• Member Since 15th Nov, 2013
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The Cutie Mark Crusaders discover that the Ponyville school will be closed at the end of the school year because it lacks a Jaegery program. With one, the school remains open-and now, they have to create out of whole cloth a Jaegery program and deal with the nine other teams in their league.

And, the history of one little pony that wanted to escape her past.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 40 )

Ponies, Pacific Rim and Girls und Panzer. Completely hatstand, and yet... This promises GIANT ROBOT WARGAMES.:yay: If you can write action scenes that are half-way decent, make the robots 'look' cool and original (including some junkers) and put in a bit of character growth for our trio, I will rocket punch that favourite star in the face. Your writing's not bad so far, so - giant robot fingers crossed.

Wee typo:

almost yelling (he didn’t yell
almost yelling (she didn’t yell

3492774 Will get to fixing and chapter 2 tonight.

Hilarious and epic
Who knew My Little Pony went so well with giant robots!

3499615 Well, we'll be getting to the Jaeger battles in the next few chapters. Now, it's character building, secrets found, secrets revealed, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders doing something funny. :pinkiehappy:

Interesting, I know nothing of the crossover material for this so I'm just guessing,. Cranky said something about the Yomatos getting the crystal mana plant intergration right. Does that mean the Fafnirs used that older type of power generator you mentioned. Is so, won't they have to upgrade the Fafnirs to meet IECC standards? Also, it was mentioned they were equipped for combat, so aren't they going to have to get the simulation computers and simulated weapons to put on the Jaegers? Surely that won't be cheap?

3500100 One of the major parts of being upgraded for IECC standards is to be converted over to a crystal mana core, versus the older crystal/plasma core technology. Old school Jaeger jockeys think that this is when being a jockey started being soft.

Because nothing is more hardcore than walking around in a small nuclear weapon... :pinkiecrazy:

I'll be addressing that in Chapter 3. These are "live" machines-they haven't been de-militarized by removing components and drilling out weapon mounts to ensure that they can't be used as combat platforms again. Like all Jaegers used in Jaegery training, they are fitted with training systems and sensors and simulators. But, if you have a few hours and the weapons, they can be battlefield ready in less than a day.

3500137 Oh I see, so the simulated stuff is already fitted, they just have to disable the weapon mounts. Still they're going to need to find the money for new Crystal mana drives. Also, there is a slight issue in who's Jaegers these are, or were? I suppose if they belonged to some Ponyville reserve unit or something then Princess Twilight technically commands them. She could therefore lend them to the school for training purposes or something. I just mention this cause it seems like they're just taking these things without knowing whose they are.

3500194 (Kosh) Yes. (/Kosh)

All shall be explained. And all will be explained.

I may be missing something here (and I am almost sure I am, so please do not get mad at me), but IF you are meaning the Pacific Rim Jaegers, they are around 250 ft tall.

3500704 Yes. The scale was very particular, and they are the right size. :pinkiehappy:

Ok Pacific Rim and Girls und Panzer? That might just be so ridiculously over the top to interesting... guess I will have to give it a chance since I liked both.

3501144 This is what you get when you're the only editor of the work. :facehoof:

Repairs will be made.

A My Little Pony, Pacific Rim and Girls und Panzer crossover?

3501862 And quite a few other things, too. But, yes, those are the three big inspirations.

Very interesting stuff, so someone has already gone to the trouble of upgrading the Jaegers for them fifteen years ago. As well as updating the software, remotely presumably. It also seems that they were meant for training purposes, even though they have some live weapons too, interesting. Did I understand right, that they don't have simulated mines? That seemed to be what Cranky was saying, I wonder why they left those out? Also, when did Rarity become French? :rainbowhuh:

3505899 No simulated drop ordinance in Jagery. So, no mines, no gun jacks, no caltrops or anything else.

And, for some reason in my brain, Rarity is French (or at least prone to dropping French words in her speaking). :scootangel:

There's a saying: "Nothing valuable comes easy." I expected a bit - a lot - more time spent trying to find a trainer, a hangar filled with robots one step above scrap metal and much divers alarums trying to get them up and running. Giving it all to them at the start is, well, not satisfying. Sorry.

3515266 Patience. And...somepony put them there.

And completely hid them for fifteen years. Until now, when they were needed.

Sounds like somepony had, say, a plan? :pinkiecrazy:

Chapter 4 is about 55% complete. The "bare bones" of the story are done, now it's fleshing out, adding details, doing embarrassing things to ponies, and working on one of the long term plot threads that I've been keeping in the air.

If it's not done by Monday, I'll be very surprised.

No excuses, a crazy run up to the Thanksgiving holdays.

Writing proceeds apace!

