Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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Group Admin

Well, here we go again, a Twilestia prompt collab, but this time it’s MATURE rated!

Basically, this massive nerd gets laid. Like, alot.

Now, I know we here on the Twilestia side of things like to basically not follow the rules, but lets go over them all the same, just to make sure any newcomers are clear on what we are trying to achieve here. These guidelines are taken from the standard collab, but I am updating them and adding some new ones that are specific to this NSFW collab.


We start off by posting a list of one word/short phrase prompts. These will be posted in bold.

If you would like to write a 100-5000 word TwiLestia mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next few hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. There is no time limit to get it completed. We all have lives, so don’t sweat it if that might mean a lag between the claim and post.

When you finish, post it to the thread. You are not required to put your fic in [ quote ] tags, but it does help pick it out from the rest of the text for easier posting to the story page.

Be sure to include at the top of the post:

* The prompt you claimed in the first place.
* A list of any and all trigger/fetish warnings you believe are pertinent. If your fic is simply Twi and Tia having a really sloppy make-out, then it probably doesn’t need any, but if it has hyper futa foalcon incest cum-inflation egg laying, we need to have that so that it can be properly tagged when it goes to the story page.
* You should also include tags like ‘Human’ and ‘Anthro’ too, since some folk do/don’t like to read that.
* If your fic is a sequel/prequel to another prompt, please note that, link it if you can. If it is part of a larger series of related fics, then post a name for your meta series, again for easier linking, etc, etc.
* IMPORTANT EDIT: After a review of site rules,(and more than a few heads-ups from folks in the thread) NSFW fics in the forum section is a no-no. So, to address this, post a BROKEN link to a gdoc/pastebin with your fic and I will copy and paste it into the story page. If you don't want to use these services, that's ok, just PM me. (i.e.: take out the http: and replace with hxxp: or something.)
* At the bottom of your post, add a one word/short phrase prompt for the next person to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

1. The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be pre-read or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Just try to make sure it's 100-5000 words of fiction about Celestia and Twi and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed.

2. Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic, the relevant tags and the next prompt.

3. Your claim is valid for however long it takes you to post your fic, or twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours, another person can post a claim for the same prompt. It’s ok if multiple authors write fics for the same prompt, but the general idea is to try and keep it one prompt per. If you run out of ideas or have block, feel free to ‘unclaim’ your prompt. If no one else claims it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

4. Please include a one word/short phrase prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things. It's up to the next writer to do what they want to with it.

5. As a general rule of thumb, while no topic is outright forbidden, fics with excessive and/or extreme fetishes or violence may not be posted to the story page. The Twilestia Is Bestia mods(i. e.: myself and Knight of Cerebus) reserve the right to not post fics which are inciteful or malicious to the group, any individuals or the pairing itself. Tia and Twi are in love here, for crying out loud.

6. And finally, we are all adults here(more or less), so don’t be an ass. Pay attention to the tags at the top of a fic post and you won’t accidentally read something you won’t like.

We'll try to keep an up to date live prompt list and post it with each page of the collab. After we have about ten(or so) prompts completed then I (FuzzyFurvert) - or if someone else wants to host it, they - will put it into a story and we'll just update that as we play on this forum. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here, or PM me and I will be happy to sort it out!

Here's the first prompt list:


Okay, I can't believe i'm doing this but I claim Satisfaction

Fuzzy, what have you unleashed?

Group Admin

I wanted to claim Satisfaction, but I suppose I can manage my idea with Seduction


I'll give Temptation a shot.

2. Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic, the relevant tags and the next prompt.

Being a NSFW prompt... perhaps this should be a "PM me for the text" or some such so we don't break rules?

Group Admin

The Krakken. Tentacles ahoy!

If you would like to write a 100-5000 word

100-5000... Man, I remember back in the day when the word limit was 100-500. Y'all are some wordy motherbuckers.

3931474 Shh! Don't give them ideas!:rainbowlaugh:

3931471 Weirdly enough, nsfw text isn't much of an an issue as long as no pictures are involved.

Group Admin

I'll check what the rules say, but, at the moment, I believe we can post them to the forum directly.

If not, a PM or link to a gdoc would work.

Group Admin

I'm taking precautions since prompt length has been growing.
I'm mostly the guilty party there.


I like this idea :rainbowwild:

3931515 i think its funny that while I struggle to go over 300 words... everyone else has these struggles to stay under a kajillion words. :pinkiehappy:

On new-year's eve? That's an interesting moment to introduce a new prompt collab.

3931515 Looking at MLD, how long till you need to add another zero, what do you think?

How is "First Time" not the very first prompt?

Fuzzy, I am disappoint.

Group Admin


Snap! I missed I am disappoint...

I don't think we can post NSFW fics here. Another NSFW collab thread uses Gdocs.

I think 5000 words maximum is a bit excessive. It shouldn't be more than 3000, in my opinion.

Group Admin

I just need to learn how to be concise and not dribble words on the page for the sake of words.

