• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 5,326 Views, 164 Comments

Unexpected Arrival - GlitchyProductions

When the Sparkle family falls apart, Twilight is thrown in the middle of the chaos by having to look after her baby brother Spike.

  • ...


"It's been a few hours since you fell asleep." Rarity took a sip from her cup of coffee and rested it and on her hand.

Twilight blinked.

"Hours?" She silently chuckled to herself. "That can't be right."

"I'm afraid so." Rarity moved closer to her friend and sat beside her on the bed, after taking another sip from her coffee, she placed her hand on Twilight's arm and moved her thumb up and down. This caused the librarian to blush slightly. "Mrs. Cake and Sweetie Belle have been looking after Spike for you."

Twilight leaned forward and attempted to get out of bed, she was soon held in place by Rarity.

"No, Twilight. Just stop." Rarity commanded her.

"Rarity," Twilight groaned, "I'm fine. Honest." She gestured to herself and forced a smile.

But the writing was on the wall, Rarity shook her head and put her coffee down on the wooden flooring, she looked back at Twilight with a concerned expression.

"But you're not." Rarity dead panned.

Twilight lowered her head and sniffled.

"Three months." Rarity continued. "We're your friends, Twilight. Don't you see? It's just like last time when IT happened."

"Rarity..." Twilight attempted to speak.

"No." The fashionista cut her short. "Remember when you had that assignment for the Princess and you couldn't find anything to report on? It's just like that. You won't stop until you give yourself a heart attack."

Twilight frowned.

"Now you're being silly."

"Silly?" Rarity yelped. "What's so silly about thinking about you? We've done nothing but worry for the past few months, day after day, week after week and we were all assuming the worst like before. But you didn't want us to help. You said we shouldn't bother because you thought you had everything under control." Tears had begun to fall down her face, further ruining whatever remains of make-up she sported.

There was a pause in the conversation, Twilight leaned further back and rested on the upright pillow and felt another throbbing pain in her head.

"It started with the headaches." Rarity wiped the tears from her face and placed her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "And then..." She turned to face Twilight.

"And then..." Rarity was close to her limits, the fashionista tried her best to hold back the emotions inside.

"It won't happen again." Twilight interrupted. "I swear on my life I would never let something like that happen to me again."

Rarity's lip started to quiver, her sobs were becoming audible and it was tearing Twilight apart. She too had tears welling up inside her.

"I can't let Spike down." She shook her head. "I made a promise to him and I'm going to keep it."

"I fully understand that you want to look after Spike." Despite her tears, Rarity managed to break out a small smile in the middle of her light sobbing. "Oh," She cooed, "my Spikey-Wikey." Rarity's smile grew. "He's just so adorable, isn't he? If I say so myself and I think it would be the end of me if Sweetie Belle heard this but her choice in clothes for Spike are... surprisingly nice."

It was in that moment, all of theirs tears, sobs and negative feelings suddenly vanished. Twilight found herself to be genuinely smiling. "I know. All he needs now is a dinky little sailor suit." She teased. Rarity responded with a hearty laugh.

"Oh my," She chuckled, "Imagine him on the Canterbury catwalks."

Both Twilight and Rarity soon burst into laughter, Twilight leaned forward unable to control herself and put a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries of laughter.

"Imagine..." Twilight couldn't stop laughing. "Imagine if he went in a little bunny onesie!"

"Ooh. Stop," Rarity’s cheeks were starting to hurt, "that is outrageous."

"He'd go in front of the judges and wiggle his little tush at them."

The laughter continued to escalate when Rarity slipped off the bed and landed on the wooden floor below. Her laughter got even harder when she realized what she had done and glanced at Twilight to also see her friend was in bits due to her mistake.

Rarity stood back up and gently rubbed her behind before deciding to move back onto the bed. Instead of sitting on the edge of the bed, she climbed up and carefully crawled over to Twilight and rested herself besides her friend. Twilight was pulled into a close hug which gave her no choice but to relax her head up against the fashionista's chest.

