• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 4,475 Views, 27 Comments

Guessing game - Cytotoxin

Pony romance. Whenever it was researchable?

  • ...

The one and only chapter

Guessing Game

It was of no use. Try as she might, Twilight Sparkle just wasn`t feeling all that excited. Granted, the history of the day was quite interesting, but... she just wasn`t all that taken by the Hearts and Hooves Day Party. But even though she wasn`t feeling all that festive at the moment, why should she spoil the fun of others? So she adjourned to the wall with a stein of cedar beer, sipping the frothy beverage languidly, as she took in the atmosphere of jubilation.

Rainbow Dash was competing with Rarity, of all ponies, in a heated game of limbo. While she expected that much from gung-ho pegasus, it was surprising that fashionista unicorn would vest so much in a silly party game. But then again, maybe that was precisely it. At the party game, Rarity didn`t have to pay heed to any notion of property or decorum, she was expected to behave silly and have fun. Off to the side, magician spotted Fluttershy tending to the fillies and colts. She seemed to connect with children particularly well, and the rapport she enjoyed was overwhelming. Twilight couldn`t help but marvel at the sight of almost all of Cheerilee`s class hanging off every word, as timid pegasus spun some sort of tale for them.

Pinkie Pie was all over the place, of course. Everywhere and nowhere. Wise from previous experience, Twilight did not even attempt to locate the pink mare. Her working theory was that during the party duration, Pinkie Pie entered into localised quantum probability cloud state, and therefore, was literally everywhere and nowhere in the same time. There was a whole lot of quantum about the pink mare, period. That left... Applejack. Who, as lavender unicorn expected, should have been competing with Rarity and Rainbow Dash in that game...

However, farmer pony turned out to be positioned right next to her, a cup of cider in her hooves. "Twilight? Ah wanted ta ask if somethang`s botherin` ya." - she offered casually. "Bothered? Me? Why do you even think I`m bothered?" - offered Twilight, - "I`m just not as good at parties as most people are, and my back`s still sore after the dance and all." Applejack doffed her stetson hat - "Ah hear ya, sugarcube. Ya really cut loose with that thar dance, by golly. But still... Look, Ah ain`t good with subtlety, so Ah`m gonna tell ya straight. Ah kin see yer thinkin` some stuff over... And while there ain`t a thing wrong with thinkin`, Ah get tha feelin` yer not thinkin` about anythang happy right now."

Taking a sip from her stein, unicorn sighed - "Well... You are right. I`m thinking about some stuff. However, what I`m thinking about should not be talked about." Orange mare did a doubletake. Setting the cup down gingerly, she ventured - "Whoah there. Whaddaya mean, should not be talked `bout?" Twilight`s eyes took a slightly far off expression as she mulled her answer over. After a few seconds of silence, she finally offered - "You see... It`s the kind of thing that can`t be explained. Not in the sense of being impossible to put into words, but... If I were to speak to somepony about what I`m thinking about right now, it would make the whole thing pointless. Futile."

"Ah don` get it, Twi. How`s talkin` about somethang can make that somethang pointless?" - retorted Applejack, as she settled down next to Twilight Sparkle, - "Look, Ah`m prob`ly not the best kinda person to talk about when it`s all about really complicated stuff, but ah`m not gonna think of ya any different, no matter what ya think `bout. Ah mean, ya came outta closet jus` the other month. Ah cannae think of anythang that`d be harder to talk about then that."

Unicorn shrugged slightly, peering at Applejack out of corner of her eye. "I see you`re set on finding out..." - she offered finally, rubbing her forehead with hoof, - "So let`s make a deal. I`ll explain what I`m thinking about, if you promise to keep it to yourself. And no, I`m not asking you to lie about what we talked about - if someone becomes overly curious, you can tell them I`ve sworn you to silence in a good conscience. Sound fair enough to you?" After a moment of consideration, Applejack nodded - "Ah reckon it`s fair `nough for me. Now spill the beans."

