• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 5,115 Views, 399 Comments

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter - TalonMach5

Part two, of books two of four, in the Great Slave King Saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Twas Naught but a Midsummer's Night's Dream, but hey, at Least They Enjoyed the Ride

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter

A Story by TalonMach5

Twas Naught but a Midsummer's Night's Dream, but hey, at Least They Enjoyed the Ride

He awoke in the darkness, not sure as to where he was. Slowly opening his eyes, all he saw was a vast expanse of nothingness. Closing his eyes, he sighed. Whether he left them open or closed, it made no difference. His eyes saw nothing but the dark that obfuscated his sight, clouded his vision, and left him shrouded in uncertainty. Once, long ago, he'd wandered alone, lost in a similar darkness bereft of all kith or kin. Like then, he was lost in the dark, but today he wasn't alone.

Closing his eyes, he could sense that she was nearby. Reaching out, he felt the familiar warmth of her presence enveloping him, embracing him, covering him with the intimate silken touch of her femininity. In an odd way, he found it comforting, knowing that even lost in the unfathomable depths of this darkness, he was not alone. That regardless of their previous quarrels, here in this dark, desolate place, he could be sure that he had at least one ally.

Before, when he was yet mortal, being lost in a dreary place like this had nearly brought him to the brink of madness, as his fear and loneliness had nearly brought him to his knees. But that was then, and this was now. Such mortal concerns like food, drink, and sleep were beneath him. He'd thought that could ignore loneliness as if it were any other mortal frailty. But to his surprise, the first time that he'd ever been truly alone since he'd put mortal worries behind him, and the solace that he wasn't alone was a balm to his soul. True, they'd not been joined for long, but as far as allies went he could do far worse then she.

Wishing to gain his bearings he tried standing, but found it an impossible task. He narrowed his burning green eyes in annoyance, not only was he lost in the dark, he was aimlessly floating about in a void of nothingness. Had he been anyone else in this predicament, he might have been worried, if he were still mortal, he might have feared. But he was neither mortal nor someone else, he was who he was, the Slave King, the Lord of Earth. Although he was floating about without purpose like a leaf on the wind, he was not without any recourse. Being who he was granted him unique privileges.

Closing his eyes, he reached out until he felt her presence once more. Wife... he spoke, using words inaudible to all but the divine.

Yea, beloved? she replied, the hesitation in her voice betraying her uncertainty to him.

Are you unharmed? he asked, reaching out to her.

Verily, beloved, she answered, her uncertainty evaporating as she spoke with him. But art thou? We wert so worried for thy sake!

Wife, it appears I'm no worse for the wear, he said with a slight smile of satisfaction, as he felt her power touching his.

Within moments, she began pulling him to her as he did the same. Pulling each other towards the center of this void, time seemed to loose all meaning for him. There was no light, no landmarks, nothing but her slowly strengthening power to indicate he was actually moving. Without anything to mark the time, not even his own nonexistent heartbeat, he was forced to do the last thing he desired, converse with his wife.

Wife, where are we? he asked in idle curiosity, feeling that any knowledge of this formless void probably held little use at the moment.

Husband, here we art beyond all mine divine and esoteric knowledge, she replied after a moments reflection. We art not given to knowing overly much of these secret and hidden places like the Winding One.

Jormungandr... he murmured, wishing greatly that he had the ear of his erstwhile ally.

Beloved, worry not, she reassured him, sending a pulse of her divinity along his, until it was coursing through his being.

He felt her strength and divinity within him and was puzzled. He was no longer weak like he once was. Wife, conserve your strength, I no longer require your assistance, he rumbled, as he pulled extra hard on the bond that held them fast together.

Beloved? she meekly asked, as the uncertainty he once had slowly filled her heart.

Sensing her distress at his words, he offered his own divinity to succor her. Wife, I only meant that foul curse is no longer afflicting me, he said, freely intermingling his power with hers.

Oh, pray tell, mine husband, relieved that her fears that he would abandon her the moment he was made whole were unfounded.

It appears this place is without form and function, and so my curse no longer has any power over me, he explained, feeling his impromptu theory about his miraculous recovery was as good as any other.

Tis most fortuitous indeed, beloved, she said, feeling her heart swell with joy that he'd finally recovered from his ailment. Thy recovery tis a cause for jubilation and celebration indeed. Mayhaps we might retire to thy bath once more to celebrate thy healing and restoration once we've returned to our domain together.

He remembered the brief time they'd spent bathing together earlier that night, and the harsh words they'd exchanged in anger, as he felt the gentle caress of her power pulling him ever closer. Those unkind words spoken in haste, she hadn't deserved them. It had been nice while it lasted, sitting there beside each other in silence, until he'd misspoken and had offended her.

She was close now, he could smell the pleasant sweet scent of her jasmine and moon flower infused mane. Pulling her closer to him, he considered their options and what to do next. Being gods they were in no danger of starving, but beyond the certainty they wouldn't perish from hunger, if they couldn't discover a means of escaping would they be trapped together in his dark void until the end of time? He was about to account for all the possessions he had on his person, when he felt a pair of hooves wrapping around his chest, squeezing him tightly enough to lose his wind.

"Wife, ugh Luna!" he protested in surprise, at the strength of her embrace, before feeling her lips pressing against his in a gentle kiss.

"Beloved, we art so relieved thou art whole," she said, breaking her stolen kiss.

He wet his lips and tasted her on his tongue. "Wife, perhaps we should consider our position and resources before losing ourselves to passion," he gently chided her, hoping to prevent any future unwanted advances.

"Oh, sorry..." she murmured, releasing him from her hooves iron grasp.

Although he couldn't see her through the inky blackness, he was fairly certain that if it were possible, her blushing face would banish the darkness with its intensity. Reaching out his metal hand he gently placed it on her shoulder and softly stroked her. "So, wife, have any ideas?" he asked her, hoping her longer life and greater experience might shed some light on their current predicament.

"Husband, truthfully no," she answered, pulling him closer to her with an outstretched wing. "Our inception had not yet begun before creation's grand beginning."

"So do you think that we've been sent hurtling through creation to a time before everything came to be?" he asked, resting against the soft feathers of her wing.

"Verily, either that, or to some distant yonder world that tis yet to be," she agreed, wrapping him within her billowing tail.

Suddenly it dawned on him, her mane and tail! "Luna, shouldn't the stars within your mane and tail be visible?" he asked, momentarily forgetting his reticence to be familiar with her.

"Verily, dear husband," she said, offering him a smile unseen at his use of her name. "Until thou mentioned it, we hast not considered the reasons for their absence."

"Has something snuffed out the magic with them?" he asked, concerned for their own stores of magic. Magical stores that while vast, he was unsure whether they could be renewed without access to their domains or the Well of Eternity.

"Nay, beloved," she said, lightly resting her muzzle on his shoulder. "We hast expended copious amounts of power to reach thee, and our divinity hast not been diminished one iota."

"How is that possible?" he wondered, confused by how this place seemed to defy all the magical rules and conventions he was familiar with.

"We know not, husband," she answered, peering into the inky depths of this unfathomable place. "But we count it fortunate indeed, that entropy dost not threaten our undoing in this unfamiliar place."

"Yes, it would be annoying to wither away to nothing, without a chance to renew ourselves," he said, running his hands over himself to determine what possessions he had on him. "So got anything useful on yourself, wife?"

Using her magic, she ran a scan along herself searching for anything that might be of use to them. "Husband, we hast naught but our crown, peytral, and shoes," she said, disappointed she didn't have anything more to offer.

"Wife, I'm not much better off myself," he admitted with a slight chuckle. "Beyond my crown, cloak, and ragged clothes, I'm as much a pauper as you."

"Then what shoudst we do, beloved?" she asked, worried, yet relieved that her husband was still in good spirits, all things considered.

"I'd say if this formless void is some desolate world yet to be born, perhaps we should see to siring it," he said, longing for at least a little light and solid ground beneath his feet.

At his suggestion, her cheeks flushed crimson and tail nervously twitched. Was he being serious with her? Did he truly desire to do so with her, despite all his earlier protestations. "Beloved husband," she purred, overjoyed that he finally desired her enough to fulfill his husbandly duties with her, and in such a romantic setting too! "Twould be out privilege and honor as thy wife, to shape creation with thee!"

Confused by her exuberance, he offered her an odd look which given the darkness she couldn't see. "Excuse me?" he asked, wondering why she seemed so eager to start. "Wife, I just thought a little light and something to stand on would be a refreshing change from floating aimlessly about."

"Oh..." she slowly replied, laying her ears back in disappointment. "We thought that thou..."

"Wife, my apology for misspeaking," he said, realizing what his words must have sounded like to her hungry heart.

"Husband, tis we and not thee that owes thee recompense," she said, the bitterness in her voice being palpable. "We wert a foal to think thou hadst any interest in us, especially here of all places!"

"Luna, I didn't mean to offend you, I just..." he said, unsure what he should say next to placate his angry wife.

"Thou just what?" she demanded, staring daggers at him through the darkness. "Wish thou wert married to another mayhaps? One of thy former loves, hmm, or that loose trollop, Minoa?"

"Hey now! I didn't choose this willingly, and you very well know that!" he snapped, feeling his anger rise at her baseless accusations. "Had Celestia..."

Before he could finish, he found himself knocked back from the impact of her front right hoof striking him in anger. "Mine sister had what!" she accused, losing all restraint. "Been the one thou hast married instead?"

Reaching up to his throbbing cheek, he felt his hand grow wet. She had struck him and drew blood, had he been weak it might have been the end of him. Fortunately though, this place had removed all his former frailty and infirmities, allowing him to weather such a blow with ease. He felt his blood run hot as he sharply drew breathe through his nostrils and out through his mouth. It was almost like old times again. Back when he'd been with Lady Zephyr and Suzaku, both of the goddesses had been given to bouts of violence and anger at his steadfast refusal to give them what they wanted. But such spats were always temporary and always ended the same, reconciliation in less then a day. In fact he was fairly certain that was how most of the feathered folk had come to be.

He heard his wife trying her best to hide her tears as she shook and quietly sniffled with her back to him. Knowing what he needed to do, he reached out his hand to placate her. "Luna, I'm sorry," he said, softly stroking his hand along her back between her wings.

Feeling his hand touching her she flinched, afraid of his reprisal. But when none was forthcoming, she relaxed and let him stroke and pet her in silence. Feeling hurt and angry, she refused to look at where she supposed he was. tilting her ears, she heard the ragged sound of his breathing and relaxed. His dexterous hands and nimble fingers felt heavenly against her coat, and she almost thought about forgiving him, but not quite yet.

"Husband, thou hast vexed me sore, with thy unfeeling words," she halfheartedly huffed, unfolding her wings to give his wondrous fingers better access.

For his part he said nothing as he began running his fingers through her silken mane, content to allow her to vent out her frustrations at him. He felt her shudder slightly at his touch, and kept at it. He was sure if she was anything like the others, that soon she would start being reasonable and offer reconciliation for her unprovoked attack against him. Trying to get better access, he found laying against her barrel allowed both his hands easier access. Laying against her, he did his best to placate and assuage his wife's misplaced anger. Soon he heard her happily sigh as he traced his fingers along where he considered her cutie mark most likely was.

"Beloved, wert thou always so gentle and loving..." she lamented, as he withdrew his hands from her.

"Wife... er, Luna," he said, moving her muzzle to face him. "We will be here alone together into the foreseeable future. What you desire from me, I will not give you, but let us at least reside together in peace."

"Verily, beloved," she replied, all the earlier bitterness of her tone having fled. Lowering her head, she touched her horn to his head, signifying her forgiveness.

Tired of the dark, he sighed. "If there was only light enough to see the nose on my face," he grumbled, having had more than his fill of the inky void.