"This is just too much for a lady to handle," Rarity wiped a tear away, "just the sweetest little things can make you so happy."

"Yeah," Twilight beamed.

"See?" Rarity smiled. "You're not upset anymore."

The realization came to Twilight a little longer than Rarity had hoped for, but Twilight found her fears and anxieties fade away without even thinking about them. Her body couldn't explain it, but a sudden jolt of energy shot through her like a lightning bolt, she wanted to get out of bed and run a whole mile with this incredible feeling.

"Who needs Pinkie Pie when you have the likes of me to keep you happy?" Rarity triumphantly announced.

"Where's Sweetie Belle?"

This was exciting. It had to be some type of game, because why would Sweetie Belle just leave Spike in the living room and constantly call his name? It now felt like an adventure, exploring a living room without a pesky adult to imprison him in their long arms or a rotten crib was the definition of freedom.

"Come and find me." Sweetie sang.

"Swe we bwo!" Spike chirped. He heard her voice again, and again, it was his mission to find Sweetie Belle. There was no way a voice that sweet should hide from him. Now with his ability to crawl wherever he wanted, she couldn't hide forever, and with legs like his, finding Sweetie Belle would be inevitable.

"Where AM I?" Sweetie Belle continued to sing.

Sweetie Belle hid from Spike's view, but to any adult, she was just hiding up against the couch where Spike wouldn't be able to see her for about a minute or two. Her head poked out of its hiding place and spied on the infant who was hard at work, trying to figure out where she was hiding.

"Swe we bwo!" Spike called out for the grown up. He slowly crawled up to a potted plant that he stumbled across that was sitting on a wooden coffee table. His thoughts for Sweetie Belle disappeared when the bright colours caught his attention. "Woah," He gawked at the pretty flower before putting his thumb in his mouth, forgetting the large pacifier that was strapped to his t-shirt.

"Oh Spiiike!" Sweetie sang, once again.





There was no response from Spike at all. Sweetie Belle gingerly poked her head from out of her hiding place and scanned the living room, just to make sure he hadn't wandered into a different room. Sweetie immediately spotted Spike sitting next to the coffee table where one of the few house plants rested, she sighed in relief that the infant hadn't toddled into the kitchen.

Spike heard Sweetie's footsteps and didn't even bother with her. All of his attention was focused towards the pretty flower and that's where he wanted it to be. In fact, he found the act of staring at the flower to be more enjoyable than the game he was just playing.

"There you are." Sweetie Belle cooed.

Spike felt a pair of hands wrap around his belly before being lifted up into the air and into Sweetie Belle's soft grasp.

"Swe we bwo!" Spike had finally found what he had been looking for.

"You found me!" Sweetie Belle cheered. The two embraced in a big hug.

Spike peered over Sweetie's shoulder and fixed his eyes on the plant on the table again. He wriggled and squirmed in Sweetie Belle's arms and reached out for the pretty colours he saw not just a few moments ago.

Sweetie Belle turned round and glanced at the flower on the coffee table before looking back at Spike, not even bothering to acknowledge her presence and instead kept on reaching for the plant.

"Oh." Sweetie put two and two together. "You want the plant, don't you?"

"Hrmm..." Spike hummed.

"Silly billy," Sweetie playfully shook her head. "You can't touch the plant, Spike."

Spike recoiled back.

"That's not for babies." She pretended to scold him, waving a finger in front of his face. "Babies can't play with flowers; I bet you want to play with a big cuddly teddy bear instead. It’s much better than a boring old plant."

The two of them were interrupted by a rumbling noise that originated from Spikes stomach. Sweetie Belle heard the noise coming from him and glanced at the kitchen door.

"Does Spike want his bottle?" Sweetie Belle cooed.

It was a word that he understood right away before Sweetie Belle could finish. He over-excitedly nodded his head and bounced in her arms.

Sweetie Belle tightened her hold on Spike and rested a hand on his bottom in order to support his body. Her other hand was placed on Spikes back to keep him rested against her chest.

"Let's go to the kitchen!"

