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"It Feels Rapier than ever" -- Another Horrible Mistake To Avoid When Writing Romance · 11:18pm Feb 8th, 2016

Audio version by Imrix.

I’m not good at romance.

A guy once tried to choke me and then begged for sex, and that’s just the third most horrible confession I’ve gone through. A girl in my high school refused to go out with a guy unless he stabbed his own arm with three needles to show his love. One of my teachers had to go to the hospital on New Year’s because she got a champagne bottle stuck to her vagina.

And among these folks, I was always labelled as “the unromantic one”. I’m such a fucking asshole gay men have to run for the bathroom whenever I walk by. I wear shorts without underwear and sit with my legs spread open because I like the suspense. The first time I touched a titty, I squeezed it and made a honk-honk noise.

I explain all this so you know that this blog is not coming from an expert on love and what that word means. I am probably the worst person you could ask for romantic advice. I can neuter cats just by looking at them. I’m allergic to Viagra because Nature wants me to die childless, just like my father.

And yet, after two weeks of reading romantic fanfiction on my phone, I came to realize some folks have it worse than I. And those folks like to write romance.

Hi, I’m Aragón. I have never written a good romantic story, I’ve never said anything intelligent in my life, and I have more testicles than neurons. Here’s another common mistake to avoid when writing romance.


Whenever you’re feeling blue, whenever you think life is pulling you down, remember that, once upon a time, a bunch of imbeciles wanted to fuck a cartoon lady so hard that they normalized the fetishization of psychopathy. No matter how low you fucking are, somewhere, somehow, someone’s sunk far lower.

That’s fucking right, people, I’m talking about the “Tsundere” character. Of all the goddamn story-breaking clichés that plague the romance genre, this one probably the worst. At least the TMC (Twilight Male Character, discussed in the previous blog here) has the decency of recognizing it’s pornographic. But this?

This is the surprise turd to the TMC’s silent fart. TMC writers will fuck their dogs because human genitals rot in their presence, but only “Tsundere” writers will call the poodle a whore afterwards.

I have seen many things as a romance reader. I once read a story in which a guy romanced his tapeworm. I’ve seen stories where the twist is that both protagonists like shitting in diapers. And I’ve endured every single fucking thing with a stern face and a shit ton of vodka.

But show me the “Tsundere” tag, or mention that fucking word anywhere in the summary, and I’ll close the tab, reach for my car keys, and fuck your little sister in front of your dad. The TMC made me actively angry. The “Tsundere” doesn’t. I don’t feel mad when reading this shit. It just disgusts me.

Now, before it all starts—do I think that “Tsunderes” can’t be well-written? No. I have seen good examples of this archetype. I personally know people who have written amazing characters who also happen to be “Tsunderes”. Later, I’ll show you some of them. Likewise, I'm not confusing this term with the "Yandere" (which is like this, but presented as mentally unstable in-universe). That is a completely different topic, to be discussed in a completely different blog.

So no, I don’t think this child-fiddling concept is the root of all evil. I just think that, if you want your story to give me AIDS, writing a “Tsundere” is definitely a great start.

So what is a “Tsundere”? Usually, I don’t bother to explain it. Half of you already know what the term stands for, and the other half will probably get testicular cancer the moment you discover it.

But long story short, it’s a character—usually a girl—defined by a somewhat “dual” personality: she’s shy, romantic, and a huge softy, but at the same time she wants to act like a tough non-nonsense girl. This makes her easily flustered, but then she realizes she’s not acting as the boobalicious version of Predator and reacts furiously—and sometimes violently.

Man, that is pretty fucking specific, isn’t it? A sane person would think that’s less an archetype and more an actual, developed character. Archetypes tend to be vague. Shit like “Jesus, but not really Jesus” or “like the main character, but with a bigger cock”. You know why?

Because otherwise you end up with a fucking turd. That’s why. Archetypes need to be vague, so the writer can fill the gaps and make it feel like something distinct.

What does this mean? That the first fucking thing you need to know about the “Tsundere” character is that they’re all the same motherfucking girl. They all talk the same, react the same, think the same, and have tits the size of an elephant’s ballsack. Seen one, seen ’em all. Just by glancing at the fucking cover of the book, if it has a “Tsundere” character, I can tell how, why, and when it’ll end.

