• Published 10th Jul 2013
  • 35,393 Views, 1,213 Comments

Foal of the Forest - moguera

Fluttershy befriends a young colt from the Everfree Forest

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Chapter 14: Admonishment

The two pegasi froze at the sound of the new voice. Dawn's body tensed, his one good wing snapping out into a partially extended position, ready to attack or defend as necessary. In contrast, Fluttershy, who recognized the voice and knew its owner surprisingly well, had gone completely rigid with momentary surprise.

Ever so slowly, they turned their heads to look upon the new arrival. Dawn's formidable self-control over his expressions kept him from doing little more than widening his eyes in shock and surprise at the sight of the pony standing behind them and looming over them, her pure-white form almost seeming to blot out her own sun. Fluttershy's response, on the other hoof, was decidedly less understated.

"Princess Celestia!"

The Ruler of Equestria, Bringer of Day, Lady of the Solar Court, Stewardess of the Heavens, Vanquisher of Nightmare Moon, and how many other dozens of titles smiled politely and nodded in greeting. "Given the events of the past two or so days, I thought I would pay a visit and see how things are going."

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "So the ruler of Equestria drops in to visit a common pony like she was popping over to a neighbor's house to borrow a cup of sugar?"

Fluttershy's jaw dropped as she turned to stare at Dawn in shock. Then, to her even greater shock, Celestia tittered in response to his wry comment.

"I see your mentor rubbed off on you. He was certainly no stranger to snarking at authority," she observed.

"You knew my Master then?"

Celestia nodded, eyes rolling upwards as she drew out the memories. "Quite well. I enjoyed his company whenever we happened to meet. He was always pleasantly frank with me. In his latter years, he kept his distance and never visited." Celestia turned her gaze back down to the colt, her expression grave. "I suppose now, I know why, although I don't quite understand."

Dawn cocked his head curiously. "Understand what?"

"Why he might have thought he needed to hide you from me. I thought he knew me better than that." She pondered it for a moment. "Perhaps it was something else that just happened to coincide with him taking you under his wing. Perhaps we'll never know."

"Perhaps not," Dawn agreed.

Poor Fluttershy just wasn't sure what to make of the situation. A visit from Princess Celestia was often enough to send a community into a total panic from the mere announcement of her coming, to say nothing of what happened when she dropped in unannounced. Even her personal student went frantic with worry on such occasions, rushing around trying to make sure everything was perfect. When Celestia was actually present, ponies were often terrified to talk with her, much less be as casual in their dialogue as Dawn was. Fluttershy was amazed that he could adjust so quickly to being given an impromptu audience with such an important pony. Speaking of which...

Fluttershy took a moment to look around. There were currently no other ponies in sight, no guards, no pegasus-drawn chariot, none of the fanfare and spectacle that usually accompanied the Princess when she left her home in Canterlot. It seemed that Princess Celestia had simply dropped in out of the blue.

"Um...maybe we should go inside," Fluttershy finally suggested lamely.

"Thank you for your invitation," replied Celestia as the yellow pegasus opened the door and ushered her charge and her sovereign into her home. Inside, Angel was overseeing several other small animals employing various implements as they tidied up the cottage's interior. It always warmed Fluttershy's heart to see her bunny take up her chores in her absence and she promised herself to fix him his favorite salad later as thanks.

Looking up, the animals realized that their caretaker had come home, along with a very unusual guest. They quickly rushed into their burrows at the sight of Princess Celestia, who laughed as Angel gave her a surly glare before hopping into one of the burrows himself.

"Uh...maybe I should make some tea...that is if you don't mind..." Fluttershy averted her eyes, trying to figure out what a pony was supposed to do in this strange situation.

Celestia chuckled. "Actually, why don't I provide the refreshments?" Her horn blazed, with a similar light flaring out of the table in the center of the living room. When it faded, a tea set sat there, complete with cups, saucers, cream, sugar, and a large pot of tea, steam seeping gently from it on the table. Another spell produced a three-tiered set of serving trays loaded with scones, small sandwiches and sweet cakes.

"I took the liberty of asking my chefs at the palace to prepare some tea and snacks before I left," explained Celestia as she levitated the pot and filled all three cups.

Dawn looked down at his cup and arched his eyebrows. Instead of the amber color he was used to in the tea made by Fluttershy, he was instead greeted by a pale-green color. Leaning down, he took a cautious sniff and was surprised by a floral scent rising from the cup.

"Jasmine tea," Celestia supplied, "It's green tea mixed with blossoms from the jasmine flower. It's one of my favorites."

Dawn took a cautious sip from the cup. His eyes widened. This tea would probably be one of his favorites as well. It was a good bit more mild, lacking the bitterness usually found in tea and slightly sweet on its own. He quickly took a longer sip, ignoring the sugar and cream altogether. Fluttershy did the same, clearly liking the beverage as well.