"I take it you're feeling much better than before?" Mrs. Cake wrapped a hand around the cup handle and lifted it to her mouth and took a sip.

Rarity and Twilight sat together, both with their own drinks in hand and an assortment of biscuits in the middle of the kitchen table resting on a small plate. Rarity picked a digestive and dunked it in her tea. Twilight responded by nodding at the baker.

Taking a biscuit, Cup Cake swallowed it and looked up at Twilight. "I didn't feel like it was my place to go up and calm things down. You came here to see Rarity and I thought it was more of her obligation to go and see you."

"I'm feeling so much better," Twilight took a sip of her drink. "In fact, my headaches have stopped and that's a first."

"That’s wonderful news, Twilight," Rarity smiled. “Just keep imagining Spike in the little sailor suit.”

Mrs. Cake couldn't but help but smile for the two young adults when they both giggled together.

"What are you planning on doing next now that you're feeling a lot happier?" Cup Cake pinched another biscuit.

"I'm thinking I can take Spike to see Fluttershy." Twilght mused. "Maybe Rainbow Dash, if she isn’t drunk.”

"I didn’t know that Rainbow Dash wanted to see Spike." Cup Cake got up from her seat and made her way over to the kitchen sink, looking back at Twilight and Rarity as she placed her empty cup into the sink.

"She isn't," Twilight stated. "I think she just wants to see me again."

"Well now," Rarity crossed her arms, "you're not actually interested in listening to that dreadful Wonderbolts album, are you? How can a lady expose her ears to that type of ear-bleeding noise is beyond me."

"I don't know," Twilight shrugged, "whenever Rainbow Dash does something crazy, she always comes out on top."

As the adults continued their conversation, Sweetie Belle entered the kitchen, still carrying Spike who continued to bounce and wriggle in excitement for his bottle. Spike's little yelps and babbles of happiness soon got their attention; Twilight and Rarity turned round and saw Sweetie with Spike.

Rarity cautiously stared at her little sister while Twilight smiled at the two, happy to see Spike unharmed and Sweetie Belle in a good mood. Mrs. Cake returned to her seat and noticed the new guests in the kitchen.

"Had enough of Spike, Sweetie Belle?" Mrs. Cake leaned forward to get a better view of the infant in the child’s arms.

"Nope," Sweetie squeaked, "We've had a ton of fun, haven't we, Spike?" she looked at the baby and nodded her head in front of him. Spike didn't bother; he scanned the kitchen for anything that looked like his bottle.

"Does he need changing again?" Twilight silently sniffed the air, making sure he hadn't done a foul.

"Sweetie Belle took care of his dirty diaper, didn't you?" Mrs. Cake remarked.

Sweetie's handiwork resulted in a small clap from Twilight, who leaned against the chair and looked at her baby brother.

"Well... I mean," Sweetie Belle blushed. "It was really icky."

"I don't think we need to know that." Rarity interjected, holding a hand up in the air, facing it towards her little sister. "The amount of times I gagged when I had to change you all those years ago was more than enough, thank you very much."

Twilight didn't mind. "Was he a good boy?" She asked, changing the subject slightly.

"Oh yeah," Sweetie beamed. "He kept still long enough for me to clean him!"

The rumbling that came from Spike's stomach was getting louder and everyone heard it. His happy little gurgles and baby talk soon turned into light whines, his feet started to kick erratically, socking Sweetie Belle in the stomach somewhat by a well-aimed kick.

"I think he wants his bottle." Sweetie Belle spoke up.

"And how do you know that?" Rarity scoffed.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

"I'll go and get a bottle from the stroller." Twilight got up from her seat and walked past Sweetie Belle and Spike. Spike on the other hand reached out for his sister as she passed by, resulting in even louder screams coming from the infant.

Sweetie Belle took Spike over to the kitchen table and lifted him up onto the top, he shuffled around and attempted to crawl away from his friend before being pulled back by Sweetie who had sat down and grabbed a biscuit from the middle. He sat on her lap with Sweetie's hands wrapped around his empty stomach; Spike didn't nothing but just pout at his predicament.

