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This story takes place during the events of A Different Sunset after chapter 7.

While the Elements bearers discovered themselves and fought Nightmare Moon head on, the brave citizens of Ponyville armed themselves against the dark goddess's evil army.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 25 )

to make a separate story

First Comment and also....HANDS

5475870 And here I thought people forgot about this story.

“Why are we here?”

The mare tapped her hoof on her chin. “That’s one of life’s greatest mysteries isn’t it? Why are we here? Are we just the product of several million years of chance or did the gods really plan ahead and create us, fooling us with what we call a timeline? I don’t know, but it keeps me up at night.”

The stallion stared at her for a moment. Neither of them could really see the other’s faces through their armor, but it was obvious he was confused by her response. “What? I meant, why are we here, guarding this thing?”

“Oh…” the mare was stunned at his response. “Ah…yeah.” She shyly looked away.

“What was that stuff you were talking about?”


“You want to talk about it.”

“No,” she quickly shook her head.

That's from Red vs Blue isn't it? I am pretty sure they said that like 4+ times through out all 12 seasons.

Blossomforth gulped and her eyes widened in fear. ‘I didn’t expect to be called by the Inquisition.’

Nobody expects to be called by the inquisition!

This story really is quite an epic gripper (needs more attention). Kinda makes me think of this idea I had for an A/U based on the Ring of Fire/1632 series, except with Ponyville (haven't really put too much thought into it yet though). Mainly that history is effected by the actions of many, rather than the deeds done by a few individuals.

Whoo! Shimmerverse Cloud Kicker (and Blossomforth) at last!:rainbowwild::pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::yay:

6092503 Whoa, that'd be interesting and yeah, couldn't help but include Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth. :rainbowwild:

Yeah. Not sure if the Equestrian 'Ring of Fire' would send Ponyville to some other place in their world- but during the past (like Grantville, in the 1632 series). Or make it more like a Ponyville/Equestria on Earth story.

I sure hope we get to see more of them in your series. I especially would like to see the similarities and differences Shimmerverse CK has to her counterparts from both the Winningverse and the Dashverse (and my Rocky/Keeperverse).

6093104 Hmm, sending Ponyville to the past would be interesting, but you'd have to do two things:

1: Send it back a thousand years ago. Yeah, they're going to end up facing the 'same' kind of baddies they did, but this time, they'd be facing them at their peak, or even preventing some of their downfalls. {Pinkie Pie could have easily helped out both Sombra and Luna from falling to the darkness.} It'd be interesting as they'd be facing monsters here and there and helping establish Equestria.

2: A fictional land. The Ring of Fire series had the advantage because we have extensive histories of the entire world, while we pretty much know about Equestria. To do anything outside of it, you'd have to create a fictional land.

Honestly, I'd be more interested in seeing Ponyville being sent back into Earth's history. Either a similar one, or something I've considered. {I've pondered doing something with the American Civil War}

I haven't read either of those, but I am interested in the second. {That's the one where Rainbow Dash is Celestia's student, right?} So I'd be basing them more around how I think they'd work. Do I plan on having them as recurring characters? Possibly. I could easily have them appear during a season finale/premier battle or just bumping in randomly in everyday life.

Yes, those two options for 'Ponyville-sent-back-to-the-past' scenario have occurred to me already (the first certainly sounds interesting).

And yes, Ponyville sent to Earth's History (including the American Civil War- what a coincidence) has also been what I was thinking of. But at the same time, I have a similar story idea (with various set-ups to choose from), except all of Equestria (or at least the area containing Ponyville, Canterlot and Cloudsdale) gets sent to historical Earth (most likely 1010 AD). It could be either 'Present/Current/Modern' Equestria, or Equestria just before Luna becomes Nightmare Moon. The former would contain most of the pony characters we know and love, while the later might focus mostly on Celestia and Luna over the centuries.

I haven't read either of those, but I am interested in the second. {That's the one where Rainbow Dash is Celestia's student, right?} So I'd be basing them more around how I think they'd work. Do I plan on having them as recurring characters? Possibly. I could easily have them appear during a season finale/premier battle or just bumping in randomly in everyday life.