"True, mine love," she agreed, tired of being blind in the darkness and wishing she could see her beloved's face once more. "Couldst I raise mine moon above this desolate place, and bless it with a curtain of silvery light."

"If it was only as simple as that," he said, glad he wasn't alone here in the dark. "To say to the dark, let there be light, and there be light."

"If only, husband," she agreed, feeling her spirits lift at his words. Imagining that they were to be the parents to his unborn world, she raised up her voice, and uttered the words, "let there be light!"

Within moments, the stars within her mane and tail banished the darkness with their gentle, twinkling light. Looking at her, he was amazed by how beautiful and ethereal they made her appear to be. She was as the cloak of night covering the heavens, looking at the starlight reflected in her eyes, he offered her a warm smile before remembering himself.

"How is such a thing done?" he asked, wondering what else they might be able to do within this void.

"Beloved, I simply spoke the words, and it was done," she explained, offering her husband the best explanation she could.

Deciding to test her words for himself, he grabbed hold of her and stretched forth his foot. "Earth, come forth!" imagining there was solid ground waiting beneath his expectant foot. No sooner had he spoken the words, he felt his toes and the ball of his feet touch something hard and unyielding. It was the ground. No sooner had the realization hit him, he felt a downward pull, as both he and his wife fell to the ground.

"Oof," she grunted, rubbing her shoulder with her hoof. Happy to finally be able to stand on her own hooves once more, she offered him a smile of gratitude. "Husband, twould appear our words have power here."

"It appears so, but to what extent?" he asked, gesturing towards the empty nothingness all around them. "The light from your mane is better then nothing, but is scarcely enough to see by."

"Verily, and it wouldst seemeth to us that the ground beneath our hooves is scarcely enough for us to find purchase," she said, looking at her tail which seemed content to billow around and beneath her hooves as if nothing was there.

"I suppose then, we have no alternative," he murmured, resigning himself to what needed to be done.

Opening his mouth, he sang a few bars of a solemn melody. Holding out his hand to her, he gestured to his wife to join him. Listening to his song for several bars, she sang in an alto to compliment his deeper voice. Singing together, the sounds of their music filled the void as his eyes burned with intense green flames and her horn alit with a heavenly blue light. As they lifted their voices together as one in song, the infinite darkness that permeated the void, faded away unto nothingness, as light came to be.

Light and dark, two opposites, each in diametric opposition one to the other, coexisted here in an uneasy truce. Using their song, she shaped and formed the light into a bright orb of power, as he casted the dark into a celestial firmament. Together their song moved the light and dark into a harmonious balance, as each gave way to the other at its appointed time. She saw what they had wrought and nodded to her husband approvingly, though it was an unfamiliar sight, their creation was a thing of beauty.

Noting her approval at his handiwork, he looked away, hoping to hide the blush that was coloring his otherwise pale cheeks. Having been content to allow her to take the lead in separating the light and dark, he started a new verse. His voice rose to new heights as he began singing in a fever pitch. Beneath his feet, earth and stone formed, both high and low, and straight and narrow. Smiling at him once more, she sung in an more even tone, as the space above their heads swirled and agitated, forming heavy clouds and gentle winds. Matching each others tempo, their voices rose together as one to the heavens, causing it to rain.

As it rained down from the heavens onto the dry earth, the deep became sea, while the high became mountains. Thus the twain, husband and wife, had both made heaven and earth, land and sea. He could feel the thrum of this new worlds heartbeat beneath his feet, and approved. She had done well, he could feel it in his bones, the work was finely wrought and masterly crafted. The rain gently fell upon them, running down his beard and her coat in rivulets.

He began circling her, as she intently watched. He sang and she listened. She swayed in time to his song, and began slowly dancing alongside him. Lifting their legs together, the tempo and beat of their song began to increase. With each stomp of her hoof and pound of his foot, plants sprung forth. Lush grass and fragrant flowers bloomed in some places, while untamed forests and wild jungles took root in others. Together, the two danced at a fevered pace, singing of creation and a hundred other things unknown to mortal understanding, and each more wondrous than the last.

All around them, the refreshing scent of newly broken earth and blooming flowers infused the air about them. Spying an apple tree heavily laden with fruit, she plucked one with her magic and offered it to her husband. Pausing a moment to accept her gift, he broke it in two and returned part to her. Biting into the apple's flesh together, they ate together in silence before resuming their song once more. Tossing the cores behind them, hers struck a tree, causing myriad birds to take wing into the air; while his fell into the water, making divers fish to spring forth from the deep.

Tired and winded from their riotous dancing, he laid down on a grass field, and looked up at the sun overhead. Looking to her, he motioned with his head for her to join him. Eager to rejoin her husband, she sat on her haunches alongside him. He said nothing, but spying a stone at his feet he picked it up and tossed it into the distance. Moments later, a badger walked out from the bushes, giving them both a curious look before going on its way. Picking up another he offered her one, and watched as she threw her stone even further. Spying in the distance a hedgehog waddling out from the underbrush, he gave her a bemused smile before throwing another.

They amused themselves, taking turns throwing stones into the wild, watching and waiting to see what would come forth until they'd had their fill. They sat together in silence, enjoying the quiet until the sun began setting. Lying back, he closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of basking in the golden light of the world they'd made.

Feeling her looking down upon him, he opened his eyes, and gave her a questioning look. "Yes, wife, what is it?" he asked, closing his eyes once more.

"Beloved, art thou pleased with what we hast wrought here together?" she said, looking down at his contented face.

Opening his eyes once more, he offered her a slight smile. Sitting up, he gazed over their creation, and pointed out towards the horizon. "From heaven to earth, from sea to land, each is in its place and serves its own purpose," he said, lowering his hand and leaning back. "What we have made here, wife, you and I. It is right and good."

"But, beloved, thou hast forgotten one last thing," she said, offering him a demur smile, and gently nuzzling his cheek.

"And what, wife, would that be?" he cautiously asked, well aware of what she was getting at.

"Shouldst we not grace this land with a tribe to call our good work, home?" she implored, lightly nibbling on his ear. "Surely twould be a shame if none but us might enjoy its plentiful bounty."

"No, wife, I cannot," he said, withdrawing from her advances.

"Then all we hast wrought here, all our grand works wert in vain, and shalt be left to ruin," she lamented, her ears dropping with sorrow at his steadfast refusal to partake at what she'd offered him.

"Then in vain it will be," he coldly replied, standing up and moving away from her.

He was about to say something more, when the sound of thunder cracked above them. Looking up, he saw the last deity he'd ever want to see looking down at him with smirking eyes and wearing a crooked grin, His yellow eyes held a touch of madness within them, as his serpentine body floated effortlessly above them. They both offered the trickster god of chaos a disapproving look as they awaited for the inevitable chaos that invariably followed in his wake.

"So are you two lovebirds enjoying the little wedding gift I arranged for you?" he asked, looking down at the unamused newlyweds.

"Discord..." the Slave King rumbled, ruminating over how best to avenge himself on the draconequus .

"Deceitful trickster," Luna sternly said, looking towards Discord, than her husband, and back to Discord once more. "Fie, hast thou no shame? A pox upon thee for assaulting mine husband, and disturbing the tranquility of our home!"

Discord offered her a teasing grin, as he placed a talon under her chin. "Oh, Luna, you delightful old stick in the mud," he said with small laugh, before quickly withdrawing his talon to avoid being bitten by her gnashing teeth. "Oh, how I've missed your quick wit and sharp tongue."

"Touch us again, liar," Luna hissed through tightly clenched teeth, pointing her horn squarely at him. "And we shalt show thee how sharp our tongue and more canst truly be."

"Oh, princess, that's no way for a respectable member of the Pantheon to behave," he chided her, tsking at her with his talon and paw. "Besides, your hubby and I our the best of friends, so why can't we be as well?"

"Friends, hardly," the Slave King snorted, amused at Discord's idea of friendship. "More like allies of convenience. Your convenience."

"Oh, how your words wound me, old friend," Discord replied, pulling out his still beating heart from his chest, and presenting it to him.

"I believe any balance I owe regarding your timely assistance in that regard, Discord, has been more than adequately repaid," he said, pointing his thumb towards the angry scar on his chest.

"So come now, Slave King, tell me how you've enjoyed my gift celebrating your marriage to the lovely Luna?" Discord asked, surveying the world they'd created together.

"You call being spirited away against your will to an empty void without a word a gift?" he asked, pointing his metal finger at the trickster.

"Slave King, I thought you and the missus might appreciate a proper honeymoon, especially considering what happened between you on your wedding night," he explained, snapping his talons and appearing before them in the same finery he wore to their wedding.

"Discord, return us to my domain this instant," he growled, pointing a metal finger at him.

"No, I don't think I want to, at least not yet," Discord answered, lifting up his muzzle at them in mock indignation.

"That wasn't a request," the Slave King warned, his eyes flaring with power.

"Why ever not?" Luna demanded, equally annoyed with both Discord and her husband. "Thou hast spirited us away for naught but thine own twisted and devilish amusements."

"Perhaps, because the two of you are ingrates," he replied, sticking out his serpentine tongue at her. "I went to all this trouble to provide the both of you a honeymoon you'd never forget, and instead of receiving a thanks for my trouble, all I've heard is nothing but complaints."

"Discord, fine. Thank you for your most thoughtful gift, now return us," the Slave King reiterated, clenching his metal hand into a metal fist.

"I can't, at least not yet," Discord replied, returning to his earlier jovial mood.

"Discord, we art quite through with thy fickle games and half baked schemes," Luna said pointing a hoof accusingly at the trickster. "Return us at once, or we shalt call for a moot and sue thee once we hast escaped thee!"

Rolling his eyes at her threat, Discord offered her a smug grin. "Oh, go on, Princess Moony, sue me at your earliest convenience," he taunted, pulling at his wild goatee. "But I doubt your dear sister could manage a harsher punishment then I'm already suffering under."

Tiring of his antics, the Slave King decided to change his tactics from threats and intimidation, and turned to something else. "So tell me then, friend, this game we must play," he sternly said, lowering his gravely voice to a low rumble. "Tell us, so we can jump through your hoops as quickly as possible, and send us on our way home."

"I can't, not yet, friend," he reiterated, dropping to the ground so he could look them in the eyes. "I wasn't lying when I said they were inquiring after you."

Not sure if her quite believed what he was being told, but knowing that when it came to the draconequus, nothing was beyond the realm of possibility, he nodded once. "Very well, Discord," he said, offering his hand to his wife for her to follow. "Take us to them, for I believe we have much to discuss with those who thought to order the Lord of Earth and Lady of Night about."

"Oh, yes, of course, Slave King, Luna," he said, clapping his talon and paw together in delight. "Oh, this will be so exciting, you'll see!"

Luna offered her husband a look that suggested that she believed Discord had finally lost all reason. "Beloved," she warily said, affectionately nuzzling his side. "Tread carefully when agreeing to take part in his deceitful antics, the knave hast been known to take advantage of those who hast engaged him in good faith."

"Then, wife, should he prove false, we'll have to deal with him together," he said, offering her a wry smile.

"Nothing would give greater pleasure, beloved," she purred, pressing up against him.

"Alright, you two lovebirds, break it up," Discord said, with a teasing smirk. "There will be time enough to get mushy after our little meet and greet."

"Who art we to meet, them mayhaps?" Luna sardonically said, offering the draconequus a sour look. "Pray tell, trickster, where art thy hidden masters hidden away too, all they who hast commanded thee to do their bidding?"

"Oh, you'll see soon enough," Discord cheerfully said, sharply snapping his talons, causing a swirling portal to open before them. "Now come inside so we can finally begin!"

