• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



Nobody really likes to move, you leave friends and loved ones behind, familiar surroundings and move to someplace that is different from what you are used to. You have to learn the ropes all over again, make new friends and find your way around, not an easy or fun thing to do.

But what makes a move like that worse, is when it happens and you sleep through the whole thing, doubly so when you didn't plan said move.

(Featured April 5, 2014)

Chapters (63)
Comments ( 1702 )

Hmm... seems good. Favorited and liked.

Discord moving company! We fuck up your life so you don't have to!


Okay Will, keep it together, there has to be a logical explanation for all of this.

Only if you consider "Da power of magic, muthafucka" logical explanation.

Giving his head another slow shake, he decided to puzzle it all out later. Right now he needed to get the chores done.

So he has a growing suspicion that something is wrong, and yet he's more focused on his chores!:ajbemused: I wish my brother had such devotion!


No superpowers yet, therefore I am enjoying reading this.

He seems awfully calm about this. But then again not everyone is going to flip out and the ramifications have possibly not sunk in yet.

Huh, this dude is taking things remarkably well.

I like this concept. Discord's pulling a prank and the guy that's been targeted is going through denial.

I think I've mentioned this before but Discord's conception of 'harmless fun' is disturbingly broad and psychopathic.

Well... There's potential here. I'll keep an eye on it.

Don't be too stupid, don't be too stupid, don't be too stupid, don't be too stupid, don't be too stupid, don't be too stupid.......

I'm just hoping he doesn't confuse the idiot ball with his buttocks like last time.
Ditto for the ponies as well.

Great to see you post more of this.^^ Took a while, but very good to see more.:D

Oh, by the way, since this is just after Discord's defeat, I'm guessing you'll involve Changelings MUCH later on in the story?^_^

Interesting, interesting. Still needs some revisions, but I'll keep an eye on this one.

I can already smell the stupid from here.
Accusations of slavery from the ponies in regard to the human riding the horse. "Sir, that ape thing mind wiped that poor pony!"

Glad the plane is gone, since I like stories where the human is eased into the insanity. In version one of this story, you had Allen screwed from the get-go. I do have high hopes for version two.

Let us hope that the Royal Guard actually recognizes Allen and Reuben as two separate creatures from a good distance, and that they don't try to think that Reuben is a fellow sapient equine the way a fuckwit would say an orangutan is on a human's level.

And that Allen doesn't go along as the doormat that accepts every dirt.

Everyone seems to be a bit more saner this time around. So far so good. :twilightsmile:

Shining the light around the underground room, Allen made his way over to his father’s gun safe in a nearby corner. It wasn’t much, just a large, heavy metal box that contained his father’s weapons collection, and as Allen quickly discovered, a locked, heavy metal box that contained his father’s weapons collection.

Just this. other than that, the chapter was good

5656626 Forgot the italics on locked, other than that it was supposed to read like that.

5656787 i forgot about this... i will be reading again.

but I don’t think we’re in Indiana anymore

So it begins. Please don't bring any extra monkeys in...

I like this version without a plane. Looking forward to more.

I do confess to being one who blasted the original version of this story for the sheer mindless stupidity of the human character. (The things he did with the airplane were incredibly brainless and that behaviour cannot be blamed on Discord.)

This rewrite however, shows promise of being much much better. At least the human is showing a little bit of reasoned thought. That's all I can ask.

So far so good. I'm looking forward to seeing where this rewrite takes us.

I just noticed this is back up, but it says i have read the first chapter.. did you rewrite the first chapter or is it the same?

5704171 There were revisions done for the first chapter, so to avoid confusion, I'd suggest re-reading it.

Alright, I read the original when it was up and didn't think it was too bad, but now I've finally been bothered to read the re-write and I definitely prefer it. It's a shame it's been so long since an update though but I'll hold out hope that you're just working on an absolutely smashing chapter.

6185650 I wouldn't call it "smashing" per say, I've just been very busy, having to write a small books worth of papers for college, plus landing a temporary factory job that would leave me sore and tired each day, on top of working on my family's farm has left little time or energy/motivation, for me to write anything as of late. But never fear, chapter 3 is currently done and undergoing final editing, while chapter 4 is currently in the works right now. Expect an update soon.


6185873 You're quite welcome, and I was only kidding about the smashing chapter. And I understand the strain, I've just finished another year of my university degree and after a lot of work I'm averaging a first, so like I said I understand and empathise. But now that I have bothered to read the re-write it's encouraging to hear that more is on the way, I look forward to seeing it.

The only real problem I see in this chapter is a run-on sentence when you describe what a Ranger is.

Contextually, the military's unwillingness to so much as consider an olive branch unnerves me.

Welcome back!

6189827 Would you be so kind as to point it out for me please?

6189953 Certainly.

Then there were the rangers, considered the offensive arm of the Equestrian military, such as it was, even though their numbers were small, being only around a few hundred currently, they were both highly trained, well equipped and disciplined, and had possessed excellent leadership.


Then there were the rangers. Considered the offensive arm of the Equestrian military, such as it was, even though their numbers were small, being only around a few hundred currently, they were both highly trained, well equipped and disciplined, and had possessed excellent leadership.

There, how is that?

6190035 Purdy good! :pinkiesmile:

You could also try this:

Then there were the rangers, considered the offensive arm of the Equestrian military, such as it was. Even though their numbers were small, being only around a few hundred currently, they were both highly trained, well equipped and disciplined, and had possessed excellent leadership.

6190041 Right, now the question is, which one is better?

Good to see more of this.^^

P.S: Jollity!

Twilight, hot on his hooves, felt a cold ball of uncertainty settling in her chest as she ran towards what could potentially turn into a fight, and praying that that wouldn’t be the case.

I think the readers will miss out understand that meaning of this sentence or maybe silly, so maybe you should reword it to make it simpler.

6190296 Le sigh* A good horse pun wasted. There, changed it.

Pretty good chapter, interested to see how this encounter pans out.

6190149 Both do nicely, just pick the one that sounds better to you.

6193710 Alright sounds good, thanks for the catch.

I literally just read that you've had a hell of a time with things so i won't demand more any time soon I will however get and my knees and beg, bawl and throw a hissy-fit until a new chapter comes out.

6197437 Not sure if that is a better option or not.

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