A brief silence presided as the three ponies took the opportunity to help themselves to the delicacies provided by the Princess. Dawn and Celestia went along as though this was perfectly natural, but Futtershy couldn't help but fidget awkwardly as the silence persisted, wondering what was going to happen next.

As it turned out, it was Princess Celestia who broke the ice. "How are your injuries by the way?"

Dawn flicked his eyes to the cast over his wing and the bandages around his midsection. "Doing quite well. I feel much better after that spell."

A relieved smile passed over Celestia's face like a drifting cloud before it was replaced with a much more solemn look. "I have to apologize. In a way, I feel partially responsible for what has happened to you."

"Oh...Princess!" blurted Fluttershy, "You didn't have anything to do with this! It's not your fault at all!"

"How so?" interjected Dawn, tilting his head slightly. Fluttershy's outburst was ignored.

Celestia let out a sigh. As they drank their tea and helped themselves to the snacks, she explained the history of the Cult Solar and its twisted legacy. By the time she finished, Fluttershy was sitting, stunned while Dawn stared down at a half-eaten sandwich pensively.

"How could they?" gasped the butter-yellow pegasus after a moment, "To do that to your sister. It's so awful. Why would anypony accuse Princess Luna of such a thing?"

Celestia lowered her head sadly. "I honestly am not sure why the Order of Celestial Light desired me to be a goddess so badly. I am far from infallible, as you have experienced Fluttershy.

"As for why they made Luna out to be evil, or why they felt they needed a villain in their cosmology at all, that is a bit simpler to understand."

"A scapegoat," said Dawn simply.

Celestia nodded. "It wouldn't be the first time either. After all, ponies' desire for someone or something to blame had already brought into being something much worse than Nightmare Moon."

"Do you mean Discord?" asked Fluttershy.

Again, Celestia nodded sadly. "My little ponies frequently underestimate what they are capable of when they put their minds to it, both for good and for ill. They are especially unaware of the scope on which their magic can influence the world. Their collective desire for someone to blame for their troubles and tribulations is what caused Discord to come into the world to begin with.

"When good fortune comes your way, it's easy to overlook it and take it in stride. But that is much more difficult to do with bad fortune. Ponies will lament their ill fortune, they try to find some reasoning behind it, because otherwise, their suffering seems meaningless. They look for some kind of plan or scheme or reason as to why their problems exist. If there is none, then they simply create one."

Fluttershy struggled with this notion. "So then...Discord exists because...ponies wanted him to...?"

"Yes," agreed Celestia, "And that is also why he was evil. If you think about it, there is no reason for a being such as Discord, who is a manifestation of chaos, to be evil. By its very definition, chaos is neither good nor evil. It is simply random. And yet Discord was malicious, sadistic and vile in every sense. Ironically enough, that is because that is what ponies wished him to be."

"Oh dear," whispered Fluttershy, shrinking back behind her mane, "So he was only such a meanie because everypony wanted him to be. That's so sad."

"True. Initially, Discord was purely a conceptual creature, invented as a figment for ponies to blame for their troubles and strife. As awareness spread, ponies throughout Equestria began to see Discord as the source of their problems and reviled him accordingly. Ultimately, their collective belief in his existence mixed with their magic at a fundamental level and essentially willed him into existence. At least, that's what happened as far as I can tell."

Dawn raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "You're not certain."

"I have always had something of a doubt about it. Perhaps it is simply too terrifying to believe that my little ponies could bring something so horrible into existence, and even more terrifying to think that they are capable of doing it again. However, I believe that there may have been other powers at work as Luna and I were born shortly before Discord's creation. We were young, barely mares at the time, but Discord came into being as he has always been and in his full power. Those were difficult times for us." Celestia shuddered at the memory.

"Cosmological speculation aside," she said, getting back on track, "This doesn't change the basic issue that you have suffered greatly because of something that I was partially responsible for.

"I do not hold you responsible for that Princess," replied Dawn, "You cannot be held accountable for what ponies do, especially when, in doing so, they ignore your words and wishes. It does do a great deal to explain what I have suffered. It also explains some things about Miss Applejack and her behavior towards me."

"Which is something I will have to address," said Celestia, pouring herself another cup of tea, "I intend to pay a visit to Applejack after this. It troubles me that one of the Elements was corrupted by the Cult Solar's teachings."

"Elements?" Dawn cocked his head.

Celestia leaned back, blinking in surprise, before directing a confused look at Fluttershy. "You mean you haven't told him?"

The yellow pegasus blushed furiously and shrank back from the other two ponies. "Um...uh...it just...oh dear...it just didn't come up."

"What didn't?" asked Dawn, switching his gaze back and forth between his caretaker and the Princess.

Celestia had to cover her mouth as she chortled. "Oh, you'll find out. It's quite the impressive story."

Dawn's gaze settled back on Fluttershy, who blushed even harder and hid behind her mane. "We uh...we happened to...that is we...we just happened to save Equestria...twice, maybe three times."

Now it was Dawn's turn to lean back. "Now this I have to hear."