This is the literary equivalent of the Final Solution. Stories don’t need to be realistic, but there’s so much one can do without alienating the reader, and the “Tsunderes” sure like to fuck up everything they touch.

You know, when I was in high school, a cunt of a guy decided to grope the openly lesbian girl in his class, because he couldn’t get the dicks out of his mouth long enough to think about his actions. The girl, a fucking bull of a person who once wrestled a horse to submission for the simple hell of it, reacted by kicking his dick.

She kicked his dick so hard the turdnugget had to rush to the hospital, because she was wearing high heels and those things are pointy. His left testicle was extirpated. I watched that fucking thing live and I swear to God I still cringe whenever I think about it.

So what did Mr. Unicojorn do after coming back to class? He never approached Horsegirl ever again. He also sold his bike, because he couldn’t ride it—he was too unbalanced.

And, you see, from a normal, sane, nonbraindead perspective, he made the right choice. If a girl high-heels my left testicle away, I’ll take the hint and assume she doesn’t want to rest my balls in her mouth. But the people who write “Tsunderes”? Fuck me, mate, they’ll tell you that girl is dying to shake what your mama gave you. She wants to massage your prostate with her tonsils. She’s just being a huge bitch about it.

Just by sheer fucking repetition, the “Tsundere” archetype is already more trite than Ariel’s fishy father. I’m going to tackle this issue first, even though it’s the least of this character’s problems: it’s been done. No matter what the fuck do you do with this, unless you make the character an actual character, it’s been done before.

The “Tsundere” is often explained by the quotes “I-It’s not like I’m doing this for you, you idiot!” or “I-I don’t really like you!” Note the stuttering, to make her feel cute. Note the obviously idiotic denial, so you can see she’s trying to act like she doesn’t care. Note how both sentences imply that she has the agency of fucking Dora the Explorer.

But there’s more to those sentences. They’re written that way because that’s the core of the “Tsundere” character. That, and the term “floaty cunt”. It’s as if you copypasted the entire bloody thing from one story to the other. This is not writing, this is mass-producing dildos and then selling them like Hello Kitty personal massagers.

They appear. They are major assholes. They act like fucking monsters towards the masturbatory main male character. They fall in love with said masturbatory main male character. They continue being huge cunts. They continue being in love. They try to juggle both sides of their personalities, and as a result they’re a perfect mixture of a schizophrenic fuck and the creepy uncle who wants you to smell his finger.

Romance is about characters. We already know the story: they’re going to blow each other at the end. People don’t read romance for the blowing, they read it for who’s going to be doing the blowing. You want the characters to be together, to be happy, to grow as people.

But, if instead of a character you just show me a fucking cow, which does nothing but eat, shit, and moo, then the plonkering knob of a story you want me to swallow is dead from the start. Why? Because how the fuck can one want to read about something so goddamn gross and predictable. Change the cow with a “Tsundere” and you pretty much know the entire thing.

You know the ending of the story. You know how the character will act. You know how she will evolve. You know how the relationship is going to go. Why the fuck would you read the story, then?

Because the “Tsundere”, while the bane of all shit in the story, is not the only good part. Oh, no. If you have a character with this kind of personality, then her love interest—which I already hinted as being a buggering cockmonger—is going to be the plainest thing since bloody Moldova. The story will be about them being cute and then the girl getting flustered and hitting the guy and hahahah whoops I think I just caught leukemia.

Goddamn fitting. “Tsunderes” are like cancer, only worse, because at least cancer is gentle enough to fucking kill you once it’s done with its bullshit. The melanoma spreads, and soon enough you’re bald and suffering.

Was the first Tsundere character a good addition to the story? Probably. Apparently it was the kind of cartoon girl that makes you wanna pound her and get all filthy on top of her. You wanted to traumatize her ancestors and make her father go blind, and make her shit on your chest or whatever.

She had a personality is what I mean, because you can’t do that with just looks. But that’s the thing—being a twittering weirdo can work, if that character’s backstory made her that way. She was shy, and violent, and easily flustered, and hated herself. Thus, she acted in a way that today is seen as stereotypical, but her flaws felt organic.

This is what I mean with “character first, archetype second”. They designed this girl and then gave her a fitting backstory that justified the way she acted, and thus the reason why your fat, basement-dweller children will all go to hell was born.

Then it got bloody popular, and some cunts ruined that shit forever.

