Original Pairings 495 members · 717 stories
Comments ( 49 )
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*Rubs hands together evily.*

I'll see if I can come up with something this.

Oh, is Equestria Girls allowed in this? It says no humans but I think that's referring to random humans.

It says EQG is allowed under the questions.

Ahh! My eyes must have missed that part. ^.^

Yay! I had an idea that works way, way better with people with fingers than hooves.

Will we be getting a site shout out?

I want to clarify when it says pairing does that refer only to them being a couple or does it mean just a story involving two charcters that aren’t usually written about?

Does it HAVE to be a Romance story? I have this idea about two characters that don't interact, and while they talk ABOUT romance, there isn't really a romance between the two characters in question. Is that allowed in the parameters of this contest?

The Red Parade
Group Admin


...dang, this went live like right after I published all of my crack fic stuff. Well... time to write something new I guess lol

Two things that I have to ask.

Sex play and/or bad end?

Then I'll try my best......as long as life don't messed me up.


So, rules on rating? Is mature good.

I th ink I'm honor bound to hit this one, given prior comments about any shipping being possible to write well...

Not gonna lie, I'll be pretty disappointed if at the end of the contest there is not, in fact, one story about an entire encyclopedia on the comprehensive history of Equestria, featuring Autumn Blaze and Bulk Biceps. Though I'm not gonna write that myself, sounds way to hard to actually do.

Though characters I plan to use for the story I do plan on writing, at least, has literally no stories with them together, so that's a good sign I guess?

Yay! First entry is complete! *Rubs hands together* Now for more....

And second complete! Muhahaha!


Nice work. A self-imposed challenge, huh? How many more do you reckon you'll do?

I'm not sure. And no so much a challenge, more if you look at my stories you'll see that odd ships is kind of my jam. But I have one in the pipeline, and then maybe one more.


Ah, I see. Well, well, well, looks like this sort of contest is right up your alley, then. Myself, I came in as a way to get the old writing system back into operation (I'd been quiet for a while).

Two more coming up? Impressive. Go for it, I say, and good luck to you in the contest, my worthy opponent!

Got two more questions. Are anthro characters cool? And is Rule 63 accepted or no?

That's all fine and dandy. Thanks for clearing that up.

And now with Moonbug out, the wait begins - It was a really enjoyable experience, so thank you for the opportunity :twilightsmile: I do have a couple more pairings planned, but alas, I've got other projects to tend to :raritycry:

Wooot finally got mine finished, and it is the first story for my specific pairing which is nice. Now, the wait to see how everyone does. I glanced in the folder at the entries and WOW totally going to need to read a lot of these as they sound so interesting.

Woah! Yeah I had no idea! Will have to go see how yours ended up going with a read. ^.^ *nods* Yep, I checked with the tags in search and no other story has both of those tags.

Sadly, I saw this contest WAY too late. It is a shame since I have what I think is a pretty uncommon ship that I like. Well, maybe next time. :pinkiesmile:

Oooh boy with 79 stories, I can't imagine how long it'd take for all of them to be read :twilightoops: - take as much time as needed!

It might be better to make an entirely separate thread announcing the results.


Is there any place where we can find the full list of contestants? At the moment, the best methods I know of involve searching the whole site for "May 2020 Pairing Contest" - and that misses some stories out - or rummaging through the folders here - which is time-consuming, as they're mixed in with the regular fics as well.

Ooooh I am so excited! So many stories, so many awesome ships/pairings! The excitement is almost too much! :pinkiecrazy:

I wish everyone good luck! I've read a few of the other stories so far and I know I wouldn't be able to pick a winner easily!

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