Twilight re-entered the kitchen with a bottle in hand, the inside was filled with delicious milk right up to the very top, and Spike felt an extra amount of drool escape his mouth.

She knelt down in front of Sweetie Belle and ripped off the bottles plastic top which resulted in it making a loud popping noise. With the body ready to be inserted into Spikes mouth, she placed it on the table and headed back to her seat. Sweetie Belle blinked, wasn't Twilight going to feed her baby brother? The librarian gestured for Sweetie Belle to take the bottle.

Sweetie Belle complied and grabbed the bottle, using her other hand to keep Spike rested on her lap, despite how hard that was getting right now. She lowered the bottle in front of the infant’s face which grabbed his attention almost instantly and Spike reached for it.

Sweetie tilted the bottle and slowly dipped the nipple into the baby's mouth, making sure that she wouldn't force it in or make it head to the back of his throat. She quickly glanced at the adults who were all carefully watching her, Rarity on the other hand glared at her.

"This is what Cherilee taught me," she tried to start another conversation, "you put the bottle in his mouth but not too far." Sweetie looked at Mrs. Cake who gestured her to keep her eyes on Spike.

"That's right, dear." Cup Cake nodded. "You have to keep the bottle is at the right position or else the milk might spill out of his mouth, or even worse, prod Spike in the back of the throat."

"Am I doing it right?" Sweetie Belle quickly looked at Twilight and then focused back on Spike.

"You're doing just fine." Twilight cooed.

It didn't take long for the contents of the bottle to deplete, just a small slither of milk dribble back to the bottom of the bottle and Spike spat out of the nipple. He felt full and that made him happy, the infant let out a happy sigh and cuddled Sweetie Belle.

"That's it." Twilight congratulated the child. "You've changed AND fed Spike his bottle."

"Well..." Sweetie Belle blushed.

"Now that you've fed him, you can change him again." Mrs. Cake chuckled, Twilight and Rarity soon joined in, leaving Sweetie's cheeks to redden. "But," Cup Cake continued, "I won't be here for that." She stood up and wiped the biscuit crumbs off of her sleeves.

"You're leaving?" Rarity asked the baker.

"I'm afraid I can't stay here all day and be with you but I need to get home and check up on my little spring bunnies," she smirked, "including Pinkie Pie." Mrs. Cake took another biscuit and took a bite out of it and looked at Twilight. "I'll tell Pinkie Pie how things have been going, except for you-know-what."

"Thanks, Cup Cake." Twilight stood out of her seat and walked over to Cup Cake; she wrapped her arms around the baker and embraced her into a big hug. "Thank you for so much."

"Not a problem.” Mrs. Cake cooed, she broke out of Twilight's hug and walked over to Sweetie Belle, who was now cradling a sleeping Spike in her arms. "You're doing very well for yourself young lady, keep this up and you'll be a baby sitter in no time."

Sweetie Belle couldn't stop smiling at the compliment, she leaned forward and wrapped an arm around the bakers leg and tried her best to hug her without disturbing Spike. She looked at Rarity and kept her smile.

“Did you hear that, Rarity?” Sweetie squeaked, “I did a really good job!”

"Yes, yes.” Rarity nodded in response to Sweetie’s excitement. “We’re going to have a long talk about your baby sitting skills later.” She glared.

Cup Cake walked over to the kitchen door and stopped in her tracks, "Twilight," She gestured for the librarian to come over, "A word." She stepped over to Cup Cake and both adults went into the hallway.

They both left the kitchen and went over to the front door; Cup Cake twisted the handle and gestured for Twilight to stand outside. Twilight did what she was told and moved outside, now noticing that it had gotten darker from when she originally visited the boutique. A chill ran down her spine as the warm weather she remembered being in a few hours ago had disappeared and been replaced with a cold autumn chill.

Cup Cake followed suit and left the boutique with Twilight besides her. The baker noticed it too had gotten darker and it was time to head home.

"Did you want to tell me something?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Cup Cake nodded. "I just want to let you know that I'm very proud of you for getting through this."

Twilight blinked.