Nowadays, “Tsunderes” are made with the motto of “archetype first, tits second”, and then they snort the weight of their giant balls’ worth of cocaine. There’s no character. A “Tsundere” wouldn’t pass a Turing Test, because they’re just action-reaction machines.

They’re not even good action-reaction machines, because the lack of justification for how they move around life makes them look creepier than Fofo the Rapist Clown at Sunday Church School. They are perfectly normal people who, for some reason, attack the main character every time they can, and then they’ll blush and think that they’re in love.

But they’re fucking not. They just beat the shit of him because he fucking said something nice, or groped her on accident, or whatever bullshit cliché you used as a plot point. That’s not love. They’re in denial about their feelings? Okay, I can accept that. But they’re not acting like human beings. They’re acting like the result of a doctor not being brave enough to pull the plug.

What kind of romance is this, in which half of the couple is either fucking crazy or doesn’t know how to behave in a non-murderous way? Can you get any unhealthier? Either you’re forcing her to be with you, because the signals she’s giving rhyme with “luck blow”, or she’s going to stab your lungs one night because she loves you so, so much.

But she’s not written in a creepy way. The creepy implications are there, but the character is normalized and portrayed as some kind of ideal character, someone that’s desirable—hence, she becomes an archetype.

And everybody suffers from this. The writers, the story, the readers. Even the character, who gets no chance to shine. Read the script, you bitch, and then make sure all the losers want to pierce you with their dick. That’s the only reason you were born. Be cute and adorable and make them long for what they’ll never have.

Oh hey, are we getting fucking political? We are! Isn’t this fucking Christmas?!

“Tsunderes” are the product of the worst kind of wish-fulfillment. Escapism through literature is not a bad thing—I myself started to read to run away from the horrors of having such a humongous cock during my childhood.

But the place you’re escaping to can be a good one, or a bad one. And guess what, fuckwit: “Tsunderes” are not a good shelter for you.

What is the message the “Tsundere” gives? Why are they so fucking popular? You already know, if you’ve read this far. The “Tsundere” is a girl who acts like she doesn’t want you, like she hates you, like she despises every move of yours, every pass at her you make, every touch or breath or word you say.

But she loves you! Really! She’s just being a twat! You just need to push her so she shows her true colors.


For once, I’d love to complain about some bullshit romantic cliché without recurring to rape as the reason why it sucks.

Who the fuck saw a character that was designed to be as off-putting and jerky as possible and decided it was sexy as fuck? The “Tsundere” archetype, at its worst, is designed to make lonely losers long for that cute girl who keeps rejecting you. It presents the idea that “no” means “yes”, because this character just slapped the guy and told him she hates him and then ran to the bathroom to furiously slap his photograph against her womb.

Clearly, this shows that women don’t know what the fuck they want. You know better, stud. So go rape some chicks; they’ll thank you later.

The “Tsundere” is based on the idea that girls want your dick so fucking badly they have to be absolute asswipes just to resist your manly appeal. Hence the constant genital trauma: they’re just shy about it.

By the way, remember how the main character was described as plain? This is why. He’s not there to be an actual character—he’s just a mirror for the reader, who will live happy knowing that the girl likes him, even if she doesn’t know it yet. This is also why 99% of the “Tsunderes” are straight cute girls—because this is clearly directed to heterosexual males.

Then again, it’s not like changing the sexual orientation fixes anything here. If fisting didn’t exist, lesbian “Tsunderes” would invent it by punching their girlfriends’ vaginas and then getting stuck.

Does this mean all “Tsunderes” commend rape? No. Most of them, especially if written in the same cookie cutter way, do normalize the idea that women say one thing when meaning the exact opposite—a logic that all rapists use, because they’re fucking rapists—but one can write a “Tsundere-ish” character and still make it work.

How? By writing the character first, which shouldn’t be too hard. The only thing you need is to avoid being dead from the neck upwards, and you’re pretty much good to go.

There are thousands of examples of this: Kitsunerisu’s Dust and Harmony has a Twilight that, in his words, “was written as a Tsundere”, and it’s still one of the best AUs in this god-forsaken website. Percy Jackson’s Annabeth was tolerable, and she ended up growing up on me. I would wear bikini chainmail and fuck Han Solo if I had the chance. This happened last year.

There are ways to make this work, as always. If you’re good enough, or original enough, or not the human equivalent of the sound of Hitler farting cum, then you can do this. But it’s surprisingly fucking easy, judging by the insane amount of works with a horrible “Tsundere” in them, to fuck this up.