"...It`s pretty simple, actually. I feel lonely." - offered Twilight quietly, - "In a romantic sense, I mean." Applejack blinked - "That`s it? Huh. Yer can be so silly at times, Twi. Come on, Ah`ll hook ya up, as Rainbow says, in ten seconds flat." Unicorn merely shook her head, bemused - "I know you would, but that`s exactly the kind of thing I don`t want." Twilight took a long sip of her beer and continued - "This is what makes talking about this kind of thing pointless, you see. I don`t really want someone who`d take interest in me because they`re told to. Think about it. Suppose I`d just lean to you right now, and say something to the tune of "Hey, Applejack. I`m feeling lonely. I wish I were that suave to pick up mares like you do." How would you feel about that? And what are the chances you`d offer to go out with me simply out of pity, if I were to venture with that kind of inquiry?"

Applejack closed her mouth with audible clop, blinking at unicorn, - "What the hay, Twilight? Where`d all that thang came from? Ah... Ah...dangit, now yer broke mah brain." Twilight shrugged, looking on Applejack apologetically - "I warned you it`s an iffy topic. To continue this line of thought, now that I`ve told you how it is... Suffice to say that if you were interested, I would have humongous reservations about following through with that, because I`d be constantly plagued by suspicion it`s not interest but pity."

"OOkay, Ah git it. Say, sugarcube, what`s with this huge hookup on that pity thing you keep talking about?" - offered orange pony, looking on her conversation partner. Lavender mare took a long sip of her beer again, setting the stein down - "Mm. That`s a good batch... Hookup? Oh, that`s actually simple, Applejack. I am pretty proud of who I am and what I am. I know I`m not inferior to any of the ponies out there, and in fact, can best a lot of them indubitably. And so, I refuse a notion that I could be so unwanted as to consent to pity dating. There is more to me then just loneliness, and I would want somepony who can see that much, at least."

"Okay, now that Ah can get jus` fine. And yer right, there`s more to ya then just bein` lonely. But still, ain`t ya takin` this a mite too far? Ah mean, yer tellin` me yer gonna just sit in that library of yours, waitin` fer yer princess charming... Oh crud. It ain`t princess you set your eyes on, Twi, is it?" Twilight giggled softly, shaking her head - "No, no. Luna`s pretty alluring, I guess, but I haven`t had a chance to talk to her at length, even, much less consider her from... more intimate points of view. As for Celestia, just... no. What I think of her is much closer to definition of mother then of lover. And to answer your question, that`s more or less it. See, if I had someone I`d develop an interest in, I would attempt to ask them out. The thing is, I`m not, uh... fancying anyone at the moment. That feeling of loneliness is generic, not a longing for someone specific. If I knew where the root of my problem were, I`d already do something to deal with it, you know."

"Well, now ain`t that a pickle. Ta be honest, Ah donno what to tell ya, Twilight. Ah can see where you`re comin` from, Ah guess, but somethang in yer words feels off. Ah wish I could tell ya what." - offered Applejack after a few moments, finishing her cider. Twilight merely shrugged - "That`s alright, AJ. I`m well aware it`s a problem I have to figure out myself." She sloshed the remains of beer in her stein and then drained them in one long gulp - "Haah. The way I figure it, I first need to get interested in someone well enough to move past this roadblock."

Orange pony straightened up - "Wait, wait. That ain`t right. What if somepony`s already interested in you? Yer gonna give `em a pass?" Unicorn waved her hoof dismissively - "As of now, it`s pretty certain noone is." "How do you figure that, Twi?" - asked Applejack curiously, her interest piquing. How`d Twilight be able to claim that with such certainty and almost brash dismissal?

- Why do you think I`ve gone through with the whole "out of closet" thing, AJ?

- Cause ya found out yer preferences an` decided ya dinnaewanna live the lie no more, I reckon?

- Oh, please. I`ve been quite certain I like mares pretty much since early adolescence. It`s kind of hard to miss when you get weak in the knees at the sight of pretty filly, but colts register about as much as furniture.

- Hardcore, Twi. Way hardcore. Aight, so yer knew yer gay for a while... Well, my second guess would be you got yer eye on somepony... No?

- Sorry, but that`s the second miss, AJ. Want a third try, or I should just tell you the real reason?

- Huh, well, ah... No, that`d be silly... Hm. So what if ya... Naw. Aight, Twi, Ah`m all out of guesses. What was that thang all `bout?

- An invitation, AJ.

- An... invitation?

