• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 6,794 Views, 297 Comments

Horns, Hooves, and Fur - Deyeaz

A teenager falls into a river enchanted by Lyra and ends up in Equestria... as a satyr.

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XX - No Brakes (Jace Arc: Part III - Final Part [READ A/N FIRST])

Craimer’s Note: AUGH. IT’S FREAKING 8 IN THE MORNING AND I’VE BEEN UP ALL NIGHT TYPING THIS SHIT ON MY FRIEND’S LAPTOP. But, I don’t need sleep, I feel perfectly fine! Hew Shadow, you mind revising this piece of shit when you get on? Would really appreciate it, bro-chocho. Also, good news! I found a picture on how Jace looks when in Chaos Reaper form!

Shadow’s Note: That's what you get, you little insomniac. Mwahahaha... Anyways, I'm considering on altering the chapters so that the arcs actually go along, rather than them breaking. So I apologize greatly for the inconvenience when I saw that the next chapter will have to be Praxis's Arc. But y'all can skip it... if that's alright. And hallelujah for getting 75+ likes for this story! You guys are awesome!


XX- No Brakes

Jace Arc: Part III (Final Part)

Well, getting home isn’t that much of a problem thankfully. Good thing I don’t need my magic to run fast, only to perform supersonic speeds. Getting home doesn’t require the feat of breaking the sound barrier. Just doing some parkour here and there will suffice.

I hope Vinyl’s fine... With the baby and everything, God I’m a fucking idiot. Never EVER lean against anything with any form of darkness covering it ever again! That shit was insane.

Looking down, I could see the remains of a broken Calling Card in my hand, the sand sometimes spilling from my hands. “Dammit! Stop spilling, you twat!” This was really starting to piss me off that my Scythe AND my only way to my healing realm are both destroyed with no way of getting them repaired until tomorrow. Do you fucking know what tomorrow will bring?!

No clue, Jace.

Fucking. Exactly. There’s my point, Aksheal. Honestly, I sometimes never wish I get caught up in these stupid adventures. Even though I’m immortal, I still feel as though my body is weakening with each stupid turn I make in this world. One of the worst being my slip-up with Coal...

Hey! Don’t think about that now! I’m in the room to be able to talk with you, and it doubles as a theatre for your current thoughts. I don’t want any death i-” In my mind, Aksheal’s muscular and masculine was replaced with a feminine, more voluptuous frame. “Alright, now that’s just inappropriate, Jason...

Ha! Gotcha with the Rule 63 again, didn’t I?

That you did... But did it really have to be of ME?

Ahh, c’mon, ‘Sheal! You look hot as a chick.

Aksheal shuddered. “...Now I’m going to go wash my ears. Excuse me.

Right, now that he’s gone, I can think quietly to myself. One thing about my magic being gone is that I can’t accidentally share my thoughts with anyone!’ With a smile now planted on my face, I realized I was closer to my destination. ‘Well, I totally forgot about running and parkour and stuff. My thoughts are really entertaining sometimes... Wait...

AHHHHHH!! LOUD DUBSTEP! IN NEW EARS!” Aksheal was back to being masculine, and he was blasted away by the vicious volume of Skrillex that I mentally conjured.


“MYAAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!” I burst out laughing from the reactions of my Dream Personality as I just walked into the outer city limits of Ponyville. Of course, the night dwellers were staring at me like I had gone mad. But, then again, I’m the only human that has his own realm and can choose if somebody lives or dies.

Come to think of it, I’m now the only human here.

But I’m digressing. We choose whether someone lives or dies because that’s what a Reaper does: we’re the middleman for the message if someone needs to get snuffed; we get the message if they are supposed to be given another chance because of a noble deed they have done in their lives or so; we get the message if they go to - in terms of human Christianity - Heaven, Hell, or the dreaded Purgatory. It’s not the killer who gets to decide these things for the victim. That’s our job. We can resurrect if given the order to. But ONLY if we’re given the order to do so. Anytime we try and do this for our own selfish gain, we get stripped of Reaper status and thrown into the darkest corners of Hell, or Tartarus in Equestria’s terminology.

In layman’s terms, don’t fuck up.


Well, thinking to myself always helped me pass the time. I’m already in the town square! Excellent! Only ten more minutes of walking and I’ll be home in no time! Wait, what time is it anyway?

