• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 46 minutes ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Donut Joe lives a secret second life as an Equestrian Intelligence Agency special operative. A fete at Prince Blueblood's is the perfect opportunity to steal a cursed medallion, but can he work with a partner, if he's not sure where her loyalties lie?

Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Double-oh Joe?

I can dig it. :moustache:

Bog-standard 2-man heist.

Not much to say about this one. Competently written for a one-shot, but I was hoping for a little more noir influence.

I could probably do noir, but I'd have to read a few good books in the genre first (which ain't happening before November). Any suggestions?

This was mostly influenced by Alistair MacLean's novels.

Her eyes lit up as I opened the velvet sack and pulled out the medallion. A clever forgery, it was in all ways identical to the one Blueblood kept in his study—except, of course, this one wasn't cursed. I’d been in favor of letting him put it on, become possessed by a malevolent spirit, and ultimately die horribly, but my superiors hadn’t wanted to deal with the mess that would cause.

Wow. You, sir, are an asshole.

Too bad that he didn't fail after pulling something like that, he deserved it.


Except that the point of the entire operation was to keep the damn thing from killing anyone.

Asshole or not, Joe saved a minimum of one life, and likely several others besides, from death by demonic possession.

If the operation had failed, innocents would have died.

Yeah, that's true. It would've been better to wish him failure in another operation. Still, the disregard for life expressed was appalling. If Con Mane had his way, those ponies would've died as well.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but to be fair, this IS Blueblood we're talking about here.

The hate is understandable, even if it isn't condonable.

I'll have a coffee. Shaken; not stirred.

Holy crap that was awesome. As much as I'm waiting for the next chapter of OttPP, another one of these would be cool, too.

Of the One-shot-ober fics, I think this is my favorite premise.


Of the One-shot-ober fics, I think this is my favorite premise.

Not Mares?


I am thinking of doing a series of these. Maybe with Donut Joe, maybe with an OC--I'm a little undecided of the best approach. I haven't written any real action stories in quite a while, so my skills are a bit rusty, but I think I can get back into it. 5171639 wants to see a bit of a more 'noir' bent, and I think I might be able to pull that off, too.

5173805 Awesome! maybe you can combine some Rl knowledge and make a noir mystery about why a wagon broke down or something.

I'd definitely be interested in seeing more stories like this one too. Especially if you do come up with a good way to make a fascinating real-world-inspired mystery based on the inexplicable breaking down of a wagon.

While I'm not sure I could come up with a convincing plot based around a wagon failure (except incidentally), one of the fine traditional locations for murder mysteries was aboard a train in travel--and they have trains in Equestria. (Heck, they did it in the show.) I'm working on the plot for another action fic. It's still hush-hush for now, but I think y'all will like it.

I actually think you could (I've come up with some nebulous ideas for it already), but I'll admit a train does seem like a better homage to tradition. Whatever you go with, I look forward to it.

I bet Now had a heart attack when Pinkie gave a long story fitting of him.

This is too good an idea to stay just stay a one-shot.

Trust me, it's not a concept I'm going to abandon.

Glad to see that there is actually another legit Con Mane fan willing to make a story on this site. It's criminal how little attention this character/concept has been given. Great story. Loved it. Hope you do more so I can compare your interpretation of the character to mine.

Thanks! I'm planning a few more stories here and there. Might even work in ninja mules.

5360304 Sweet Celestia that's brilliant. I would totally steal that idea if I didn't have morals.

5360396 Truly tempting but truth be told, "Ninja Mules" don't really fit into the world I've created for my series. Now dastardly villain Gustav Le Grand on the other hand...


And he's got the villainous mustache to twirl, too. Always a bonus.

A slick spy story? Yes, please...


...And thank-you. I enjoyed that very much. I thought Joe would find the fake medallion missing from his jacket, and later find out Charm took it, but the 'femme fatale betrays male hero' is about as cliché as a literal mustache-twirling villain.

It would be every Christmas come at once to see Con Mane in the Civil Serviceverse of GhostOfHeraclitus, perhaps with a cameo by Written Script.

Do you still plan on making this a series one day?

Author Interviewer

Well, that was fun. :)

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