Holding up his hand to make Luna halt, the Slave King stepped towards the portal. "Wife," he said, lightly poking the portal with his metal finger. "I'll go through first, should your concerns prove correct, I'll leave Discord to you."

"Husband, we... I..." she stammered, before moving forward and giving him a tender kiss on the lips. "Be safe, beloved."

"Gag me," Discord said at the sight of them kissing together.

Feeling his pale cheeks flush slightly, he gave Discord a dour look before stepping through the portal. What he saw there made his blood boil. "Luna, don't come it's a trap..." he tried shouted, before being violently knocked into the ground by his wife.

"Forgive us, husband," she said, looking sheepishly at her hooves. "Discord fooled us. Once thou went through the portal. The diabolical fiend caused the portal to expand to gobble us whole."

"Well, wife, I wouldn't feel too bad about if I were you," the Slave King said pointing up over head.

What she saw there were boggled the mind. The Pantheon in its entirety were there, each in their massive elemental forms beating on the walls of what she supposed was their new prison. "Discord," she growled, shedding her earthly form and becoming an entity of pure shadow and silver starlight. Looking down at where the portal once was, she unleashed the full might of her divinity upon it. "Husband, come and join us . Mayhaps we might succeed in escaping, shouldst we work in unison!"

Her words had not gone unnoticed, he saw high above them a massive dragon consisting of naught but smoke and fire seeming to do battle with a large seapony shape of water and mare much brighter then the sun. Each paused their fight for the moment, and turned to look at those who'd intruded upon their war.

"King, you decrepit, witless man-thing!" he heard the flames crackle and roar. "How fortunate for me, that we've managed to meet here today!"

"Lord Ouroboros..." he muttered, giving the elemental form of the Fire Tyrant a dismissive look.

"You'll wish you'd used that balefire I gifted you before this day is through!" he roared, snapping once at his other foes, as he tried readying his attack.

For his part, when the Slave King heard his boasting, he released a dark chuckle. "Oh, Lord Ouroboros, you petulant wurm, when will you ever learn?" he said, clenching his arcanum clad fist into a fist, as he prepared to do battle with long time foe. "If you want a rematch, I'm more then ready to give you a double portion of what I gave you last time."

Releasing a roar of fury, the Fire Tyrant knocked aside all those who were harrying him with his great wings, and span as he dived to assault the Slave King. Release a torrent of smoke and fire from his great maw, the Lord of Fire, prepared to reduce the Lord of Earth to little more than charred embers.

Above them Celestia in the form of a mare of light, and Triton in the form of a seapony of water cried out in unison, "Stop fighting at once, Lord Ouroboros!"

Looking at his surroundings, he saw his wife looking down at him with concern, while Lady Suzaku and Lady Zephyr were rushing through the air to join at his side. Suzaku's flames traveled along Zephyr's wake, as she beat her wings hard. He was about, to drop his own mortal coil so he could enjoin in the battle against the Fire Tyrant, when he was struck from behind by a spear of ice. The moment is hit his back, it splintered into a thousand tiny shards, showering him with a fine icy mist.

"Wicked murderer!" a voice filled with equal parts fury and loss screamed at him. "I, Cerynitis the Rimefrost and Lord of Winter, shall rid our world of your wicked taint, and free my dear moon flower from your vile clutches."

The enraged reindeer launched another three spears of ice in quick succession, before the Slave King could defend himself. This time, each icy weapons found purchase, piercing his back and side with a heavy thunk. The Slave King screamed in pain, as he brought down his metal fist, knocking the ice spears free from his pallid flesh. Turning to meet his ambusher, he saw the Lord of Winter was a one horned stag of immense proportions. Made of ice, and covered with frost that was steaming from the heat of this place. With a hate filled look, he stomped his ice covered hooves, lowered his lone antler, and prepared to charge.

"Take care of Ouroboros, beloved," Luna shouted, before she slammed Lord Cerynitis in the side, much to his shock, dismay, and surprise. "Leave Cerynitis to me!"

More than happy to let his wife deal with her former paramour, the Slave King returned his attention to the fight above his head.
Steeling himself for Lord Ouroboros's incoming onslaught, he saw to his dismay, that Lord Cerynitis's ambush, had provided enough of a distraction to allow the great flaming dragon to nearly grab him with his claws. Leaping out of the way as best he could, he felt his open wounds burn, as his enemies flames licked him.

Knowing he had little time left, if he wished to engage Ouroboros on the ground, the Slave King dropped his mortal form as he leapt out of the way. Growing bulkier and larger, he felt his legs smashing into the great dragon's flaming body, as he attempted to recover his footing before his foe could. Pounding his fully arcanum arm into the earth beneath him, he used the energy from the powerful blow to lift him to his knees, and then his feet. Now fully metal and stone, he was much taller and could see things much easier then he had before.

Luna's horn and Cerynitis's antler were locked, as each struggled to overcome the other. Suzaku and Zephyr, were fighting beak and claw with a giant Lady Minoa, who's godly form was a towering minotaur made up of earth and flowering vines. The Lady of Spring, seemingly discontent in avoiding a fight, had seen fit to draw them into a brawl of her own. Circling overhead, Celestia and Triton were trying their best to regain order over the Pantheon and failing spectacularly, while Lord Ouroboros lay on his side near the Slave King's feet, fully stunned.

Deciding this was a golden opportunity, he drew back his heavy arcanum fist and brought it down as hard he could muster. Lord Ouroboros roared in agony as the mighty blow struck against his flaming hide, causing him to angrily hiss and snap his jaws at his foe. Before the Slave King could land another strike, the Fire Tyrant reached forth and latched onto the Slave King's arm with his sharp teeth and powerful jaws. Fortunately for him, most of the bite was centered on his arm. However a good portion of the dragons teeth were cutting through his stony flesh.

Bellowing in pain, the Slave King grappled with the Fire Tyrant, and tried forcibly opening his enemy's maw to release his arm from his jaws. Using his free arm, he began striking the great serpent in the head with all his might, ignoring the tail striking him and the claws raking his flesh. Surely but slowly, he was beginning to overwhelm his opponent and starting to break the deadlock which held them in a seemingly unending stalemate. But Lord Ouroboros refused to lose against his bitter rival again, not this time. Inhaling deeply, he released a jet of flame and smoke that obscured the Lord of Earth's sight. The moment they struck him, the Slave King stopped fighting as he sought to shield himself from the onslaught of hellfire and brimstone.

Above the quarreling gods, tucked safely away in a corner, the mischievous scion of chaos laughed as he saw the supposedly united Pantheon of Equestria locked in mortal combat with itself. At his side was full box of popcorn, which he was ignoring in favor of eating the box. He looked at his great work and tittered with glee. "Yes, that's it!" Discord shouted, punching the air with his fist. "Dance you puppets, dance!"

"Discord!" Princess Celestia, Lady of Day, and head of the Pantheon roared, shaking the room as her mighty voice overwhelmed the din of his chaos.

"Oops," he said with a small smirk, once he'd been discovered by her. "Time for me to head to stage left to make a hasty retreat."

However before he could make use of his potent chaos magic, he found himself entangled and held fast by magical tendrils of light and water.

"Fiend, you've gone too far this time," Lord Triton, the Lawgiver and Lord of Water said, leveling a stern look at the caught and bound trickster.

"Discord, I believe the Pantheon may need to discuss in length, your future in Tartarus," Celestia said, lowering her horn and pointing it at him.

"Wait, but it's not my fault!" Discord said, getting down on his knees and holding up a crying crocodile to his captors. "Blame the poor schools, blame my parents, blame the universe!"

"Stop this fighting, and I'll see about granting you some clemency for your crimes here today," she said, glaring at him with her lavender eyes. "But this senseless violence needs to stop now."

"Very well, killjoys..." he muttered, disappointed that his fun had ended so soon.

With a snap of his fingers, everyone present had been returned to their mortal forms. Each of them were wounded to varying degrees, and once the shock of having been striped of their elemental forms had worn off, dozens of annoyed, angry, and furious pairs of eyes glared down at the trickster god.

"Discord, what do you have to say for yourself?" Celestia said, tapping her hoof impatiently as she awaited his explanation.

"Would you believe I simply missed being around you guys?" he said, giving them a wide grin.

"Discord!" she shouted, nearly beside herself in anger at his unceasing antics.

"Oh fine, geez," he grumbled, shaking his head that even now, nopony could understand his genius. "Everypony, I've gathered you all here today at their bequest."

"Who?" Triton asked, not sure if he'd heard him right.

"You know," Discord said, bringing up his paw to his muzzle and loudly whispering his response as he pointed to nowhere in particular. "Them, they, those guys."

"Sister, Discord hast obviously lost all sense to madness, and hast finally allowed his mind become transmuted unto wood," Luna said, stomping her hoof in righteous indignation. "This foul beast, he hast abused us and mine husband most horribly. We demand he be cast into Tartarus to join the unmentionable one with all haste."

"My wife feels rather out of sorts at your behavior, Discord," the Slave King said, rubbing his bruised and bleeding shoulder. "And to be honest, I'm inclined to agree with her. You've tormented us for no good reason."

"But, Slave King, you wouldn't just toss out an old friend out on his ear; at least not without giving them a chance to explain themselves first," he said, his eyes transforming into tiny, adorable puppies that whimpered and whined as they plead his case to the lord of Earth.

"Discord, you mentioned something about someone inquiring after me," he said, wondering why the spirit of chaos had gone to all this trouble to simply be caught to face a fate worse then being trapped in stone. "You said you weren't lying, so if you're truly me friend, reveal to us your coconspiritors, the reasons for their interest in us, and what they hoped to gain from our strife and quarrels."

"Give me your word, Slave King, that you'll spare me from Tartarus, and I'll show you all," he bargained, holding out his claw to shake.

The Slave King firmly grabbed the draconequus's claw and shook it. "Everyone, listen well," he said, looking at each of his fellow deities, pausing to making sure he looked both Princess Celestia and Lord Triton in the eye. "I have a pact with Discord, and as the overseer of Cerberus and Tartarus, none may enter it without my express permission. Should he honor our agreement, I'll release him back into Celestia's custody. But should he prove false, I'll leave him to do with, what you will."

Princess Celestia crinkled her brow. Without the Slave King's cooperation, safely imprisoning Discord in Tartarus was impossible. Unhappy but knowing she had no alternative, she nodded her head at the Lord of Earth. "So be it, the moot agrees with your terms," she said, wishing that the Slave King would more willingly follow the will of the Pantheon.

Turning to face him, the Slave King cracked his knuckles and adjusted his cloak. "Discord, you have your guarantee of safety," he said in a tone that brooked no further games nor excuses. "Tell us of these people that seek after us, and why they desired us to fight."

"They... that is, those asking about us, you, me, everypony," Discord said, coughing once and pulling a croaking frog free from his throat. "The best way to describe them would be as silent watchers beyond the veil."

"Like an audience?" the Slave King asked, suddenly not liking where this special form of insanity was taking them.

"Yes, exactly!" Discord agreed with a snap of his claw, causing a red silk curtain to fall in front of a nearby wall. "Basically they have questions, and are expecting some answers."

"Then let them come and ask me themselves," the Slave King growled, glaring at the curtain hanging before them.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Discord whispered, as several spotlights overhead clicked on and showered the Pantheon with their brilliance.

The muffled sounds of an orchestra began playing from behind the curtain, and the Slave King looked down at himself and noticed his ragged clothes were missing and he was now dressed in some sort of black silken suit. Perched on his iron crown, above his head was a strange, tall glossy black hat. He felt a tightness around his neck, and reached out to feel what it was that was attempting to strangle him, and found a thin piece of black silk.

"Discord, what is this?" he demanded, totally confused by his change of attire.

