• Published 28th Apr 2018
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Pray, Hope and Wander - Flashgen

The investigation into the disappearance of the citizenship of Ponyville nears an end, as those involved desperately look for answers.

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Session 01 - Lantern - April 27th

Transcript of Session 01: Lantern, Assistant Investigator
Date: April 27th
Time: 7:58 a.m.
Interviewer: Doctor Blue Sky, PhD

I asked Lantern’s permission to interview him before I went to bed the night before. He did not give me an answer until the morning, but agreed to discuss his experience at Sweet Apple Acres and the recent dreams he has struggled with. Miss Vines informed me these started after Lantern located the journal and have resulted in changes to his schedule to accommodate him. They seem to only occur or are only an issue when he sleeps at night, so he stays up and helps with cataloging and records overnight. He also provided documents for me to review before our discussion.

Blue Sky (BS): All right, Lantern. Before we get started, would you mind saying your name and occupation for the record?

Lantern (L): Um, sure. Lantern, assistant investigator.

BS: And how long have you been working for the Canterlot Agency?

L: Six years, and a few months.

BS: Thank you. So, I’ve been told by Miss Vines that you’ve had some difficulties over the past few days, is that correct?

L: Yeah, yes, just, I— A few problems getting rest. A bad dream or two.

BS: And you informed her you believe this is because of how you found the journal at Sweet Apple Acres?

L: I… Yes.

Lantern seemed uncertain for a few moments; not as if he was hiding anything, but was doubting himself.

BS: You don’t have to feel pressured here, Lantern. This is for your well being, nothing else. It’s not going to leave here unless it’s considered a serious issue. And I assure you that all the details will be left out.

L: I know, I know, Doc, I just… It’s hard to talk about. I mean, it feels crazy.

BS: It’s not, Lantern, I promise you. Now this started the night after you found the journal?

Lantern looked down at his hooves, pressing into each other as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

L: … No.

BS: I-I’m sorry? Miss Vines said that you—

L: I know. I thought I was just delirious with the first one… It happened two days before we found the journal at the farmhouse.

BS: Was it similar to the dreams you’ve had since then?

Lantern again seemed uncertain of himself or his recollection.

L: Sort of. I was having trouble sleeping that night, just… felt restless, worried. Then I thought I woke up halfway through the night. Did your file say I was in the first group, to find the town empty?

BS: Yes, it did.

L: I was one of the first ones to read the journal from the library, too. I thought the dream was just my subconscious picking up on that. I, um… I woke up and I wasn’t in my tent anymore. I was in a hallway, pitch black except for a candle at my hooves. There wasn’t a face, like the dream she wrote about. There wasn’t anyone there, but I felt like… like there were hundreds of them. Hundreds of eyes. I had a knot in my stomach, like I was performing and could feel the audience judging me. I just kind of stood there, turning around and around. No sound. Nothing moving. There was a window near me, lit by the candle, but there was just more darkness outside. After a couple of minutes, I stared out the window and saw a flicker for a moment, a reflection. It was Solace. After that I woke up.

Lantern took a few moments, staring at the floor, before continuing.

L: I knew him, Sugarcane, and a few of the guards that were here before us. I didn’t think anything of it at first. I mean, it was just a face I knew, but then we found the journal at Sweet Apple Acres. It said Sugarcane and Spanner went to the farmhouse, and Solace stayed at the Town Hall...

Lantern was seemingly connecting happenstance to precognition.

BS: Let’s move on for a moment, to when you found the journal. Miss Vines said you acted suddenly, that you heard something?

L: We were all standing together in the fields, discussing the day’s progress and then everything went black. The next thing I remember, I was standing over that door. My legs were throbbing in pain and covered in dirt. I was bleeding and I heard her voice… I heard Sugarcane for a second, for just a second. I thought it was just guilt that… we weren’t buddies or anything, but I knew her. I just… I thought I felt guilty because she was missing.

BS: It’s understandable to feel that way if you worked together in the past. Have you had any blackouts since then? Heard any voices?

L: No… I haven’t, not when I’m awake. I don’t think I do when I’m asleep either, but…

BS: It’s alright. That’s good. Any other lapses might mean some kind of physical injury. I saw in your records you were given an exam after that day and there weren’t any issues found, your bleeding was managed. Now, you said this dream you had before finding the journal was at least similar to what you experienced afterwards? Can you tell me about the nights since then?

L: Yeah. Yes. The first night it was jitters, I was thinking back to how quickly it happened. I couldn’t sleep. When I tried, I closed my eyes and I just saw that candle. Probably only got an hour’s sleep in the night, but I was ready to go over the journal with the others. That’s how I woke up. Felt like I just had to. And that’s when we found out Solace had been at Town Hall. I hadn’t… been to the hall yet, I’d only been to the library, some of the nearby buildings, the farmhouse. So after we were done transcribing some of it, I left and went there. One of the hallways felt cold and frigid. It was the one from my dream, I knew it. That night, I couldn’t sleep. I walked in circles for as long as I could until I collapsed on the floor. I was in the hall again. I called out for him. I heard hoofsteps coming down the hall. I turned towards them, but I couldn’t see who made them. I called his name again, but nothing changed. They were walking towards me, slowly. I haven’t slept at night the past two days. Vines lets me sleep during the day and it helps. I don’t have that kind of dream when it’s light out. I don’t want to be a burden, but I can’t quit.

This dream could have been influenced by anxiety, and the similarity between reality and his first dream.

BS: Lantern: in the last dream, when you heard hoofsteps, did you see anything else important?

L: No. I felt something behind me though, but when I turned to look at it I woke up. The last thing I heard was this awful screech, like a cart on train tracks, sliding... grinding to a halt. I’m sorry, I don’t remember anything else.

Similar to the description from Miss Sparkle’s journal by one of the guards. It seems like his anxiety is causing the dreams, as they’ve stopped when he sleeps during the day.

BS: It’s alright, Lantern. Have you written anything from these down before, or is this just what you remember?

L: I didn’t, no.

BS: I’d like you to, if you can. Even if they’re just “regular” dreams, write them down when you wake up. We can go over it tomorrow, if you wouldn’t mind.

L: Tomorrow? Does that mean I’m okayed or—

BS: Lantern, this is to make sure you’re well. It’s getting late for you, I know, so try and get some sleep and I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning.

L: Yeah. Yes, I will.

BS: Thank you.

Lantern seems sound, but unsure and anxious. I’ll have to wait for my next session to be absolutely certain of his mental state.