• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)

More Blog Posts270

  • 1 week
    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

    One of my Personal Principles when posting on this website is that I don't want to waste anyone's time; anything I write -- be it a blog, a story, or a comic -- has to add something to the reader's day. Maybe it'll be genuinely interesting, maybe it'll be a little essay on literature, or maybe it'll be straight up funny. Doesn't matter! It has to actively be worth the effor I ask of the

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  • 14 weeks
    Quickdraw Blog. BANG!

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  • 26 weeks
    It Cuts Like a Knife; It Might Leave You Bleeding

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  • 33 weeks
    A Full Year of Only Mondays

    Good morning. This is, from my point of view, a comedy blog. From the point of view of my family and loved ones, it's a horror story.

    I'm so fucking back, baby. Hi, all. Did you miss me? I know I did.

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I have been bestowed the power to create anything and I refuse to use it for anything but stupid shit like this.

Hope the comic is readable, cause writing freehand on a digital tablet is torture (but I hate the fonts I have at the moment, so it was this or fucking arial). I promise this is the last gratuituous 'hey guys look at what I made' blog I post in a while -- next one will be an actual workshopped blog about, like, writing and shit. Funny one, hopefully, too.

(I'll keep drawing comics, because it's fun, but as I'm guessing this isn't really the place for them, I'll make a derpi account or some shit, I suppose).

The comic was based on Regidar's The Infant Tree, which I find utterly fascinating, even though there's only one chapter out so far. It feels like I'm doing a lot of stuff for Regidar lately? But dude's going through a lot lately, so I thought he needed some cheering up.

Also, like, I'm a sucker for comics that tell the stupidest fucking jokes imaginable but use very verbose language to tell them. 'If no mortal is worth a damn, respecting the sanctity of life is a form of hubris' is the kind of line that makes me absolutely fucking lose it, which is probably why I'll never find true love.

And this counts as fanart! I think? I should do more fanart. I'll scoop around the website, find fics I like, and just make a comic riffing on them. Can't wait to get punched for it at some point. It'll be amazing.

Nah but for real, last comic, I don't wanna spam you guys. Only posting this because my friends dared me to. See you in the next blog.


Comments ( 72 )

Funny. Well done. Reminds me of those Snickers commercials a while back, basically, "you're not you when you're hungry" and Mac is unusually prolix, though amusing.

Ah yeah this is a shitpost in comic form. Since you have the visual aid [1] to deliver the punchline or certain concepts, I'm more open to outright OOC/random concepts in comic than I'll ever be in prose. Two different kinds of humor, etc etc.

That said, Im assuming anybody who has any artistic talent is kinda cringing at my blatant disregard for inking in this thing. To which I say: look, it took me seven hours to do the sketch, and I didn't realize you can change the background to beige instead of pearly white until I was already done with the comic, meaning I spent seven hours staring at a completely white canvas, meaning I think I'm blind now.

I finished the sketch, saw it was readable, and went 'FUCK IT. THIS SERVES'.

Man, drawing is so fun.

[1] I mean, nothing I ever write in my entire life will be half as funny to me as this single panel:


...... Ara did you skip breakfast? Because I know a ripe Fetus Tree.

It is a gem of a comic. It would be an appropriate epitaph... though really, you're not supposed to tell the mortals that, even jokingly. The Union might catch wind of it, and then we have another Vesuvius incident. Even IF they find it funny, you just know they'll be the cause of your next stubbed toe.

Absolutely incredible. Clip it all into a single strip and post to Derpi, for sure.

...even if he did skip breakfast, he probably would’ve had to walk past dozens of apple trees just to get to the fetus tree :facehoof: Great comic!

Author Interviewer

I have been bestowed the power to create anything and I refuse to use it for anything but stupid shit like this.

You are the hero we deserve.

Slap dat shit onto derpibooru and get ALL the fake internet points!

Pfff. Don't you dare stop. You're a cartoonist. This is threatening to become Weaver grade.


or did you mean another Weaver?

Shit's hilarious, don't you dare think otherwise :rainbowlaugh:

The hashtags bring it all together so beautifully.

I have been bestowed the power to create anything and I refuse to use it for anything but stupid shit like this.

Truly, Aragon has gone mad with power. :pinkiegasp:

This is the reason why I wish I could bookmark blogs.

... Is there a name for what's wrong with you?

All art is stupid self-aggrandizing bullshit.

This is art.

I don't know. Are you this Weaver? Can't direct link, but search on Derpibooru for artist:the weaver.

I thought it was going to be a pun on Infantry


Of course he has, have you ever gone mad without power? It’s boring, nobody listens to you.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I wish we could upvote blog posts…

so I could refuse to upvote this one on principle.

Holy shit Aragon my sides left the goddamn universe!

These are beautiful and we need more.

Honestly please keep posting these here if you put them somewhere else I'm not sure I'll see them and that would make me sad.

This is amazing on every conceivable level. Also very legible; you clearly don't need those fonts.

Please, keep spamming us with these. This is hilarious. :pinkiehappy:

there is something very, very wrong with you.

you're sick. and I don't want you to ever get well.


All right, what madman let Aragon into the crayon box :raritydespair:

Aragon lives for Fimfic to be entertained.

I violently choked on my coffee that I was drinking as I read this, which you may consider as my highest of compliments to your comedy

What level do I have to join your Patreon at for a bonus panel of Celestia standing alongside them, listening to the entire conversation while she chews on a fetus?

You are a hero to my people. I am now following you.

I imagined this all in Mac's actual voice, as well.

do you guys have a discord server or something?

Eh, server schmerver. Private chat with some close friends to faff around and chat about the boys we like. Half the time I post Discord screenshots in a blog they come from there, or else they come from writing_help in the Fimfic server. I don't have an 'official Aragón server' because I know myself, and I know my audience, and it would become a total hellhole in less than forty seconds after I linked it anywhere public.

true. True.

have a nice day. hope you guys have fun.

Aragon, there’s definitely something wrong with you, and I don’t want it to ever change.

RockstarRaccoon and book_burner brought me here. You did good.

This was awesome. Very /tg/ esque

I’m dying.

Yet we all are. Act accordingly.

The very last panel was what tied it up. I laughed pretty hard, this is great! :twilightblush:

Tremendous. :raritydespair:

A masterpiece of modern literature and storytelling.

what fresh madness is this? when will you provide us more?

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