"A bow tie, top hat, and tuxedo, Slave King," he replied, guiding the Lord of Earth to a waiting seat.

Deciding that this was too odd even for him, he sat down in the chair that Discord had provided. Looking to his left and right, he noted that each of his fellow deities were also draped in silken finery and sparkling glamor reminiscent of the clothes they had worn to his inauguration and wedding. He could only thank creation, that no curls were involved this time. The music outside the curtain grew louder as stringed instruments and brassy horns were playing an unfamiliar tune.

Turning to Discord, who he saw was also wearing a silk suit of his own, although in the loudest shade of orange one could possibly imagine, he raised a finger. "And what of the fighting, what possible reason could they have for us to pointlessly battle one another?" he asked, attempting to be heard over the music in the background.

"They called it a versus battle or some such," he answered, as a microphone appeared in his paw. "But I call it one of the perks of the job."

"Discord..." the Slave King grumbled, fidgeting in his strange and uncomfortable new clothes.

For his part, Discord just shushed the Slave King, as the curtain raised to thunderous applause. From his seat, nearly blinded by the bright lights above him, he saw the same faceless crowd that had haunted him from the darkened glass hanging on his wall. The multitude seemed to blend together in a dark mass of indistinguishable faces. He saw their eyes, and scowled. once this farce was over, he promised himself to hunt down each of these vermin so he could administer a proper chastisement and beating for their foolish arrogance in thinking they could ever command a god.

Sitting at a desk with a stack of blue cards at the ready, Discord turned to face the faceless audience. "Tonight's guests, need no introduction," he said, folding his paw and claw together. "From the heavens above to the earth below, these powerful few control every facet of Equestria and beyond. From day and night, to the prime elements and all the seasons, the effects of their unfathomable power is felt."

Pausing for a moment, he turned his head slightly towards the waiting deities. They were here at the very beginning, and even wrote the Law governing all, even over chaos," he continued, lifting his left eyebrow. The Chaos Studio is delighted to welcome the Equestrian Pantheon. Per the usual format, the audience has submitted questions beforeclaw. We ask the audience to please be quiet, so our guests can answer them."

Turning to his guests, he offered them a polite, genteel smile. "Before we start," he said, enunciating each word and syllable with exacting precision. "We want to remind our guests, all questions asked of you must be answered fully and truthfully. It's mandatory."

At this new unexpected and outrageous demand, each member of the Pantheon cast a dark look at their host for his audacity.

Sensing their discontent, Discord pursed his lips tightly together, before giving them a stern look. "Here at the Chaos Studio, we take our interviews very seriously," he said, his menacing tone suggesting malice should they refuse to cooperate. "So without further ado, we'll move to our first question."

"From 111segasonic To the Slave King: Slave King, have you ever encountered an emu or defeated on in glorious combat?"

"What?" the Slave King said, annoyed that he was being asked such trivial tripe and nonsense. Rising up from his seat, he glared at the sea of eyes and faces. "Which of you is this buffoon, 111segasonic?"

After a moment, a lone hand went up.

"Stand up," the Slave King demanded.

The poor soul who'd annoyed the Lord of Earth stood up, trembling beneath his withering gaze.

"No," was all the Slave King said. "Now sit down."

Discord looked towards the Slave King, and back to the audience. Mouthing, Oh my... before moving on to the next question in the pile.

"From nature of force to Princess Luna: Lady Luna, I have a most important question for you. What is your stance on "dark magic?"

Luna turned to Discord and shot him a dirty look before looking out at the audience. "Mr. nature of force, was it?" she said, trying to get her mind around such an odd name. "Shadow magic, also colloquially called dark magic by the ignorant and uneducated, tis a type of magic that at its core mayst be dangerous to use by the unwary and unprepared. Shadow magic tis neither good nor ill, but a tool like any other form of magic. We acknowledge it might be used for nefarious purposes by unscrupulous ponies, but poses no more danger than light magic might in the hooves of the self same villains."

Pulling another card from the pile, Discord read the next question.

"From 111segasonic to Lady Zephyr: Why have you not attempted to befriend a flock of emus? You would gain a very powerful ally if you succeed."

Lady Zephyr removed her talons from the dress draped over her shoulder and thought a moment. "111segasonic, I'm afraid I have no knowledge of these emus you speak of," she said, curious as to what matter of bird they might be, and what matter of aid they could render her in stamping out the slavery that was currently plaguing her people. Are they of the Zebrakan, and do these serve the Zebrakan Pantheon in any capacity? If you know them please advise their leader to send a missive to Autumn. I would be delighted to host their delegation to discuss opening up trade between our two peoples."

Nofeather said anything as a small cough broke the quiet, seeing that nofeather had a follow up question for her, the Maelstrom returned to preening her wings.

Picking up another card, Discord read it for a moment before giving it a look of disgust. "Surprise, another question from 111segasonic."

"From 111segasonic to the Slave King: If your domain is earth, do you have rule over the worms that live in it?"

Rolling his eyes at the pure absurdity of the question, the Slave King clenched his arcanum fist. "I rule over all above and beneath the earth, all is mine to do with as I please," he said with a disapproving harrumph that he was being subjected to such pointlessness. "So obviously the worms within the earth, and all those without like yourself, are under my jurisdiction."

Grabbing the cards, Discord lightly tapped them on the table in front of him before continuing.

"The next question is from Malefactory to the Slave King: How far are you willing to go to get what you want? What kind of man do you think yourself to be? Do you believe your own answers? Does, or would your wife believe them?"

"Finally a question of intellect," he said, pleased he was being spared from any further tomfoolery from idiots. "I believe my past speaks for itself. I'm willing to do whatever needs to be done, but hopefully not much blood will need to be spilt. I am no wayfarer, not anymore. What purpose would lying to myself achieve? As for my wife, she's free to believe whatever she chooses. Her approval or lack thereof on how I conduct my business, is of no concern to anyone but me; and Discord, no further questions, I believe I'm finished here."

He attempted to walk off the stage, when he found his feet stuck fast to the stage.

"I think not, The Chaos Studio has strict polices regarding guests leaving the set early," Discord said, throwing a card behind him, causing reality to break into pieces, before it shattered on the ground like glass.

To his bewilderment, the Slave King found himself back in his seat and chained to his chair.

Seeing that things might devolve into violence if Discord tried something similar with some of the Pantheon's more volatile members, she lit up her horn and summoned some help. From the back of the auditorium the doors opened, revealing an elderly minotaur with a grey coat and greying beard, wearing a conservative dark suit and holding a leather briefcase in his hand. As he approached the stage the orchestra began playing a tune

Stepping up on the stage, the minotaur tipped his hat to Celestia, and handed Discord a business card. "Hello, my name is Dairy Mason, attorney at law," he said, and I believe you're holding my clients against their wills.

Lifting up his talon, Discord was about to say something before thinking better of it.

"Celestia, is he another god?" the Slave King asked, wondering exactly who this newcomer was.

"No," she answered, accepting a piece of paper from the minotaur with her magic. "He's somepony we keep on retainer for situations like this."

"So how exactly is a lawyer going to help?" he asked, pulling on the chains binding him to the chair. "Especially when Discord seems to have all the world on a string."

"Although his power is vast, even Discord has rules he must follow," she explained, signing the document and floating them back into their lawyer's waiting hand.

"Celestia, how much exactly will his services set me back?" the Slave King asked, wondering what the going rate an hour was for defending them from Discord's mixed up insanity.

"Absolutely nothing, Slave King," she answered, much more calm and collected now that the minotaur was on the case. "Payment for his services have already been rendered."

"Yes, by the way of immortality," Dairy agreed, handing the Slave King a document to sign.

"What's this?" the Slave King asked, suspicious of the tiny illegible legalese written on the paper.

"A sworn affidavit stating you're being held against your will," he replied, handing him a quill and pointing towards the bottom of the page. "I require your signature here and here, before we can begin with the proceedings."

The Slave King left a sloppy signature in both places, before returning both the signed affidavit and quill back to his new lawyer. Dairy Mason for his part, inspected the signature, and satisfied it was sufficient, pulled out a metal stamp and notarized the document. Tapping the papers against his hand, he walked over to Discord and handed him the affidavit. Pulling out a pair of glasses, he began reading the document in full.

"Ah ha!" Discord shouted in triumph, handing the paperwork back to the minotaur. "They still have to answer all the questions, it says so right here."

"Yes, it does," Dairy Mason said, placing the documents inside his briefcase. "However my clients are entitled to legal council, and may decline to answer if it's within their rights."

"Very well, councilor," Discord huffed, unhappy that he'd been so easily out maneuvered and thwarted by a mere lawyer, and a nearly mortal one at that.

"Let's continue," the lawyer agreed, sitting beside Celestia as he prepared to take notes of the proceedings.

Unhappy that somepony had put a damper on his fun, Discord frowned as he reached for the next card.

"From ServantOfTheNight to Princess Celestia: Have you ever done anything of serious consequence that you aren't proud of? Also, why do you hate Discord so much? As a follow up - do you love to hate him, or hate that you love him?"

Hearing such a forward question Celestia felt her cheeks heating up. "I'd like to think as the current head of the Pantheon all my judgements have been just," she said, looking to the Slave King momentarily before looking away. "However, regarding the Slave King and his ascension, I allowed my worries for what he might do, push him away from harmony and onto a more destructive path. As for Discord, our relationship is a complex one. There's not time enough to go into great depths, but suffice it to say I do not hate him or anypony for that matter."

"But do you have the hots for me?" Discord interjected, winking as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.

"I've answered the question to the extent I care to," she replied, choosing to ignore his clumsy flirting.

"Alright then, moving on," he answered, picking up another card.

"From warpd to Princess Luna: The sky is deep and it is dark. What lies beyond your flickering stars that brings light to a traveler? Perhaps they light the way for some other soul on a distant world. Also, do you have a home on the moon and if you do would you be willing to take the Slave King there?"

Pleased that somepony had taken an interest in her domain, Luna beamed a radiant smile to the audience. "Methinks, noble warpd, thou must possesseth a warrior poet's heart and soul," she said, allowing her flowing mane to frame her face with its beauty. "What layeth beyond our ocean of stars, we canst not say. But all who desireth and seeketh after succor and good cheer, wilt surely be welcome to sum at our table in fellowship and warm greetings. Of course as our husband, we extendeth an invitation to our beloved to enjoin us at our table to feast and make merriment in jubilation."

Having extended the invitation to her husband, the Lady of Night gave him a hopeful look, only to turn away when she saw he aloof response.

Grabbing another card, Discord pointed towards the Lawgiver.

"Another question from ServantOfTheNight to Lord Triton: How do you think the position of the Slave King would have changed if the Pantheon had not reacted so negatively to his ascension? Given that the Slave King was himself a former slave, does that give him a more legitimate stance on the issue of slavery than yourself? Lastly, is there any evil short of the return of the unmentionable one you can think of that could unite the Order of the Law Givers and the Order of Shadow in common cause?"

Pleased that somepony wished to debate the merits of the law, the Lord of Water offered the audience a polite bow. "Ascensions have always been matters of caution and uncertainty," he explained, pointing up with his fin. "We had no way of knowing if the Slave King meant us good or ill, and I don't believe that any amount of reasoning we offered, would've dissuaded him from the slaughter he had planned for those poor souls who resided in the Diamond Vale. Though the Slave King suffered greatly by the fins of others, it doesn't excuse the evil hes chosen to commit in his pursuit for prosperity for his domain. Lest we forget, all his great works, from the Neo Vale to the Lonely Road were built on the back of stolen lives and squandered youth, broken hearts and the forgotten tears of unfortunate victims. So no it doesn't. He might remember the bite of the whip, but has forgotten the yearning to be free."

