I Just Want a Comment 3,697 members · 15,829 stories
Comments ( 32 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, so this group didn't appear to have any rules, despite the purpose of the group being pretty obvious. So I cobbled some together, and they may be adjusted as needed.

The Official Group Rules

  1. This group is intended for asking for comments for stories. You shouldn't be asking for upvotes (or downvotes), and that should be the main thing the group is used for. Some off-topic conversation is fine, but we don't want it swamping the group.
  2. This group is not Mature rated. So, as such, don't link directly to mature-rated stories. Use the embed tag instead. Also, try to keep the discussion, well, not E for everyone, but PG-13?
  3. The Group Spoiler Policy: Any threads with spoilers in them should be tagged with "Spoiler" in the thread title. The title itself should not have spoilers in it, and neither should the first dozen or so lines of the post, as they can be seen in the feed. Put spoilers in [spoiler] tags, too.
  4. No trolling or spamming. Any threads with, say, copypasta or decapitation videos, Bojack Horseman porn, etc, are going to be deleted on sight, and may result in a ban. Known trolls may be banned on sight1.
  5. No flamewars, personal attacks, harassment, or fighting. If a thread seems like it's going bad, it may end up locked, and if an admin steps in and asks you to stop, stop, even if you think you are in the right.
  6. Generally speaking, obey the site rules. You know, no posting links to full episodes, and things like that.
  7. Lets stick to one request for comments per week for a story. Having people ask for comments too often can get annoying. If you start posting the same request every week, or posting a bunch of requests for comments, we might ask for more time as well, because it gets old, you know?
  8. No requesting comments on stories that have their comments disabled.

And if you have questions, feel free to ask!

--Sweetie Belle

  1. Depending on the troll. I'm mostly thinking SillyMoonLightUnicorn-level here.

I’m actually surprised it took how many years for this group to have rules. But at least your making everything normal when it comes to future forums.

Group Admin

Yup. Since I'm kinda in an inactive period as far as Fimfiction goes, SweetAI Belle will pretty much be the person to contact if there's a problem for the time being. I'm personally busy with studying for finals up until around the end of May.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I wouldn't be surprised at all if there were rules, but they got deleted, or they were written by someone who had their account deleted, since everything they did goes up in a puff of smoke when that happens. That's one reason I make myself the founder of so many groups. I know I'm not gonna delete my account or delete the group...

I've written rules for groups so many times that they have gotten pretty standard. I try to customize things a little for individual groups, but honestly, the base things you expect of people don't really change that much.

--Sweetie Belle

I feel the need to comment; that is the most adorable Twilight I've ever seen.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It is, isn't it? I tend to have lots of adorable pictures stashed away, and I like using them on occasions like this1.

The artist's derpibooru tag is worth a look, too!

--Sweetie Belle

  1. Or any chance I get, really.:unsuresweetie:


How often can you re-ask for comments in case of a multi-chapter story? Once per chapter? Once per week? Only once, no matter how many chapters it has :unsuresweetie:?

Personally, I would go with once per week as in shameless self-promotion group...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Given that there weren't any rules before I wrote these, and I didn't add one in, the only limit at the moment would be whether one of us thinks your posts are spam, which they would be if you were posting the same thing every day, certainly.

I obviously would be fine with once a week, since I run the SSPB, but for this, I'd want to see what 6841691 thinks, since it's really his call...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Yeah, once a week should be fine.



Uh, guys... I don't mean to be pushy or anything, but... if you agree about the 'one beg request for comment per week' rule, shouldn't it land at the top as one of the points on the list? Just saying :unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

Yeah, I'll tell SweetAI Belle to update the rules.


Can I screw the rules if I have money?

So does matures mean any stories rated Mature or clopfics?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Generally speaking, any stories rated M. That's really what I'm looking for when I click on the link. Either a message saying you have to enable mature content if I have mature off, or a red M if it's on...

--Sweetie Belle

How do I ask for comments for my mature story here? I know it said use the embed tag, but I don’t know what that means. Sorry if it’s a stupid question.

Group Admin

In the comment box, there's a button that looks like a video camera on a page. That's the embed content button.

Alternatively, use [embed][/embed] and paste your story's URL between the embed tags.

