• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 16th, 2018

Pastel Pony

Just a girl doing her best to write semi-entertaining whatnots. I'm a female brony, not a pegasister ...Get it right.

More Blog Posts24

  • 434 weeks
    Addressing Updating My Fics

    I feel like it's time I addressed this.

    In the months since I've stopped updating my fics, I've had more than a few comments and PM's asking me when I would update and finish my works, when I was coming back... And for the most part, I've pretended to ignore them out of embarrassment and nervousness.

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    10 comments · 1,310 views
  • 493 weeks
    And as we ring in the new year...

    Well, as we enter 2015, I just wanted to take a moment to reflect and talk about the last year for me on this site. (Yes, that's it. If you don't care, move along.)

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    6 comments · 445 views
  • 493 weeks
    If you enjoyed Eternal, you might like this...

    Well, I'd like to announce I'm officially starting work on one of my long-planned, much awaited (psssh... yeah, right) stories. Now, I originally mentioned this story in a blog post much earlier in the year. At the time, the story was under the hesitant title Making a Princess... Saving A Kingdom. Terrible, I

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    1 comments · 497 views
  • 498 weeks
    The Pastel Pony: Quarantined

    So, for the last week or so, I've had a pretty awful cough, and my sister, with the same problem, came back from the doctor's this morning with an official diagnosis of whooping cough. Since I have the exact symptoms she does, I've also been put on meds and informed I can't be around other people for at least five days.

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    1 comments · 429 views
  • 505 weeks
    Updating Current Stories: Why I've Been Dormant for the Last Couple Months

    So, I'm sure more then a few people are wondering about when I'm going to update my current stories, especially To Be A Parent.

    The answer? Soon... Hopefully at least one new chapter for To Be A Parent and Great and Powerful this weekend.

    But first, I feel I owe my readers an explanation for why I've been, for lack of a better word, lazy about updating my stories.

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Addressing Updating My Fics · 9:00pm Feb 17th, 2016

I feel like it's time I addressed this.

In the months since I've stopped updating my fics, I've had more than a few comments and PM's asking me when I would update and finish my works, when I was coming back... And for the most part, I've pretended to ignore them out of embarrassment and nervousness.

The fact that there are people still investing in my stories after more than a year (or even closer to two) since I've updated them really astounds and humbles me. The fact that my fics were something you've so honestly enjoyed that you still want to know what happens even now means so much to me.

And so, for that, I'll push aside my anxiety about talking about this, because you all deserve an honest answer about why I left and whether/when I'm coming back to my work here.

When I came to fimfiction... I wasn't exactly in a good place in my life. I was 14, and I was going through a lot in my personal life.
...I was 14.
The thing about this site? Whether it's right or not, it's, for the most part, owned and run by a bunch of snot-nosed, immature men in their 20s (No offense to those of you who are men in your 20s, I'm sure you're great... It's just not all of you are like that). The people on this site can be critical, mean, and even downright cruel to those who don't fit the image of what they want to see on this site, or write what they want to see or to a caliber that they hold appropriate.

The majority of what I wrote on this site, I wrote when I was 14 and 15. Of course it wasn't going to be perfect, or even good sometimes. And some of the people on this site? Once you garner enough attention on a fic, they'll let you know exactly what's wrong with it, or what's wrong with you.

That's... Not exactly a healthy place for a young teenager already dealing with some emotional and personal problems to be. After a while, Fimfiction stopped being fun and started being another thing that made my life feel pressured and negative. For the sake of my mental health, I had to get myself out. I don't regret it. Removing that and some other negative influences and pressures in my life improved how I felt a lot.

But... I wasn't expecting this. I wasn't expecting people to be so dedicated to seeing my fics completed. ... I wasn't expecting all of you.

No more running away. People who want to talk to me about my fics or what's going to happen to them? I'll talk. I'm not going to go back and answer messages months old, but I'll stop ignoring the new ones, even if that just means linking them to this.

So... The big question. Am I ever going to update my fics? When?

The thing is? I don't know.

I'm not abandoning my fics, at least, I don't want to abandon them. I'm not marking them as canceled for now, because I'm hopeful one day I'll come back and finish, if not all, then some of them.

But that day? It's not today. It may not even be this year.