Uhm, a little past midnight.

Thank you, Aksheal. Good thing you have a fucking watch on you for this realm. So... midnight, eh? Guess I could stop by a bar, grab a couple drinks...

Nah, what am I thinking? I gotta get home to Vinyl!

God-fucking-dammit. Sometimes, my mind just loves doing that to me: it just loves to push things in front that are so minor in my life, I end up pushing the important things to the back of my damn head. That place, is fucking no man’s land. Even Aksheal is afraid to go back there without anyone else with him!

Dear Lord, Jason, if you could see the things you have pushed back there over the years, then you’d know why I don’t like going back there alone to grab important memories!

Right, noted. In the back of my mind.


Aksheal, good sir, your silence brings me to the conclusion that you are most irritated.

Yes... quite.

Good, that’s what I was going for. Well, we’re home, and I’d like to think to myself for a bit. Goodnight, Aksheal. Now, back to myself.

Hello me!

Hello! How are you doing today?!


Sweet God, I am so fucking lonely now.

Do you need some comp-


Alright, leaving.

Jeez, man! I can’t even joke around in my own mind anymore. This just keeps getting better and better. It’s like, i’ll have Aksheal around to the point where NOTHING will be private anymore! He’s like that ex-girlfriend that stalks you and will get so into your personal life, NOTHING you do is safe from her!

I heard that...

GO TO BED, DAMN YOU. Agh! Seriously, man! You're killing me, Smalls!



Silence? At long last? YES! FINALLY!

Taking a quick look at where the hell I was going, I saw I was approaching the mansion. “Excellent. Hopefully no more bad news will arise.”

I walked to the front doors, knocked a couple times, and stepped back from the doors. “Please be awake, Vinyl...” Figuratively, I was crossing my fingers.

Good thing for me, she’s always awake when I’m away for anything. No joke, she’s sat awake in this house, for three days straight when I went off to go to Canterlot and be THOROUGHLY examined to learn my genetic code and all that good stuff. When I got back, she was hallucinating, telling me to come and sit down with the music she had just made. She had a couple drinks, thrown in with some RedMinotaurs here and there, and she was seriously tripping some major balls.

Well, sure enough, Vinyl answers the door, bloodshot eyes and all. God, she looks like a mess. Her mane is disheveled and she has bags under her eyes that stood out like a black eye on a ghost. She really looks sleep deprived out of her mind. But, does this stop her from tackling me to the ground and start hugging and kissing all over me?


Man, this mare really freaking missed me! More than the time that I... Nevermind. No bad thoughts. “OH, MY GOD.”

Taking after your human husband, dear?

“I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!” Well, this is a pleasant surprise! Somepony who doesn’t have bad news when I see them after two da-

“I’ve got bad news...”

Shit. Well, it was nice while it lasted...

“More bad news? Well, what is it...” Irritation coated my voice on the matter and Vinyl raised a brow at this, obviously curious about what I had said earlier.

“Well...I checked in with the doctor...”

“Oh, Celestia... Please... Don’t let it be that-”

“The baby is fine, Jason.”

“Right, that’s good. Question, why is everyone calling me Jason? Is that what people call me when serious business is at han- er, hoof?” Vinyl shrugged.

“I dunno. But, you’re getting sidetracked.” I prepared myself physically and mentally for what I was about to hear. “Well... The baby is going to come sooner than expected.”

My eyes widened slightly. “H-How soon?” Inside me, I was OOZING with joy. At least my child won’t be here for just fifteen days!

“In about three weeks. We overshot the birth by a few months! Since, you’re the only human here that really has breeded-”



“You’re forgetting Coal did the same thing. They got curious and when they wanted to run tests, they didn’t hear about his passing.” A nod came from the white mare.

“Right, sorry about that. But they finally got results in and I should be due in a good three weeks. I hope this doesn’t upset you...”

“Vinyl.” My voice was strong, I think bit TOO strong. I could see the tension in Vinyl as she lifted her shades up to get more serious look into my eyes. Placing my hand on her cheek, I whispered slowly, “We only have about two months to live here if we don’t stop Insanity-”


“Ahhh, Christ. She’s passed out. Puts the icing on the fucking cake for today. Get told I’ve been away for two days, my magic is gone, I have no weapon, my best friend is dying, the end of the world is coming, AND my wife is passed out on the floor! WHAT ELSE CAN HAPPEN?!”