Celestia had a hearty laugh at Fluttershy's expense as the yellow pegasus tried to sink into the floor. Looking at the table, Celestia noticed that they had nearly finished their tea and snacks. "Perhaps we should leave it here then. I need to pay a visit to Sweet Apple Acres and have a little chat with Applejack."

With a flick of her horn, the tea set and all its accessories vanished from the table, leaving only the faint, lingering smell of jasmine as any indicator that tea had been there at all. Still chuckling Celestia made for the door. "Have a nice day you two."

"Goodbye," replied Fluttershy meekly while Dawn merely nodded in acknowledgement.

Celestia paused, one hood out the door. "Dawn Lightwing," she said, her tone suddenly strangely formal.


"I understand that you study the Gale King style. I have one piece of advice for you. As you are now, you are not ready to try and wield lightning. That is a skill you will not be able to master until you first master yourself. For your own safety, until that time has come, and you will know when that is, do not try to create or manipulate lightning. The consequences could be dire."

Dawn bobbed his head in acknowledgement. "Thank you for your wise advice. I will take it into consideration."

Celestia nodded and made her departure.

When the door closed behind the Princess, Dawn turned his gaze to Fluttershy. "I believe you have a story to share."

Fluttershy gulped and shrank back even further. "Oh dear."

Princess Celestia had barely taken a few steps away from Fluttershy's door when Twilight materialized in a blaze of violet light.

"Princess!" The lavender-coated unicorn froze and went silent when Celestia held a hoof to her mouth.

"Those two are enjoying a moment of peace," she said, gesturing back to the cottage with her horn, "Let's not disturb that right now."

Twilight Sparkle nodded uncertainly. Celestia started walking again and her student fell into step beside her. "So, is everything alright?"

The princess let out a soft, tinkling laugh. "Oh yes. We had a wonderful conversation over tea. I rather like your newest friend. He's like a breath of fresh air."

"Are you implying that the others and I are getting stale?" Twilight asked, raising a mischievous eyebrow. She went rigid when she realized what she said.

Oh no! I can't believe I just ribbed the Princess! thought the unicorn in a blind panic, She'll be furious! I have to apologize right away... Before she could begin, Twilight was stopped by an outburst of laughter from Celestia, who was trying her hardest to remain on her hooves as she guffawed gleefully.

"Oh Twilight," said Celestia, once she regained her control, "You have no idea how long I've wanted you to be relaxed enough to joke with me like that. There's no need for you to be so afraid of my disapproval."

Twilight sagged, her ears going back. "I just don't want you to be disappointed with me," she said softly, averting her eyes.

Celestia sighed and draped a wing over her young student. "Twilight Sparkle. You are the best and brightest student I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. You have accomplished more in these recent years than most ponies will do in their entire lifetimes. You know, better than anypony perhaps, that I am perfectly capable of making mistakes of my own." Their minds simultaneously flashed back to the Royal Wedding. "You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes, even with me. What's important is that we learn from our mistakes and overcome them. Your mistakes may disappoint me from time to time. But none of that will ever change just how proud of you I am."

Twilight sniffed and leaned against Celestia, rubbing up against her. Celestia lowered her head and gently rested her neck against Twilight's. The two of them stayed like that for a few moments before drawing back.

"So Princess," asked Twilight as they resumed walking, "I understand why you're in Ponyville, but I don't understand how you can be here. Didn't you have affairs of state keeping you busy?"

Celestia smirked. "I took a day off."

"You what?"

"I took a day off. After several centuries of serving this country's interests almost nonstop, you tend to accrue quite a substantial supply of vacation time. Besides, those affairs I wrote about were mostly just a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense cooked up by the Noble Court as make-work. I suspect that the Court is trying to keep me distracted so they can do something or other behind my back. I've decided to go along with their plans until I find out what that something is. For now though, Luna is running things back in Canterlot. I wonder how she's doing by the way..."


Duke Regal cringed, his ears going flat as the thundering power of the Canterlot Royal Voice washed over him.


The monologue would have been bearable, at least, had Luna not opted to deliver it at full window-shaking bellow, at a volume that could probably be heard all the way beyond the palace grounds and the city below. The snobbish unicorn sighed and did his best to endure. It was going to be a long day.

"So now what?" asked Twilight.

"Now it's time for me to pay a visit to Applejack," said Celestia, spreading her wings, "We have some matters to discuss." Before taking off, she gave Twilight one last look. "If things don't take long, I would be happy to drop by the library later so that we can enjoy some time together."

"That sounds wonderful," squealed Twilight, practically jumping with excitement, "I'll go and get ready."

"Remember, don't get too worked up about minor things," said Celestia fondly, "What's important is that we get to spend some time together."

"Yes Princess."

"Then I should be by in time for dinner," announced Celestia as she took to the skies.

Applejack snorted in frustration as she stared out the window. Big Macintosh had seen Apple Bloom off to school, taken the cart into town to peddle the family wares and would come back in the afternoon to get to work bucking the next section of the orchard. Applejack had been left on her own in the empty farmhouse with only the soft snoring of Granny Smith snoozing in the corner opposite her in the living room to keep her company. Today, Applejack wasn't even allowed to leave the house, on pain of being tied up and left in her room if she didn't comply.

