• Published 7th Jun 2013
  • 16,661 Views, 987 Comments

Gears in the Void - Lab

The living have lost, and the last survivor's luck can't keep him alive forever. He can escape if he survives long enough to finish one last project.

  • ...

Interlude—Luna's Debriefing

Her time in the disturbingly real dreamscape was enough practice for Princess Luna to canter through the vaulted halls of Canterlot Castle without sounding like an avalanche of pots and pans. A myriad of tapestries fluttered as she passed by at a brisk pace. Her usual impassive expression had returned when she’d finally finished tying up loose ends, most of which involved cleaning up after Pinkie Pie's antics, and left the realm of dreams.

Luna still wasn't sure how Pinkie did what she did, but if there was any lesson she'd had to learn since her return, it was not to question the Party Avatar—an official title bestowed by a drunken Celestia. The next day she’d found it so amusing she allowed it to stay. She made it to the private dining room, only accessible to the princesses and any they invited, in good time.

"Sister." Luna gave a polite nod as she entered the room and took her usual seat at the end of the table opposite Celestia. "We were successful in removing the corruption."

Celestia smiled wider at the fortunate news. "I am glad it is finished. I would expect no less from you. How is our guest?"

"I personally moved her to a guest room the moment I finished convincing your student she was just having a dream."


Luna swallowed her bite of apple and sighed. "Pinkie Pie."

"I see." Celestia was genuinely amused at the thought of the party pony's antics. "What is your assessment of Sterling Gears?"

Luna looked away for a few moments before replying, "She is… troubled. There was some sort of creature, a parasite I believe, infesting her subconscious, but it merely encouraged the issue, not created. Even stranger, it appears to be related to what assails our citizens in the dark."

Her eyes subtly widened. "That is interesting. Do you believe Sterling is responsible?"

"Neigh. She's a victim, a refugee, a survivor, but this is not something she would be capable of doing."

"That is good to hear. She is quite the fascinating pony. Would you please explain what troubles her?" As she spoke, she levitated a folder to Luna.

"Sterling is… fragmented would be an accurate description I suppose. While I was in there, I met a being by the name of David. Apparently, he's Sterling's imaginary friend. Although I do believe that's what he is, he's a bit more. It's like he's a completely separate pony—my apologies, person would be the correct term."

"Isn't that a trait a sizable amount of imaginary friends possess? Created by foals to either give them a friend they can relate to or garner support from when facing obstacles?" Celestia was well aware this was her sister's area of expertise and would trust her word on this matter, but not without giving her observations.

Luna shook her head. "That is what I thought it was at first, but this is far different. David is incredibly well-established and distinct, and Sterling is aware he doesn't exist. They truly behave as if they are of separate minds."

"An additional personality perhaps?"

"It is… possible, but very unlikely. I had the unwelcome opportunity to see what Sterling could have looked like. It is not an image I will soon forget, but I can tell you David is not Sterling. Probably. At this point, the only definitive answer I can give is this is something I have not previously seen."

"Is she dangerous?"

"Perhaps. That is, if you're a building she dislikes." Luna couldn't help but chuckle. She gave a brief description of the event. "Her home was ruthless if it's anything like what we faced. My magic was severely limited when we were inside, to the point where I could do little more than simple telekinesis. It appears magic had no presence, but her race more than made up for it with technology, confirming my suspicions from the earlier glimpses. I was allowed to use a projectile weapon called a 'gun' and found it to be quite efficient despite its unassuming appearance." No need to tell her sister about the injury she caused.

"So if they had no magic, she's not simply copying technology from her world?"

"Correct. From the sounds of things, she's something of a prodigy. I believe that between the diplomatic relations with the diamond dogs and her past and future innovations, Sterling Gears is a pony Equestria will be fortunate to have in the approaching months."

"Then I do not regret having these documents written up. Take a look if you wish, I will give them to her when she awakes." She paused to give Luna enough time to glance at the papers. "Birth certificate, proof of citizenship, passport, medical history. Everything she needs to truly restart her life. I will also have Twilight Sparkle prepare a reading list to familiarize her with her new home."

"Birthplace: Canterlot?"

"From what we can tell, she first appeared in a region considered Canterlot by the zoning administrators. The birth date is the result of her assumed age deducted from the date she arrived."

"Clever. It should be honest enough to hold up against any investigation. Much more believable to others than her actual origin as well."

"Comes from centuries of practicing politics, Lulu." She grinned and took a sip of tea. "Is there anything else I should be aware of about Sterling Gears?"

"Yes. The prominent themes in the nightmares were sorrow, bearing responsibility for events beyond her control, second-guessing herself and her choices, and isolation. Although the nightmares are gone, there is no doubt she still harbors some of these feelings, but at a level safe enough for her to handle. As I said last night, it is likely there was no choice on her part as to her new form, and I am worried about her nonchalant attitude toward her sudden disparities. She seems to be the type to bottle her thoughts and emotions, but she's also impulsive, nearly incapable of thinking her actions through."

"Sounds like she'd be at a disadvantage while playing chess."

"Quite. She looks to be comfortable in her new body, physically, but we've already established her psyche is unsound. How do you suggest we assist her? Do we even have to at this point?"

"Of course. At the very least we'll already have Twilight keeping watch for any signs of trouble. To be safe, I believe I'll send her a few books on psychology. Hopefully she doesn't already possess her own copies."

"Let's hope she follows it with the appropriate amount of fervor. I'm somewhat expecting her to diagnose all of Ponyville with various maladies."

"As am I. At the very least, it will give me something to do."

"You are incorrigible." She didn't even try to hide her playful smirk.

"I know." Celestia tittered. "What of her previous knowledge of Equestria?"

Luna sighed. "It is most bizarre, but I was able to speak with David the night before last, and I was informed there was some sort of entertainment they used to have. Stranger still, it is a work of fiction like any play or novel. There are some inconsistencies, like what happened with the changelings after Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s wedding, but from what I was told, David doesn't enjoy the show near as much as Sterling, so we will need to speak with her to learn more."

Celestia returned the sigh. "Very well. It is an oddity, but it is a minor one we can deal with at a later time. Actually, I'll have Twilight help Sterling with history and take notes while she tutors."

"Must you push everything off on her?" Luna secretly wondered if it would be worth getting an apprentice of her own, if only to take off some of her workload so she could spend more time working on the night sky.

"I was there for that history, my point of view would be biased," she said matter-of-factly. "Also it's really boring."

"She does enjoy taking notes."

"That she does," Celestia said wistfully, recalling memories of a certain young filly going through more parchment than most of Canterlot. "There is nothing more I need to ask."

Luna nodded and yawned. "And there is nothing I require from you, so I shall retire for the day. When I have the opportunity, I will transcribe a complete retelling of the adventure, but for now, farewell." She yawned again and smiled. "It will be lovely to have the night back."

"As always, I look forward to seeing it." Her smile was so warm and comforting Luna almost passed out on the spot. "Sleep well, sister." Right as she opened the door, Celestia called after her, "Don't forget my two bits." She couldn't help but giggle as Luna slammed the door.

Author's Note:

Sorry if you were looking for a new chapter. This was previously in chapter 29, but bothered me since it wasn't in first person like the rest of the story. On the other hand, I enjoyed it, so I figured a good compromise would be to put it in its own optional chapter.

If you're wondering why I'm updating all the chapters today, there will be a blog post going up as soon as I'm done.