pretty dramatic moments after she saved them good thing cranky wasn't willing to let the others give up hope. also what's with these 3 new ponies are they like a later version of the EUP? and why do snow's wings get so rigid when the doc's do their weekly exam on sappy?

onto the next chapter for answers!

also sappy and snow should just kiss and get it over with ^.~

I love your stories but really the last page and a half of this story sucked, it's like it was a blank page soooooo boring ! hehe ^^ but seriously that was a good chapter and now we know snow has developed pinkie senses. now if she'd only develope a sense of not being so obvious she loves sappy she'd be perfect. but hey they'll make a great couple.

you killed dashie you bastards!

very sad chapter seeing how pinkie had to suffer so much in the battle but it was war it's never pretty. with fluttershy and now dashie gone i was wondering how the heck they defeated the dark horn's in the first place... then recalled it was twi alone after all had perished she used her magic to do it. it was nice tho to see some comedy in here along with the serious tones to hit on many emotions in such a short chapter. also that ending we all know what was going thru that scumbags mind "look at that sweet flank"

I think the references towards the last airbender refer to the chapters (seasons) structures as in book one book two and the part where sapphire goes all powerful like aang would (or how twilight does when using the elements). but beyond that this is not at all related to that show. but that's just my guess so far

I KNEW IT! sapphire IS sleeping beauty. it took princess ego's kiss to wake her that is totally proof! but ok maybe she's not but that was a nice little plot twist there i figured she would of done it maybe a week or two before she woke as she was willing to give into the doc's consideration.

also speaking of plot twist what the -*buy some apples*- was with that couple? I honestly thought they held no ill will towards snowbreeze till the mare came out with the cookies, and what the hell was with that sick stallion shaving her bald? what he have a fleshy fetish or what? becky should've off'd em and been done with it. but now that that's all behind us we can now get onto the adventure at hand

also when is sappy and snows baby shower planned? I wanna make sure I get them some cool stuff.

LMAO ok when i saw them swarmed by the media
this came to mind just saw this like a day ago and it really
speaks to that scene lol.

also possible spoiler regarding liberty
is he (liberty belle) the same dude that had told her parents that they should KILL HER!? if so the pony has A LOT of making up to do.

really interesting so far thinking of the avatar thing it's reminding me of the earth king lol kinda wondering where this is all going to lead to and also sadly i can not recall the disney reference which is going to piss me off as soon as it is made I will be like how the buck didn't i remember that since I love disney films.

also this:

"Seriously?" He remarked with a look of complete and utter
annoyance that would give a certain crusader a run for their money

APPLE BLOOM lol my fave lines of hers. lol and then sappy going all twily winter wrap up lol bucking priceless! totally awesome.

now on to the nex..... awww where's the next chapter?? dethsia-san wheres my reading material?? *gives most deadly puppy dog eyes possible*


Disney Hercules after herc tosses the flying saucer. :P


I'll say it weakens her. after all this she still is too weak to pick up the dry cleaning. ^^ but yeah i noticed that and am sure once she get's the base elements (earth, unicorn, pegasi) under control and learns to focus them as one she will be fine. also I've noticed (probably only my overactive imagination but) snow and sapphire seem to be sharing personality traits with twi and dash giving a kinda twidash love vibe ^^


>.< *plant's foot so far up rump it sticks out his mouth* un of ah ich i ew it! *removes foot from rump* I knew it damn it now I feel like a dolt >.>

5692622 is this story still running? And if it is when do you think the next chapter will be released?


Yes, it is still running!:twilightsheepish:

I'm just a horrible muti-tasker! See, I have a video game I'm working on which I am making through RPG maker, a tumblr blog, and 3 other fics that are incomplete! Atm I'm working on updating the blog full time so as a result my fic updating suffers.:fluttercry:


EDIT: Wow, its been awhile since I updated, removed the city name as I already used it! XD

Great work, I like the mirror stone.


How else do you think the earth pony nation stood a chance against the unicorn nation during the 300 year war? :rainbowwild:

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