So just stop using this shit if you’re a writer. That’s my major advice. It’ll kill the story, it’ll alienate everybody who’s not a creep desperately longing for human touch, and it’ll imply some messages you might not (and shouldn’t) be comfortable with.

The TMC was bad because it taught men that they have to be assholes to succeed. It made me angry because I know I’m not the only son of a bitch who studies romantic fiction to know how to behave in society.

But the “Tsundere” is worse, because it goes the easy way. At least the TMC forces the reader to work on their attitude. The “Tsundere” just says all women are stupid and asks you to ignore the things they say or do, because you know what they really want.

As I said, it doesn’t make me angry. It makes me feel nauseous. This is not looking into the abyss and the abyss looking back. This is gazing into Satan’s gaping asshole, and Satan farting on my eyes.

It fucking stings, is what I mean.

To be continued.

Comments ( 45 )

I lied -- I couldn't finish the tapeworm story. It was a comic, and it had the worst start I've ever seen. I had to ragequit after about seven pages.

Here, if you dare.

Also, for economical reasons out of my control, I might need to start a Patreon. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? In exchange, I would be more strict with my schedules, and I would release more fanfiction and blog series like this one. But for personal reasons, I feel like this is begging, or blackmailing you into giving me money when you might not be able to do so.

Nothing's for sure yet, so what would be your opinion on this issue?

This...This I will hold in my head for awhile in pure interest.

3741734 You already know i think you ought to start one.:P

Pretty sure you mean Yandere. Yanderes are violent psychopaths, tsunderes just usually vary between hot and cold.
As in doing sweet things, but not because they like you or anything, b-baka...

But the rest of it pretty much holds true re: "archetypes first, tits second"

I'm not exactly sure what I just read. But I won't judge you for anything that you said.


Nah. The Yandere is based on a psychopath that loves you, but it's at least presented as scary, and mentally unstable in-universe. The Tsundere, IRL, would be exactly as fucked up -- but she's portrayed under a positive light.

3741779 I'm sorry if I seem disengaged. I'm attempting to contribute to Satch's mental breakdown.

Ugh... yeah I fucking HATE Tsundere characters, always so freaking annoying, irritating, idiotic and just.. holy fuck do they suck. So yeah totally agree that entire character type needs to be wiped out of existence.

Nature wants me to die childless, just like my father.

Thank goodness for milkmen, eh?:trollestia:

I agree with this wholeheartedly- it's enormously frustrating to see Tsunderes in writing.

Author Interviewer

Tsundere characters are good for comedy, not romance. :B That's why I taunt characters in Fallout: Equestria various stories for being them. :V

Your blog posts are more entertaining than most stories. Like, 98% of them. I think I love you. Let me jab this table spoon between your ribs to make sure.

I think my favorite part about that link is that it specifically calls the story "wonderful." Not just a tale of a boy falling in love with an intestinal parasite. A wonderful tale.

And yeah, tsunderes can carry some really unfortunate implications. I'll just stick to the mechanical ones in the Underground, thank you.

For good tsundere, see Toradora.

I'm not a voracious consumer of romance, so I kinda missed that this was a so common trope outside of teenage romance.

In teenage romance it never bothered me much because I ascribed it to teenagers exploring the world by wildly flailing their arms, run in circles and bump into things without having the slightest shimmer of what's happening. Kinda like in the real world.

I concur that if the condition persists in later stages of life then there should be only two possibilities: the Tsundere isn't a Tsundere and really can't stand the main character, or she is one and needs help (possibly of the professional variety) in learning how to manage her emotions and not a magical panacea dick.

Or it's their kink and they have a safeword, but that is a bit beside the point.

Yeah. You ever have someone try to convince you to watch Love Hina? That's a ridiculously abusive relationship right there and it's 'Tsundere'. It makes Mirai Nikki look healthy because at least the people in that story realize Yuuno Gasai is fucked up.
I used anime examples because the terms originated among fans of those shows, but you see the types elsewhere, too.

One of my teachers had to go to the hospital on New Year’s because she got a champagne bottle stuck to her vagina.

Let's just note that the champagne bottle isn't stuck in the teacher's vagina but to it.
I'm picturing that thing where you lick a playing card and stick it to your forehead or put a spoon on your nose, (how the heck does that work anyway?) only much more embarrassing.

