AlwaysDressesInStyle's Ponyville CiderFest '23 Interactive App Stories

by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Villain (300)


While you’re curious about ponies, the rules are the law. No one’s allowed inside without a shirt or shoes.

You block the path of the three ponies trying to enter your workplace. Standing tall, comically towering over the little ponies, you point to the no shirt, no shoes, no service sign.

The unicorn objects. “How can we purchase shirts if we’re not allowed inside?”

“Not my problem,” you respond, firmly holding your ground.

“You’re not being very friendly,” says one of the pegasi. She’s fuchsia in coloration, with red, orange, and yellow hair. It’s a visually striking color combination. It’s so visually striking your eyes are already doing their best to avert your gaze to either of the others so you don’t have to look directly at her.

The other pegasus rolls her eyes. “It’s just like some of the ‘unicorns-only’ places in Canterlot. Come on, girls, let’s get out of here.” She turns, giving you a good look at the three lilies on her flank.

Denied, the three ponies trot off, swishing their tails in anger.

You’ve upheld the letter of the law, and your job is safe. So why doesn’t that thought make you feel any better?