- Yeah. See, one of the biggest hurdles gay ponies have to overcome when they`re looking for a date is not being aware of sexual orientation of pony they`re interested in. It`s really unpleasant to lay your heart out and hear "Sorry, but I don`t swing that way.". And so, it seems that a good deal of ponies miss out on potential partners simply because they`re too wary of rejection to pop the question. So I`ve decided to eliminate that hurdle by making it a public knowledge that I`m gay. This way, if there is a mare out there who is interested, she could be sure I am compatible with their desire, at the very least.

- Ah... see.

- However, as you can see, I`ve "spread the word", as it were, a month ago, and I`m still quite obviously single. ...And while it`s unpleasant for me to admit, it`s due to the fact I`ve yet to receive any kind of proposal.

- Ah... see.

- And this is how I conclude that right now, there is no mare that holds a romantic interest in me, AJ. Because by now, whole Ponyville is aware of my preferences, courtesy of rumor grapevine. Given that nopony approached me so far about that, I can safely conclude that right now I do not have any suitoresses I`m not aware of.

- Ah... guess.

- That, coupled with the fact that I am not currently interested in anyone well enough to actually approach them with serious intentions, makes me listless. I`m aware that by the laws of averages there likely is somepony that is well-compatible with me, but knowing that does not do anything with the desire to meet that mare as soon as possible.

- Ah suppose.

- Lastly, I was kind of hoping that announcing my interest in mares a month in advance of Hearts and Hooves day would land me a date... And I`m a bit disappointed that it wasn`t so.

- OH!

Twilight rubbed her cheek with hoof, and sighed softly - "It`s not like I am depressed about it or something. I`m still quite young, and statistics say I`m very likely to find someone to date before long... but sometimes the voice of reason just isn`t strong enough to dull the emotional disappointment." Warily, Applejack offered - "Well, have ya thought of maybe doin` more `bout this? Cause in the end, yer jus` waitin` fer yer princess charmin` again. Evah considered jus` askin` somepony out? The way Ah hear it, sometimes, ya just ain`t aware it`s bloomin` love till you actually try datin`."

Twilight stood up - "I`ve made a major stride just a month ago, AJ. There`s only so far I can go at once. No, right now I`m inclined to wait and see. The news are still fresh on everyone. Perhaps, if I don`t get anything worthwhile, I`ll try actively asking mares out for next Heart and Hooves Day. Right now, though, I`m not feeling like pushing forward, when I can`t even see towards whom I`m running. If there is somepony, they will make a step of their own... seeing as love is a two-way street and all. And if there isn`t yet, then pushing forth is even worse of an idea." She stretched, and yawned - "I`m going to make an early exit, AJ. Tell Pinkie I loved the party, but got too tired to stay, alright?"

Applejack followed the unicorn with her eyes, shaking head. "She`s a piece of work, lemme tell ya." - she muttered softly, tugging her hat further over her eyes. "Yeah, she kinda is. That`s our Twilight!" - came the cheerful reply. Orange pony groaned - "Pinkie. How much you`ve heard?"

- Nothing, silly! Twilight told you you shouldn`t tell anyone, so I didn`t hear anything.

- Ah`m not telling ya a thing, Pinkie. Yer heard all of it, haven`t ya?

- Well, kinda-sorta, yeah.

- Soo... what do ya think `bout all this?

- I.. um. I don`t think I should say.

- Ah, c`mon. Like it or not, yer already sayin` it.

- ...Alright, but Applejack? Promise me not to tell it to anyone else.

- Ya got it, sugarcube.

- No, Pinkie Promise!

- ...Urgh.. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye! There.

Suddenly, Applejack felt herself glomped. "Hay, what the... Pinkie!?" - she exclaimed, as the pink mare grabbed her in a big hug, looking on her, eyes watering and lip trembling. "That`s... bad promise!" - she said, - "No needles, please!" Orange mare paused, and then facehoofed - "Golly, Ah`m sorry, Pinkie. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. There. Ah`m mighty sorry I recalled the, uh... "bad promise"." That seemed to calm Pinkie Pie, although her mane remained flat for a few more moments, recurling slowly.

- Uugh, bleh. Nasty bad promise. I wish everyone`d forget the bad promise.

- Sorry.

- That`s OK, you fixed it. So, anyway, um... What we were talking about?

- We weren`t, Pinkie. Seein` as I promised and all. Ah`ve been askin` ya what`s yer take on what ye heard, s`all.

- Well, uh... I don`t know, Applejack. She confuses me.