I'm in a very different place since I started these fics. I've matured, learned more about myself, and grown as a person. I've started writing again on a new site, and I'm glad for it and having fun.

But, one of the side effects of taking such a big step back from the pony world is that I've lost most of my interest in it. Maybe someday I'll regain my love for ponies, maybe someday I'll come back into the fimfiction community guns blazing and here to write.... But I just don't know.

I know it's probably not going to be anytime soon though. This site hasn't been healthy for me, and I don't feel like I'm yet in a place where I can come back and deal with the issues I've faced here again in a way that's not going to screw me up even more.

I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry I can't give you an answer as to when I will update again, or if I ever will. I'm sorry I'm a disappointment in that aspect.

But I have to be a little selfish and do what's best for myself.

I'm not deleting this account, I'm not canceling my unfinished works. I'm hopeful one day I'll want to come back here, it's just not yet.

If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment or pm me. I'm not going to ignore you anymore or pretend I'm not here. I'm sorry I did.

If anyone's curious about what I'm doing now-- I'm currently writing Undertale fanfiction and dicking around on Tumblr. I'll be happy to provide a link to my Tumblr or to my new writing upon request.

Anyways, that's basically it. Thank you for your understanding.

See you around,

Pastel pony :)

Report Pastel Pony · 1,310 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

I'm glad to hear that you are doing better since leaving FimFiction. The site can indeed be troublesome to certain extents, as can anything really. I can sympathize with your teen trouble phase, mostly since I'm on the tail end of that at age 17, but I'm optimistic in life, so I've gotten by with most sanity in check.
Sure, I cannot expect to see your works for quite some time, but I still wait with high hopes for when you do return.
Take care, girl. :heart:

Well I'm sorry you were going through such a rough patch... But I'm glad that you're not ignoring everyone at least. As much as I would LOVE for you to continue that Diamond Tiara fan fiction I believe you should take your time. But any longer than my Sophmore year and I will hunt you down and force you to write!! My sophmore years starts when school starts if that helps... For the record.... I WILL hunt you down. My friends are scared of me and the bad thing is I'm proud of it. So try not to double cross me, kay...? (If you couldn't tell I was just trying to make it all big joke about hunting you down. I'm not THAT cruel!)


With all due respect, I have been writing. My undertale fanfic, which I mentioned in the blog post, is very important to me and has driven me to write a much larger amount this year alone than I ever did on fimfiction. Given the overwhelmingly positive feedback I've recieved (for example, not being "mock threatened" about updating), I don't intend to come back to fimfiction at the very least until I finish that fic and all it's associated pieces, which will decidedly not be before September.

4087444 so... Thats a no on the update...? As in never gonna update again no...? And I do apologize for my behavior. If I have offended you I am terribly sorry....


It's alright, you could have just phrased things better. I'm simply saying I don't know when I will update. While I am hopeful that I may return to this site and my fics here someday, it isn't in the immediate future. I have found fimfiction to be a toxic environment for me, and not one I'm keen to return to until I feel good and ready, which is not in the immediate future. If you enjoy my writing, I invite you to try my Undertale fic, or commission me for a pony fic if you really want to see pony fics from me sometime soon, but no, I will not be updating anything in the upcoming future.

4087548 I've heard of this Undertale. My friend reads fanfictions on it and now she wants the game. I understand that there are skeletons and such and being dead and crap but would mind explaining a bit more? And I would love to see this other site you're working on. Especially if has MLP stories.


Undertale is a fantastic game! It has interesting characters, a fantastic story, and beautiful music! I would definitely recommend trying playing it (even if you're not a gamer, it's not overly complex), or watching a playthrough! Personally, this would be my favorite.

As for the site I write on, you can find my personal profile here. While I haven't published any pony fanfiction to it, my understanding is that there are some pony fics on there!

So... What is your Tumblr?

Should you see this,

You are not the first writer I've found who broke away from the more toxic elements of the FIM community. I'm sorry you had to put up with that applesauce to begin with. I am glad that you took the time/energy/courage to explain your hiatus so your fans weren't left with a void. If there is one thing I've found that bugs me is when I find a great story and then the writer just "vanishes" without even a TTYL. I sincerely hope you are doing well.

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