• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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About last night...: Recontextualizing The Story Catalog Of A Pedophile · 6:24pm May 17th

...so this blog may get a few views...

There's some things I need to say before we begin.

First: I'm not going to be using names. The central party in this story has been banned, and I could freely trot out their site identity without having to worry about breaking any rules about attacking other FIMFic members. They are, to the best of anyone's current knowledge, gone. But there's still someone here: their intended victim -- and that could have been so much worse.

I could use his name. But it would very easily lead to someone running down hers. And I don't want her to be dealing with online evidence of mistakes made in a few years. Maybe she'd rather forget, as quickly as she can.

People can use the comments section of this blog to identify their own roles in what happened. Unless they do so, I'm going to leave them anonymous. There won't be any links -- with the exception of the one for the convention drive, which I have to post at the end of each blog until goal is met or the deadline runs out. (There may be at least one accusation of my trying to profiteer off this, and I stand ready to darkly laugh in any presented faces.) And when it comes to names, I'm going to call our central party -- Colic, if only to save on pronoun overkill. But I won't name her at all and if someone does so in the comments, I will delete that posting.

Second... last night, some people rose to Colic's defense. There are a few who still don't see anything wrong with what happened. A couple even said that it was just about what someone wanted to do, and how could we argue with that? Fine. What I want to do with someone who supports pedophiles is to put their lower jaw into a vise and turn the press plate inwards.


Thank you for supporting my desires. In advance, no less. Sure, some might say they were illegal, but does that really matter when it's what I want to do? And by the way, when it comes to putting a portion of your anatomy into a vise and crushing it, the lower jaw is what you might want to think of as 'the soft option'.

I've blocked a few of those who might try to wave the rally flag. Any others who turn up will, at the very least, have permanent screenshots taken of their opinions. Just in case the evidence ever becomes necessary. Oh, and don't threaten to commit suicide on this site. Someone, in the name of saving your life, would probably ask me to find you and get a wellness check to your door. And you really don't want that to happen.

Third? I wasn't there for all of it. I can talk about what I saw and what I was told. But there are gaps, and I can't fill all of them in. Hopefully the general outline is enough.

Fourth and last.

As with a previous incident, I'm not the hero here.

I did one thing which turned out to be somewhat vital. The construction of a perfect trap. But I did that by accident.

I didn't know what was going on.

I hate myself for not having figured it out.

And I'll never know what happens next. What Colic might do.

If I recontextualize... all the clues were right there...

I've been accused of not being particularly nice to some of the site's newer writers, and this has a degree of accuracy behind it. The exact reasoning is close to why critics aren't particularly nice to Uwe Boll.

My chat server has a writing channel: seek advice, talk about your own work, discuss that of others. But when it comes to that last category... well, the channel is called #terrorsofthenewcolumn for a reason. You have to sort through a lot of chaff to find any grains of wheat and on those occasions when someone manages to locate a hot loaf coming out of the oven, there's open celebration. Other times just find us playing that popular server game: Troll Or Twelve? Because a first-time young writer who has a sincere dream, a true vision, and absolutely no idea of how many parties are supposed to speak in the same paragraph? Can be very hard to tell from a professional jerk who's just out to waste your time.

Trolls get downvoted, occasionally find themselves being called out. 'Twelve' is left alone. The young can get better. Trolls don't want to.


...#terrors. That's the nickname in the server. All of the bad stuff goes down in #terrors. And like any horror franchise, it has recurring characters. Because there's trolls, the young, and those who see no need to improve. They don't feel the desire. In fact, they can't perceive anything wrong with their work at all. And when the same lousy writing turns up in the site's New column over and over and over...

Colic said he was young. Not twelve-young, mind you. In his original site bio line -- we'll get there -- he openly claimed to be a teenage boy. A status with a fairly large age range attached, but it doesn't quite get down to twelve.

I spoke to Colic exactly once and in doing so, unknowingly built a trap. But in terms of his writing alone, I knew about him from Day One. He never got any better.

View his catalog through a freshly-cleaned lens, and it all looks so much worse.

He joined the site in August of last year. Yesterday was the permaban.

In the time between, he wrote one hundred and forty-nine stories.

A hundred and forty-eight of those are complete. The only one which didn't get finished is the last, and you could say we interrupted him.

149 stories in less than ten months. It's a level of production which leaves the same name going through the New column over and over. Of course he was going to get noticed. And it was so easy for him to toss up those postings, one after the other. After all, it wasn't as if he had to take any time to polish his work. Or edit. Or spellcheck...