Thus, the mare was left to fume as she tried to figure out a way to deal with her situation. She was horrified at the reach that the demon had been able to exert. Her friends, her brother, even her adoring younger sister had all turned against her. Applejack felt the pain of mistrust keenly as she realized that none of them believed what she had to say. They simply waved more of the demon's deceptions in her face and called it proof. Is this how Twilight felt when we wouldn't believe her about that fake Princess Cadance?

Applejack was shaken from her reverie by the approaching sound of flapping wings. Lifting her head up, Applejack looked out the window, wondering if it was Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash coming to visit her. Whoever it was was probably planning on berating her further, trying to get her to lower her guard and allow that monstrous colt to sink his hooks into her as well.

Applejack could only stare as the visiting pony landed with a thud that no pegasus could hope to accomplish short of ramming straight into the ground. Her jaw dropped as her eyes took in the pristine white coat, the long spreading wings, that peerless horn, and the varicolored mane and tail of her visitor.

"Princess Celestia!" shouted Applejack, bolting to the door from her seat. Her shout roused her grandmother from her rest.

"Huh! Whazzat? AJ, what's all the hollerin' about?"

"Good afternoon Miss Smith," greeted Celestia with a fond smile as she looked in through the window, "The years certainly have been kind to you. I remember when you first came to Canterlot.

"Eh, so do Ah, Princess," answered Granny Smith with a hearty chuckle as she settled back into her chair, "Have ya come fer another 'o mah trademark apple cakes?"

Applejack, who had just stepped out on the veranda stopped short when she heard a low gurgle from Celestia's stomach, accompanied by...was that drool?

Realizing her lapse, Celestia recovered admirably and managed to keep her composure, although a small blush showed her embarrassment. "Not right now. May I borrow your...granddaughter for a time?"

"Sure as shootin' ya can," replied Granny Smith, waving a dismissive hoof, "Just be sure to have 'er back in time fer dinner."

"Of course," replied Celestia before coughing, "And later...perhaps...we might discuss an order to-go."

A dry cackle escaped the elderly mare as a wry, knowing grin creeped across her face. "Ah best get to mah bakin' then."

Again Celestia coughed self-consciously before turning to Applejack. "It seems we have much to discuss," she said, her pleasantly neutral expression slipping back into place, "Walk with me."

Nodding silently, Applejack fell into step next to the Princess as she strolled into the orchard, the two of them basking in the afternoon sunshine that filtered down between the apple leaves.

"Ah didn't realize ya were so friendly with mah granny," commented Applejack as they walked.

Celestia smiled nostalgically at old memories. "I have always been fond of your grandmother, ever since we first met all those years ago. She was one of the few ponies who ever made an active effort to get to know me as Celestia, not just the Princess. It certainly helped that her apple cakes are the best I've ever had. And speaking for a pony of my experience, that's saying something."

Applejack nodded knowingly. Granny Smith's apple cakes were the stuff of legend among the Apple family. If they had tried to sell them, it was likely that those cakes alone would put the Sugarcube Corner out of business, or so the Apple Family lore went. Only the fact that the cake's creation was as laden with as many quirks and strange rituals as Granny's Zap Apple Jam kept the family from going commercial with them.

"I must admit that the cake you made for Cadance's wedding was getting close. But you still have a ways to go before you catch up to your grandmother," commented Celestia with a smile.

Applejack forced a chuckle. But she was beginning to get frustrated. She couldn't, for the life of her, figure out why the Princess was dancing around the real reason she was here. The orange mare was so preoccupied with her thoughts, she nearly stumbled over one of the baskets Big Macintosh had laid out earlier in preparation for his apple bucking to come later in the afternoon.

Celestia, sensing her companion's frustration, stopped and looked down. "I know that you know the real reason I came out here," she said, her tone much cooler than before.

"Princess, Ah don't know how much ya've heard about the situation, but there's a colt stayin' with Fluttershy that we need to do somethin' about."

Celestia gave Applejack a cheerful smile. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I have already dealt with the situation. I went to see to this colt myself before coming here."

"Ya did?" Reaching up, Applejack pushed her newly restored hat (recently delivered by Rarity) back so she could wipe the nervous sweat she had accumulated off her brow. "That's great. Ah can rest easy knowin' that some demon isn't tryin' to steal mah friends and corrupt their souls."

"Indeed you can," replied Celestia with an amused chuckle, "After all, no such things exist in this world."

"What?" exclaimed Applejack, directing a startled look up at the Princess, "But Ah thought ya said ya'd seen to that there colt?"

"And so I did," said Celestia loftily as she drew herself up, "We enjoyed a lovely conversation over tea. I found him to be quite the amusing young fellow."

