• Member Since 6th Jul, 2012
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A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!

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Announcements: Stardust hardcovers through Ministry of Image available for pre-order, plus Mente Materia news. · 4:08pm Jun 11th, 2019


Morning folks, long time no see.

I'll spare everyone the dreadful story of what's happened in the last year for later since I have some exciting news! I've been working things out with the Ministry of Image to offer printed copies of Stardust for order, see the link above. Everyone that unfortunately missed the drive last year will have their chance to own a copy of Stardust to put on their bookshelves. The coverart is also new and pretty spiffy in my opinion as well!

And now, on to the other news.

Mente Materia's next chapter is almost done and I'm about to send it off to my editors, blessed be their names, to make it readable for all of you. I'll save my expanation for the delay since the last update for when I actually post the chapter. I'm wanting to keep this announcement lean and on topic.

Thank you to everyone who enjoys my writing, fingers crossed I can finally eke out the last few chapters of Mente Materia!

Report Arad · 4,081 views · Story: Stardust ·
Comments ( 23 )

Good to hear from you! And I did miss last year's so... time to buy a book.

Dude! Nice to hear from ya! Happy you are alive and I hope things have been doing well!

Looking forward to see what you've come up with, and I have to agree with Sun Sage. Time to buy a book :pinkiecrazy:

Its good to know you're still alive and kicking ass. Looking forward to seeing the new chapter featured on the front page soon. It'll be a welcome change from all the weird fetish fics that have taken up permanent residence over the last two years.

That's excellent news.


Glad to hear from you guys, and I'm certain you'll enjoy the book also!


I had actually noticed some... 'trends' with the featured box as of late. :S

Don't get me wrong, my order is in for a copy and I'm thrilled to add it to my collection, but GD when the standard shipping cost is more than the cost of the item itself.. Then again, Russia to US shipping, what dya expect?

Wait... didn't someone else just done it? Printing, I mean? Because I'm pretty sure I have it, and its even my first pony book....

Shipping to the Netherlands ain't much better, but eh, I'll bite that bullet. Just means no Warhammer minis this week.

Good story in paper format is worth it, especially with that spiffy cover.

YAY more Mente Materia :yay::yay:
Looking forward to the next chapter when it comes out. Need to actually get myself a physical copy of Stardust at somepoint, hopefully this year if i can get enough together.

I'm about halfway through a re-read of Mente, how fortuitus

Oh yeah, I personally know how painful the shipping costs to the Netherlands are. Last year, a friend of mine in the Netherlands had the video card in his computer die. Since he was a digital artist, it was especially hard since that was his livelihood. Since I had recently upgraded my own PC from dual Strix GTX970s to a Strix GTX1080OC, I gifted him one of the 970s (I had already given the other to someone else) as well as an ASUS Hero motherboard while another friend of his gifted him some RAM. The lowest shipping cost I could find from here in the States (Florida) to him was $180-something. The video card was basically free and I managed to get the motherboard on sale for only $100, so yeah, the shipping was twice the purchase amount. Then there was the claimed value of the contents which dictated how much extra HE had to pay to customs when it got there, so I had to put it down as a gift with a value of like $40 to keep him from paying an arm and a leg for something I was giving him for free as a freaking gift. 'Course, I asked him later how much he had to pay, then gifted him that amount via PayPal because you shouldn't have to pay some unrelated third party for something that someone is giving to you as a gift.

Glad to read :)

Challenge: Can you complete Mente Materia at this autumn, within 6 years or i can complete first module of my Ponyville model railway scenery within 5 years? I have 3 buildings to goal :D

Great to hear about an update. As an aside my wallet is now displeased because you showed me to the Ministry of Image site where I suddenly see more books aside from yours that aren't on my shelf yet. I hope you're happy. :twilightsmile:

Good to hear from you, no idea what happend but you went dark after last October.

I was worried that we might have lost another good author to the infinite hunting grounds...

You.. you're alive???
Well, time to re-read the last couple of chapters.

Good to see you active again.
The second I saw the word hardcover I immediately went and ordered.

Oh shoot! I go away for a bit only to find them on sale again!

Not sure how much longer it's going to be up for so I'll look to get a copy this month^ :moustache:

That $30 just for shipping :raritydespair:

Still gonna get it.

Just got my copy delivered, it looks fantastic.

Any chance for an update or has the COVID situation been a massive block?

Update?.. oh, that was three years ago, nvm.

Whatever is going on, I hope you're well.

Hopefull boops

Hi, I just found the Stardust story and I like it so far

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