Ohhh, the worst is just beginning, Jason.

That voice... That FUCKING voice. Not in my house, near my wife. I have to fucking look.

Turning around, I see Insanity right behind me in the doorway to my mansion. I could feel my rage boiling over as I clenched my teeth and let my eyes go to red. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU SUNNUVA BITCH! I’LL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM FUCKING LIMB IF YOU TOUCH ME OR HER!” My voice had gotten deeper and more demonic at this point but, wait. I thought my MAGIC did that. I don’t HAVE any magic in me to be doing this!

Oh, really? Because I think you’re bluffing. You’ll find your efforts to be for naught as you find my body intangible again, just like in the Graveyard.” That fucking cocky-ass smirk... You think you’re so tough? C’mon motherfucker.

I raised to my feet from my kneeled position on the floor and looked up at Insanity who backed away from me a bit. “Alright, what in the nine circles of fucking HELL are YOU?!

“What the fuck are you going on about, you idiot?” I looked at my body to realize a dark aura billowing around me. I looked back up at Insanity who was watching this in bewilderment. I let myself smile ear to ear. “Heh... Hehh... HA, HAHA, HAAAAHAHAHAHAAA! Idiot! You got rid of my MAGIC! But not the soul power that I possess in my blade.” I reached to my back to find the halves of the Chain Scythe still firmly placed on its holder.

I whipped the halves in front of me and put them together, magically binding the halves back together. “Ohhh, motherfucker.” I laughed maniacally again.

“YEAH, BITCH! YOU BETTER FUCKING RUN! BECAUSE YOUR FURRY ASS...” I pointed the scythe at him and the black aura engulfed the blade. I was looking down all this time for dramatic effect. It came into use when I looked up and saw Insanity back away even more. In the side mirror, I could see that my eyes were now pitch black, appearing to be sunken in. My skin, ghost white. My teeth had grown out to their sharp pointed, demonic fangs that were as black as Luna’s night. I looked like a proper fucking monster....is fucking mutton if you try and dance with me.” I smiled a big toothy smile, since that’s all I could do when I had no lips. “What’s wrong? Big, bad, Insanity hologram afraid of the Reaper?”

Not what I’m afraid of... you’re... a fucking Gatekeeper. You stay away from here, Keeper. Or you will die like the rest." With that, the apparition of Insanity fadeded away, and I was utterly confused.

'Gatekeeper? What the hell is he talking about?!’ Looking back at the mirror, I saw myself back to normal, and looked back to the doorway.

Wait, WHAT. I had to do a double take, to see no trace of demonic aura or power on my body. I looked down, seeing the swirling mass of Chaos Essence that was circling my body just minutes ago, was now non-existent.

‘Right, Aksheal, care to explain to me what the fuck just happened?’ I leaned against a railing on the stairs and waited for the response.

Well, simply put... Anger, Jason. Anger is one thing that drives the Chaos energy to build and then eventually release. After hearing everything that Insanity had to say in the Graveyard, seeing him here, and everything in between, it released and it decided to come out right at this moment. I can also sense your magic is no longer stunted. Hmm, quite interesting. I must retire to my study to read up on this matter.

Well, this puts a bit of a good mood back into me. At first I was like, ‘fuck,’ then I was like, ‘FUCK,’ then I was like, ‘NO,’ and I scared away Insanity. Alright, then, I ain’t complaining about this shit.

Hold on just a cock-tickling second. Ohhhhh, well fuckle my buckle... Insanity doesn’t know what a Reaper truly IS. “Oh... my... Celestia. PRAXIS!”

I ran out the door, then stopped as my foot hit the road in front of the house. ‘Shit, better put Vinyl to bed. Poor girl.’

After successfully putting my sleep-deprived wife to bed, I’m back on the road, hauling ass to see Praxis. Man, feels good to have my powers unblocked, I’ll tell ya! Makes it a helluva lot faster to get from one place to the next.

This trip only lasted a swift five minutes compared to the hour it took me to get home just by running. Whooo! This feels nice to run at breakneck speeds again!

But, all is not fun and games with using magic. Because, I’m not looking where I’m going, and I’m heading straight for a tree.

That same bonsai tree that saved my ass.




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