- Confuses ya, Pinkie? Well, that`s gonna be a first.

- ...I wanted to ask her out. I wanted to, AJ, really Really McReal, I swear. But I don`t know how`d she take it. I don`t think she`d like me like me.

- Now, why in tarnation won`t she, Pinkie?

- Well, she`s so smart and serious, and... and I`m not.

- Well, ya heard it yourself. Right now, you ain`t got no competition, so go for it. S`not like you`ll ever gonna know what coulda`ve been, if ya never try, y`hear?

- But, but, but... What if she doesn`t like it? What it she won`t like me like me?

- Now, Pinkie, Ah realise ya wanna be sure, but... there just ain`t no way to be safe `bout this kinda thang. Ya just haveta take the risk and roll with it. See, how Twi`s gone and done said she likes mares. She ain`t got no idea if there is someone outta there, but she`s takin` her chances. Ya know how some ponies think fillyfoolers are weird. If Twi`s willin` to chance `erself like that, Ah`m sure ya can take a chance with `er too.

- But, but, butbutbutBUT!... What if she does not like me that way?

- Ya, could be that way. But yer not gonna know until ya ask. Ya`ve heard her, Pinkie. If ya wanna that lavender flank, yer gonna have to go an` hit it yerself.

- Huh. You know, what!

- What?

- You`re super-duper-hyper RIGHT! And I`m going to go and hit that flank RIGHT NOW!

Applejack facehoofed - "Yah. Ya do that. Jus`... y`know, shriekin` it out in the middle of party just ain`t that good of an idea." Pinkie looked around slowly. Every eye, round and blinking, was trained on her. "Whoopsie?" - she offered, - "Sorry, everypony. I just got a little exited. WOO!" Shaking their heads, everyone went back to party. "That`s Pinkie Pie for you, random as a pie in the sky." - somepony opined.

Applejack followed the departing pony with her gaze, and doffed hat even further, covering her eyes. "Aight, Applejack, ol` filly. Ya`ve done what ya could ta help yer friends settle the whole datin` business. How about snaggin` somethang fer yerself?" - she muttered softly, as she stood up and made her way to the cider barrel to get a refill. Night was still young.


Library was quiet. As it behooves a library, really. It was also dark, as could be expected during night. Pushing the door open, Twilight reached out with her magic, sparking the gas lanterns aglow. Warm yellow light flooded the library, welcoming her home. She yawned and stretched. There was no denying it - she loved her home. It.. fit her personality and her idea on what a home should be like. However... at times, she wondered. She thought about what it would be like to share that home with somepony else. Of course, she already shared it with Spike, but... Twilight shook her head. Spike just wasn`t the kind of sharing she had in mind when she thought about sharing home with somepony else. No, she was thinking about somepony she`d share a bed with as well.

Mulling her ideas over, unicorn moved around, her evening chores done almost automatically. She felt no need for supper, so the entirety of chores consisted of starting the shower. She could use a refresher after party. Mare tested the water with the hoof, finding it much to her liking - warm, without being unpleasantly hot, and stepped into the shower fully, shaking her head a little as the water soaked through the mane, plastering it over her neck and back. Ahh.

For a few minutes, Twilight just stood there, soaking up the warmth of water. Finally, she reached out to pull wet mane out of her eyes. As she did, she came face-to-face with Pinkie Pie. "...GYAAH!... Sun`s glory, Pinkie!? What are you doing in my shower!?" - unicorn exclaimed incredulously, her back pressed against the tiles as she struggled to contain her surprise. Apparently, Pinkie was in the shower for about as long as she was, her mane and tail heavy and straight with water, just like Twilight`s. And the expression she bore was quite less then usual for a happy-go-loony mare. In all honesty, serious expression on Pinkie Pie looked about as reasonable as an alligator in the bathtub.

- Sorry, didn`t mean to scare you, Twilight.

- ...That`s OK. I`m kind of used to you just... appearing, Pinkie. What`s up?

- I... um. Please don`t think I`m weird, but...

- You? Weird? Perish the thought, Pinkie. Weird has nothing on you.

- Twi... I`m trying to be serious.

- ...Oh. It`s that serious, huh? Well, alright, what it`s all about? I promise not to think you`re weird.


- ...what?

- ...I`m sorry. I knew it was a silly idea. Silly, silly Pinkie.