Applejack's eyes spun about as her jaw worked silently. She finally managed to work up enough self control to force the words out. "Y-ya...ya had tea with 'im? Ya talked with 'im...with that monster? And ya didn't do anythin' to 'im?"

"Applejack. You must understand that your fears are completely unfounded. The myths that have been perpetuated against ponies like Dawn are..."

"Ya ain't Princess Celestia!" yelled Applejack, "Yer a mirage...a figment, some kinda vision sent by that demon to test mah resolve! Yer an imposter, some kinda changelin' like that evil queen 'o theirs..."

"DAME APPLEJACK: ELEMENT OF HONESTY!" Few ponies had the privilege of beholding Princess Celestia in the full spectacle of her unveiled power. Blazing light streamed from every pore of the regal alicorn's body as she reared up, spreading her wings wide. As she did so, she had cut loose with the full force of the Canterlot Royal Voice, its power shaking the trees around them and making the ground itself quiver.

Applejack reeled back, blinded and deafened by the display. However, the assault on her physical senses was nothing compared to the assault of the Princess's sheer presence. The air around Applejack suddenly felt as though it weighed ten tons. It buzzed with an energy that made every hair of her coat, mane, and tail stand on end. She wanted to flee, she wanted to hide, but more than anything, she wanted to throw herself down before this awesome creature and beg its forgiveness. At this moment, Princess Celestia did not seem a pony, but like a separate existence in a completely different class.

Celestia finished her display by slamming her hooves into the ground, the force of impact making the earth jump beneath Applejack's hooves. The shockwave rattled the trees around them. The thunderous tones of Celestia's voice were followed by the countless thuds as all the apples in the area were knocked loose by the impact and dropped into the carefully placed baskets.

Applejack shook her head to clear her senses. It took a moment for the ringing in her ears to die down and motes of light to stop dancing before her vision. Looking around, the orange mare's eyes widened as she saw that all the apple trees in the south fields had been divested of their fruit. In her impressive display, Princess Celestia had done Big Macintosh's job for him and completed a full day's work in a single instant.

"Look at me."

Applejack's body obeyed automatically, her mind not even giving a single peep of resistance as her head turned to heed Celestia's command. Looking up, Applejack's ears went back and she cringed in fear at the sight before her. Gone was Princess Celestia's smile. There was no trace of amusement in her expression, no twinkle of mischief in those fathomless eyes. What remained was a mask of cool composure, of forged steel that stared down at the cowering pony with dispassion. This was not the face of Princess Celestia, the Loving Teacher or the Kind and Wise Princess. This was the face of Princess Celestia, who had vanquished Discord, who had banished Nightmare Moon, who had taken all of Equestria under her wing and had guided it through countless cataclysms. It was not something that could be imagined or faked. The implications were quite clear.

"Do you still doubt my identity?" asked Celestia sternly, staring down.

"N-no Princess," stammered Applejack, shying away and squeezing her eyes shut until tears leaked out, "Ah'm so sorry! An didn't mean to..."

Celestia let out a tired sigh and dropped her steel mask. Striding forward, she wrapped her forelegs around Applejack and drew the earth pony into a motherly hug. "There there," she said, as though she were consoling a crying foal, "I didn't want to have to frighten you like that, but you left me with no other option. Come now, dry your tears. We still have much to talk about."

Sniffling slightly, Applejack took a moment to wipe her eyes clear. "Ah don't understand Princess. How can ya say demons ain't real, especially with what happened to yer sister?"

"You forget that the same ponies who accuse ponies like Dawn of being a demon also accused my sister of the same," Celestia pointed out in an icy tone.

Applejack shrank back again. "A-Ah just assumed that maybe they had it wrong, that Luna was just a victim 'o somethin' or other."

"And yet it never occurred to you that they might be wrong about something...about anything else?"

Applejack could only stare silently at the ground. In her heart, she felt something breaking. Her father had been the cornerstone, around which she had built her entire life, born from the desire to emulate him as much as possible, she had hung onto his every word, absorbed his every teaching. But there had been some things about what he had said and done that troubled her, not because she doubted him, but because she saw the way her family reacted when Valencia started on certain topics. They had tried to dissuade him, to convince him the demons and monsters he had preached against weren’t real. But he stood firm. Applejack had always admired the fact that her father stood firm.

Celestia sighed and looked out over the rolling hills of the orchard around them. "The Cult Solar built their entire narrative around venerating and revering me and then saddling my beloved sister with every indignity imaginable. She suffered for decades because of their slander before she could finally take no more. I often wonder if I should have done more to stop them before things went so far..."

"If they were so wrong? Then why didn't ya stop 'em."

"Because I was afraid of going too far. I have been a Princess and ruled Equestria for millennia. I have always desired, more than anything else, that my ponies not fear me, that they could have the freedom to express themselves and share their true thoughts with me and their fellows. I had feared that, in taking direct action against the Cult Solar, I would have crossed the line into outright tyranny. So I fought against them in the only way I thought I could. I tried to counter their arguments, to dispel their dogma with the voice of reason. But sadly, it wasn't enough. Even my voice can be drowned out if enough ponies shout loudly enough. And Luna suffered for my inaction."

