
Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results

9/14/15 · 6:44am Sep 13th, 2015

One story, one adventure, one year to tell it...


Happy New Year's! · 7:30am Jan 1st, 2016

:ajsmug: The apple dropped, y'all! Happy 2016!

Happy 2016, indeed!
Here's hoping y'all had a fun New Year's Eve and that yer New Year's Day kicks off the right way!
As for me, Ah'm gonna try ta sleep tonight. The last four nights...they've been very...productive if you will.
How productive?
How's that?

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Man, August is here... · 6:25am Aug 9th, 2015

And soon Summer will turn ta Fall.
It's been a bit of a while since Ah've said much outside a few comment replies here, hasn't it been?
Haha. Well, Ah'm not dead. So that should alleviate any worries that JHA and all the other stories Ah have will not get updates.
Ah have been writing, Ah promise. Even finished up the additions to the crossover, which is getting a slow proofreading when Ah have the time.

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17,000 · 6:53am Jan 18th, 2016

*Knowing the chapter will soon be even grander fills you with determination* :rainbowdetermined2:


Rejoice Mah Darklings · 2:21am Jan 23rd, 2020

They called you foolish.
They said that yer faith was misplaced, that all hope was lost.
But rejoice! For yer time is now here! As was foretold in the mighty lemons!
This journey, much like the mighty phoenix, has arisen from it's slumber to grace you all with more shenanigans, more action, and of course...

More me. Haha! I'm baaaaaack! :trollestia:

And with that we only have one word for y'all:

Enjoy! :twilightsmile:


The Plan · 4:24am Jun 20th, 2016

Alright guys, so here's how Ah'm hoping things will go.
See, next month, specifically the 12th of July, will be three years exactly since Ah started writing mah little adventures in the realm of ponies.
And, seeing as that is what's coming up, Ah'm hoping to have the start of the new story ready to post by then.
It's coming along at the usual pace, which is pretty good.

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Sup! · 1:50am May 15th, 2016

So it's been a week now since the finale to Just Horsing Around was posted and y'all seemed to enjoy it well enough. Ah'm sure some of ya were surprised to see it marked as the final chapter—looking at you, Deej—but with it being based where it was timeline-wise Ah'm sure others weren't surprised in the least.
Now then, the question everyone probably has in their mind is what does that hold for the future?

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At last! · 6:18am Sep 7th, 2015

Very short blog post, but Ah finished the chapter tonight.
Still gotta proofread, especially cause there's at least one or two parts Ah wanna tweak, but it's written now! So hopefully Ah'll get some time ta sit down and go through it, so Ah can finally get an update out for y'all.
And then move onwards to that sweet Season 3 finale stuffs so finally, finally, FINALLY, Ah can get to only one season behind with the plot. Hahahaha.

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It is done · 4:55am May 7th, 2016

It's been a long week, but have hope dear Darklings...for the light of the weekend has shone forth in the form of a gift Ah bestow upon you: yes, that is indeed the newest chapter from yours truly.
Ah hope y'all like it, cause man is it a crazy one.
Welp, gonna go die into bed now. Can't wait ta see what y'all think of this one...and what all it entails.
Ah'll elaborate more later on what's in store, so be patient and enjoy!

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Is this thing on? · 3:34am Jun 6th, 2019

Uhm, so, hey.
It's been about a year and a half now since the last blog post, and chapter posting. anyone still here? Heh, heh...dang, that took a lot longer than it should have. And Ah feel pretty crummy about that. A lot has happened in that year and a half to be honest, some of those things affected my ability to write and some didn't.

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It's nearly 2 AM · 5:45am Oct 18th, 2016

But Ah did it!
Ah sat down, after working on mah Halloween cosplay, and finished proofreading, editing, and getting all the bits situated to finally submit the new story.
Thankfully, Ah'm awesome and proven worthy of Auto-Approval, so more than likely it'll be ready to read within the hour, maybe less.
Definitely will be up by the morning, for sure...barring any unexpected chaos.

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Hey guys! · 4:14am Jul 16th, 2017

Ah'm not dead! :rainbowwild:
That's what you're going to lead with?:facehoof:
And yer point? Anyway, wow, it's been sometime since an update, huh?
Well, the good news is Ah am still writing, and actually make quite a bit of progress on the 2nd chapter of SHA despite life throwing far too many curveballs at me that Ah won't really bother going into detail about.
Let's just say that preparing to travel to another country takes of lot of planning and stuff.

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Ah'm back! · 5:15am Apr 1st, 2016

Mah Seattle excursion went off pretty well. Had some fun, saw some cool cosplay, spent a ton of money on all sorts of crap...ya know, had a fun vacation! Hahaha.

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Hey guys! Ah've got good news! · 3:39am Oct 30th, 2017

And it's not just the fact that Ah'm still alive after going to Italy for a month, or having to deal with a hurricane.
Nope, it's that on Tuesday evening of this week, the 31st of October, Ah will at long last be posting another new chapter.
Holy hell did it take a long time to get this one knocked out but by Luna did Ah not give up on it.

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Soon... · 3:53am Jan 22nd, 2020


Hey y'all! · 4:47am Oct 16th, 2015

Ah know Ah've been quiet for a little while here, but been busy with a bunch of stuff: work, Persona 4 Dancing All Night, playing through modded FALLOUT 3 before 4 comes out, and, oh yeah! Working on the story! :derpytongue2:

Ah've actually been writing to the next chapter while also proofreading the current one to be posted, so hopefully mah delays won't be too spread out.

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The New Chapter · 6:54am Feb 9th, 2016

It has taken longer than Ah originally expected it to, but at long last Ah finished it.
Still gotta proof it, and tweak a few things no doubt, but this one...oh man. This one was something else to write. There's quite a bit going on with it, but what it will lead to are many things Ah cannot wait to put mah own spin on.

So soon, mah followers, soon it will drop.
And lemme tell you fine folks, it's a big one. Haha!


Hey! It's been a while! · 7:51pm Oct 7th, 2016

Sorry for going so silent there, guys. But, uh, a lot of stuff kinda came up, unfortunately.
Work, home life, mah own health...ya know, all that fun stuff.
But! Despite all that, this is a post of good news!
So, as most of ya might be aware, the Southern East Coast is getting pummeled by Hurricane Matthew.
And thus, Ah don't have work cause the weather is pretty gnarly.

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LET THE UPDATE FLY~ · 5:06am Oct 19th, 2015

JHA update is out! Go read it ya goofy, lovable followers of mine! :heart:
And thus, Ah move ever forward to the next endeavor, working that oh so wonderful magic of mine. This next chapter has been a long time coming, and Ah can't wait till it's all typed and ready for ya guys!

Also, Ah apparently broke 40,000 views. Damn guys. That's AWESOME! :rainbowdetermined2:


Till then, take it easy!


Some Sort of News Thing Post · 5:08am Mar 16th, 2016

Ah'm gonna be at SAKURA-CON!
Well, just as an attendee, it's not like Ah'm crazy popular enough to be a panel host or anything silly like that. :derpytongue2:
For those wondering what that is, it's a huge anime convention in Seattle, Washington.
Some would say Ah'm crazy for going cross-country with a friend to go to a con...and they'd be right. But you guys read mah stuff, so ya know Ah'm already a few batteries short in the 24 AA pack that is life. :pinkiehappy:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 21 results