Colic was a very, very bad writer. (I wish that had been the greatest of his sins.)

I had planned to post my second comment on his work. It might have happened today, because I was just waiting for him to put up one more story. I'd already figured out to say.

One hundred and fifty stories.
Zero improvement.

And when I look through his catalog...

He had a pattern, even at the very start.

Colic's first passion was the crossover, and he chose a focus which very few people were using. It gave him something of an instant audience, on a small scale. And he tried to increase the spread for readership and followers alike. For example, if you said something about his stories in the comments -- anything -- he would follow you. Automatically. After my one posting, he followed me, and -- well, there's a little trick you can do to get rid of an unwanted follower. Block, then unblock. They'll be removed from your list. I didn't want him tracking me, so I used it.

(On the day Colic was banned, he was following 2,325 accounts. I doubt he ever noticed that I'd kicked him.)

What did he write? Well, he came onto the site with a really, really bad OC story. Several human OCs in an EQG story, which allowed him to avoid writing about ponies. And one of the thing which stood out was the cover art. It was handmade. In fact, it could have been handmade by a moderately-talented second grader, or a high school student with severe brain damage. The lines were that bad, the proportions were childish, and he was using colored pencils.

He made a lot of his own cover art, and it too never got any better. I think there may have been times when he used crayon.

(How did I not see...?)

But after that Mature-fest of violence and butts -- no Sex or Porn tags yet -- he went into his true love. The crossover. And what did he like to cross MLP into?

Preschooler edutainment shows.

Credit where it's due. He couldn't write, and showed no interest in getting any better. (One of the running gags for Colic's writing is that he would go a long, long way to avoid a comma -- because he probably didn't have any idea how they worked. I will likely use more commas in this blog than he did across 149 stories.) But when it came to that category of broadcast, he practically had a PhD. One thing we did in #terrors on the regular was stare in wonder at the incredibly obscure series which marched across his catalog. His first big group of stories after the Bad OC Debut focused on the Wiggles, and they're popular enough -- but who the bloody @$#% are the 'Rubbadubbers'? Still, if it was colorful and targeted at those who hadn't gotten into kindergarten yet, he knew about it. Colic has posted, and so it's time to play Blue's Clues. Poorly.

He also liked wrestling, and tried to do a little superhero work. But left to his own devices, he wrote about preschooler shows. Generally crossing the Cutie Mark Crusaders into them, because who else was he going to use?

When left to other devices, he mostly did what other people wanted.

I don't think he actually took commissions: not in the sense of getting paid for the work. (If so, I missed it.) But in looking through his catalog, you'll see a lot of 'this story requested by X' notices. Someone would ask him to write about Z and by gawds, he would give you a few thousand words concerning Z. Any Z at all. It certainly built his audience, and I'd guess those who wanted their Z for Free either weren't concerned about the quality or didn't have the capacity for recognizing that there wasn't any.

He might not have taken paid commissions -- but he took every request. And after a time, with all of his appearances in the New column -- I noticed that he'd gone from 'rated Mature for violence' to just outright pulling out the Sex, Fetish, and Porn tags.

His bio line said that he was a teenage boy...

So here's the one time I interacted with him.

Believe it or not, this site has rules. It's kind of important to follow them, because we still want to have a site tomorrow. And one of them says that if you're not a legal adult, do not post pornography.

I'd gotten pretty fed up with Colic -- silently. I hadn't said anything directly to him. But I was weary of the horrible writing, and no one needed to see him create issues for the site. So he wrote and posted another story: Mature, Sex, Porn tags. The usual.

And, because I was so weary... I directly called him out, in the comments for that story.

This is what I posted.

You are not old enough to write porn, and you are not skilled enough to spell 'porn'.

...yeah. Not in a particularly good mood.

I stepped back. He tried to follow my account, because he did that with anyone who interacted at all. But then he went directly into denial. How could I say that? How? He could write anything he wanted to --

-- but then other people basically pointed out that it was right there in the bio line. Teenage boy. Maybe that includes eighteen and nineteen, but we're pretty sure they teach you about commas before you graduate from high school --

-- so he did the only thing he could think of.

He edited his bio.

Now he was officially, visibly stated to be twenty-one years old.

With the heart of a teenage boy.

Y'know. Information given out for those who wanted to get to know him.