Looking to the Slave King, he reached out his fin. "Let it be known to all, should the Slave King desire it," he said with a righteous and benevolent heart. "He need only stay the whips and break the chains, repent, and pursue slavery no more; and I would gladly call him brother and walk at his side in peace and friendship. It's my hope and my desire, that one day the Slave King will throw off the chains and willingly walk the path of harmony."

"Thank you for your long winded response, Lawgiver," Discord said, reaching for the next question on the pile.

"Next we have darkslare to Princess Celestia: What is the funniest thing you have ever seen?"

"Well, back in the first age of ponies I saw Discord and..." she began, before being interrupted by their host.

"I think we don't need to answer that question, Celestia," he said, reaching for another card.

"I really don't mind telling the story," she started, before being interrupted once more.

"No, that really alright, it's a boring story anyway, nopony wants to hear about it," he said, offering her a flinty look.

"Anyways, moving on, Moongaze14 asks Lord Ouroboros: Have you ever married or mated with either Celestia, Luna, Zephyr, Suzaku, or Minoa? "

"That's it?" he asked, slightly offended by the question. "I've struck the down world tree in my anger, slain gods by the score, claimed the Slave King's greatest treasure for my own, and they only want to know how many notches I have etched upon my hoard wall... Very well, mortal, I'll sate your unseemly appetite for salacious filth and disreputable gossip, and I'll tell you which of them I've bedded. Celestia snores in her sleep; Luna's too headstrong a dragoness for her own good, she never attended to her wifely duties as often as she should've; Zephyr was always a feisty one, but like Luna prone to butting heads; Suzaku was fun while it lasted, but she never knew when to let go; and Minoa enjoyed being on top far to much for my liking. Each of them have had the privilege and pleasure of sharing my hoard, but the Slave King is welcome to the lot of them. I've had my fill of them for now."

Seeing the flinty looks the goddesses of the Pantheon were giving the Fire Tyrant, made Discord slightly titter. "It appears, Ouroboros, that it will be a good long while more, before you'll be sharing it with anypony now!" he said with a slight chuckle.

"Bah," he replied, leveling his lone eye at Discord. "They're dragonesses, they've no clue what they really want."

"Whoa ho, everypony, moving on then..." Discord said, grabbing another blue card from the pile.

"ServantOfTheNight asks Lady Suzaku: What is it about the Slave King that won't make you let go? Surely there are other, less callous men who could attract your attention, men who actually want you around? Have you considered maybe women are your speed?"

Hearing the question inquiring about her feeling towards the Slave King, Suzaku bright red plumage grew even redder. "The Slave King's a unique feather, unlike anyfeather else I've ever known," she said, looking longingly at her former love. "Love, it's so odd that way. What might make somefeather else's heart go all aflutter, might do nothing for you. Where you might see a cold unfeeling feather, I see somefeather hurting, desperately needing to be loved. I love him greatly, and probably always will."

Hearing her words, the Slave King looked away from her, clearly uncomfortable with her revelation.

"But as far as my willingness to share my nest with the fairer sex..."she said, giving Lady Zephyr and Princess Luna a flirty smile. "I'll leave that to your apparently oversexed imagination."

"Meow," Discord quipped, throwing the card behind him and making it explode into a shower of plushie cats and confetti.

"Next, we have a question from Triv_ to Princess Luna: After your husband recovers his strength do you think he'll continue looking to you for aid (when and if he admits he needs it)? Also on a different note, Have you though about what children with you husband would look like? What would you call them?"

Still blushing from Suzaku's innuendo, Luna tried her best to hide her flushed face from everypony else. "Our husband, thanks to Discord's wedding gift, hast fully recovered," she said, looking to her husband and offering him small smile. Although a proud stallion, we knoweth he valueth wisdom no matter its provenience. As for our future foals, we knoweth not what they shalt be. We only knoweth that we shalt loveth them with all the tenderness of our heart. Tis our desire and hope, mine husband wilt feeleth the selfsame within his bosom towards fatherhood, once he hath held our foal to his breast. As for our first foal's name, we wouldst think Morning Star might be best. For like brightness of the morning star, so to does mine love burn for mine beloved."

"Do you wish to respond to your wife's comment Slave King?" Discord asked, stretching out his paw to the Lord of Earth in invitation.

"The question wasn't addressed to him, Discord," Dairy Mason said, looking at how uncomfortable his client had become. "You're under no obligation to answer if you don't wish."

"I have nothing to say," the Slave King said, looking away from his wife and the audience.

"In that case, we're moving on, everypony," Discord announced, taking the next card and lightly tapping it on the table in front of him.

"From Moongaze14 to Lord Triton: What's the Suzaku special that you were offered when you pretended to be one of your subjects? Also, why do you and your female knights abstain from carnal relationships while the male knights visit the brothel once they achieve the majority of age?"

The Lord of Water gave the audience an uncomfortable look. "First I want everypony here to know, I'm not one given to frequenting brothels," he said, puling out a finkerchief from his suit's front pocket to wipe his brow. "The Suzaku special if I remember correctly, is a degeneracy consisting of seven mares of your choosing, usually from different tribes, to attend to a series of obscene acts of lewdness that's been known to last a day or more. It costs a ransom, and should, in my personal opinion, not be sought after by anypony. Such acts of base carnality, are beyond the pale, they leaden the mind and sicken the spirit."

"Choosing to be virtuous and chaste, is right and proper. As their leader, it's left to me to be the exemplar. To lead the way and light the path. How can I ask my people, to be good and pure, if such is beyond my own actions. The good mares who've chosen to follow in my wake, and chosen chastity over licentiousness, are my joy. Once they've chosen a stallion worthy of their affections, its my delight to see them joined to their new spouses. As for my knights seeking after pleasures of the flesh, I've found forbidding it an exercise in futility. I would of course wish everypony would abstain in seeking after carnality, in favor of virtue. But I recognize not all can be as virtuous as I. So I only ask they be temperate, and should accidents arise to do the honorable thing by the mare."

Saying nothing, Discord pulled the next card from pile.

"Alright the next question is from Rune Dancer to the Slave King: To the great lord, the Slave King, to what do you attribute the dubious honor of being the most trying of matters in thine long lived life? And dost thou remember thy homeland fondly?"

Rolling his eyes at the flowery prose of the question, the Slave King mulled the question over in his mind. "You needn't try sucking up to me with the fancy words, Rune Dancer, I get enough of that from my unceasing stream of weekly petitioners," he said, straightening his suit. "As for the question, I'm not sure I understand it. Are you asking me what the most annoying thing in life is, or saying that I'm the most aggravating thing in someone else's? As for your other question, not really. I mean I remember some things, but others are a bit of a blur. Sometimes I can recall inconsequential details about my former life, and other times nothing. It really just depends."

Pulling another card from the dwindling pile, Discord read its contents before continuing.

"This question is from Moongaze14 to both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna: I have a question for you. How were the pony tribes and the Zebras were created? Also, have any of you taken a mortal lover before? Along with a followup question; did you have any mortal or immortal lovers that are known in legend? Also, how come the two of you are the only deities that have siblings?"

Celestia looked to her sister, and with Luna's approving nod moved to speak. "I'll answer the first question, in the beginning we were alone. It was a lonely existence, but one day Discord shared with us a secret, the Song of Creation. With it, my sister and I brought forth our ponies into the world. Their creation brought us such joy, that we felt moved to share it with the others. I can't speak for my sister, but I love all my ponies, and those who've chosen to love me in turn, I happily took under my wing."

Wishing to answer the rest, Luna addressed the audience. "We believeth that disreputable cur, Lord Ouroboros, hast already answered thy rude inquiry if either of us hast taken a lover. Shouldst thou inquire of our kin on the Pantheon, we art sure thou wouldst hear similar tales told of their former paramours. As to being the only sisters on the Pantheon, that is a falsehood. Each of us here art either brother or sister to the other. We art an extended and tumultuous clan to be sure, but still family none the less."

"Does that mean I'm still invited to the family reunion, Luna?" Discord asked, with a slight chortle.

"Yea, thou deceitful liar," she agreed, cocking her brow. "Thou shalt provide a roost for the birds."

"Yeesh," Discord murmured, throwing the card to the side.

"Okay, next question is from darkslare to myself: Is their any place you would rather be as a statue, instead of Londwhinium's gardens?"

"An eggcellent question if I don't say so myself," Discord chuckled, holding up an oversized egg in his paw, which promptly cracked open, allowing a miniscule Discord to pop out onto the stage. "And wouldn't you know it everypony... I did! So here's the answer my friends, no. Sure a change of scenery might be nice from time to time, but eventually it would turn to the same predictable boredom. But if I were to be moved from Londwhinium, I couldn't keep my eye on my favorite pony princess now could I?"

"I'm your favorite, Discord?" Celestia asked, surprised and slightly blushing at his compliment.

"No, of course not, Celestia," Discord answered, snapping his talons and making a fluffy pink dress, tiara, and scepter appear on him. "I'm my favorite pony princess."

With a snap of his talon, the other miniscule Discord and all the princessly trappings he was wearing disappeared into the aether.

Picking up several cards from the pile, he let out a low whistle. "Alright, everypony, were getting a threefer, it looks like the next several questions are from Moongaze14, for both Lady Suzaku and Lady Zephyr."

"To Suzaku, are there deities or mortals that you bedded in particular that you have a soft spot for? Also, have you ever "loved" a female before, like Zephyr? Finally, how much do you enjoy the affective nature of Rey? To Lady Zephyr, why did you create that ritual about male griffins having to mate with you in order to marry outside the clan? Is it to keep the genes within the clan or was it a test of character to see if they would rather be loyal to their mate? And lastly, to Zephyr and Suzaku, was the childbirth of your children difficult?"

Tittering at the question, Suzaku used her wing to cover her beak. "Zephy, love, I think some mortals are rather preoccupied with our love lives, don't you think?" she asked, with a playful grin.

"Zuzu, they're almost as bad as the griffins back at the Golden Eyrie," she said, resigning herself to answering such intimate questions. "Dairy, can we skip this one?"

The attorney looked up from the newspaper he was reading and shook his head. "Sorry, Lady Zephyr, questions regarding personal relationships are fair game," he said, licking his finger and turning to the next page.

"Damn, Alright then, fine," she sighed in defeat, wondering where these feathers were getting their gossip from.

"To answer your question, you naughty mortal you," Suzaku said, wearing a cheeky grin. "I think my favorite playmate of all time would have to be my dear friend Zephy. And I believe that answers your other question, love. Dairy, I'm going to have to remain silent regarding the rest."

"Yes, you're fine not answering it," the minotaur agreed.

Placing her beak in her talon, Zephyr groaned. "I guess you're referring to the rite of Prima Noctis," she said, blushing slightly. "Ages ago I was rather more wild then I am now. Under the pretense of wishing to keep my griffin clans strong, I'm afraid I took advantage of my position to enjoy the virility of my people. Of course, the rite is a privilege also granted to the head of each city and village. But you're right in thinking its used as a test of their love."

"Dawson wasn't too difficult to carry," she said, remembering the pregnancy of her son. "Zuzu, did Aria and others give you any trouble?"

"Oh, no," Suzaku said, beaming at the memory. "My girls were nothing but a joy to carry. My only regret is we didn't have more."

Hearing her desire, the Slave King grunted in disapproval.

"Oh, don't be like that, my love," she teased, blowing the Lord of Earth a kiss. "Perhaps next time we can try for a son, with Luna's permission of course."

"Wow, it's getting hot in here," Discord said, as his bow tie spun and steam shot out from his ears. "Lets move to the next question, everypony."

