• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.


This story is a sequel to To Be A Mule

For her entire life, Twilight has believed that the ponies of Equestria live together in harmony.

Now thrust into a life far removed from her previous, comfortable existence, Twilight must struggle to uncover the cause of her transformation and come to terms with a realisation that Equestria's much vaunted Harmony may not be all that she believed.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 20 )

Oh boy...

Twilight... Just what have you got yourself into this time?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Ooh, new donkle fic?


Very intriguing, and solidly written, as usual. Looking forward to seeing where Twilight;s found herself, as well as why she's been donkled. The purpliness of the prose turned me off slightly, however; still, it's quite beautiful in its own way.

As I read, dramatic irony was filling me with ever more dread and sorrow. And yet, the story is fantastic. I never enjoyed feeling this miserable before. :applejackunsure:

In any case, it would appear that Twilight's found her way to an alternate timeline, given that she seems to be in the same geographical location. I look forward to her looking for the familiar, to say nothing of trying to convince ponies that she's supposed to be a unicorn. And given her talent, I may finally get concrete information on donkey magic that you've only hinted at before...

3602257 Nice as the idea is, I'm already playing with too many ideas to add timeline shenanigans to the pile as well. :raritywink: She's in a place that looks superficially similar, enough to confuse her in her addled state, but it isn't the same place.

3597879 I'm going to try and dial it back a bit from now on. Also I need to watch my commas...


Would mentally laud and critique again.

You comma-sprinkling monster.

My goodness, what has Twi done to herself now...

This was an interesting read, once again. And of course donkled Twilight would look like Smarty Pants. Of course. :twilightblush:

Interesting. There's not a lot that Twilight can gather from her surroundings yet, however, that they're not completely surprised from her appearance suggests that it's probably an island with a sanitarium somewhere in the region.

IT LIVES!:pinkiecrazy: and what a interesting story.

The plot thickens!

To be honest, the narrative voice doesn't feel particularly Twilight-ish, but it's beautifully written enough for me to not care. Looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here.

4268044 mm, the voice doesn't sound all that Twilight, you're right. I've got to admit I've been a bit worried about that. I figure she's a bit overwrought by all the drama


What he said.

Loving it so far, boss.

~Skeeter The Lurker


In a world with memory spells, I don't know if this is something unintentional... :trixieshiftright:

"Look," I said. "I'm m-miss Smarty Pants!"





I really wanna see where this goes from here. Great stuff.

Hope springs eternal.

Alondro #20 · Dec 6th, 2014 · · 2 · Lost ·

So mules = Jews in this version of Equestria...

Just sayin.....

And then Adolf Celestia demands all mules be rounded up and Filthy Rich decides on a plan to create an enamel ware factory to save a bunch of them.

The film will be called "Filthy's List".


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