Humans Are Bastards 214 members · 216 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Group Admin

Adding stories - This is a group dedicated to how humans ARE bastards. Stories need to have at least one asshole human in them.

Forums - It's simple.
- Don't be a COLOSSAL dick to people. Light trolling is fine, but don't be a prick. (I know this seems contradictory considering the group, but I don't want a civil war breaking out in my forums.)
- Don't break the theme (No posting humanitarian videos or videos about people doing great things and being generally wonderful.)*
- Referring to above, friendly debates about WHY humans are bastards is fine.
- Relating to the disclaimer; Don't attack the Humans Aren't Bastards group within threads either. We're not intended as their enemy, we are a parody group.
- of course, don't break site rules. (e.g no NSFW imagery.)

Aside from those, if you want to post it. Post it.

*On the subject of videos and songs. I do not consider animations, music or artwork to be a defining point of how humans don't suck. As long as the general theme of said video, animation, song, artwork etc. doesn't break the "Humans Are Bastards" theme, you're free to post it.

Also credit where credit's due. MetaKnight145theinfamous did help in making it. Give him some of the love he so desperately tries to avoid getting.

Group Admin


Give him some of the love he so desperately tries to avoid getting.


Group Admin

1853344 YAY rules! :pinkiehappy:

1853344 Is this a joke group?:rainbowhuh:

Group Admin


We're not intended as their enemy, we are a parody group.

3404027 Ic an't read quoats on my phone.

Group Admin

yes, it's a joke group.

Would an MLP/Dark Souls crossover where Celestia is invaded and slaughtered by GiantDad apply and be added in the 'Humans Are Bastards' group?

-Lightning \[T]/

Group Admin

Is GiantDad a human?

3518057 No, hes a hollow.

Technically. He's an undead serial killer. But he uses humanity to well… be human.

-Lightning \[T]/

Group Admin

meh. Fek it, put it in.

Can there be a rule about not adding the same story to every single category they can think of? I really don't need seventeen updates from this group about the same three stories.

So after another round of spamming from the same individual... any chance on updating the rules? Please?

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