- Uh, Pinkie? I couldn`t make out what you said. Can you please say it once again, but slower?

- I wanted to ask you out for Hearts and Hooves day but I chickened out because I thought you wouldn`t like me and I`m still not sure if you`d like me but I just had to ask because I`d never know otherwise and I`ll be thinking about it forever so will you please go out with me Twilight Sparkle?

- ...Oer... Yeah, I can see how that would warrant serious expression.

Pausing, Twilight pushed away from the wall, and looked on Pinkie seriously. "Pinkie, I... Look, I`m not prepared to deal with a question like this. Normally, I`d review my books, write down a plan and make a checklist to make sure I`m not missing anything. So..." - she raised her hoof, interrupting whatever excuse Pinkie might have had, - "So, you`ll have to bear with me just giving you my personal opinion on the matter, as I have a distinct notion that it would be ill-advised to postpone answering that question. So, if you`ll please answer a few of my questions first, I`ll do my best to give you an honest answer to yours."

- Uh, alright. But shouldn`t we get out of shower first?

- Nah. I`ve long ago ascertained that attempting to do the sane thing is asking for a certain doom whenever the question is about you or relationships. So I`m going with my gut feeling that tells me I want to stay in the shower. Do you want to stay in the shower?

- Um. OK.

- Very well. Now, tell me this. Why did you change your mind? You said you chickened out. What gave you the urge to follow through with your proposal after all?

- Ah, that. I was sort of upset I chickened out, so I asked Applejack, because she is the element of honesty and she`d tell me honestly if I did something silly. So I asked her, and she said that I`d never know unless I try.

- And what made you chicken out in first place?

- ...Twi. You`re so smart, and serious and... sane. I don`t think you`d like a silly filly like me.

- Sane? Heh. That one is up for discussion. After the whole debacle with SmartyPants, I`ve had serious doubts about how sane I really am. But that`s beyond the point. When did you realise you wanted to ask me out?

- I`m not really sure. I mean, you`re always been a super-duper-good to me, and I always liked you ever since I met you and you are always so nice and even when you`re crazy, not that it happens often, but still you are interesting, and...

Shaking her head, Twilight leaned closer, her hoof closing Pinkie`s mouth gently but firmly. "Hush. I`m asking when you had your first conscious "I`m going to ask Twilight out." thought, not when you decided you like me. I`m well aware it`s impossible to tell the last with certainty." - she offered softly, her nose just inches away from Pinkie`s, maroon eyes staring into blue ones intently. Pinkie`s mouth opened slightly as Twilight removed her hoof, seemingly transfixed as she answered without breaking eye contact - "When you said you like mares."

Nodding, Twilight leaned closer, their noses touching now as she offered - "Very well. You should know this, Pinkie. I don`t have much to go on. It seems that the realm of love is even more chaotic and unpredictable then friendship - and as an active participant of my friendship studies, you know how unpredictable it can be. I`ve understood some basics, but I`m nowhere near the knowledge, as of now. I like you, and your offer flatters me. I want to accept, but I have to warn you that I will make mistakes. Mistakes, that I will do my best to amend, granted, but... I will be mistaken many times." Pink mare blinked, giggling softly - "Everyone is like that, Twilight. You, me, everyone. We all make mistakes."

Smirking, Twilight leaned in, stealing a kiss from Pinkie - "I`m afraid you have no idea what you`re getting yourself into, Pinkie Pie. But then again, you are maybe the only pony who can take it." Wet, bedazzled and confused, party mare blinked at unicorn. "I... uh... Are you?... Twi? What are you doing?" Lavender mare shrugged, her muzzle travelling lower as she nuzzled Pinkie`s neck and nipped softly- "I`m being affectionate. That`s what you wanted, wasn`t it?"

"But... but... butbutBUT!... Is that what YOU want?" - Pinkie Pie rarely felt like she lost control of the situation, but right now, this was exactly it. Unicorn merely nibbled her again - "You`re in my shower and I`m nibbling your neck. What do you think, silly?" Pinkie Pie drew a long breath. Things just didn`t... go according to plan. But then again, it was Twilight who usually made plans. Unless it was a party. But... Mrm. But... But... Oh, fiddlesticks.