Celestia turned and stared at Applejack, her eyes seeming to pierce the mare's soul. "You have to understand that being the Element of Honesty does not make you immune to lies. It does not allow you to instantly divine the difference between truth and fiction. And no lies are as endearing and enduring as those we tell ourselves.

"You wanted to badly to believe that Dawn Lightwing was a demon, a monster, that you were willing to ignore anything that proved otherwise. You even went so far as to accuse me of being an imposter."

"Ah'm sorry Princess," said Applejack, slumping, "But Ah just don't want to believe mah pappy lied to me about somethin' like this."

"Your father was probably a good pony who believed what he was telling you was the truth. But just as your accusations today were based on the lies you told yourself, so too were the things that he told you. That, Applejack is the true demon of this story."

"True demon?" Applejack looked up, staring in shock at Celestia. "But Ah thought ya just said..."

Slowly, the regal alicorn shook her head, her smile making a sad term, "I may have misspoke earlier. Demons do exist, just not in the way you think they do.

"Demons originated as a concept, invented by a philosopher so ancient that even I do not know his name...or was it a her? The philosopher in question was seeking to articulate and explain the why some ponies do terrible things, what drives them to do this. Demons originated as a term for articulating and describing the darker aspects of pony nature that drive us to hurt one another as well as ourselves. He hoped that, in identifying these factors, these aspects of ourselves, these demons, that we could learn to overcome our own darkness and become better ponies because of it.

"So this mysterious philosopher came up with demons as a way of describing these tendencies in a way that regular ponies could understand. They were a metaphor, a symbol."

"What happened?" asked Applejack, looking to all the world like a small foal asking her mother a question she wasn't ready to hear the answer to.

"What frequently happens," answered Celestia, "Some ponies took this philosopher's metaphors literally. They established the belief that demons existed, not within their own hearts and minds, but in the outside world, where they were an active and actual force seeking to corrupt and ruin. In the end, it all comes down to blame. These ponies didn't want to face up to the darkness within themselves, so they tried to externalize it, to turn it into something that they could blame for their problems instead of their own foibles."

Applejack pawed at the ground, her gaze hollow. "So that's what Ah was doin'."

Celestia nodded. "You blamed Dawn for turning your friends and family against you when, in reality, you were the one driving everypony away. This is terrible, but even that pales in comparison to the worst thing that you did."

Applejack lifted her head to meet the Princess's gaze, her eyes wide with horror in anticipation to the truth that Celestia was about to speak; a truth that was the last thing Applejack wanted to acknowledge. The thought of what Princess Celestia was about to say chilled her to the bone.

"You attacked an innocent colt, one about the same age as your younger sister. Not only that, but you severely injured him as well. You tried to kill a foal on the basis of an outdated superstition."

A choked sob was all that Applejack could muster. Tears were once again streaming from her eyes, this time out of shame and guilt. Inside her, she felt something, not break, but shatter as she realized that something that she had clung to with every ounce of her emotional strength had proven to be hollow and empty. But perhaps that was something she had known since the beginning, the possibility that her father was wrong. Every time Granny Smith or Big Macintosh had asked her to stop following her father’s teachings of the Sun and Night, she’d only clamped down all the harder on them, never wanting to admit that any time she had spent listening her father, who had taught her so much, could have ever been wasted.

It was ironic, in the face of all that, that Dawn’s arrival had almost seemed to have been ordained by Celestia herself (of course, said diarch’s current displeasure with her said otherwise). Here was living, breathing proof that her father hadn’t been wasting his days with Order of Celestial Light. After all the denial and dismissal her family had offered, here was something real. And Applejack latched onto it, clutched it with every fiber of her being. Valencia had been right, any proof to the contrary were simply efforts by the demon to veil his true nature.

But now, with Celestia herself standing before Applejack, the illusion shattered completely. Applejack knew what she had done. She felt hollow on the inside, with nothing holding her up. The world itself seemed to fall away from her and there was nothing Applejack could do about it. In its place flooded the realization of what she had truly done, a terrible burning agony that wracked her soul.

Celestia stared down at the penitent pony, her gaze laden with pity. "I could simply have the Guard arrest you for assaulting a minor. You would spend time in prison and have a record that would follow you for the rest of your life. However, I think that what I'm going to do instead will be even more difficult and painful."

"Don't say it," whispered Applejack, "Please don't make me do this."

But there was no mercy to be had. "You must go to Dawn Lightwing and look him in the eye. You must apologize for every act of violence, every harsh word, every malicious thought. It will be up to him whether or not to forgive you."

Applejack would have rather gone to prison than have to face that. But Princess Celestia's word was law. The Princess reached out and rested a reassuring hoof on Applejack's shoulders. "I know that this will be difficult for you. Take your time and figure out how to do it properly."

"A-Ah will," said Applejack softly.