But, if instead of a character you just show me a fucking cow, which does nothing but eat, shit, and moo, then the plonkering knob of a story you want me to swallow is dead from the start.

But what if the cow wore a diaper?

It presents the idea that “no” means “yes”

I hadn't really thought about the Tsundere character in that way, or any other way really...
But yeah, it's a good point.
I can see how could mess up people who haven't balanced their reading.

Regarding the Patreon; I can't really give my opinion as I couldn't give any money regardless.

In all seriousness, Aragon, this series of blog posts has made me laugh harder than any piece of writing I've read in a long, long time.

And on top of that, you make a lot of good points, and your arguments are well-supported. Props, dude.

The “Tsundere” just says all women are stupid and asks you to ignore the things they say or do, because you know what they really want.

The idea of the Tsundere It isn't that "all women" are stupid, but that at least some are, and maybe the one that says she hates you is that one. After all, if you are such a pathetic human being that you have to resort to this type of fantasy to get off, maybe the universe will throw you a bone and let that girl be "the one", right?

By the way, if you are looking to get an aneurysm, go watch Asterisk Wars. It has pretty much all the worst romantic tropes in one convenient place.


Someone else's been watching Digibro's videos, eh?


Hey, thanks! Always glad to see I'm doing something right. I really like this blog series, even though they're damn hard to write.


Let's just note that the champagne bottle isn't stuck in the teacher's vagina but to it.

I'm picturing that thing where you lick a playing card and stick it to your forehead or put a spoon on your nose, (how the heck does that work anyway?) only much more embarrassing.

This might be actually possible -- I never got to ask her about this (duh), and she moved out of town when the rumors got too popular. So maybe it wasn't stuck in her vagina. Maybe it just got plastered next to it.

(Because, yes, all the stories in the first paragraph -- and the one about Mr Unicojorn -- are all real).


While I don't define myself as a weeb anymore, I did grow up with anime (only cartoons that didn't suck in my TV when I was a kid), and one of those was Love Hina. I remembered it fondly, because nostalgia, and then I tried to rewatch it with my brother.

It's... It's not a good romantic series. It's a classic one, it created an entire school, and I have mad respect for the author because he can create likeable characters and the MC actually has a character arc that I found refreshing. But the series is really bad, and Negima is even worse.

And yeah, that's the thing -- at least "yanderes" are seen as insane in-universe, so you get the feeling they're portrayed under a negative light, and thus, they're to be avoided. "Tsunderes"? Not so much.


In teenage romance, I guess it can be justified? But have in mind: this blog series was inspired by me reading fanfiction on AO3. Most of that fanfiction portrayed adults, the vast majority of them married or about to get married (at least at the end of the story). So there was really no excuse, no.


Oh, you clever son of a---


Thanks! This thing took forever to write (as you can see by the fact that it took forever to post), so it's neat to see that people enjoyed it, even if I personally don't think it's my best at all.

I want you to know how much that reading this aloud has helped my radio voice exercises.

The answer is not very much, but it's fun to do.

I'd toss a dollar a month at you for the chance to get more wordsmithing out of you. Either stories or blog posts.

Most of the time wordsmithing means skill and care. In your case I see you shoving a sentence into fire until the words melt and then just banging on it with a hammer until something coherent is formed.

I will mention that not all of this type of carcter is violent. Yet the downsides you mention remain. A large amount aere simply cold and/or ignore the subject of their affection. So no physical violence but you still have the 'keep bothering a lady until she gives in because she really wants you' between the lines.

Huh. I already knew I hated the tsundere character with the passion of a thousand fiery burning suns, but it never occurred to me until I read this that the character has rapiness embedded... at least not rapiness of man toward woman. I hate the Tsundere because by being a total bitch to a guy she actually likes, she's reifying the notion that women cannot fuck who our vaginas want us to fuck; no, the guy needs to be worthy. So the Tsundere says she hates the guy that makes her wet because she couldn't possibly be attracted to such an inferior male; that would make her a cheap whore!