"From glycose to the Slave King: If humanity finally becomes aware of Equestria in full extent, not just of the occasional straggler getting lost in Equestria, and finally arrives, what side will you pick? A Human conquistador? A Human gone Native, and rebelling? A diplomat, or a researcher, or even just a civilian, trying to subdue military escalation as both sides seize each other up?

"Discord... just who exactly are asking these questions?" the Slave King asked, wondering how and why they possessed such knowledge.

"Like I already said, them," he replied, waiting for the Slave King to answer.

"Very well, should humanity or wayfarers as they are known here, arrive en masse," he said, choosing his words carefully. "It would be most likely an invasion. They might approach us with arms wide open, but you can be sure at least one of their number will have a hidden knife at the ready to try stabbing us in the back, should things not go their way. The others will have to make their choice, as for myself, I decline to comment any further."

"You're within your rights to do so, Slave King," Dairy Mason agreed.

"Up next, we have a question from Rune Dancer to Princess Luna: If there is one wish you could make that would come true, what would it be and how much are you willing to give."

After thinking for a moment, Luna's face brightened. "Our one great heartfelt desire, would be to convince our husband the purity of our intentions and the longing of our heart for him," she said, looking to the Slave King with sorrow in her eyes. "But couldst we only convince him that we art faithful and true, we wouldst dedicate all our nights to his happiness forevermore."

Saying nothing at her words, the Slave King tightly gripped his knee, before looking away.

Grabbing another blue card, Discord flicked it back and forth against his paw, before reading it.

"From KnightofZaku to Celestia: Do you have any concerns that some heavy consequences may happen from having your sister marry the Slave King?"

Celestia looked at the sullen and silent Slave King, and then to her dewy eyed sister. "I can only hope the both of them find happiness together," she said, placing her wing protectively around her younger sister's shoulder. "In time, I know he will finally become whole again. Beyond that joyous occasion, I'm unsure what else of consequence might occur."

"Next we have warpd to the Slave King: How much does this world's inhabitants (gods included) know about the world that you and other travelers hail from? Humans have been mentioned a few times, but it has been fleeting information surrounded with mystery. Speaking of home, would you go back if you could? Not as a permanent stay as you have so too much that ties you here, but just to see the home world once more. Who knows, perhaps Earth hides deities of their own that have been hiding beyond the veil of human eyes."

"Discord, that's another odd question I think," the Slave King said, wishing this interrogation would end. "Only one other knows of whence I came. The Winding One, and although he's been silent on the matter, I'm fairly certain he's to blame for my coming here. "Yes, wayfarers have found themselves in Equestria from time to time. I've made a point of collecting them before they come to harm. My home is here now, but would I go back if I could. Hmm... Probably not, I've changed too much. I'm afraid I'm far too alien, too foreign to find welcome in that homeland. Equestria and that place weren't meant to mix. I know not if gods are watching over them, but if there are, may they be benevolent ones."

"Friend, I never realized you were so sentimental," Discord said, reaching for the next card.

"Discord, you know nothing," he rumbled, folding his arms in front of him.

"Our next question is from ServantOfTheNight to Lord Ouroboros, and he asks: So far it seems like the only dragons around have been colored dragons - what about metallic dragons, if they exist what do you think of them and if not why not make them? Also, do you think pony culture can change the nature of dragons raised among them? And why do you think the Slave King would ask for such a demand?"

The Fire Tyrant derisively snorted at the question. "What foolishness, of course their scales are colored," Lord Ouroboros spat, annoyed at being asked something so obvious. "Dragons with metal scales would have color as well, but none of my children that I know of possess them. Why, are you aware of some? If so, send them to me, that I might judge their worthiness to be called dragons. The great calamity which has fallen my people, courtesy of that foul man-thing, has devastated the great dragon clans. Instead of raising proper dragons. Celestia has seen fit to reduce their status to nothing more then pets. They know nothing of their heritage, or their noble lineage. In the end, she raises not proud dragons, but weak mewling ponies wearing the skin of wurms. My people's future has been impoverished by his cruelty, and the world is worse off for it. As for his reasons, I know not, neither do I care. But one day, he will suffer for it as greatly I have, I so swear it."

"Thank you for your answer, Lord Ouroboros," Discord said, tugging on his collar and reaching for another card.

"Looks like I have another question, from Moongaze14; What crimes did the god from Tartarus committed to be sent to the Pit?"

"Oh you mean, Tiroc?" he said, before the censors could bleep him out. "Old Tir... er, I mean the unmentionable one, was being a regular brute, bully, and an all around incorrigible scoundrel."

"Unlike yourself, Discord?" Celestia said, pointed out that he fit that description to a tee.

"Celestia, I'll have you know my incorrigibleness is a part of my charm," he smugly said, slicking back his mane. "But as for the unmentionable one, his brutish ways were getting in the way of my plans for Equestria. Hence I had to remove him from the picture. Of course I couldn't just off him. My poor constitution could never handle violence, and to bloody my talon and paw in such a manner. Heaven forbid. So I hatched upon a clever scheme to rid us of his overly red posterior for all time, and there you have it. "Bleep is trapped in Tartarus, and I am not."

"Mr. Discord," Dairy Mason said. "I'll remind you that once your little game is up, it's back to the Londwhinium gardens for you.

"Well relative freedom in my case," Discord replied, throwing the card behind him and reaching for another. "But anything is better than Tartarus."

"Let's see, looks like our next question is from darkslare to Princess Luna: Are their any common themes to the dreams of the mortals of the world?"

"Verily," Luna agreed, eager to share her interests. "Many mortals dreameth of the hidden things they desire. Be it riches, love, or renown. Many seek after what they suppose maketh them the happiest. So they dream of fair beauty in their hooves, fame and adulation, or wealth without measure. like most indolent and idle desires, their dreams are without depth and are quite shallow. But ever so often, a mortal dreameth of pure things of great import and substance, such art my favorite, and blessed be are those who dreameth them."

"So than, Luna, what do you dream about?" Discord asked.

"Our dreams, like thine, are each our own," she said, chastising him for seeking after things he had no business knowing. "None have a right to intrude upon them, least of all thee, wicked deceiver."

Looking at the dwindling stack of blue cards, Discord grabbed the next question.

"From Moongaze14 to the Slave King, and no surprise what they're asking about; Slave King, I have a question for you. Is it weird for you that Sapphire wants to mate with Ignatius despite being siblings? Other than Zephyr and Suzaku, do you have any particular lover that you remember ever since your ascension as the Slave King?"

"Discord, why are all these questions mainly asking about sex?" the Slave King asked, as the rest of the Pantheon murmured together their displeasure at being asked such intimate questions in agreement.

"Hey, everypony," Discord argued, throwing up his paw and claw in surrender. "I'm only reading the questions that were submitted. It's not my fault that everypony seems more interested in who's seeing who, rather then the current trade war going on between the Zebrakan and Marelantis, or the recently uncovered bribery scandal involving the Shadehoof Triumvirate governing council."

"What!" the Slave King nearly shouted, furious he was just hearing about the scandal here, and by Discord of all people.

"Oh don't worry about it, Slave King, nopony else knows either," Discord cheerfully said, puling on his silk coat. "But stop stalling, time to answer the question."

"Regarding the question, no, it's not," the Slave King said, giving Discord a sour look. "With but three dragon-halfs and over thirty dragonesses, there's little room for what might be considered traditional morality. What they choose to do together is between them, and them alone. As for women I've shared my bed with, years ago, there was a gentle bitch who seemed quite taken with me. Over the course of a decade, she'd somehow collected nearly a hundred tokens granting her favors from me. She used them all, requesting a place in my bed."

"We certainly hopeth, husband," Luna icily said, giving the Slave King a withering look. "That thou shall not engage thy subjects in such carnality in the future,"

"Should they bare a token, and make the request, I cannot deny them," he answered her. "In the South, that is the law."

Hoping to break up their squabble, Discord reached over and picked up another card.

"This next question is from ServantOfTheNight to Princess Luna: Why did you want to be in a relationship with the Slave King, knowing how abrasive and cold he could be? That said, would you care if Celestia had wanted to share him with you?"

Luna bit her lip as she looked to the Slave King. "In deed, dearest husband, why shouldst we?" she asked, still feeling miffed at his refusal to deny his subjects further access to his bedchambers. "However, beloved, though thou might be like a diamond in the rough, we see within thy soul the brilliance that lies beneath. We need be but patient, and er long, our long suffering shalt one day be reward. As for thy other rude inquiry, our sister knoweth better then to broach such. Celestia respects our union, and wouldst do nothing to ever endanger or encroach upon it."

"Thank you, Luna," Discord said, pulling two cards from the pile.

"Our next two questions are nearly identical; from KnightofZaku and Triv_ to Lady Suzaku: Are you terrified of what may happen to you or your kingdom when the Slave King discovers what you've done? Do you think the Slave King will be willing to listen to you if he ever finds out about you know what?"

Hearing the questions, Suzaku looked a little unsettled as she peered at the Slave King, to see his reaction. "I'm afraid I must decline to speak, and refer to council," she said, nervously pulling on her feathers.

After thinking for a moment Dairy Mason nodded in agreement. "Seeing as the questions being asked are rather sensitive, you may pass," he said, writing something down on a legal pad.

"Sorry, but seeing her reluctance," Discord said, reaching for another card. "I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

"It appears the next question is from Moongaze14 to the Slave King: How many different types of beast folk exist in Equestria and with whom did you sire each tribe?"

Upon hearing the question he scowled. "I have no children, none, not anymore," the Slave King said, adamantly refusing to admit the truth. "But regarding the beast folk tribes, there are but four. The dragonhalfs, who sprung up from the Earth and Fire Domain border; the kolbolds, who descended from the unions between wayfarers and the diamond dog bitches who lusted after them; the feathered folk, the fair daughters of Lady Suzaku and must have been many prolific pairings with her wayfarer lovers; Dawson the griffinhalf, son of Lady Zephyr and her unknown wayfarer consort."

"Really, Slave King, you're still peddling that tripe," Discord deadpanned, completely unconvinced by his words. When the Slave King refused to answer, he grabbed another two cards from the dwindling pile. "Alright then, moving on, our next questions are from Rune Dancer and Moongaze14 to Melody the Yellow, of all ponies!"

"Discord, forcing us to play is one thing, but involving mortals in your tomfoolery isn't right," the Slave King said, objecting that his servant, Melody the Yellow would be forced to dance on the trickster's string for his amusement.

"Then what if she agrees?" Discord asked, looking towards Dairy Mason. "Would it be alright then?"

"I'll allow it," Dairy said, before pointing at him. "But, Discord, if she refuses, it's back she goes."

"Of course, of course, I'm not a monster after all," he agreed. With a snap of his finger, Melody the Yellow, appeared on the stage with a small flash and a bit of pink smoke.

"Wha... where am I?" she asked, confused for a moment, before seeing her mother, Luna, and the Slave King behind her. "Mother, King Daddy!"

Without another word, she rushed to both Lady Suzaku and Luna, giving them both a heartfelt embrace.

"Mother, where am I, and why are you dressed like this?" she asked, examining the beautiful dresses they each wore.

"Fear not, daughter," Luna said, returning her embrace. "Thy mother and we art under Discord's hold until he hast exhausted all his fun with us. We art not in any risk of bodily harm nor grave peril. The only danger we face tis bruised egos and embarrassment."

"Yes, Melody," Suzaku agreed, giving her daughter an affectionate peck on the cheek. "Discord wants to ask you some questions, you're free to refuse. If you do you'll be returned from where he whisked you away."

"Okay, I'm game, Discord," Melody said, looking down regretfully at her own rather plain traveling clothes. "But I'll need a wardrobe change."