"Twi... Not that I complain... Because I don`t, really, but... are you sure about that?" - she breathed finally, trying to regain some semblance of control. Magician simply nipped again, trailing lower, her hooves wrapping around Pinkie more, pressing her to the wall. "Of course I`m not. I have zero data yet, Pinkie. We have left the realm of theoretical and ventured into experimental about five minutes ago." - replied unicorn cheerfully, leaning up to give Pinkie another kiss - "And I like to experiment. Especially, when the subject of experiment is enigmatic enough to last for a lifetime."

Pink mare finally gathered enough of mental capacity to think and gently but insistently pushed Twilight away, putting some distance between them. "Twi, I`m not supposed to be the reasonable one, but aren`t you moving a bit too fast?" - she offered with as much seriousness as she could muster. Unicorn considered her for a few seconds silently, lips cocked in a little smirk - "Only as far as you`re comfortable with. I know I might be obsessive in times, but I`d really prefer to avoid doing something... undesirable to you just to satisfy my burning curiosity."

"Yes, Ok, I... Twilight, you`re confusing me. Again. I had no idea you could be so... touchy-happy." - Pinkie offered finally, shaking her head - "Again, not that I mind, but... Are you SURE you`re not trying to do what you think I want?" Twilight scoffed and shook her head, smiling at Pinkie - "Aw. I understand now. In short, no, don`t worry. It`s definitely something I want. In long... Let`s get out of shower. Let`s get some bathrobes on and let`s talk. There`s a lot we need to tell each other, I think."


Pinkie Pie sighed and stretched, her hoof wrapped around Twilight Sparkle`s neck, magician`s head resting against her chest. A few minutes ago, Twilight dozed away, cuddling against Pinkie. They`ve discussed a lot. A whole lot. And pink mare was still befuddled. Pieces and bits of conversation floated in her head, a veritable chaos of unicorn that refused to compound into anything stable. She had found out that Twilight Sparkle was a very physical pony, that she had a plethora of information about how ponies were built, and that she could make Pinkie Pie shiver in pleasure from a simple backrub.

Things were so... confusing. Each time Pinkie thought she found some kind of snag that could be a problem in their interaction, Twilight had somehow explained it away in a manner that left no wiggle space. In the same time, Pinkie had found many of the reasons and reservations of unicorn to be unnecessary, convoluted and downright implausible. In fact, that was exactly what had confused pink mare so - in a brief few hours they`ve conversed in absolute honesty, each of them stripped so much of layers from each other they might be laid bare before each other now. Things were going so well she could hardly believe it. So well it scared her.

"She`s just as insane as I am." - she whispered softly. Pinkie had no idea where that thought came from, but it fit what she felt at the moment. Indeed, Twilight Sparkle was most likely insane to the same degree as one Pinkie Pie was. In completely different ways, in completely different strokes, but she was exactly where Pinkie was. So close they switched roles without even batting an eye. Just how... interspersed could they become with time? Pinkie suddenly realised she couldn`t wait to find out.

Comments ( 27 )

great story!


Very eloquently written. At times, it seems just a tiny bit verbose, but that's probably me. I love the transition from insane Pinkie to serious Pinkie, too.

Gaah! What have you done with this formatting? Separate paragraphs for each speaker and quotation marks around speech, please!

It could be a nice story, but it doesn't make for easy reading at 1.30 in the morning.

A very good story, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that English isn't your first language. I enjoyed it a lot, but your punctuation and paragraph structure are very different from what most of us are used to. I say this because, while I don't let these kind of things bother me too much, I'm sure some grammar Nazi is going to consider it unreadable and vote it down.

First, the nitpicks: You seem to have missed a lot of articles, specifically, 'the.' You also seem to have trouble deciding on your dialogue formats, and cramming multiple speakers into one paragraph. And Applejack seems to vacillate between a Southern accent and a Scottish one, of all things.

But besides that... yay! Twinkie story! We need more of this sort of thing. :pinkiehappy::heart::twilightsmile:


Both of these. I would have liked to see more description, myself, particularly where emotion is concerned, and the pacing could have been a tad slower. I felt like the whole Pinkie Pie thing came out of left field. It was a sweet story, but I think it needs work.

I think everybody else has covered any nitpicks I have with the story so I am just going to say I loved it. It was very cute and was a good story to read and relax to.

