• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
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The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!

More Blog Posts228

  • 22 weeks
    2024 Sucks

    Rest in Peace Kirby
    02 April 2006 - 07 January 2024

    10 comments · 314 views
  • 37 weeks
    Equestria at War Update - The Way of Fire (2.2)

    Hey there everybody! I've emerged from the darkness to help spread the news about another project that I'm working on. As I've mentioned in the past, in addition to being a fimfic author, I'm also a senior writer on the Hearts of Iron 4 mod, Equestria at War (discord link here), which is a fun (and sometimes very time consuming) volunteer project to dedicate

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    3 comments · 340 views
  • 44 weeks
    OSLF at EFNW Book Nook

    Oh hey guys, it's been a minute hasn't it?

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    2 comments · 303 views
  • 92 weeks
    Ten Years of Horsery!

    What it says on the tin. Simple enough, right?

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    7 comments · 543 views
  • 98 weeks
    Equestria at War: Shores of Zebrica

    Hey hey people, been a while hasn't it? Yeah, it's ya boy with another one of those "drop off the face of the earth and then post a blog post out of the blue" moments. At least they only last a couple of months (usually) right?

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    2 comments · 555 views

State of the Author - Numbers, TTM, OSLF, and oh shit this is the 200th blog post isn't it · 9:57pm Oct 9th, 2019

Oh hey it's a blog post from that guy who doesn't blog post all that often. And not only is it a blog post, it's also apparently my 200th blog post. That's pretty neat. Too bad I don't have anything interesting to celebrate it... as if 200 blarghs into the void was a thing to celebrate or something.

I guess this is more of a 'touching base' kind of thing, mostly because I haven't given people really any updates into my life as of late. Well, not here at least; I have discord thingamajig where I regularly talk about what I'm up to and stuff like that. So I guess if you want to keep up with what I'm doing, you should head there, because I use that a lot more than blog posts.

Case in point: I never made a blog post after Bronycon that let everyone know my fucking book that I sold there is up on Lulu and has been up there since Bronycon ended, which is like two months ago at this point. Whoops. For those of you wondering, yes, I am editing the sequel as well to get that put on Lulu alongside OSLF. Hopefully that'll get done sometime this year, since my writing and free time has been dramatically reduced by the simple fact that I'm working full time these days and will be until the end of March. So I'm too busy closing wounds to close a lot of plot points at the moment. But hey, it's nice to get paid for using one piece of paper to get another.

All that really means for you guys is that things will take their (usual) slow time to get written. My only active project right now involves a bird in the wild wild west that YOU (yes, YOU) can tell me what to make her do, and behind the scenes I'm writing the third book in my epic sci-fi series now that the second ended about a month ago. I'm hoping to have that ready to go by the beginning of 2021; that would establish the theme of having these books out every other year. I've also got a few other things I'm poking around with behind the scenes, and a few more that actually made it off the shop floor, though I wouldn't be surprised if nobody noticed them yet. Hopefully I can get more material out before the end of the year in addition to continuing to update Unshaken, but we'll see how that shakes out (please end me).

On a different and older front, this was the reason I finally decided to get off my ass and write a blog post today: completely unprompted, some cool dude made some fan art for far and away my most popular story on this site (it was all the way up to #10 top rated all time last week before an errant downvote kicked it all the way back to #101 :raritydespair: ). I mean, look at this beautiful cover:

Thank you Sparks, very cool!

So when I saw this pop up in my PMs today, I knew I had to slap that bad boy on the story and let all of you know about it. Seriously, it's awesome, and I love getting shit like this. It's even better when I don't have to commission my own fan art and instead get it for free! So give HopefulSparks a follow or whatever the kids do these days; that's the least I can do to show my thanks.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand that's about it! Don't really have much else going on that needs talking about, at least not off the top of my head. I'm still super thankful for all of you following me and keeping up with the stuff I occasionally dribble out, and meaning I even have people who will read my 200th manic screaming into the abyss 7 years after I joined this site (I always forget it's my anniversary of being on this site in September until it's long past). Here's to all the trouble we'll get up to in the next 7 years and 200 blog posts (even with our current generation of horsery ending on Saturday ((god I need to catch up real bad))). Keep it going strong, m'dudes.

Ante Legionem nihil erat, et nihil erit post Legionem (how the fuck can I still type this out from memory)

Comments ( 4 )
Author Interviewer

That's a solid fanart! :D

Loved that story. Nice work

I’ll have to keep my eye out for that dead tree sequel

Dang, that's a sweet cover!

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