And that was as far as I could take it. The site doesn't exactly have an age check. He'd been challenged, he'd found his lie, and there was nothing else I could do. Certainly nothing I could prove.

I thought... that he was probably still in school, and really bad at it. Yes, he posted at all hours, including when he would have had classes -- but hey: phones, tablets, laptops, and the quality of his writing suggested that he wasn't exactly concentrating on his homework.

So I believed the lie had been the second bio line.

Another running joke with Colic in #terrors was how bad he was at choosing cover art. On those occasions when he didn't draw his own, he would find something. Colic refused to let any story go into the New column without art. And for the preschool shows, he could find a screencap somewhere. But with the porn...

It's the MLP community. If you want erotic art of a character, someone has made it. Human versions included. 'All characters eighteen or older' guaranteed. But this was a running joke. He would say that the fetish of the day was 'big boobs', and it looked like he was one of those people who feels the alphabet needs to run out at C. That story would feature cover art of a human Diamond Tiara -- in her EQG incarnation. Without changes.

No curves at all.

I've been thinking about Anchor Foal. The idea that there's all of the little clues planted throughout the story, and none of them truly stand out until the moment when the reader looks back. Recontextualizes everything while peering through a freshly-cleaned lens. And then you see what was really there.

Colic was telling us what he was the whole time.

Two-sided coin: show that he was willing to deal with sexual material -- and appeal to the very young.

The handmade art. Looks like it was drawn by a second-grader, tops.

Preschooler shows.

All of those shows.

I'm starting to wonder if I would have caught on if he'd told us about his special amusement park place while renaming himself to Fun Land.

And this is where we catch up to the nearly-present. Yesterday.

There's another person on the site, who actually joined a few days after Colic did. Female. Lonely, and I can say that because she said it in a now-deleted blog.

(I never saw exactly what she wrote. For a lot of this going forward, I'm relying on the word of others.)

She said... basically, that she'd never had a relationship, and wanted to be in one.

Saying this online is not a good idea. You can get away with it on a dedicated dating site -- sometimes. But to just post that in a more general forum... it's like declaring that you want to dive for treasure, then cutting your skin open and jumping into open sewage. Maybe you'll fish a diamond from the bottom of the septic tank. Or maybe the infection will kill you. It's possible that you'll just drown.

Possibly someone will drag you under.

She wanted to be in a relationship.

Colic stepped forward.

I found out about this because I saw them openly flirting in the story comments: his next-to-last was partially written for her. Oh, look. Colic's found someone. They can bond over their shared love of the Rubbadubbers and seriously, whoever decided to do stop-motion for a preschool show? Long may you be employed. (I looked it up after the first appearance, and was sincerely impressed by the effort.) Beyond that, when it comes to the flirting? Dear gawds, don't make me watch. Bye.

And that was all. I didn't think anything more of it. May they have a happy, and presumably comma-free, life.

I didn't track anything.

Someone else did.

That's your first hero. (They're welcome to identify themselves in the blog comments.)

They went to her site userpage.

The one where she said, in full public view, that she's fifteen years old.

Colic was claiming to be twenty-one. And American.


Anyone getting their defenses ready? A few got deployed last night. It shouldn't matter, it's not like that in other countries, it's what someone wants to do and how can you argue?

For my part? Easily.
And with vises.
Go ahead. Tell me how much you support this. I have lots of hard drive space for all of the screenshots.
And a blender.
Consider the blender to be a random detail. Doesn't actually mean anything...

The first hero of this tale immediately called the age difference to site attention, along with the fact that it crossed the dividing line between minor and adult. He drew moderator notice to what was going on.

This is where I come back into the story -- briefly, because I had real trouble staying online last night and at one point, just dropped out of wifi for several hours. I only saw a little of this, participated in less.

People were coming into the chat server. Updating us on what was going on. There were theories being kicked around for a while: at one point, we were actively hoping that this was just a massive acting job.

(They did join the site within a few days of each other. 'Date your own alt' was starting to feel like one of the better options. This was disproven, in part because she knew what a comma was.)

I talked about my one Colic confrontation and the resulting bio line change. Would that be visible through Wayback?

...yes. Yes, it was. A screenshot of the original was acquired, compared to the post-edit.

And that's the trap. The one I didn't know I'd built.

Follow the logic.

Colic, at this point, has lied about his age. The question becomes which claim is the lie. And that gave him a choice of fates.