Ha, you actually went off the page to the right! How is this possible? Anyway, great story, remember to use 'the' more often

it is Pinkie Speech

Its actually a bug with the site, if you make too long of a word, it goes off page.
But it is fitting for Pinkie Pie.


A little experiment that apparently wasn`t so good. One of the commenters in previous story suggested using dialogue formatting. Apparently, it does not bode well.


Uh... Guess? My profile says so, flat-out. Why would anyone need to guess what could be easily verified?


Yes... articles are a big issue for me. We don`t have anything like articles in Russian.
I guess I went a bit overboard with accent, too. Texan twang is hard to replicate when you`ve never heard it for real.


Yes, that was the whole point. Things like those always come out of the left field. To sock you in the eye and go away with your icecream while you`re trying to figure out what the hell it was.


No trouble, good sir. I rather suspected you were a very well-versed non-English speaker. I've gotta commend you. You speak English better than I speak Spanish, a language that my family speaks fairly well and which is prevalent around me. And English is less like Russian than English is like Spanish (The overlap is moderate for them, but almost nil for the other.)

I'm actually fascinated by how this is written. I am an autodidact and like learning new little tidbits about things. Is this story formatted like it would be in Russian syntax and grammatical construction? I've never seen how quotations and dialogue are done in non-Romance languages.

Incidentally, Cornish also lacks an indefinite article, though it has a definite article. So I can see how a a language can do without certain grammatical constructions common in other places. Context seems to do a lot of the heavy lifting in a lot of the languages I've seen (English included, otherwise you'd never get things like "Morning" as a greeting or "Gimmee" as a request for something.)


I`m not a sir. :facehoof:


As for language... no, not quite. Around here, it`s mandatory that we study at least one foreign language at school. Usually, it`s english. Sometimes, french or german. I`ve studied english, and as you can guess, took to it quite well. Now, I`m not going to win any prises for most grammatically correct language ever, but I can certainly make myself comprehensible to english-speaker.

Russian puts a lot of reliance on prefixes and suffixes to convey the subtleties of the context. Often enough, swapping a prefix can alter the meaning of whole sentence. For example, "Prilojit` ruki" would mean someone being involved or making an effort with something, whereas "nalojit ruki" would mean someone making an attempt on their own life. In the same time, in both cases the generic meaning is "to apply hands".

:derpyderp2: Another good job my Russian friend, TwiPie is always appreciated. Apart from the normal quirks I expect from your writing, you seem to have added a new one; using the grave mark instead of apostrophes.


Uh... I always used ` instead of '. For me, ' is single quote, and using it as apostrophe is... unpleasant.


Huh, I guess you have, somehow I didn't notice that before. Don't quite understand why you say it's unpleasant to use an apostrophe, but whatever.


Keyboard layout is a bit different on keyboard accommodated for cyrillics. Russian has 33 letters as opposed to english`s 26, so some keys that hold auxiliary symbols in english are occupied with those extra letters in russian. Therefore, a habit forms to use ` when apostrophe is needed, because it`s in the same place in both layouts.


Okay, thought it would be something like that.

I loved it. Great job!

A good story but I have the feeling sometimes words are missing and maybe you could tone down the accent AJ has because it's not like I realy mind but it does read quite strange


If you're reffering to articles, that has been covered :twilightsmile:

I have no qualms with how you portray AJ's accent. They are difucult to replicate as it is, but for those who are not familiar with them...I would compliment you.
Besides, most authors tend to mimic certain aspects and styles from works they like, especialy when dealing with unfamiliarities such as accents.

I've never read a Twilight+Pinkie story before, I love it!


Golly, how? There`s a whole group dedicated to Twinkie pairing. Go, go, go, go, check IT post-haste!


Heh, my appologies. I'm still relatively new to the site a this moment in time, still trying to find my footing.
However, I'll follow your advice nao! :twilightsmile:


I`m joking. But seriously, do check it. It`s full of fluff and fuzz and puns. Oh and occasionally the psychotic horror that breaks the minds of unprepared.

This time I really did click on the wrong story. Wanted Blueblooded Torture ( I like him as a character, everyone sees him different shades of jerk). Instead, got a story that I am going to show someone. It will help her be a better writer (she has been looking for the "next level") and help her start a relationship other than piss off editors and prereaders then get stuck with the insane person.
Which I am not.
I am crazy.


Good luck with that.

I thank you.

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