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Some of the other official groups have an official prompt-tag thread. We do not. Are we to say that Sweetie Belle is not important enough to warrant an active, official prompt-tag thread? I think not! So, here's how we fix it. I know that there are numerous talented authors that are members of this group, and those are who I call upon. Any author of this group who has a story to tell. That is what writing is about, isn't it?
What are Sweetie Belle Prompt Tags? Well, its like a game and a collaborative group effort. Here's how you contribute:
An individual begins by posting a miniature fic to this thread, between 100-1000 words in length, focusing on Sweetie Belle. The fic in question is inspired by a one-word prompt. At the end of the fic, the author includes a single word that acts as the prompt for the next author. Once the fic is posted, another individual may comment to claim the prompt. Once the prompt is claimed, this individual has 24 hours to write a mini-fic and post it to this thread. Ensure to include a one-word prompt at the end of the fic, so that the cycle may continue.

Just so we are clear, The Rules:

* The mini-fic can be written in any style, containing any content. It's not expected to be proofread, but decent spelling and grammar are expected (obviously). If you've never written before, well, now is the time! Try to keep ratings teen or below, and between 100-1000 words. Make sure that the fic focuses on our favourite squeaky, musical unicorn filly, and that it somehow relates to the prompt. However, every story is individual. A fic need not relate to the fic before it, it must only relate to the prompt.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the most recent post. Just the word "claimed" and the specific prompt will suffice. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for twenty-four (24) hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After this time, another person may post a claim for the same prompt. If you run out of time, and no one else has claimed the prompt, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that confusion occurs, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. Words are powerful, and the many interpretations of a single word are astounding. It is up to the author to take a prompt where they see fit.

* Everything is posted in this thread.

* Any post that is considered off-topic or irrelevant (anything that is not a claim or not a mini-fic, or any claims that fall through) will be deleted. Please be considerate and try to not put anything off-topic.

* If no one makes a claim within the 24 hours, the thread will be locked and a second prompt-tag thread will be created. It will then become a goal to reach—to try and get more comments then the previous prompt-tags. This rule is not in effect while group notifications are off.

Need an example? Try this.

Any questions, concerns or suggestions? Please feel free to contact me (DJ GarV the Expert, the admin) or Assertive Fluttershy (the person who brought this idea to me).

First Prompt: Stress

EDIT: Dayum that was quick.

3160839 Claimed


Sweetie Belle paced back and forth backstage, sweating bullets. This was it. Her very first shot at singing onstage. In front of everypony. As they watched her, judged her, jealously noted that they could do way better than her...

Focus, Sweetie Belle. She thought to herself. Those thoughts are bad. Think happy thoughts.

Octavia Melody, her mentor, peeked in. "Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie jumped. "Oh. Hi, Octavia."

Octavia gave a sympathetic smile. "I figured you would be nervous during your first performance."

"I am." Sweetie admitted. "What if I forget the lyrics or something?"

Octavia crouched down low, so she was at the filly's eye level. "Sweetie Belle, you won't forget the lyrics, because they're straight from your heart." She placed her hoof on Sweetie Belle's chest, where her heart was. "And you're a fantastic singer."

Both their ears perked up as Cheerilee peeked in. "Sorry to interrupt, but Sweetie Belle has to go onstage now."

Octavia gave her a quick hug. "Good luck."

Sweetie Belle darted onstage, using her magic to lower the microphone. She stared out at the audience, wetting her lips. If they were going to judge her, she was going to give them something good to judge.

She began to sing.

Next prompt: Fabric

Claiming prompt: Fabric
Will post it in a few hours at the most.
It's gonna be pretty out there...

Prompt: Fabric

“Got it, sis!” Sweetie Belle called happily as she trotted into her sister’s work room, a roll of cloth balanced across her back.

Rarity glanced up from her work, gazing at her sibling fondly over her red-rimmed spectacles.

“Thank you ever so much, Sweetie. Just stack them in that pile for me,” Rarity said, gesturing, with a tilt of her head, to an organized pile of rolled fabrics stacked beside her workbench. “Neatly, please!” Rarity added as she returned to her work and Sweetie approached the stack.

“No problem! This way, I can spend time with you and practice my magic, just like Twilight said.” The small filly quickly found her way to the centre of the room, skipping excitedly. “Watch this!” Sweetie squeaked as she dropped the roll to the floor.

She took a few steps back and adopted a wide stance, spreading her hooves out beneath her. Her face was a mask of determination, her emerald eyes glinting, her lips pressed into a thin smirk. She zeroed in on her target; the pink bolt of fabric at her hooves.

She squeezed her eyes shut and began to concentrate.

In her mind’s eye, she felt the energy coursing through her, flowing around her. Sweetie focused on drawing the mana towards her, focusing it within her. Slowly, she felt it begin to respond. She felt the ebb and flow of energy within her, coalescing into a single spot beneath the pink and mulberry curls of her mane. Her horn.

Under the fading lights of the Boutique, Sweetie’s small horn began to emit bright emerald sparks, twinkling in Rarity’s eyes as she watched her little sister in wonderment. A low hum began to fill the work room.