Just once I'd like to see a female character being all like, "Yeah, laugh it up. You're hot shit and if your personality wasn't like five miles of broken road, I'd consider fucking you, but you're such an asshole I'm afraid if I did that I'd get a urinary tract infection or something." Note that this only applies to the American version of the tsundere, where the male character actually has a personality, usually an extremely abrasive one. (In America, men tsundere the tsunderes right back, which is why Leia and Han are an interesting couple and not a repulsive used kleenex.) In anime, you're right, these are always nice, nebbishy boys with no real personality, so there's literally no justification whatsoever for why the tsundere hates them. I am much more comfortable with the jerkass behavior being on both sides of the relationship, which is why I ship Picard/Q and Discord/Twilight (which are actually the same thing except that Twilight is younger than Picard and much closer to Discord in power than Picard is to Q.)

The other problem in anime is that when he's not a nice nebbishy boy, he's Ataru Morobishi. A guy with literally no redeeming qualities whatsoever has a tsundere chasing after him. In this case we actually want to see her beat the crap out of him repeatedly because he's such an incredible shit that he deserves it, but we can't comprehend how she could possibly be attracted to him.


I hate the Tsundere because by being a total bitch to a guy she actually likes, she's reifying the notion that women cannot fuck who our vaginas want us to fuck; no, the guy needs to be worthy. So the Tsundere says she hates the guy that makes her wet because she couldn't possibly be attracted to such an inferior male; that would make her a cheap whore!

I never thought about it this way, actually.

And yeah, the "tsundere" is just -- I fucking hate this stereotype. I just can't stand it anymore. It's manipulative, it's unrealistic, it's mass-producer, and it's the reason why 90% of the romance portrayed in certain kinds of media sucks harder than me on Saturday Shot Night.

Gagh. Gagh.


portrayed in certain kinds of media

portrayed in anything that comes out of Japan

Fixed it for you. This is why I consider myself a burned-out otaku. I went through my period of Japanese animation and comics being the Greatest Thing Evah (I am old enough that this was before the term weeaboo existed), but what you have described is the number 1 reason I cannot tolerate watching 90% of all anime anymore. And what I do watch, I try very hard to avoid romances, because yeah. They're horrible.


Well, yeah. I was trying to be politically correct. I don't think everything coming out of Japan is bad -- they do more thing than just manga and anime -- but it's definitely the main issue with those two brands of storytelling.

And some media that are inspired by it. Like certain comics, books, and -- of course -- fanfic. Shame, really.

To be fair, women were writing total shit before anime was a thing in the US -- Rape Is Love, What Is This Strange Feeling, and my favorite, Women Are Evil Because They Interfere With The Hot Mansex -- but yeah, it's gotten worse since anime invaded.

Not that men don't write total shit, but I'm actually enjoying that this fandom is gender-balanced in the opposite direction from all the others I'm in because when I encounter misogyny in a fanfic, it is absolutely out there, naked and not pretending to be anything else, and was probably not written by a woman. Also because, believe it or not, there is less Rape Is Love in MLP fanfic (no less rape, but it's almost never presented as romantic and loving. Teenage edgelord misogyny, yes, but not True Love.)

There is good fanfic on AO3. There is even good romantic fanfic on AO3. But omg, what you have to slog through to find it.

You guys ever heard of the Shana clone?

They're a variant on the Tsundere archetype in that they're even more immature, violent, and less physically developed than other Tsunderes. Somehow this makes them even more popular.

The good thing is that, in-universe, most of these characters have perfectly good explanations for how they act. They're usually sheltered, psychologically warped, and with serious emotional baggage. Oftentimes they were raised to be child soldiers, or living articles of power, or not even human to begin with. The titular Shana, for example, sees her burgeoning romance as a weakness and a distraction to her duty, especially when the guy she's interested in becomes THE big bad guy of the series. At the end of their stories, they have either developed with more stable personalities or acknowledged their inner struggle with their flaws, basically leaving the archetype behind to become characters in their own rights.

The sad thing is that you would not know it by their fans. The fans have two major ways of treating them: they either exaggerate the tsundere for "comedy" or they go too far in the other direction and turn them into broken doormats. The former worships the archetype pre-character-development, and the latter sees a tsundere as justification for sexualized domination. Rarely do you see the fanfic that deals with the characters post-development when they've grown up.

And now for something funny.

Oh my god. I've never thought of it that way before. Wow. Reevaluating a lot of shit over here. I didn't even notice that that was an archetype until you pointed it out!

