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"Wow," Says Mockingbirb

As I look over the eighteen entries sent into this contest (including all special categories), I feel both honored and humbled.

The contest announcement asked for

a meaningful, funny, thought-provoking, or even just startlingly original story

Fimfic authors delivered!

I can't give awards to every deserving Arboreal Yearnings story, because there are so many. I can point to a few stories that, after I read, reread, and analyzed the contest entries, I thought were either standouts or at least among the best of their kind.

Separate Award Category Under Contest Rules: Timberwolves aka "Dishonorable Creatures"

"Does It Make a Sound?" by EileenSaysHi

meaningful, funny

The only easy decision of this contest, standing head and shoulders, torso, legs and hooves (or roots) above all other official contenders in this special category, is EileenSaysHi's "Does It Make a Sound?"

This succinct parody of the Human in Equestria genre is written from the point of view of a canon timberwolf, which is something I don't see very often.

Seldom do I see someone combine inspiration from Estee with the brevity of fitting their story into about 1300 words.

Some stories are simply 'short and sweet.' We can call this story 'short and crunchy.'

TDoes It Make a Sound?
The humans that keep being displaced into Equestria don't know the rules of the Everfree very well. The local timberwolves are all too happy to educate them.
EileenSaysHi · 1.3k words  ·  76  13 · 873 views

Main Category: Trees

Fourth Prize

"I Don't Want to Be a Tree Anymore" by Kris Overstreet


This story is tightly and skillfully written, one of the two entries seriously tagged Horror.

Kris just casually drops an interesting idea idea about where timberwolves come from, and really that turns out to be plenty enough to power an entire story.

To quote PART of Kris' author's note:

I really do not like horror. At all. And I'm probably not particularly good at writing it.

But for some reason, when I saw the Arboreal Yearnings contest, this idea popped into mind immediately- even though, honestly, while sticking to the letter of the rules it absolutely inverts the spirit of the rules.

So, well, here it is. Hope you enjoyed a dream turned nightmare.

It isn't every day that I get to MAYBE DISAGREE with an author about their story in a POSITIVE way while I'm judging it. For one thing, Kris, I don't think you disrespected the spirit of the rules at all.

Because the ending does somewhat leave us hanging, I do think the rest of the author's note, adding a bit of extra perspective, was (also) a good touch.

EI Don't Want to Be a Tree Anymore
Fluttershy learns some fantasies should never become reality.
Kris Overstreet · 1.3k words  ·  212  6 · 2.6k views

Third Prize

"Heartwood" by EroPony1000

startlingly original

An unusual take on a motif that occurs in multiple folktales and ancient myths, but which usually gets short shrift.

Maybe a mellowfic, and maybe kind of not? Depends on how you look at Wood-Shaper's situation and sudden responsibility.

This story gets points for originality and distinctiveness, and for achieving a mood less often aimed for in horsewords.

A forester makes a startling discovery when cutting into a tree.
EroPony1000 · 1000 words  ·  8  5 · 168 views

Second Prize

"Pining" by pubbyrot

a meaningful, funny...original story

If Arboreal Yearnings I had a specific 'Cute and Silly Shipfic With Humor Prize,' this story would win it.

This is a lovely, fluffy and funny example of how a fanfic writer can write a crush between two (very) individual ponies.

As Rainbow Dash explores her feelings towards Applejack, the pegasus decides she might like to be a tree. That's not weird, right?

She spends the rest of the story trying to find out.

Watching Applejack tend to the orchard, Rainbow Dash thinks stupid, sappy thoughts such as: maybe it wouldn't be so bad to become a tree.
pubbyrot · 1.7k words  ·  41  0 · 918 views

First Prize

"Harmon-Tree" by TCC56


TCC56 wonderfully portrays the Tree of Harmony, in the Tree's (canon) sometime-form of a phantasmal Princess Twilight. It's no wonder TCC's author's note for this story says

Plus I honestly just enjoy writing the Tree of Harmony. It's such a fun alien character. (Really should petition site staff to get it a character tag at some point.)

"Harmon-Tree" gives us one of the more unusual, original takes I've ever seen on a classic fandom question...and not just the question you're probably initially expecting. (Spoilery indirect hint: the question is more usually posed about Twilight, of all ponies.) In fact, the story handles more than one of these classic questions by neatly tying them together.

TCC accomplishes all of this GRACEFULLY in less than 1200 words, which is quite a trick.

Fluttershy would like to be a tree. A tree answers.
TCC56 · 1.2k words  ·  136  3 · 1.3k views

Thanks and Acknowledgements

I thank the eighteen horsewords writers who sent a variety of enjoyable stories to Arboreal Yearnings I. You made the task of trying to pick only a few favorite tales very difficult indeed. Fortunately, reading your stories made it worth it.

I also thank Aragon and a few other people for some helpful remarks on the general task of running a horsewords contest or a story contest in general.

Hooray! Victory by default!

Congrats to all the winners! I couldn't think of a good idea for the prompt, but it's been fascinating reading what's come of it.

Congratulations to all the winners! I'm really looking forward to reading those. And big thanks to Mockingbirb for running such a fun contest. I think given its subject and title, there's only one suitable reaction to end on...


I'm honored. It wasn't a contest I expected, but it was certainly a fun one! Thank you very much, and congratulations to my fellow authors who jumped in.

Happy to have made 2nd place in such a fun contest. The other entries have been a delight to read!

Congrats to all the winners! Some great entries, and it was awesome to see so many writers tackle a unique prompt

congrats on a successful contest! and congrats to all the winners!

Congratulations to one and all!

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