"If you were my own daughter I'd..." Cup Cake stopped right there, tears started to form around her eyes; she quickly looked away and took a step back from the librarian.

Twilight's breathing started to get heavy.

"I'm going home now." Cup Cake nervously looked at the street and then back at Twilight. "If you need anything, and I mean anything, then let me know. Okay? Just don't forget to visit the rest of your friends."

And with that, Cup Cake started to make her way down the street and into the darkness. Twilight stared at the baker disappear into the night before shaking her head, clearing her thoughts about the bakers choice in words.

"If you were my mom..." Twilight didn't finish her sentence, she looked back at the street and had enough, she slowly walked back over to the front door and twisted the handle to enter the boutique with a loud yawn.

The street lamps turned on and a chilly wind slowly passed through town, it was going to be a long night for Twilight.

Author's Note:

For Spike and Sweetie Belle, I want to go on record and say that their interactions together are going to be silly in nature. When Spike is with Sweetie Belle so he can be a little more talkative, almost as if they understand each other regardless of the language gap.

I want to keep the more tender moments between Spike and Twilight as they're the main focus in a majority of chapters.

Thanks for reading this chapter.

Comments ( 26 )

I can't wait to see how Spike is going to interact with Fluttershy. Fluttershy is going to spend so much time fawning over how adorable Spike is. :rainbowkiss:

Twilight didn't her sentence,

I think you forgot a word there

You know, after coming across this story I can't help but feel something special about it and I really do enjoy your writing style. Good job.


Thanks for the point out.


Thanks for liking my story, as for my writing style, I'm always willing to improve get better.

Woot! Finally got fought up! Actually really excited to see how things go with all the others.


I'm glad to see you've read the latest chapter, thanks for reading.

Please continue this.


I'm writing the next chapter alongside the next chapter for another story that I'm writing. The next chapter should be released sometime in early February.

6877876 Awesome! I can't wait to see it. Once I started reading, I just couldn't stop....at least until the last chapter you wrote, then I cried because I couldn't read anymore. This story has grown on me.

found this story today and read it during last part of my work shift and have to say this....great story, I am so wait for more updates to this chapter and be send the link to few friends.
I feel so bad for twilight, I have except Cup Cake to come into the library to find twilight on the floor pass out with spike crying.

I am currently expect sometime in a later chapter, that Cadance show up with her own baby, to lean a help hand, or she show up to take care of spike for day or two allow twilight to get some much need her time....


Thanks for liking the story. While it appears I haven't updated the story for a while I've been somewhat busy with some personal stuff that's going on in my life. I hope you can understand. I'm still going to continue my work on this story and Lessons On How To Be A Mother in due time when I've got some thing sorted out.

I was supposed to write them much earlier than usual but life keeps rearing it's ugly head and I have to do things that take away my time for writing. Thanks for reading and thank you for the comments.


I wrote the story before the première of the sixth season and I haven't watched any episodes of MLP:FiM in a long time, barring the Season 5 finale. I can try and watch the new episodes when I have the time and I'll see what I can do with placing Flurry Heart into the story when I get the chance.

7125770 it alright rl is more important, i have sent this story to few friend on sl who cry they eye out at part of it, and they love it

7125770 i stop watch half way thought season 5, i could not stand starlight, i want her to die in hell fire, and i watch mlp on netflix for most part no cable or tv so i have to wait to see it,
hope thing get better for you

just reread it all, but got to say, i think twilight need a spa day with the girl, is just what the doctor order,

This one of the cutest stories I've read on this site. I love it.


can we have another chapter please

good story, I hope for more, it cute story

So is it over?

My feels! Oh, I can see how each Aunt would play with him and be total monsters to all who upset Spike, Twilight would be a whole other league.

Can't wait for more!

Please update this adorable story!

It is such a lovely story. It seems unlikely it will be continued, but I won't forget how cute Human Baby Spike is.

what a lovely story, would be really nice to see it continue.

that cliffhanger on the last chapter and the letter to her mom damn, some drama is on the horizon :rainbowderp:

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