Wow, poor Michelle, she is carrying a lot of pain.:fluttershysad: I'm really curious as to what happened to her. I kind of expected Michelle to be a bit of a hardflank, but no, she's actually really cute.:twilightsmile:

Also this line of Rarity's: “Usagi-chan, don’t worry, Rei isn’t one of those hetrosexuals that you hear about…,”
I'm sure that is a reference to something, but I don't know what. Anyway it was hilarious.

3553497 I am required by contract to make at least one gratuitous reference to Shadowjack Watches Sailor Moon, and there's a long-running joke about the Schoolgirl Lesbian behavior that is going on. And, with some of the character's sub-text becoming, well...text. :pinkiehappy:

Michelle has a lot of pain...and, I'm keeping her as cute as is ponyly possible... :raritywink:

3553533 *looks at link* Wooow, that's a lot of text. I read a little bit of it, not bad.

I think you're doing very well with Michelle. I like powerful but cute characters.:twilightsmile: I hope she gets through her pain though.:fluttershysad:

Sergeant Skirata would be ashamed, it's Proper, not Prior!

Anyway, intriguing...

“That’s a great idea! I mean, what could possibly go wrong?” Apple Bloom asked.

And, somewhere far, far away from Equestria, Richard Hammond was disturbed in his sleep. Somebody had spoken The Words, and in an unconscious sort of way, he knew that disaster was incoming.

Creating a Jaegery Program: "How Hard Can It Be?"

91 legions is 26208 Jaegers, and another 1200 in the Royal Guard (at the moment) and who knows how many in the IKAF. That's a lot of Jaegers, and I'm assuming this doesn't even count the ones used by schools for Jaegery programs. When considering this it isn't hard to believe that eight Jaegers were 'misplaced' despite their incredible size.

3773738 Two "crest'-equivalents in the IKAF, so they can do Legion-level training.

3773797 If I worked it out right two crests would be 864 Jaegers. So the REAF, Royal Guard and IKAF combined would be 28272 Jaegers. Again though this wouldn't include school training Jaegers, so there is an awful lot of Jaegers in Equestria here.

Also, what the hell is wrong with Cally Strongheart?! Surely kicking a foal out of the house is illegal!

3773853 The joys of a post-industrial, post-magical economy.

(Or, I bolloxed up the numbers. Lemme see...).

Yep, bolloxed. Gonna fix.

3773866 Oh okay, while we're talking fixes. Her name is Apple Blom, not Apple Blossom, just saying. Also at one point in this chapter I think you called her Apple Belle, could be wrong about that though.

3773866 Ok, that brings the new total of military Jaegers to 14880, unless I messed up. Which is possible I actually slightly miscalculated my last numbers.:twilightsheepish:

3773921 Now in the right league, if not the right ballpark or the right team. :ajsmug:

And, I'm serious about a post-industrial, post-magical economy. It's the only way I can figure how the ponies live and survive on a death world like Equestria, Heavily armed and magical isn't paranoia, it's what allows you to survive long enough to have the next generation of ponies. :pinkiehappy:

“Fafnir Jaegers!” Cranky gasped. Twilight Sparkle had roped in a few of her friends to help pull the plastic sheeting off the Jaegers. “You were telling me that some silly pony put a full octo of Fafnir Jaegers in a hole in the ground for the last twenty years?!?!”

“Is that...bad?” Twilight Sparkle asked. She was seriously wondering if Cranky was angry, disappointed, frustrated, or about to have a heart attack.

“Twilight, when I started out as a Moderati, I wanted to marry my Sigurnd. They just had to retire the Fafnirs when I became a Principes. Mind you, the Yamato Jaegers that replaced them were good-all of them could be fitted with flight packs, even the command Jaegers. Controls were a bit smoother and they finally got the whole crystal mana plant integration done properly. But, the Fafnirs...they were responsive and agile and if I had to choose between them, I’d have gone with a Fafnir over a Yamato any day of the week-and twice on Sundays,” Cranky replied, “They said that piloting a Fafnir is better than…,” then Cranky realized there were two little foals around, “...ah, better than belly rubs. I always said that if was better than belly rubs, you’re clearly doing your belly rubs wrong. But…”

this scene is like storing a WHOLE SQUADRON of FACTORY FRESH, COMBAT READY Vintage Fighters, and then asking a Retired Fighter Pilot that flew the same model during his Military Career (and Loved Every Single Minute of his Flight Time) to become the Lead Flight Instructor to Train Pilots on those Vintage Fighters.

I found this fanfic and just from the title knew I had to read it. Girls und panzer mixed with Pacific Rim with ponys? Whats there not to like! Overall I'm enjoying this one and hoping it wont be cancled.

My one problem atm though is the jaegers themselfs. They're all names and thats fine. But thats it. And that the Odins head looks like a pregnant manta ray. But thats all I know about them. And the mecha geek in me wants to know more. But its a minor thing.

Anyways loved it so far!

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