• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 3,691 Views, 30 Comments

Maybe, just maybe...... - TheBronyaroundthecorner

Spike decides that it is time to tell Rarity about his feelings for her. But how will she react?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Maybe, just maybe…
By TheBronyaroundthecorner

*moan* “My head.”
Spike slowly opened his eyes, trying to figure out where he was, he placed his hand on his head. “Owww!” Spike winced at the pain, his head was wrapped in a damp towel, the little dragon tried to sit up when he remembered where he was and what happened.
“Oh no, did I faint in front of Rarity? Good job Spike! now she will think I’m weird.” murmured Spike as he stood up off the red couch.

After a quick glance around the room, it was clear that he was alone.
“Rarity probably went to get Twilight and took Sweetie Belle with her.”
He noticed an antique clock on the desk across the room, it read 7:30pm, then he turned and looked outside through the tinted window, it was a clear night, the stars glistened like the finest gems and Luna’s moon shone up in the sky as bright as the sun during the day.
“Rarity.... I love you but....... do you feel the same?”
Twilight had just finished reading her book ‘The Guide to a Healthy Dragon’ when she heard a knock on the door. After stretching her legs, she went to see who it is.
“I wonder who it could be? bet it’s Spike, he is always staying at Rarity’s after dark, even after I said for him not to.”
She trotted down the stairs towards the door, careful not to trip like last time. Using her magic, Twilight opened the door to see two unicorns, Rarity and Sweetie Belle standing there looking depressed.
“Hello you two, is there anything you need?”
The two mares just stood there with expressionless faces.
“Twilight darling,” Rarity spoke first, “Something’s wrong with Spike.”
Twilight was speechless. She took a few steps back, then after numerous seconds later, she finally could speak. “What happened, is he okay?”

Rarity moved towards Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder leaving Sweetie just outside the library.
“He’s fine Twilight, he fainted while we were chatting, I placed him on the couch and wrapped a towel around his head, he has a nasty bruise on it.”
“Thank Celestia he’s okay, I feared the worst.” Twilight was relieved that Spike wasn’t too injured.
The three of them left the library and began their trip to the Boutique, all still worried for Spike. It was a quiet walk, they just kept walking. Sweetie broke the silence.

“Are you still worried about Spike sis?” she said looking at Rarity for a response.
“Yes, I care about the little drake, I hate seeing him get hurt.”
Something was gnawing at Rarity’s chest, but she couldn't quite make it out.
Am I starting to care about Spike more than often?

They finally arrived at the Carousel Boutique and went inside only to find a little purple dragon staring out the window,
“Hey Spike.” said a familiar voice.
“Twilight!” shouted Spike as he quickly got up lunged onto her, giving her the biggest hug ever.
“How do you feel?’ Twilight said in a motherly voice.
Spike glanced up to see her violet eyes, “I’ve felt better, that’s for certain.”
“That’s good to hear.”
Rarity walked up to them and smiled. she was glad that he wasn’t injured too bad.

Spike let go of Twilight and walked over towards Rarity, he started blushing but not as bad as earlier.
“Hi Rarity.” Spike said trying not to lose control again.
“Hello Spikey, I’m happy to see that you're ok...”
“What’s wrong Rarity?” Spike noticed distraught in her voice.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” she lied. Rarity didn’t want Spike to know that she cared for him too much.
“Oh okay, how about you Sweetie, are you ok?”
Sweetie Belle looked at Spike and smiled. “I’m fine, I’m more concerned about you. How are you feeling?”
Spike smiled back. “I feel fine, a small headache but fine.”

It was getting very late, Twilight and Spike decided to go home. they have had a rough day.
“Bye you two.” said Rarity “Take care Spike”
Spike smiled and waved at her, she returned the wave smiling as well.
As they were walking back, Twilight began to speak.
“Spike, you can take the day off tomorrow, you’ve been through alot today.”
“Thanks Twi, that sounds good to me, are you sure?”
Twilight looked at him with a soft smile. “Yes I’m sure.”
They reached the library and opened the door, Spike went straight to bed still thinking about earlier.
Does she love me? Will she accept me?
Spike fell asleep.

“Goodnight sis.”
“Goodnight Sweetie.”
Rarity threw herself onto the bed, exhausted, she leant over and opened her drawer and pulled out a necklace with a fire ruby in the center.
“Spike, I think I’m falling for you, I don’t know.”
With that she placed the necklace back and laid on her bed, recalling earlier events.
Then she drifted off into the night, lost in her fantasy.

Author's Note:

Thanks for all the positive feedback, it has really encouraged me to make more chapters.