A shadow flitted across the sky above them. Celestia and Applejack looked up to see a pegasus drawing a storm cloud into place. The gray stallion didn't seem to notice the two ponies in the orchard below him and instead flitted off to collect another cloud. He was followed by a pair of mares, each carrying a cloud of their own. Several other pegasi followed suit, dragging clouds into place and merging them together.

It wasn't long before Applejack spied a familiar cyan blur slipping between the other pegasi, bringing clouds of her own.

Rainbow Dash did notice the two mares down in the orchard and swooped down to greet them. "Princess? What are you doing here?"

Celestia gave the athletic pegasus mare a serene smile. "I was simply having a brief conversation with Applejack here. We have had a few important things to talk about."

Rainbow turned her gaze to Applejack and noted that the fur under her eyes was suspiciously damp, given that the storm hadn't even started yet. "Is everything alright AJ?"

Applejack wiped her eyes and sniffed. "Ah think so Rainbow. Ah haven't been mahself lately and Ah was bein' right mulish with ya and the other girls. It took Princess Celestia here to get through to mah noggin what an ass Ah was makin' 'o mahself."

Rainbow smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. I don't want to stay mad at you."

The lithe pegasus turned and began climbing back up into the clouds.


Rainbow Dash paused as Applejack shouted her name.

"Ah'm sorry. Can ya ever forgive me?"

The words had barely left the orange earth pony's mouth before Rainbow pulled an inverted loop and swooped down to tackle her with a fierce hug that left the two of them sprawled across the ground. They simply lay there for a moment, Rainbow Dash holding Applejack tightly.

"Of course I can forgive you, you idiot," teased Rainbow as she gently nuzzled her friend, "Just try not to be such an idiot in the future."

Finally letting go, Rainbow lifted off into the air. "I've gotta go kick this storm into gear. So I'll see you later." And then she was gone in a prismatic streak as the day gradually grew darker.

"How come none 'o the other ponies up there seem to notice yer down here?" asked Applejack, raising an eyebrow at Celestia, who responded with an expression that, on a lesser pony, might have been called a smirk.

"I simply cast a spell so that only you and a select few other ponies will notice my presence," answered the Princess honestly, "It's practically the only reason I was able to get out of Canterlot without dragging a battalion of the Royal Guard in my wake."

Celestia spread her wings in preparation for takeoff. "I promised my student that I would visit her at the library before I returned to Canterlot. I'll leave you here Applejack. Remember to think carefully about what you will say to Dawn when you apologize to him."

Applejack nodded solemnly as the Princess rose through the oblivious cloud of pegasi and disappeared above the clouds. Alone for the time being, the orange mare slowly threaded her way among the trees of the orchard as the first drops of rain began to fall.

Spike looked out the library window at the line of clouds hovering in the distance. The promised storm was less...stormy than what he had grown used to in Ponyville. Normally, clouds would blot out the sky and rain would pour down over the entire town. Spike liked storms. There was a comforting enjoyment in making a cup of hot cocoa and sipping it down as you watched the rain and thunder out your window. It helped him to truly appreciate the comfort and warmth of the tree he called home.

Unfortunately, there hadn't been enough clouds to cover the whole of Ponyville. The storm was made from the reserves Rainbow Dash and her team had managed to scrape together from several days worth of stray clouds. There was only enough to cover the farmsteads in the outlying sections of the town to ensure that the crops that fed Ponyville and also served as the town's primary export got enough water to support their needs. The park and small gardens of individual ponies would have to wait. There was still no word of any new deliveries from the Cloudsdale weather factory, which had been making Rainbow anxious.

Spike's attention was drawn by a light tapping on the library door. Looking down from the balcony leading to his and Twilight's bedroom, Spike smiled happily at the familiar pony who trotted in through the door.

"Hey Apple Bloom, I wasn't expecting to see you today."

"Ah'm here to drop off that book Ah borrowed," answered the yellow filly as she set her saddlebags down. Spike made his way down the stairs and got the book from her and found its proper place on the shelf.

"Ya mind if Ah hang out here fer a little while. We ain't got any crusadin' planned today on account 'o Scootaloo and her mom havin' to find a new house. Ah don't want to go home just yet 'cause 'o the storm and mah sister bein' a right pain in the flank over this whole business with Dawn."

Spike nodded sagely. "Yeah, I heard she got a bit...crazy about the whole thing."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Crazy don't quite cut it. Ah ain't ever seen mah sister go off on another pony like that. To make matters worse, she was shoutin' all kinds 'o things at her friends and wouldn't listen to a word they said. Then, when we go home, she tried to tell me that Ah wasn't allowed to hang out with Dawn, or Scootaloo if she was gonna keep hangin' around him. Big Macintosh put a stop to that right quick, but it was the most disturbin' thing Ah'd seen in a long time."

The filly directed a dejected look at the floor. Spike came up to her and sat next to her, gently ruffling her mane with his claw. "Don't worry too much about it Apple Bloom. This can't go on forever. I'm sure Applejack will eventually work things out and we can get on without any worries."

