• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Good authors too, who once knew better words, Now only use four-letter words writing prose. Anything goes. :raritywink:



Part One of the Lynchpin Quintet.

Time Turner is a watchmaker in Ponyville, but he's always dreamed of adventure.

His prayers are answered in the form of a strange being known as The Doctor. But what could his appearance and that the strange machines that he followed here, mean?

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 218 )

Off to a good start. I think some of the descriptions could use a little more fleshing out, as I felt that it got a little beige at times, but that's nothing that can't be fixed with a little editing, and trust me, I've edited my first multi-chapter story quite a bit to get it to where it's at now. I'll watch this to see where it goes.

Wow... for the first time, Time Turner and The Doctor are NOT one and the same.

4638338 I'd hoped this was original....

Keep reading. :trollestia:

4638272 And you used a compilation of my favorite Doctor. That warms my heart.

4639246 Thank you for the fav.

The monkey picture just earned you a follow.

Thanks, and you're super-welcome! I never get tired of good Doctor Who crossovers; they're one of those things that just never seems to go stale, :twilightsmile:

you have caught my attention and i hope to see an update soon....or else i may have just found a new guinea pig for my...*experiments* :twilightsmile:

4639603 hopefully tomorrow morning. I've got the whole thing clear in my head.

Thank you for the comment and fav! IMMA FOLLOW YOU!!!

with the rumored "mundane" procedure of the doctor said from most people, I decided to learn about the show and other things related to it, as said from others you have caught my attention an- awe screw it, I'm not smart enough to talk like that, my point is its a great story and I'd like to see how it ends.

4639917 Thanks for the comment, and the follow.

Seriously, how is everypony finding me? Did I get featured and just not notice?

An interesting start. I'm giving you a solid chance.

Ha, AJ and Big Mac almost skewered their sister. :rainbowlaugh:

I really like the concept of this, and you have a concise writing style, though there are a few places where a little more description couldn't hurt. But other than that, very nice start and I look forward to seeing where you'll go with this.

On description though, I loved your intro of Time Turner. Very, very evocative.

If you don't mind, I noted a couple of errors in this chapter, nothing big, just some minor grammatical issues.

"I'm sure your confused, so come on, one question each."

Should be either "you are"or "you're." Possessive pronoun FTW.

The goofy expression on the mans face melted away to show sadness beyond his apparent years. He began to look much older. "A Dalek Is hate, rage and fear all wrapped up in a mechanical shell."

I quite like the feel of this though there are some goofs. (mans/man's Is/is) But the one that gets me is the passive voice of the second sentence, it should be something along the lines of "Suddenly, he even looked older." Or pick a POV character to note it, like "Time Turner suddenly thought that the man even looked older, much older."

"Right!" energy

Energy should be capitalized.

Also should note that in the first chapter it was Applejack who came up with the bits, when I think you meant for it to be Apple Bloom. And Snails' name should be capitalized as well. There might be more but I'll have to re-read when I can actually keep my eyes open. (/end Grammar Nazi) :twistnerd:

Anyway, have a like and a fave, and I'll be keeping my eyes out for more of this fic!

What is good though is the Daleks currently are unable to use the Mirror Pond. I really hope they are stopped before we end up with infinite Daleks.

well interesting story so far hoping to read more

#worstkeyboardever that all came out as jiber jabber

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand. This was cool :coolphoto:


(MY favorite Doctor BTW)

I can't believe I didn't start reading this sooner :pinkiegasp:

I trully wasn't expecting Davros, I mean... I really wasn't expecting him :rainbowderp:

So much yes! Eager to see where the CMC will end up. Keep up the great work!

Great, but I just want to point out some grammar errors. :twilightsheepish:

All of a sudden, it's vision went pink.

"It's" is the abbreviation for "it is". You want to use "its."

the Doctor answered. Call it vanity, but I think the only reason they're hiding now is because of me."

You forgot the opening quotation.

"I don't want to interrupt, Mister Doctor sir, but why shouldn't we handle this.

Should have a question mark instead of period.

Like I said, great story! Can't wait to read more!

Love it, cannot wait for the next chapter

I agree, Daleks Interrogating Pinkie Pie is awesome. You get a fave, and one :moustache: oh fine, have a second :moustache:

4642689 That last one is also missing quotation marks.:pinkiehappy:

4642723 I didn't highlight the entire quote. :twilightsheepish: Sorry for the confusion.

This fic is so good, I need more, it gets better and better, and I loved the scenes with Pinkie and the Dalek, anyway, can't wait for the next chapter, you my friend, have talent, keep it up :pinkiehappy:

"You will write more chapters! Obey! Obey!"

Just kidding, write at your own pace man, the one you feel most comfortable with, writing is supposed to be a good and funny thing for you, not a duty, but a something you feel good doing :twilightsmile:

4642844 Oh, well there's no confusion. And *looks both ways* I'm a grammer Nazi too.:pinkiehappy:

4643064 We get it. I can't proofread for shit.:facehoof:

I'm glad you're enjoying the fic so far! :twilightsmile:

4643113 Are you angry? If you are, then sorry.:pinkiesad2:

4643132 No, not at all. Trust me. I will be one of the FIRST to yell at my proofreading.

I'm just happy people are reading. And that 64 people so far think I'm worth supporting! :pinkiesmile:

"It's cool!" Scootaloo said, panicked herself. "We just have to wait for Applejack to get back with the money and-"

"I'm right here!" came a muffled southern drawl. Applejack ran up with a sack of bits in her mouth. She dropped it on the ground and seemed out or breath. "It's about a hundred bits. Don't ask me where I got it. Let's just say snails owed me a favor. You girls think it'll be enough?"

I believe you meant Apple Bloom, instead of Applejack. Because it doesn't makes sense if not.

4645672 :facehoof: Yeah.

Know what else? I didn't capitalize the s in snails.

How are you liking the fic beside that?

well this chapter was interesting i am at a loss for words for how i am exited for the next chapter

The unicorn and the wasp, Human Nature,
Unless you referenced something aside from those, they're just that I picked.

Also, different universe.
The Doctor has a copy for each universe...
Tick Tock,
Open the Watch.


1.666 words... 0_0

Anyway, amazing chapter as always,

The Doctor stopped and turned to Tim Turner.

Tim Turner?

Now, for the video:
Davros and the 4th Doctor in the episode Genesis of the Daleks:

I'm not in this episode but I watch some parts of other Doctor Who episodes in YouTube some times xD

As for the Doctor trying to shape time to his image, I'm still not there, never seen it, or I simply don't remember seeing it (I never had a good memory) anyway, hope I get at least 1 point

OK obviously direct reference to Genesis of the Daleks, Davros brilliant and terrifying speech about being above the gods. and the second episode I think was the Waters of Mars when the Doctor almost went all "TimeLord Victorious" on us.

4651446 Very good! I'll dedicate it to both of you becaus L hasn't gotten to waters of mars yet. :derpytongue:

4651974 Why thank you...Also loving the story, I think it's the best concept for Daleks and Davros in MLP I've scene. Brilliant...Fantastic! :raritywink:

4652312 If that was a Ninth Doctor reference we're gonna be GOOD friends. :pinkiesmile:

I forget the name but the the episode when #10 went to mars ant tried to help that coleny crue

4653969 I'm sorry, the contest is already closed. How are you liking the fic so far?

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