• Member Since 5th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


"From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it." Groucho Marx


An accident involving some untested potions, leaves Applejack and Rainbow Dash transformed beyond recognition and unsure of who they are while in an unfamiliar city.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 35 )

Can not wait for you to post the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

Okay, you have my attention, lol. MOAR! :flutterrage:

I wonder how permanent that memory loss potion was... :coolphoto:

Also, you have quite a few punctuation errors around. Still easy to follow.

They are in Frickin' trouble. They are in SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO much trouble, they REALLY in trouble!!! Now I need more! MORE! MUST HAVE MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice story so far, but you might want to get someone to look over it and proofread. It was interesting enough that I managed to ignore the misuse of apostrophes (they're not used in pluralization, as a tip) which is more than I can say for some stories :twilightsmile: This one shows promise! I hope it continues.

I wonder if a certain unicorn is going to be taking care of them and if another certain unicorn just gained a pegasus and an earth pony sister?

Great another story that leaves me in suspense! More!

Post the next chapter. POST IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

If only my story could have this success....:fluttercry:

Latest story was awesome! Keep up the good work. :raritywink:

So this story was nice and now it sort of seems like you are rushing a bit. There were quite a few grammar errors (and cases where you used "where" instead of were or things of that nature). Also some of the names you got wrong or put a space where you did not need one (like with The Wonderbolts). I would slow down and proofread the next chapter.


Ya, suddenly not liking the rushed pacing either. Draw the story out a bit more. The rodeo should have been a chapter by itself. It could have been done with all the scene changes. And how AB realized it was RD was too easy.

To give my opinion on AJ, I would most likely have a conversation, they leave them alone and figure the rest out. Really like the story! Keep going! :pinkiehappy:

They’re memory loss

their, not they're

Very interesting. I was wondering about the picture art, now it makes sense.

I bet, even if they wait for twilight's parents to come back, they wouldn't know it was them.

I look forward to reading more.:twilightsmile:

Ps is twilight velvet, not twinkle sparkle:twilightsheepish:

I liked this, but something here confused me. Why is this upper crust fostering the girls, when the tag says sapphire shores? Does she appear later and adopt them?:rainbowhuh:

Well, I can see where apple's coming from. Her sister just created a big boom and suddenly her sister's an adult. THAT would scare a filly. And they clearly didn't think it through too well, because apple wasn't missing her family when the sonic rainboom happened, so. She didn't realise where she belongs.

As for what should happen next, I say have twi explain what really happened to upper and try to make her understand. Though, apple has a mother that's alive now, something she hasn't had for a long time and when she learns applejack's mother is dead, you can tell which pony she'll choose to be.

She'll probably be crying for a long time about losing rainbow as her sister, or rainbow could try just acting. It might work... Wait. Apple's the element of honesty. Would she be able to tell if rainbow's lying?

Anyway, great so far and I look forward to when the next chapter comes out:twilightsmile:

Oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! cant wait for the next chapter!!! :pinkiehappy: :yay:<YAY!

Sigh, of course the guards wouldwouldn't have spread the word to look for two unknown missing ponies, that would be too easy.....

You know we don't really know a good way to get AJ back. As another pointed puts she got her Mark when she realized how important family was (and apples of course). Sorry, but good luck on that one....
Keep going! ;)

okay, i don't know why i haven't asked til now, but WHY is sapphire shores' tag on this fic?

Actually, Twilight Velvet looks almost exactly like the gen 1 pony whose name is also Twilight
Please continue!

5237279 She was going to come in around chapter 3, but plans changed.

It's probably for the best. This might have been a story about the fillies becoming pop idols, and getting full of themselves.

i been wonder... why rainbow dash and applejack have different color on the cover instant in the story?

and were did you get this cover art?

so when is a new chapter going to be?

Comment posted by Cynthia Dusk deleted Jun 29th, 2015

When is the next chapter going to be?

I made the cover art, though I don't know it it really counts.
- Create lil' Rainbow in the pony creator.
- Save the image and import it into inkwell or gimp.
- Edit out the background.
- Create lil' Apple in the pony creator.
- Import into inkwell or gimp as a separate layer and remove the background
- Overlap the layers.

As for why they don't look exactly as described in the story, I just couldn't find the rainbow with pink hair option in the pony creator.

Sorry, I moved the status to hiatus. I left the site for a long while, and though I'm somewhat active again, I don't know if I'll ever finish this.

Then why’d you didn’t used their cover form in the story instead?

I might have written the first chapter before I added the image, but even if that's not why, I just like the way I described Rainbow's hair better then what I made for the image.

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