I don't see the correlation between this and Yandere though, beyond romantic violence. When I think Yandere, I think Yuno from Mirri Nikki, in love, but violently unstable and with no idea how to appropriately express it. So, naturally, she goes on a murder spree to prove her love and eliminate any potential rivals--including Yuki himself should he threaten to leave her. Not really a character designed to satisfy a man's inner rapist, as far as I can tell, but maybe for that disempowerment fetish? Or maybe even a more violent form of the empowerment fetish from the TMC.

3788464 I forgot about her.

Yea, I've come to dislike tsunderes myself outside a few that actually justify their personality.

Shana from Shakugan no Shana? Raised by 3 other dimensional aliens and an emotionless human. Trained to be a human soldier, dedicated to duty, and she had to be as she was contracted to a demon(or god. Wish I could think of a neutral term.) whose greatest power is appearing in the world to fix stuff. This killed Shana's predecessor.

Kaname Chidori from Full metal Panic? Dubious, but it's more than evened out by her love interest being a bodyguard child soldier who regularly shoots people with rubber bullets. He is a walking arsenal. He stalks her on a train, creeping her out, and when she sensibly gets off suddenly, he jumps through a window because "I just realized this is my stop." How DO you respond to that? ( Giant mechs also help. I want them to finish animating the series! )

Asuka Langley Soryu from NGE? Shinji had issues from watching his mother get eaten by a robot. Asuka's mother thought she could do better. She emerged without the 'mother" part of her soul. Asuka watched her mother worship a doll as 'Asuka' while her father flirted with a nurse. The day she found out she would be an Eva pilot she found her mother and her doll hanging from a ceiling.

The first time I touched a titty, I squeezed it and made a honk-honk noise.

This made me laugh so hard. Seems like an appropriate response.

I'd say the prime example for me of a tsundere that works would be Steins;Gate's Makise Kurisu. To describe her with Plinkett terms, she's a calculating, smart, and her own profession and work precedes her social life. The only times she's "tsundere" would be in response to Rintarou, and even then it isn't outright aggressive most of the times, merely mischievous, mocking or even pitying. She doesn't physically lash out at him unless given a good reason, oftentimes a physical one. Playful and energetic than a braindead fucking retard with their reptile brain replacing that squishy bit that decides whether to hit someone or to kiss someone. I've heard her described as a "traditional tsundere," and it really does show.

One Tsundere character I like is Minami Shimada, she's highly aggressive cause she used to be picked on, and because our main protaganist is kind of an idiot who often mistakes her for a guy, and once said her color would be green...because he once noticed she was wearing green panties. She also tries to make lunch for him, but he kind of rejects her food for his crush's, whose is quite poisonous as she cant cook

Yeeah... tsunderes are wish fulfilment of the kind of sad people who convince themselves that girls who don't want to touch them with a ten-foot pole (unless it's to give them a much-needed whack on the head) must be secretly madly in love with them :facehoof:


What makes the one in Stein's Gate work...Is that the Main Character ALSO has personality. So, they have interplay. They both tease each other, and the romance between them gets to grow organically. They feel like they actually have FUN together!

Honestly, Stein's Gate is interesting, because for a VN...the main character is really set in stone. He acts like a human being, with a very specific personality. It, and Fate;Stay Night are two very good VNs because of that. Especially the deconstruction of 'nice' that is Shirou Emiya.

Wait, your father died childless? How is that possible?

I wish I could hit like on blogs.

This actually teaches me more about romance than my teacher who keeps on pushing Shakespeare romances.

Also known as Renaissance Period Twilight.



Oh, neat.

If you need a hint as to why the Tsudere was created and why it appeals to male losers, just remember what kind of society created the archetype and how they treat women in their entertainment media. There, mystery solved.

I-It's not like I enjoyed this blog or anything, b-baka...

In all seriousness, I feel what you described is more tsundre taken to the extreme. I get all grumpy and childishly insult my boyfriend when he calls me nice things and get called a tsundre for that, but we're both fine with it. :twilightsmile:

Just my two cents.

Without having read this post: does it have anything at all to do with swords?

A guy once tried to choke me and then begged for sex, and that’s just the third most horrible confession I’ve gone through. A girl in my high school refused to go out with a guy unless he stabbed his own arm with three needles to show his love. One of my teachers had to go to the hospital on New Year’s because she got a champagne bottle stuck to her vagina.

hey... What the Fuck

Just so you know, elephants don't have ballsacks. Their testicles never descend, and remain in their abdomens. They do have prehensile penises, though.

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