* He could say that he's actually a teenage male -- and a minor. In doing that, he gets to keep his girlfriend -- but all of his Mature 'porn' stories would have to be taken down, and he wouldn't be posting any others for a while.

* Or he could continue to insist that he's an adult. Which allows him to legally compose and post 'porn' -- but also turns him an adult who's trying to enter a relationship with a minor.

AKA 'pedophile'.

No matter what happened, he was going to lose something.

Turns out he lost it all.

Just about everything else happened after I lost connection.

Colic posted a blog, which has now been deleted. (I suspect he took it down when the reactions went bad.) Said he'd talked it over with her, they'd broken up and it was probably for the better, he didn't deserve forgiveness...

I do want to quote one line from that blog.

But I’m so sorry for think that you think I was being a creep.

(So he went out like he came in. As a really crappy writer.)

Our second hero continued to challenge him. Going after Colic in the blog comments. How old are you? Which is the lie? And eventually, Colic must have decided he had to say something...

I thought the second bio line was the lie.
Colic said it was the first.
That he was twenty-one, when his intended 'girlfriend' was fifteen.


Colic said a few other things in those blog comments. As the blog itself was deleted, I can only go by what other people saw and accordingly, I'm going to quote one of the site moderators.

The (now deleted) blog where he posted a pic of aged-up Spike and Rarity as a metaphor, with Spike clearly far larger and more imposing than Rarity (and Rarity's expression clearly submissive and intimidated by him), and then even took the time to clarify who was who in their relationship, was one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on this website. And I've been here awhile.

...again, yeah.

So Colic is gone.

The girl whom he'd taken the first steps in targeting... she took down the blog where she openly asked for a relationship. (And again, if anyone IDs her, I will delete your comments with prejudice.)

She's the lucky one.

I can say that with a straight face. The such-as-it-was relationship didn't last long enough for anything to truly happen. I doubt they did more than talk in livechat for a while, and -- that's bad enough, but it could have been so much worse. Hopefully she's wiser for the experience, and at least knows how to avoid having something like this happen again.

Colic's stories, such as they are, remain on the site. There was no catalog deletion. Personally, I'm hoping his stuff gets removed. Might as well clear a little server space through sweeping out the trash.

Colic is gone --
-- and now that's the next problem.
The one we can never solve.

Oddly, I have a habit of only running down people's real names when they're about to kill themselves.

I don't know who Colic really is: identity, address -- any of it. I certainly couldn't tell you if he's on any other sites. Posting about fabulous preschool adventures and really bad porn in turn. Looking to see who comes into the audience. If there's anyone who can be targeted. Victimized. Hurt.

I don't think anyone knows.

He could do this all again somewhere else and we'd never find out. Never be able to stop it.

I woke up around 4 a.m. this morning. Discovered I could get back online, reviewed everything which had happened, had the thought immediately above, and then went on a stresswalk for several hours. I got all the way to my own dropbox. Picked up a postcard.

We would never know...

Why didn't I see it before I looked back? It was all right there, laid out in black and white and colored pencils and crayon. Everything young, forever young, too young. Bright, waxy lures dropped into the water. Let's see who bites.

I could say 'Look, we're on a site for a kids' show. One where we all thought we saw deeper layers lurking within. A preschool series devotee has camouflage.' And maybe that's true -- to a degree. But there was so much of it.

I should have figured it out.

And now he's out there in the wind, and -- that's it. We've lost our ability to directly track and stop.

One person was saved.

I can feel my insomnia closing in. I'm probably not going to sleep very well tonight, if I sleep at all. It's likely that I'll open my eyes around 2;30 a.m. and stare at the ceiling before going on the next stresswalk. It'll last for hours and carry me deep into the dark, but -- I tell myself that I know the safe paths, and maybe I'm even right.

One person was saved, thanks to a few heroes. (None of them were me.)

What happens to the next...?

As of this writing, the Ko-Fi tip based convention drive for next year's Ponicon in Tokyo is at 37% of goal. (I have to bring this up at the end of every blog until the goal is reached or the deadline hits, whichever comes first.)

At noon yesterday, I thought the worst thing I'd have to put in a blog would be offering an exchange. A few people drop tips, and I would activate #deadstreaming in the chat server. Last time, we reviewed character creation in F.A.T.A.L, or a quartet of videos about same. For June, I was considering whether to live-suffer and comment my way through Madame Web. For your entertainment, in the hopes of future travel.

I really thought that was going to be the bottom.

It would have been nice to be right.