Yes, the Dashverse is about where Rainbow becomes Celestia's student. The other one is where this version of Cloud Kicker came from.

6093268 I've seen a couple of fics that have Equestria appear in our past. In most cases, the fics kind of 'stop' before we reach anything major. {Like a fic that took place a few years before the first world war} It honestly matters moreso on how you want to develop it.

'Modern Equestria' would be better suited for current reactions. The Equestria of today is an economic powerhouse, rich in resources and a very stable government. It would probably be best if you wanted to look at the nation as a whole and how the nations interact. {Given the time period you put out, other nations would gladly go to war with Equestria due to several reasons: the ponies 'worship' Celestia and Luna, they aren't human, their rich resources}. It would probably be more like the Ring of Fire series, in that it would take some time and would be a very long narrative. You'd have several characters to follow and several plotlines to work out.

The Equestria of the past would be a young country. Given Luna's 'nature', Equestria back then could have easily slipped into a Civil War. We don't know how long Discord's reign was and when Luna turned. Heck, the ponies could have experienced the Windigo Winter, Discord, and then Nightmare Moon in a lifetime. Equestria would be a weak country, but still sitting on a ton of resources. Not to mention that there were villains running around that could easily try and start wars with the humans. Given the nature, and how few good heroes we know back then, it'd be more of a look into Luna and Celestia's positions and how they deal with it. As well as Starswirl would have still been alive.

Yeah. I've read plenty of such Equestria-on-Earth fics too (including the one you just mentioned).

Hmm yes, all those scenarios would have to be considered. It would also depend what time period they are sent to, and where.
As far as setting goes, I was thinking one of the following:

A) Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean; between North America, Europe and Africa.
Making Equestria a sort of 'New Atlantis' or that land of Horse people from Gulliver's Travels.

B) The American Midwest (with Ponyville and Canterlot in what would be the state of Illinois).
Economically/Strategically wise, it's an ideal spot to place Equestria, since this area has been the main agricultural and industrial center for the USA. As well as being connected to both the Great Lakes (and to an extent the St. Lawrence and Hudson rivers) and the Mississippi River (plus it's tributaries and the Gulf of Mexico). This would especially make a great setting for a 'Modern' Equestria/ Ponyville being placed during the time of either Early settlement of North America (1600's-1700's), the infancy of the United States (Late 1700's - Early 1800's) or before/during the Civil War.

C) The Pacific Northwest Coast (Washington, Oregon, and maybe British Columbia, Idaho).
This has been the setting for Equestria on Earth for at least two fics I've read.

D) Along the Northern Pacific Ocean- between Hawaii and Alaska/Aleutian Islands.
Similar to the fanfic I think you were mentioning before.

6093528 1: Hmm, if based on 1800's and up, I'd wager that Equestria would escape 'most' of the coming conflicts, but could very well be dragged into war if they make some alliances. Still, they'd most likely be safe there.

2 & 3: The second would make them a very big influence in American history because if you place them earlier, well, Equestria would stand in the way of America expanding. So America 'could' very well turn out to be smaller then we are now, but possibly richer if trade goes well, though if it's later, like during the Civil War, they'd become something of a 'target', since the North would very very much like to use or push their troops through those vital areas to hurt the south.
The third option gives Equestria more breathing room and possibly a way for Equestria to build relations with both America and Japan/Asia. {Given Equestria's nature, I doubt they'd acquire colonies, so Japan wouldn't really have reason to declare war on the US as of that time. Which could very well mean that Japan would focus their efforts on Russia if the second world war happens.}

4: Could have a similar reaction to the third option.

Hmmm, okay.
And what's your thoughts if these options were to take place any time between the early 1000's (1010) - early 1800's?

Btw, considering the two Pacific options, you should also take into accont Britain (B.C.), Russia (Alaska), and Spain (California/ Oregon/Mexico) as well.