"Ah hope yer right," said Apple Bloom. She gave the dragon a relieved smile and leaned to rest her head on his shoulder. Spike froze, but relaxed after a moment, a brief smear of red spreading across his cheeks before he was able to enjoy the moment.

"Spike! We're having company for dinner!" announced Twilight as she slammed the library door open and came striding in, "I want you to get out our best china!"

The young dragon and yellow filly bounced away from one another in surprised self-consciousness at the sudden invasion by Twilight Sparkle. Twilight observed their reaction with an amused grin.

"Wh-what are you talking about Twilight?" asked Spike, getting to his feet, "Who's coming over?"

Twilight's grin widened. "It's a surprise." As though suddenly noticing her, Twilight turned to Apple Bloom. "Hi there Apple Bloom. Maybe you should head home soon. Your family might be getting worried."

"It's okay!" announced Spike before the discouraged filly could say anything, "Actually, I was wondering if Apple Bloom could stay for dinner too."

Twilight opened her mouth to deliver an emphatic negative, not wanting to bother her beloved mentor with the presence of a foal, but paused. She remembered how Celestia had admonished her for trying too hard to make things perfect. More importantly, she could also tell that Spike wasn't asking solely for his own enjoyment. The way his eyes shifted to Apple Bloom every few seconds, a concerned look on his face, indicated that there was more to this simple request than there had seemed to be at first.

"Okay," she said after a moment, "But I hope Apple Bloom's family is okay with it."

"They will be!" said Apple Bloom a little more loudly than she had intended.

Twilight directed a questioning look at Spike, who nodded. She let out a soft sigh. "Alright then, lets get ready. Apple Bloom, do you think you could get started setting the table?" Twilight gestured to the large table that dominated mine center of the library "There's a tablecloth in the back closet. Try and get it on evenly."

Apple Bloom nodded eagerly and sped off to the closet to do as she was bid. In the meantime, Twilight and Spike made their way to the kitchen, where they could get started on the other preparations for the meal. Also, Twilight had a question for Spike.

"Alright," she said when she was sure that Apple Bloom wasn't in earshot, "What's going on?"

Spike once again directed a concerned look in the direction he knew Apple Bloom was in. "She doesn't feel up to going home just yet. Apparently Applejack has been acting a little crazy."

Twilight tapped her chin thoughtfully. She knew that Celestia had gone to talk to Applejack, but wouldn't be able to find out how it went until the Princess arrived in a short time. If Apple Bloom was anxious about returning home, then perhaps it would be best to simply let her stay for dinner to keep her calm until they knew what had happened at the farm. It also meant that Apple Bloom wouldn't have to trot through the rainstorm Rainbow Dash and her team had set up.

"Alright then, dinner for four it is."

The lavender mare returned to the main room of the library to see Apple Boom settling a clean white tablecloth over the table with impressive skill.

Noticing the unicorn's arrival, Apple Bloom turned and regarded Twilight curiously.

"Miss Twilight, who's coming over fer dinner?"

Twilight couldn't suppress the mischievous grin that spread across her face. "A very important friend of mine. Actually, I think you'll recognize her pretty easily."

Author's Note:

I told you a lot of apples would be bucked.

Obviously, the scene with Celestia and Applejack was going to be one of the more difficult ones to write (with an even more difficult scene coming up next chapter). After spending so many chapters building up Applejack's obsession with making Dawn out to be a demon, to a degree that really starts to get worrying with how stubborn she can be on the topic, to have her knocked out of that belief in the course of a single scene is something I can understand not being easy to swallow. I like to hope that the invocation of Celestia Ex Machina helped with that. It's pretty hard to articulate having one of the central figures in Applejack's life, whom she'd been taught to respect and revere, basically tear down a massive portion of her worldview and confront her with the harsh reality of what she's actually done.

As for what Applejack has to do, I can understand that it might not sit well with some people that she could get off with just an apology. But I really do think that this is the more difficult thing to ask of her, as simply letting her take the usual punishment would be letting her off easy since she doesn't necessarily have to confront Dawn himself with what she did. If you're feeling truly guilty about something, it can be easy to simply let the System take over and go along with it. As long as you do your time and pay your debt to society, your sins are forgiven, so to speak. Obviously, it's not that simple, but for a pony like Applejack, accepting imprisonment would essentially be taking the easy way out.

I brought up Discord in this chapter primarily to articulate certain philosophies I'm working out in this story. It's not really meant to be a hint for anything later on. This portion of the story was written well-before Season 3 came out, especially a certain pair of episodes revolving around a reforming draconequess and Twilight becoming an alicorn princess. However, while I don't include those episodes in the setting of this story, I did like some other aspects of Season 3 episodes that I chose to incorporate in later chapters. So, for the most part, assume this story takes place post Season 3, only Keep Calm and Flutter On and Magical Mystery Cure haven't happened...yet.

One more chapter left.

Next Chapter: The finale...sort of...