Report Estee · 1,326 views ·
Comments ( 28 )

Yeah, I ended up posting my blog the moment I saw what was happening. I'm not going to link it here because it does contain account names, but suffice to say I'm glad it generated enough traffic to hopefully expedite the ban process.

The trick with lying is to understand the rules well enough to not incriminate yourself. Especially don't incriminate yourself in two ways that can't both be false.

Naturally, this requires reading comprehension skills. The lack of which is the root of bad writing (including childrens'; they have a justification, not an alibi)

"Oh, site drama. I heard something about this yesterday. What happened?"

> User B&

"Oh. OK?"

> the stories

"... Oh. Well then."

I kinda feel like that meme of the dude walking in with pizza boxes, only to see everything is on fire.

Had no idea any of this was happening til it was already nearly over. Still, good riddance to some nasty ass trash. For once, I'm glad my utter distaste for poor punctuation kept me away from someone.

what in tarnation

What I want to do with someone who supports pedophiles-

If I may offer an alternative: the creatures of the forest have to eat something...

Hey, you were far from the only person looking at the pieces and failing to put them together, including the relationship as it formed. What matters now is she's safe. And going by his nonexistent rate of improvement in prose, he didn't learn anything from the experience that make him a better predator. It's not much of a comfort, but it's something.

Uh.... As to the quality of their writing. For PAID authors, under 20 years old is almost unheard of.

Mary Shelly wrote the core of Frankenstein when she was 16 (sold it when she was 20).

Isaac Asimov wrote "Cosmic Corkscrew" at age 17 (published when he was 18. It's in Early Asimov & otherwise out of print.) He wrote "Nightfall" at age 21. It won a Nebula for "Best Short Story Written Before 1965" in 1968.

Wodehòuse sold his first story age 20.

Anne Frank died at age 15. It's a major reason some people think The Diary of Anne Frank is fake.

S. E. Hinton wrote most of The Outsiders at age 16. Published age 18

Everyone else I can think of was AT LEAST in their 20s. 30+ is more common & 40 or older isn't unheard of

It's a major reason fanfics got such a bad rep. The authors just ain't old enough to be any good. (Another reason is Lack of Proofreaders.)


Unfortunately, it looks like this shitshow isn't over...

I'll read this later, but from a quick skim, you're a great writer. I should probably read one of your fics.

Though that is not important in this context at all.

The good thing is that she didn't suffered any harm, and that at least this site is now cleaner.

5781264 Pretty much the same here. I tend to check in infrequently, and I'm old enough that the drama of the young is frequently wasted on me. (I have a son who provides enough drama by himself) Young kids having puppy-eyes to other young kids is adorable. Calvin and Suzie for example (egged on by Hobbes, of course). Move the age-slider and suddenly...


I'm sorry, as this is completely off-topic, but I really like both things you guys are referencing, that is, the sitcom Community and Calvin and Hobbes.

Estee #14 · 2 weeks ago · · 1 ·


Would you please edit out the blog link? There's names over there.

Second 'hero' here. I'm definitely not a hero for this. I'm just someone who feels strongly about ensuring the safety of all users on the site. I just happened to probe at the right time for the information and the fact he outed himself with full confirmation that he was twenty-one is insane to me, but when under pressure, he confessed and now he's perma-banned. It's the duty of all of us to ensure that the young are protected from these types of people. It's just the matter of making the right move and having all their information verified. Seven and I did that and we have the end result of one less pedo on Fimfic.

Community! Yeah that was it. I forgot where it was from. Thanks.

You should. Estee's writing is not to everybody's tastes, but they're that rare combination: a very skilled writer who is also very prolific, and updates reliably. If you end up liking Estee's flavor of horsewords, there is plenty for you to enjoy.

The (now deleted) blog where he posted a pic of aged-up Spike and Rarity as a metaphor, with Spike clearly far larger and more imposing than Rarity (and Rarity's expression clearly submissive and intimidated by him), and then even took the time to clarify who was who in their relationship, was one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on this website. And I've been here awhile.

as the person being responded to in that original thread I can definitely believe this mod tbh

like I have a vague idea that that creepo knew exactly what they were doing and were just putting on the "BWUUHHH I'M SOWWWY I WON'T DO IT AGAIN I'LL COME BACK CLEAN" act for pity points, which the usual bottom-feeding clout suspects flocked to like mayflies, patting their ass and saying that "we forgive you" (which who the fuck is "we") and for other people to "no bully" him because he'll "get better" - like no, fuck that, no sympathy for this person, y'all can get fucked

seriously if I had a nickel for every time the same group of people acted like idiots on this website, I wouldn't have to work another day in my life

I read it now. Thanks for the overview, and who knows if his confirmation of his real age was another lie or not?