6093643 Option A) If it was anytime before the eighteen hundreds, I'd say that quite a few Europeon powers would have tried to conquer Equestria or at the very least, she'd get caught in the crossfire when nations with overseas territories fought each other nearby. It would be interesting to see if Equestria can help shape the powers for the better, but I doubt they'd make progress as easily as the people of Ring of Fire. Of course, it would be neat to see the Swedish king in all of this.

Options B & C) Eh, they'd be more relevant in the latter half of the period, but if they appeared before the Europeon powers, they'd probably befriend many of the Native American tribes, helping them out immensely against foreign onslaught. That and perhaps, if in the Midwest, get involved in the American War of Independence. If so, America might not have needed French aid, which would mean the French Revelolution might not have happened.

Actually, going back to the first one, it would be interesting to see the ponies in 'Napoleonic' time period. Honestly, they'd get along more with Napoleon, since most of the rest of Europe were so stuck up and pompous.

Option D) Not a lot happening there, unless they meet up with Russia. Might lead to war. Russia was in an expansion set of mind later on down the line and they might just see Equestria as another means of that expansion.

Spain, well, they really didn't put much effort into expanding after a while. If they were in between Europe and the Americas........Yeah, Spain would've invaded and tried to conquer Equestria no matter what. Spain and Equestria probably would have grown to be bitter rivals and this might shape further conflicts in the future.

Britain had a 'holier then thou' attitude and some of their rulers might have been uppity enough to try and seize Equestrian territory.

Hmm, the Napoleon one sounds interesting (for A or B).

But we have to also take into consideration that up until 1492 (interesting year), Spain and Portugal (as a whole, then latter as smaller parts of it) were ruled by Muslims. And some of these kingdoms (depending what point in time) might consider an alliance with Equestria. Especially when the neighboring Christian Kingdoms start their "Crusade". That, or Equestria could become a refuge for the remaining Spanish Muslims (and Jews) to flee to. And they could bring their architecture skills, science and literature (Twilight would love that). Either scenario could totally change the course of European history. It could also lead to a series of "Crusades" against Equestria.
That could also have a change on American (and maybe African) history too. If Option A was taken that is (and prior to 1492).

6094116 Equestria becoming a refuge for fleeing Muslims and Jews would definitely paint it as a big target for the Christian countries. Equestria would do it and yeah, they'd both benefit from it. Twilight would be gushing no matter what the age.

Yeah, America might not have been discovered or really given much attention. {Which benefits the natives....though, the Incan Empire needed a reform badly.} Africa wouldn't change all that much, since all they'd have to do is sail between its and Equestrian waters. {Matters if they're at war with Equestria while doing it.} Or just send their armies downwards.

Yeah, Napoleon was certainly one of the most interesting men in history. Young Napoleon could've benefited from Equestrian contact.

Of course, another alternative could be that rather than war and Conquest, Equestria might provide a means of bringing Europe out of the 'dark ages' much earlier. Or else a series of both.

Equestria, with it's vast resources and technology (trains, airships, party cannons), could be the new China, and one much closer to Europe (and not blocked by the Ottoman Empire). Though I'm sure even China itself would eventually get ear of this new strange land.
Although I'm sure exploration and colonization of the Americas would still happen, they'd probably take longer (especially if the Equestrian started doing it first). Equestria would be the hub of trade between the old world and the new.

Good work. Will we see Trawsians in the future?

7160508 I'll see what I can do.

great chapter, I like how you gave a look into the rest of Ponyville during the battle.

“Geez, do you have to shout. I’ve got this…”

I think you meant “Geez, don't you have to shout."

This chapter was hilarious!:rainbowlaugh:

Several soldiers of Nightmare Moon guarded the Alicorn Marker.

I thought they were called Zone Markers.

“Oooh, feisty, I like that in a mare.”
“Then you’re going to love me.”

OH just kiss already!

Gordon Roansay

I bet I know where he's from.

Gordon’s face contorted into one of pure rage. “YOU DONKEY!” He shouted, before jumping at the mare.

The Princess Celestia Micro Series Comic

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