"Okay, fine," he said, snapping his claws, and transforming her sturdy clothes into an elegant evening gown. Wolf whistling appreciatively at her, he clapped a few times, before inviting her to sit down in a chair he'd made appear from the aether.

"Your first question, Melody, is from Rune Dancer: What is your favorite tale to tell or song to sing for your lord?"

Thinking for a moment, Melody withdrew her lute from her back and began strumming a few notes and opened her mouth to sing.

Did I ever tell you, I love you?

Over hill and dale, or sailing across the sea.

Beneath the golden sun, as if warms the day.

Basking in the moon's silver light, as it guards the night.

Did I ever tell you, I love you?

Did I ever tell you, I love you?

Rising to meet the day, or drifting off to sleep.

Breaking bread to end the fast, enjoying it as if it might be the last

Resting beneath the golden oak, or hiding from the rain.

Did I ever tell you I love you?

Did I ever tell you I love you?

In grandest of victories, or bitterest of defeats.

Leaning against you, and you against me.

As the day ends, and shadow nears.

Did I ever tell you I love you?

For I do, I love you.

"Thank you," she said, with a slight bow as she put away her lute.

Once the song had ended, Discord whistled and loudly clapped his talon and paw together. "Bravo!" he cheered. "Such talent, Melody."

"Oh, thank you," she said, beaming at his praise.

"Alright, Melody, here's the next question. It's from Moongaze14 to you: Have you ever had a lover before?"

"Oh, wow," she said, fanning herself. "That was awfully direct."

"That question was tame, compared to some of the other questions they asked us," Suzaku said, reassuring her daughter.

"Okay, if they absolutely must know," Melody tittered with embarrassment. "Not yet, but one day I hope! Why do you ask Moongaze14, wondering if I'm single so you can woo me yourself?"

"Sorry, Melody," Discord said, reaching for the next card. "They can look but not touch."

"Oh, pooh," she said, sorry that she couldn't meet her suitor.

"But here's another question for you from KnightofZaku, and he wants to know: What would be the first thing you'd ask for when your father finally acknowledges you?"

When she heard the question, she went quiet. "I... I don't know," she murmured, wiping her reddening eyes with a handkerchief. "Only to let him know, that I never gave up hoping that one day he would love me as much as I love him."

"Oh, how touching and moving," Discord cried, as buckets of water fell onto the stage from his yellow eyes. After a moment, he cut the waterworks as he pulled another question from the pile.

"Our next question is for the Slave King from Triv_: Do you think you will ever acknowledge your children as...well, yours? Do you want to? What's your opinion on Sombra's recent actions?"

Looking at Lady Suzaku and then Melody, the Slave King shook as he cast his eyes to his feet. "I wish to pass," he softly said, rubbing his hands lightly together.

"Sorry, Slave King," Dairy Mason apologized. "You've got to answer the question."

Releasing a heavy sigh, the Slave King nodded in acquiescence. "I have no children," he replied, refusing to look at Melody as she fought back her tears. "If I had any, I... I... might tell them, I loved them."

Closing his eyes, and trying his best to recompose himself, he focused on the second half of the question. "Sombra knows the price should he betray me or abuse the crystal ponies," he said, feeling his anger rise at the thought of being betrayed by Second's unicorn lackey. But he was always a responsible soldier, so I'm sure his administration over the crystal dominion is going smoothly."

"And as a follow up to the last question," Discord said, giving him a chance to collect his thoughts. "Lord Despair asks: You are a former slave yourself, why do you allow others to fall under it's chains? Will you will ever acknowledge your children as...well, yours? Lastly if '"a god'' from the human world pops up would you welcome him/her in open arm(s) or let them suffer the Earth's wrath?"

"I fail to see how one has to do with the other," he replied, pulling on his greying beard. "Why should I be under any greater scrutiny then any other? They cry how can you do such an injustice, but never have any words for the others who profit from the trade. I ask you this, where is the censure and repudiation for their sins, for their misdeeds? I believe I've already answered regarding any of my supposed children. As for your last point, should a foreign god come creeping into my territory, I would politely show them the door. I have no need of foreign religions poisoning the minds of my subjects."

"Alrighty then, it looks like the next question is for little ole moi," Discord said, reading from the next card.

From ServantOfTheNight to Discord: What is it about ponies that you love enough to accept imprisonment? As an aside, have you ever tried to romance Celestia?"

"What's not to love about ponies?" he said, holding up a plushie pony in his paw. "See how adorable they are? Their pettable manes, their bright, wonder filled eyes, their cute scrunchable snouts, soft furry bellies constantly in search of tum tum rubs. If spending a bit of time in a timeout is price for enjoying their company, then I say it's a price well paid. Besides they have to catch me before they can send me away again. As for Celestia, well that boat's long since sailed, hit a reef, caught fire, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. In case you didn't know, she's not that fond of me."

Pulling one of the last few cards, he placed it down in front of him. "Our next question is another from ServantOfTheNight to the Slave King: Why did you never try to populate your demesne with humans, assuming you had the power to do so? Also, why import human technology to this realm but not human philosophy? Are there no great human philosophers you admire, or would want to hold up as examples of your people's worthiness above the other races?"

Mouthing why me to himself, the Slave King leaned back in his seat. "Adding an additional population of anyone, let alone wayfarers, has never been an objective of mine, the ones I own, are population enough to rule over," he said, tapping his metal finger against his leg. "Why introduce technology and not philosophy you ask? For much the same reason why I desire the tools and not the people. I believe its been said, that there are more things in heaven and earth, ServantOfTheNight, then has been dreamt in their numerous philosophies. If it's wise and worthwhile, I'm sure somebody, somewhere will eventually say it. If not, its no small loss. Instead of seeking answers from others, I think my people will profit more from discovering it for themselves."

"I'm sure Lord Raiden would disagree with you, Slave King," Discord said, reaching for one of the few remaining cards left.

"Then the esteemed sage is free to go poking about the ley lines if he's so inclined," the Slave King retorted, thoroughly annoyed when he thought of the infuriating kirin.

"Our next question is from Moongaze14 to Princess Celestia," Discord said, pointing towards her. "Unsurprisingly, he's asking about you know what."

"To Celestia: What happened during the First, Second, Third, and Fourth ages of Equestria? Also, was there any reason as to why the gods were so amorous during the first age? Finally, what happened to the heroes that confronted the Slave King?"

"Fourth age?" she asked, wondering why he thought she might foreknowledge of things to come. "I'm sorry, I'm no seer or astrologer, so if you wish to know portents of the future, i can only suggest you inquire about them from Lord Raiden. As for the other earlier ages, I'm happy to explain. In the first age, creation and the gods came to be. It was a time of chaos and violence, where the strong preyed upon the weak, and murder was more often then not the solution to all problems. In the first age came the Law, and with it an end to the chaos.:

"In the second age we supposed we had achieved a golden age of prosperity, but we were wrong. Greed and wickedness overran Equestria. Wars and the rumors of wars were all anypony could think of, and it wasn't until the Slave King joined our number, that a true lasting peace came to be. And for the peace he helped us forged, I'll be forever grateful to him. The current age, the third, notwithstanding the odd skirmish has been a relatively one. This long lasting peace has allowed everypony to enjoy prosperity, that I hope will last into the foreseeable future."

"The reasons for our behavior during the first age I can only blame on the foibles of youth," she continued. "We were young and reckless. We cared more for satisfying our selfish urges and monstrous appetites, then caring for what others desired. But I like to think we've changed over the years to the better, for the most part. As for Clover and his friends, I'm happy to say they all lived long and happy lives. Clover was the Londwhinium regent for many years, his contributions cannot be understated. Shanks stood steadfastly alongside his friend until the day he passed. Many of descendants currently live happy and prosperous lives in Equestria mining for gems to sell in the Londwhinium markets."

"Shaw and Showboat married and had a wonderful family of hippogriffs. In fact," Celestia said, recounting the tale. "Their bloodline is still strong, and most of their descendents live in the city of Cloudsdale. True to his word, after his first renewal, the Slave King rose a large island in the Western Sea. Carrying the body of his beloved master, Sir Stouthorn, to be buried there, Seafoam returned to Marelantis, ensuring everypony heard the story of how Sir le Boeuf Stouthorn, the chivalrous, of the Most Illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver, defeated Lord Ouroboros in single combat and stopped the Slave King from enacting his revenge. In the end, those two became the most celebrated knights of the Lawgiver to ever give the oath. But I'm sure Lord Triton could tell their tale much better than I."

"No, Celestia," the Lawgiver said, wiping his eyes with his fin. "Your story was magnificent, my lady, a true masterpiece."

"Why thank you, Lord Triton," she said, blushing slightly.

"Next question is from glycose to the fiery hearten clone of Slave King... who?" Discord asked, slowly scratching his head in confusion.

"Fiery hearten clone?" the Slave King asked, the flames in his eyes slowly increasing in intensity. "Discord, who is that?"

"Uh, forget I said anything..." he nervoudly said, moving to get up out of his seat.

Unsuccessful in his attempts in breaking the chains binding him to his chair, the Slave King tried pulling his seat free from the floor. "Read the question to me, now," he said in a low murderous growl.

"Heh, heh heh. Now, Slave King, let's not be too hasty here," Discord weakly said, laughing nervously while looking at the bolts holding the chair fast to the stage, and thus the Slave King at bay. "Okay, okay, fine. Here it is: Why pick the domain of earth to right the wrongs of world? Why not corral support for your cause in neighboring provinces? Why take on the behemoth by yourself?"

"That sounds like the drivel an abolitionist rabble-rouser might say," he said, angry that like the earlier news of scandal in Shadehoof, he was just now learning of this fool upstarts desire to upset things in the South. "Clone, your days are numbered..."

Hearing the dark oath he uttered against her darling Elrey, sent a shiver through Suzaku's tail feathers. She was determined that she wouldn't rest until he was hidden away, ensconced in her Summer Palace, where the Slave King couldn't reach him.

Hoping to break the tension, Discord reached for one of the few remaining cards. Reading it, he shook his head at its inappropriate contents. "The next question is for Jormungandr, but seeing as he's not here, I'll leave it up to the Pantheon to answer."

"From ServantOfTheNight to the Winding One: Is Princest wincest?"

"What! Tis nothing but vile scandal and obscene gossip. How dare they insinuate we wouldst lay with each other like dumb beasts of the field," Luna shouted in outrage, furious these peasants had the audacity to make jest of such base and salacious things between she and her sister. "This wilt not stand! Do you hear us, ServantOfTheNight. We shalt avenge ourselves upon thee and thy cohorts for possessing such a vile depraved tongue, that hast slandered us so!

"Technically, Luna, it's libel not slander," Discord pointed out, tossing the card behind him to explode into a shower of pink smoke and rubber ducks.

"Oh!" she huffed in anger, stomping her hoof in frustration at suffering such indignities from a faceless mob.

"Alright, everypony," Discord said, holding up the last remaining card. "This is the final question of the evening!"

"This question is from warpd and he's asking this of everypony here: Will there come a time, when great powers like yourselves are not needed in this world? When mortals break through the glass ceiling and expand to the heavens. Travel boldly where no being has gone before.

"I think I'll go first," he said, flinging the card out into the audience. "My answer is no. The very idea of chaos not existing, why it makes my stomach turn. So if I have to choose between the mortals leaving Equestria behind for greener pastures, or staying behind to keep me company, I'll do what i can to throw a spanner into the works. After all, a world without Discord is one that not worth living in. With that being my answer, I'll turn the question over to Celestia to answer next."

Princess Celestia shook her head at the draconequus's selfishness. "Although it might hurt at first, nothing would please me more knowing that should something happen to me, my little ponies will able to take care of themselves," she said, wearing a benevolent smile. "Eventually all foals must leave the safety of home in search of their own destinies, I only hope that when that time comes for us, my ponies will allow me to walk beside them on their journey into the unknown."