It doesn't really matter. He was at least posing as a 21 year old.

Estee is very much the "stress, overworked dad" of this site but he'll always churn out a good fic

and seriously, whoever decided to do stop-motion for a preschool show? Long may you be employed. (I looked it up after the first appearance, and was sincerely impressed by the effort.)

Ha...you'd be surprised as to what that side of the animation industry contains.

Either way, while I'm glad we cut off one hydra's head, more seem to grow back, unfortunately. Like Winter said, this story isn't over yet.

As a preschool show enthusiast myself, this whole beef cuts a little bit...personal for me. Definitely ruins other stories people put out that cross over MLP with preschool show IPs (and, y'know, don't contain porn...and are written by people who aren't pedos), which is disappointing and might end up creating a stereotype I really don't want to see birthed.

Now I know why I tend to go the other way when it comes to drama as a whole. Way too tiring. :facehoof:

His "buddy" has now been banned, so the fight's over...for now.

This last one admitted to grooming a minor, casually mentioned his age was twenty-five, then asked in the screenshot, "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

The mod's swift action against someone this deranged should go a long way toward squashing the rumor that the Brony Community is a haven for pedos.

Best-case scenario, these sorts of supporters are literally unaware of the law. Discussing the morals of breaking the law is not something you should do where the government could hear you, unless it is directly aimed at said government in an attempt to change their mind. (Explaining is not condoning, and in any case they might actually be stupid enough to ask this of their local congressperson using their real name and get arrested for it)

LH45 #24 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

Estee, you helped.
You could've sat on the sidelines.
You could've done nothing, and let him get away with it.
What's important is that you took action, and helped catch him.
You helped catch a pedo.
You may not think yourself a hero, and you imagine your role small, but you helped permaban him.
That counts for something.

Viatorem #25 · 1 week ago · · 1 ·



Same… I wouldn’t say we are all old, I just think we got tired of this sort of nonsense.

I would ask why people can’t behave online, but that would be like asking why water makes things wet.

Great work. Some despicable people out there. It's disgusting to imagine what this scum might have done to that girl. What a sick fuck. Hope he suffers eternal conscious torment in all of his dreams and afterlife.

hooray for the heroes of this story! very glad the girl is safe and sound. hope she finds more age appropriate friends, possibly irl. now if only colic could get something blunt and heavy dropped on his head in just the right way that he ends up with a terrible case brain damage. death is too good for pedophiles.

that was dark I'm going to go calm down.

After reading this blog, I had to open my window to get a breath of fresh air. Holy Moly.

The sad truth is, I figured out only a few paragraphs in EXACTLY who you were talking about. I mean, how could you NOT miss the surfeit of fics based on obscure kids shows which polluted this site on the regular, like fecal floaters in a freshwater salmon reserve? I never actually READ any of them of course, but I did had a grudging admiration for someone willing to put so much time and effort into their 'art', even if it did turn out to be the epitome of so-bad-it's-bad.

Sufficed to say, now I've discovered the horrible truth, all that's gone out of the window. With a cartoon safe tied to it's pinky toe. And a pair of concrete boots on, notwithstanding.

Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing, and now I'm looking at his portfolio of 'work' and his general interactions with others, and the clues weren't so much there as screaming right in your ear at the top of their lungs. But I guess... I dunno... I thought maybe he was a bit 'immature' for his alleged age, or had a strong nostagic kick? Heck, considering the amount of scat and infantilism fics on this site that appear to have their fans, who am I to judge someone's taste?

Still, the main thing is he's gone now and someone was saved from a clearly manipulative and unrepentant nasty piece of work. Not to mention, no more horrible stories from the Ed Wood (without the charm) of the Fimfiction universe. I did wonder why I lost a follower a few days ago... now, not only has the mystery been solved, but it's one loss I won't lose any sleep over whatsoever.

May I finish by saying this is one of the most disturbingly interesting blogs I've ever read on this site, and if you put half as much effort into your stories as you did here in laying out the evidence in an entertainingly concise yet forensic way... perhaps I ought to catch more of them, when I have the time.

Also, I think you might possess untapped potential as a lawyer. May I call you up in court, if I ever have the need? :raritywink:

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