Is there a limit to the amount of comments prior to asking for more here? I ask, since one of my stories has quite a few comments (about 77 as of posting this), but I would still like more feedback if I can get it. But, I feel like that's being greedy, as well, since there are a lot more stories out there with far less attention who might deserve it more.

Group Admin

Nope, if you want comments (and you aren't planning on breaking any rules), then you can ask for as many as you want!

Can you ask for comments on things other than stories? Like blogs, for instance?

Lets stick to one request for comments per week for a story. Having people ask for comments too often can get annoying

Do you mean that we can ask for comments on multiple stories or that we can only ask for comments once a week even if it’s a different story? :unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

You can ask for comments on multiple stories. :twilightsmile:

Though, I'd recommend combining multiple story promotions into a single post anyway so that people don't get bugged so much.


For the rule stating that posts containing spoilers have to have spoiler tags, does that mean spoilers for MLP? And what counts as a spoiler here?

Sorry if these are stupid questions. I just wanna be sure before I make a post for my own story. :twilightsheepish:


I have a question, if a spoiler is hidden, is it still a spoiler? And if it is only an image, does the possibility of hiding it as a spoiler also apply? Spoiler refers to the story of is written or the series?


And if you have questions, feel free to ask!

What are the guidelines for putting stories into the NSFW folder?

I checked the first few pages of the group's main page's comments, and the pinned forum threads, and various other places, but couldn't find specific guidelines.

1. Does that include all teen stories with gore/sex tags, or just those with enough? (Doesn't affect me)
2. Does that include any stories you wouldn't recommend reading at a workplace for other reasons? (Not Safe For Work)
3. Would it make sense to add guidelines to the folder descriptions and the original post of this rules thread?

(Someone else added a Teen rated story that I wrote to the NSFW folder before I joined this group (planning to add it to the main folder); I'd rather not disappoint anyone looking for NSFW stories if it turns out to be miscategorized (And I think only administrators can remove stories from folders). (The question of "Who" is not relevant, despite my username and profile picture) It's about a human, and questionable enough that I wouldn't recommend reading that one at work, anyways. I'm leaving out the link since the official rules thread isn't the place for linking to stories or requesting reviews.

What I have found so far:

  1. Searching forums returned no relevant search results for "NSFW" or "folder", other than a question about adding new folders for categories
  2. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/924/i-just-want-a-comment#comment/448151 and the grouping makes it look like all mature stories go into the NSFW folder
  3. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/924/i-just-want-a-comment#comment/436599 also recommends the NSFW folder for teen stories containing gore
  4. The main folder https://www.fimfiction.net/group/924/folder/1507/stories?page=2 has some stories rated Teen and tagged "sex" for (light?) references to it, at the time this comment was made.


This group is intended for asking for comments for stories.

The group rules should probably also clarify if/when stories can be added to this group's story folders by users that aren't the story's authors, to avoid confusing any commenters(story reviewers) that are looking through the folder of submitted stories. Some circumstances where that may or may not make sense:

  1. When it's submitted by editors or proofreaders of the story
  2. When it's submitted by a friend of the author (mutual follower/user followed by the author may be an approximation)
  3. When the author's user page, author's notes, story description, or story comments mentions that the author is looking for feedback on their story
  4. When the author submits it to certain other groups?
  5. When the author is a member of this group?

(I was planning to ask for comments, but I still think this should be clarified in the rules for the sake of commenters.)

P.S. the picture of Twilight in a scarf in the original post is now a broken link and should point to https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/12/6/779117.png instead

Group Admin

In general, it's expected that the author themselves should be adding their own stories to the group. Unless there's an explicit complaint regarding others adding the story (such as if they did so without the original author's permission), then no action is taken.


1. There's no complaint about adding my stories to the group, but if my story in https://www.fimfiction.net/group/924/folder/67391/nsfw is miscategorized (see other comment), could it be moved to main by an admin? (The NSFW folder seems to be almost entirely for stories rated mature or with lots of mature themes, so its inclusion seems like it would be confusing or disappointing).
In practice, the main folder seems to also include the majority of questionable stories.
2. It isn't explicitly stated, but I assume stories should only be added to one of the two folders

Group Admin

1. Yeah, the stories can be moved at the author's request. I'll go ahead and move yours to the main folder.
2. Generally, yeah.

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