"Thank you, Celestia. Luna, it's your turn now," Discord said, rhythmically thrumming his talons on the desk.

"Ah, yes, typical mortal arrogance," she said, still slightly miffed at the prior insult she'd suffered through. "We disagree with our sister. If we dost not move the heavens, then who wilt. Always seeking to run before thou canst walk, thou seeth thyself as our equals, yet lack our wisdom. And shouldst thou by some miracle of invention steal away from us, we knowest before er long, without a strong hoof to guide thee, thou wilt seeketh out a yoke of iron and willingly place it upon thy own necks to the detriment and great sorrow of thee and thine future line. So we say unto thee, mortal, stay beneath our wing and be free, or wander off into the unknown and become lost in bondage."

"Discord two, Celestia one," Discord said, drawing a floating tic mark in the air. "Alright, Lord Ouroboros, it's your turn next."

"Ungrateful, greedy, mortal fool," the Lord of Fire said with a slight chuckle. "You suppose because you know a little magic or tinker with your clever little trinkets, that you're prepared to face the cold and dark unknown. Go ahead and leave, when you fail, I'll be standing over the wreckage gloating and telling your far more worthy successors tales of your arrogant hubris."

"Lady Zephyr, what's your answer?" Discord asked, adding a mark to Celestia's tally.

"I'd say yes," she said, slightly outstretching her wings. "But only because you followed in my wake. If there's an untouched stretch of sky I plan to be the first one testing it with my wings. But fear not, little chick, once you're ready to leave the nest, I'll be flying there right alongside you."

"I think that's three for me, Discord," Celestia said with a slight smile.

"It's not over quite yet," he replied, adding another tally to her side. "Lord Triton, your up."

"A world without the law would be complete anarchy," he said, shaking his head lightly. "Without order there can be no civilization, without civilization can there be no progress. So I say, no matter the world, no matter the place, the Law and thus I, will be there.

"Lady Suzaku, what's your opinion on the matter?" Discord asked, ready to place another tally beside his name.

"Hmm..." she said, looking towards Melody. "I agree with Triton. A world bereft of love is a world not worth living in. If the price of progress is crushing love beneath your heel, I say is a price too high. I love them too much, to let them bring ruin themselves and everyfeather else in the name of progress."

"Well it appears we're tied, Discord," Celestia said, before turning to the Slave King. "How will you cast your vote, for expanding their horizons?"

"Yes," he agreed, cracking his joints in anticipation. "Or for preserving your power and control over your domain."

The Slave King looked at them, and shook his head. "What will be, will be, it's pointless to try and stop it," he said, pointing upward. "But what I know is this, you can either try to hinder progress and fail, or guide it and profit. Whether others leave Equestria behind or not, I don't know, but when mine do it will because I lead them there."

"Well it appears that I won," Celestia said, cocking her brow at Discord while giving him a slight smile.

"Since we're done here, Discord, can you release me now?" the Slave King asked, tugging on the chain binding him to his chair.

"Ugh, fine..." he sulked, snapping his fingers and making the chains disappear. Looking down he noticed a blue card beneath his desk. Picking it up, he waved it in the air. "Look what I found, everypony, one last question to ask."

"It's from KnightofZaku to Nightmare: What are some of the fondest memories you have of your master?"

The Slave King approached Discord's desk. Picking up the card with his hand, he read it for a moment, before handing it back to him. "Discord, bring Nightmare here so she can answer the question," he said, looking at the audience. "It's the last question after all."

"Yeah, why the hay not, Slave King, that's a good point," he agreed, snapping his talon, causing Nightmare to appear beside her master. "Hello, Nightmare, I'm Discord, and I need you to answer a quick question, before I can send you back on your way."

Nightmare narrowed her eyes dangerously at the draconequus as she glanced at him, then looked back as the Pantheon behind her, and up at the Slave King beside her. Seeing her nod once, she considered Discord's request and bowed her head once.

"Okay, since you agree, Nightmare, here's the question, from KnightofZaku to Nightmare: What are some of the fondest memories you have of your master?"

Opening her maw to silently laugh, she said nothing. Turning to the Slave King, she extended her claws and raked the stage, leaving deep gashes in their wake. Confused by her lack of response, Discord turned to the Slave King.

"What's her answer?" he asked, slightly confused.

"It hasn't happened yet," the Slave King explained.

"What do you mean?" he asked, wondering what he meant.

"This," the Slave King said, with a dark chuckle. "Nightmare, sic em."

With a hiss and a throaty growl, Nightmare leapt on Discord with a murderous fury.

"Ah! Somepony save me!" Discord screamed, as the malicious ball of spite and hate tore into him with her teeth and claws.

"Nightmare, grant him no quarter, show how him no mercy," he ordered, scanning the audience for someone. Spying the one he was looking for. Pointing his metal finger towards the back of the auditorium. "You!"

The faceless crowd began scattering as the Slave King waded through their numbers. Before the poor unfortunate soul could escape, he found himself grabbed by the Slave King by scruff of the neck. The Lord of Earth's eyes burned with green bale fire as he contemplated what to do with mortal who'd vexed him so.

"Wait, Slave King!" Discord shouted out, hanging from a spot light as Nightmare leapt up at him with her claws. "There's no need for violence."

"What do you mean?" the Slave King asked, looking over his shoulder at him.

"I mean... Yikes!" Discord yelped as Nightmare's claws nearly snagged his tail. "None of this matters, once this is all done everypony gets sent home none the wiser.

"You mean everything we've said and done, has all been for nothing and a colossal waste of time?" he asked, looked at the poor soul struggling in his iron grip.

"Essentially yes... hey watch it you," Discord admitted, contorting his body as Nightmare leapt off a wall to tackle him.

"Then I suppose, 111segasonic, there's no point in assaulting you further," the Slave King said, putting him down.

Relieved he was escaping with his life, 111segasonic breathed a sigh of relief, and began running away, but before he could take three steps, he felt his feet hold fast to the red carpet beneath his feet.

"Then again, since nothing here matters," the Slave King laughed, drawing upon his power. "Suffer and perish, fool!"

There was a loud shriek and then nothing. Where 111segasonic once stood, nothing was left. All that remained, was a bit of burnt cloth, a hint of brimstone, and his lingering shadow. Letting out a silent shriek, the shadow pounded against the carpet in terror, as the Slave King walked away towards the waiting stage.

"May that teach you to fear and respect those above you, mortal," he muttered, casting evil looks at the horrified onlookers he was passing.

"Dairy Mason, are we free to go?" he asked the attorney.

The Minotaur nodded, gathering his things and placing them inside his briefcase. "Yes, I believe you've performed your part in good faith," he said, tipping his hat to them before stepping off the stage. "As always it's a pleasure, Princess Celestia, Lord Triton, and Slave King."

"What about me?" Discord asked from his swinging spot light, as he ducked to avoid Nightmare's claws.

"Sorry, Discord," Dairy Mason said before exiting the auditorium. "You're not my client."

"Aiee," Discord shrieked, as Nightmare finally sunk her teeth into his tail. "Fine, fine! You can go, you can all go!"

Snapping his talons as quickly as could, Discord was dismissing them as quickly as possible in the hopes of getting free from Nightmare's jaw. As he cast his wild and unpredictable chaos magic, reality began unraveling in this place. The last thing the Slave King heard before all existence ended, were the words "...finally! My poor aching tail!"


He woke up laying on the ground next to his wife. He tried to get up, but found his arms were too weak to pull himself upright. Unable to stand up under his own power he placed his hand on her side. "Wife, ugh, help me up please," he called out, wondering how he'd managed to fall on the ground. His memory was spotty, he couldn't quite remember why he was on the ground. The last thing he could remember was the dark mirror hanging on his wall, it had upset him for some reason, but he wasn't quite sure why. Looking to his left, he saw the remains of the mirror laying on the ground in hundreds of pieces.

He felt himself being levitated by his wife's magic, and felt relief. "Wife, watch your step, there's broken glass everywhere," he warned, grabbing ahold of her shoulder for balance.

"What hast happened to thy mirror, beloved?" she asked, looking down at the broken shards at her hooves.

"Wife, I have no idea," he admitted, trembling as he leaned against her for support.

"Husband, dost thou desireth us to restore thy mirror to thee?" she asked, prodding a large shard with her hoof.

"Leave it to the servants to clean up," he instructed, pointing towards the door. "Take me to my bath, wife, I desire to bathe."

"Yea, beloved, I shall take thee there," she gently said, nuzzling his cheek before leading him out of the room.

Behind them on the ground, scattered in pieces, a rather bemused looking Discord watched as they left their bedchamber from the mirrors shards. Raising his paw, he was about to offer a witty quip when he heard a low growl behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw to his despair, the dark terror who keeps ten thousand terrors at bay, Nightmare, the first creation. Leaping in fear and screaming in terror, Discord tried snapping his claws to send her away but found they kept slipping, as she chased him through the field of broken shards

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading this noncanon chapter of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, as always comments are appreciated.

Oh wow, is all I can say, gentlereader. When I first set out to write this ask me anything, I hadn't quite expected it would be so big. At over twenty thousand words, this chapter is the largest one in this book. Additionally, I think I've added more emotion and character development between the Slave King and Princess Luna in this entire book, in what basically equates to a throw away noncanon chapter. But what can you do, the best laid plans of people and ponies and all that you know. Well now that this ask me anything is done, I can focus on properly progressing the story.

Hopefully I didn't end up offending anyone with the responses, especially 111segasonic and Moongaze14. Usually when you read these AMA and someone asks an irreverent or silly and they usually ignore it or give a silly answer in return. But I wanted the Pantheon to take this completely seriously, so I wrote their responses as if how I think they'd each answer. Hopefully the repetition of Discord picking up cards and asking questions wasn't too boring. As far as the Chaos Studio bit goes, I was trying to channel Will Ferrel's impression of James Lipton, as seen here:

As I was writing Discord's parts, it slowly morphed into a quasi Conan/Letterman vibe. Funnily enough I was even to provide a musical guest courtesy of Melody.

Because there some questions I couldn't answer easily, or might conflict with the Pantheon knew in character, I needed a reason for them not to answer, the solution was a divine lawyer of sorts. Originally I was going to have a pair of attorneys, Dairy Mason, Minotaur attorney-at-law, and his griffin partner, Andy Griffin. Because Matlock isn't as easy a pun to make as Perry Mason was, and two attorneys were superfluous, I decided to drop Andy Griffin from the chapter. In the end I think it was for the best.

Even though I'd alluded to the Song of Creation in comments and in he story to some degree, I thought it might be fun to show how Equestria might've come to be. Beyond being a good bonding moment for Luna and the Slave King, it was fun imagining the two singing and dancing together to make the world.

Originally when I was writing the chapter, I had planned on having the Slave King in his elemental form trying to escape Discord's trap, eventually I decided waking up alone, floating in the middle of a void was the better choice.

Reading over the questions, I realized that KnightofZaku's question was the perfect way to end the bit, and it lead into the perfect gag of her favorite memory of her master, being her attacking Discord, and the end gag of her sneaking up on him inside the broken mirror, where he thought it was safe. Coincidentally, this seems to be the first real piece of comedy I've written, how do you think I did?

Well I think I've about covered everything, if you'd wanted to ask a question and hadn't gotten to it I'm sorry you missed it. However, I'm more then happy to reply your comments. So if you any further questions or I didn't answer yours to you satisfaction, please post and I'll be happy to get to you.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts, gentlereader, on this chapter and the upcoming chapter twelve.

Enjoy the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, coming soon to computer near you!

Once again, gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!