Sweetie could feel it now. She had focused enough energy, she hoped. She peeked one eye open and refocused on the bolt of fabric. She reached out with her mind, feeling the world as it flowed within the magical plane. She found her target, and screwed her eyes shut once more.

A hazy green aura began to engulf the cloth, flickering and sparking with the intense focus of the magical stream. Rarity gasped and held her breath, allowing the beginnings of a pride to find its way to her features. Her sister was really doing it.

After an eternity, or a few seconds, the fabric began to rise.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity exclaimed, cheering proudly.

But it wasn’t enough. The bolt hovered much to low, and at the wrong angle. It would never reach the top of the pile. The tiny unicorn felt lightheaded, and her vision swam and greyed when her eyes weren’t squeezed shut. She felt the magic begin to fade.

The green aura surrounding the spool began to fade, and one of its corners sagged to the ground.

Sweetie Belle lifted one of her forelegs to her chest and drove the others against the pristine marble of the Boutique’s floor. Her confident smirk had long since been abandoned and her brow knitted with concentration. But she had come too far to give up now.

The ethereal winds of the Fade whipped around her as she drew in more energy. She straightened her neck and sharply inhaled, squeaking with effort.

The bolt of fabric shot up from the ground, glowing brilliantly and hovering over the pile of fabrics. Sweetie Belle, opened her eyes, panting, and grinned with dogged satisfaction, laughing triumphantly.

“Brilliant, darling!” Rarity congratulated, approaching her sister. “Now just-”

But Rarity was interrupted as a grating whine cut through the room. The bolt of fabric began to twist and rotate in the air, reaching a blurring speed as the high-pitched drone reached its crescendo.

“Oh my…um, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity glanced between her sister and the bolt of fabric, floating and spinning hellishly in the center of her room.

“Rarity! W-what do I do!” The filly called over the howling drone of unstable energy. Her voice cracked in panic. Her small form quaked from exertion and her wide eyes darted madly about the room in fear.

Rarity took a few steps back, but tried to console her sister. “It’s okay, Sweetie Belle. Look at me. It’s okay. You just need to relax and-”

But it was too late. The magic holding the fabric aloft finally destabilized and backfired. The bolt shot back towards Sweetie Belle, screaming through the magically-charged air like spear.

Sweetie Belle gasped as the connection was broken and squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head slightly. It was all she could do.

When the bolt of fabric struck, it narrowly missed Sweetie’s eyes and cheek. But it struck its target.

The bolt cracked against the filly’s skull, whipping against her horn.

For a moment, the quiet was deafening within the Boutique, as the silence rushed in to replace the whine of magic. The bolt clattered to the floor. Then all was still.

The mind-numbing, heart-wrenching, blood-curling scream of pain shook the windows of Carousel Boutique and tore into the night, shattering the stillness like glass.

Next Prompt: Spring

Prompt: Spring

The door to the Carousel Boutique suddenly opened and slammed shut with a bang, breaking Rarity's concentration.

"Sis!" called a squeaky voice. "Sis, where are you?"

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity whined. "How many times must I tell you NOT to slam the door?"

She frowned as the young filly appeared in the doorway to her workroom, where she had been in the middle of doing some sketches for her next line.

"Sorry," Sweetie Belle apologized, ears drooping for a moment. Then she perked. "But you'll never believe what I just got!"

Rarity raised an eyebrow as the filly nudged a small package in front of her. "And what would that be?"

Sweetie's horn flickered a few times before her magic began flowing steadily enough for her to levitate off the box lid. Rarity peeked inside to find that it held four small red boots.

"Why were you that excited about these, may I ask?" Rarity questioned. "Can't you see how they clash with your mane?!"

"Um... well, I guess I, uh, wasn't thinking about that...." the filly admitted. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Besides, they're not just shoes," her sister continued. "Look!"

Reaching inside, the filly removed the shoes so her sister could see that, on the bottom of each shoe, there appeared to be.... a spring?

Seeing her sister's confusion, Sweetie Belle quickly explained, "They're bouncy shoes! Pinkie Pie gave them to me! Aren't they neat? She said they're so much fun and you can bounce all over town with them!"

"I... see. Yes, very... fun," Rarity commented sarcastically.

Sweetie didn't seem to notice. "I'm gonna go try them out now!" she squealed in excitement, before grabbing the shoes and bounding downstairs and outside.

"Sweetie, I'm not so sure you should..." Rarity trailed off, knowing her sister wasn't listening. "Oh well," she said to herself. "No harm in letting her have some fun. The worst that can happen is she'll wind up with a coat full of dust.... right?"

Rarity shook her head and turned to go back to work. She heard her sister giggling in delight just outside the boutique, and couldn't help going over to the window to watch. Just outside, the little filly had seated herself on the grass as she put on the shoes. Once she finished, she stood, wobbling slightly. Then she crouched down and prepared to bounce.

Rarity bit her lip, starting to get a bad feeling about what was coming. She opened the window to call out to Sweetie, but was too late. The filly had jumped up, and Rarity watched in horror as the springy shoes bounced her clear across town.

"Oh dear," Rarity sighed, "Not again...."

Next Prompt: Hats

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