3932012 Honestly if it cracks 1500 words... why not just post it as a one-shot story?

3932020 Oh Fuzzedy. There is no wasted word in your alicorn cuddling.

I support this.

3931406 You should avoid posting NSFW stuff in the forums. It's still against the rules technically. You're more than welcome to copy-paste (relevant parts of) the Foalcon group collab thread's guidelines regarding NSFW contributions and imitate our Gdoc strategy.

BBcode paste here.

I'll claim Love.

Damn, I'll need to keep my eyes open for a prompt. I wanted t do Tia/Twi's Wedding night, afterall I alluded to it in the main Teen thread..

Group Admin


Thanks for the heads up on the NSFW rules. I was operating under the assumption that the ban applied to images alone.

That's ok. Just post a BROKEN link to a gdoc or PM me the fic. We'll take it from there. Flutterpony was good enough to spread some useful info about this site's messed up NSFW policy and ways we can deal with it. Hopefully we'll be able to get a good system going to get things up and posted to the one area where it's ok to post clop... ay carumba.

3932869 Links aren't allowed either.

Broken links are fine, though.

Group Admin

Well...fudge rounds. Still, good info to have. Thanks.

Love by Flutterpony

Contains: [Foalcon] [Defloration]
Written by Flutterpony

(Word count: 513)

New prompt:



Take out the "http(colon)//". It should be fine.

3932869 3932883 Huh... I actually got laughed out of a thread in the Xenophilia forums a couple months back for complaining about text-only NSFW content on the forums, and last I heard it was totally permissable. Which I wasn't hugely fond of at the time because it put rather explicit content in my feed that my mature filter couldn't block, while I was accessing fimfic at work...

Eh. I'd probably stick with Flutterpony's response there. Better safe than sorry, and it's probably more up-to-date than my own information.


Groups have a nsfw switch now, though. I flipped it on the xenophilia group last week, though I don't know if it actually works yet.

The first time I ever claim a prompt without starting to write first. This might not be so bad or end up in disaster (read: not being done in time).

But what the hell, I claim Seduction.

3933348 I'm sure you're right. It shouldn't link when the http:// bit is excluded altogether, but I stick it on there out of habit since some might assume I'm also omitting the "www" when I'm not. I just find it clearer with the "http."

I actually still worry that, even with a broken link, Google's ad services might be smart enough to follow the text-only URL. I've considered instead doing something like "pastebin(dot)com" which must be altered unlike "" in the address bar to work, but I really like being able to simply copy-paste the address and hit enter to go. This would all be much easier or unnecessary if Google would explain themselves better to Knighty, of course.

3933488 That screen shot is from early November 2014. Hopefully we'll get some clarification in the actual site rules soon.

On the other hand, I've never been warned not to discuss the details of a sex scene in a forum, but that's still not equivalent to erotic writing, I think.

3933761 I think I like the 24 hour time limit or at least a 12 hour limit, maybe. When we've seen how well it works here, we could consider doing similarly in the Foalcon collab.

Group Admin

I'll ask Knight of Cerebus what he thinks about it, and we might go ahead and do that with this group, as a hefty bit of the content is borderline to straight up NSFW.

For now, we'll do the broken link thing and see how it goes.

Group Admin

I'm still asserting my claim on Seduction. As I've said in the past, good porn is hard to write. But I am making progress, at least.

I'll claim Lust.

Ya'll motherfuckers better be prepared.

Well, crap, I somehow missed that Seduction was already claimed.

3935313 Is your profile porn? Cause Sunny got a O face going and I don' see no top on her...


Of course it isn't porn. It's a non-pornographic crop of some porn. If you were some kind of pervert, you might be able to find it with the id 524233 on a derpy booru. Or if you were some other kind of pervert and knew about monosodium glutamate dot net, you might be able to find it with the id 427336.
I am the wizard of imageboard links/the world of porn is where I shine/I've got magic to let you see/just where to go and post ids/on your computer's glowing screen/I can help you find your dream, dream, dream...

3935651 Oh no, I went searching. I've no idea where I found it but it was already tucked away in my NSFW folder on my hard drive...-shifty eyes- I shouldn't have said that..Twilight's the best part of it

Group Admin

Ah, finally finished. (shifty eyes) Anyway, here's Seduction, a follow up to a couple of prompts from the other collab thread, Relevance and Misconstrued. While not strictly necessary, a few references may fly over your head if you skip reading those two. Plus, they set the mood. So.

Warnings: BDSM, with a focus on Dominance/submission and some light sadomasochism.
Seduction can be found at derpy dot me slash kinsleys-seduction
Currently clocking in at just over 1500 words. Woo, new prompt length record. Feedback would be SUPER APPRECIATED.

Next prompt is First Time because we missed giving it, well, the first time.

Group Admin

It's been five days, so I'll put in a claim for Temptation as well. Ye have been warned.

Well, I guess that relieves me of a decision.

I claim Lust.

I finished Lust. You can find it here: hxxp://

New Prompt: Soft

Reclaiming Satisfaction I'm working on it right now stupid real life.

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