• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 2,239 Views, 109 Comments

Doctor Whooves: You Are Not Alone - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor goes to the coordinates Twilight gave him and finds himself in a place he shouldn't be, meeting an old enemy who should be long dead.

  • ...

Guardian Angel

The Master took off from the ground and soared up to the top most spire of the Castle.

"Sweet Celestia those must come in handy!" said the Doctor enviously. "I should try for wings next time..."

"Doctor?" Applejack said, trying to keep him on focus.

"Right," the Doctor said. "The Master can fly, that puts us in a bit of a pickle. He was dangerous enough on the ground. It also means he can get to where he's stashed the Hand faster. We need the shortest way to get there. It's a shame we're not..." The Doctor spotted two pegasi, a mare and a stallion, puling on blue flight suits.

"'Just a wedding', Celestia said," the blue, white-maned mare grumbled. "'Cushy job, expect no complications', Spitfire said. 'We won't even be the main attraction, kick back and have a few drinks!' you said. 'Open bar!' the groom said..."

"Come on, Fleetfoot," the stallion protested. "How were we supposed to know that this place would be attacked? Clairvoyance? Just get your suit on and let's join the fight."

"How were we supposed-" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "It was a big social event in Equestria, Soarin! Of course it was going to be attacked! It was inevitable! It's like walking through Manehattan and not catching a cab! The sky is blue, the grass is green, Equestria will be assaulted by hideous monsters during political events."

The Doctor watched this scene with awe. "That's..."

"The Wonderbolts..." Applejack said, stunned. "At least two of 'em..."

The Doctor looked up. "I sense your hand in this. We're still going to have that little chat, I hope..."

"Doctor?" Applejack asked.

The Doctor marched over to the two pegasi, reaching into the inside pocket of his Waistcoat to pull out a leather wallet. "Excuse me!" he called out to them. "I'm the Doctor. This is my partner Bright Eyes." He flashed the wallet. "Her majesty's secret service. It is vitally important to national security that we have a lift up to the window below that top balcony. And it's top secret so I can't tell you why."

The two pegasi looked at each other and nodded. "Okay," the said in unison.

The Doctor was a bit taken aback by that. "Well," he said cheerfully. "That was... simple. I'm sorry, I guess I was expecting more resistance then that..."

"When it comes to the Quiet Guys," Soarin winked. "We've learned not to ask questions."

The Doctor found that statement a bit odd. But he dismissed the thought immediately. "Well then," the Doctor smiled. "Avanti!"

The three fillies paced around the TARDIS control room. Music playing in the background. Apple Bloom was getting more agitated by the minute.

"How long until Shinin' Armor's shield breaks?" Apple Bloom asked, looking at the monitor.

"Shouldn't be more than a couple of minutes," Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom grumbled, still pacing back and forth. "Alright," she said finally. "What do we know?"

"What?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What do we know?" Apple Bloom said. "Let's think about all the stuff we now for sure, and then let's see how that can help us."

"Okay..." Sweetie Belle started. "We know that the Doctor has an old enemy who calls himself the Master. The Master has shown up here, about six months ago, at Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding."

"Two," Scootaloo continued. "The Master has something called 'The Hand of Omega'. If he uses it, bad things will happen."

"Three," Apple Bloom finished. "There is somepony out there with some sorta power to cause little conveniences for us who has been helpin' us out ever since we met the Doctor. Also the Master has his own little helper. And the way the Doctor was talkin' last night, he's met both of 'em before..."

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "But what can we do about it from here?"

"I..." Apple Bloom deflated. "I don't know..."

There was a sad silence in the TARDIS control room.

Sweetie Belle perked up. "Four," Sweetie Belle said cheerfully. "This problem solves itself in about half an hour!"

"What?" said Scootaloo.

"Think about it!" Sweetie Belle said. "If the Doctor can hold out for thirty minutes, Cadence and Shining Armor will meet up, and then Whooosh! Out they all fly of Canterlot! Every single Changeling! Including..."

"The Master!" Apple Bloom cheered. "Sweetie Belle you're a genius!"

"How are we gonna help, though?" Scootaloo asked.

"By askin' for help!" Apple Bloom looked up. "Alright, buddy! You listen up! We've been on to you for a while now! It's time we had a little talk. You've been helpin' the Doctor out for so long, we can only assume you have our best interests at heart! So here's the deal. You tell us whether or not the Doctor needs our help, and you help us do it if we need to!"

"If that's not too much trouble!" Sweetie Belle added meekly.

"Why'd you say that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Because anypony with the power to move this thing around probably has the power to blow it up..." Sweetie Belle added.

All of a sudden, the monitor went black. After a while, green text appeared on it.

No trouble at all, it was my pleasure. I owe the Doctor for helping me last time, and this task is far more complicated. I'm afraid it's going to get worse from here. The Master is not his main worry.

Apple Bloom looked at the screen puzzled. "Can you-"

Of course I can hear you! the text continued. I hear everyone. By the way, the Doctor will be needing our help in a couple of moments, I think. Always reckless that one.

"Are you..." Apple Bloom started. "Are you our Guardian Angel?"

Two syllables too many, one syllable too short, the text continued. Explaining who I am would take far too much time. But I will give you one question each. Think before you ask.

Scootaloo stepped up. "I'll go first," Scootaloo started. "What have you been doing all this for?"

The text seemed to think for a moment.

Everything. Everywhere.

The Wonderbolts had dropped Applejack and the Doctor on the floor beneath where the Master had to be on the balcony. The ideal position to fire the Hand of Omega from was outer space. The Master didn't have that option, so he had to get to the highest point he could.

They made their way up the stairs, when the Doctor turned to Applejack. "When we get there," the Doctor said. "Stay out of sight."

"Why?" Applejack asked.

"One: I don't want you to get hurt," the Doctor said frankly. "Two: If the Master gets me pinned, I will need somepony to take him by surprise, and buck him into a wall."

Applejack let out an evil grin. "You got it boss!"

The Doctor left Applejack and went up to the Balcony.

He found the Master looking up dazed at the sky. Behind him was a large chest covered by a tarp. The Master watched as the changelings slowly chipped away at the magic shield protecting the city.

"It's all such a waste of time, isn't it Doctor?" the Master asked. "These creatures spend hundreds of years building an empire. A true utopia. All creatures living together in harmony. To prove their might the carve a city into a mountain. To be there forever. To stand in glory for all eternity...

"But it doesn't," the Master sighed. "Does it doctor? Empires crumble. Harmony turns to chaos. Cities die. Mountains turn to dust. In one day, it can all end. One idiot trusts the wrong person, and everyone pays the price. The Time Lords fight a war to defend themselves and countless civilizations are decimated. These ponies try to hold a wedding and then all hell breaks loose. In the end it all comes crashing down. In the end, it all just..."

Tap tap tap tap. The Master grinned as Shining Armor's shield broke, then he turned to face the Doctor.

"Shatters," the Master finished.

Author's Note:

The more readers I get to say "What in holy hell is going on?!" the better I feel.:rainbowkiss:

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