• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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You Pay, I Suffer: Estee (Potentially) Takes On F.A.T.A.L. · 7:48pm May 10th

...sort of.

I'm willing to do some painful stuff in order to reach Ponicon. (As of this writing, we're at 27% of goal.) And in the past, I've had at least one event where people basically donated tips in order to see me hurt in realtime. To wit, I purchased and watched The Emoji Movie, liveblogging the experience in the chat server.

And today, my YouTube feed coughed up the following.

(Warning: NSFW for language and basic contents.)

It is Part One. Of four. And the total running time is about three hours.

So... F.A.T.A.L. What is it?

It's probably the worst RPG ever made.

To quote what I said in the chat server:

As the dark non-joke goes, the only reason this thing doesn't openly support date rape is because that would require anyone involved with it to be capable of getting a date.
It is sexist, racist, misogynistic, nihilistic, and its rulebook serves as the only text which Luna and Twilight mutually set on fire.
...yes, for those of you who read Natural Ones, it's that book.
And in four videos totaling out to about three hours of viewing time, someone is going to try and make a character for it.
In my attempt to reach Ponicon, all I can sell is my own pain.
So I'm willing to livewatch this.
All of it.
Three hours.
For a Suitable Bribe.

As said, the Ko-Fi tip goal is currently at 27% of the target number. So I'm setting a target and a deadline. If, by 8 a.m. EDT on May 11th -- tomorrow -- the goal is at 30% or higher -- higher is good -- I will livewatch all three hours of the character creation process and type up my reactions. This will take place in the #deadstreaming channel for the chat server. (I could do #hobbies, but it's a livewatch.) Should the necessary tips come in, the viewing will begin at noon EDT (also tomorrow) and continue until I either finish the videos or watching someone deal with this game actually kills me.

Should the boost number for the video watch be met, I'll post a blog and let you know: that way, people can come in and spectate. (I can't guarantee quality agony on my end and will not watch the videos before this in order to get a feel for them. It'll be live first-time interaction. I also won't check the drop account's email until after 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Let it be a surprise to me.) If, as expected, it fails... then the rest is silence.

The sadists among you -- that would be roughly 93% of my audience -- may be wondering why I don't just livetype going through the character creation process myself. Answer: I'd need a copy of the book. And even if someone found a free online copy for me, or sent a real one to the dropbox (address still pinned in #p-o-unboxing), I would then have to read it. Something which is going to take a lot more than a minimum 3% of goal to bribe in. Why, in order to go through that kind of pain, I would need at least...


...possibly not safe to say that in public. But hey, if y'all come up with a book and a number, run it past me and see if I scream.

See you tomorrow.

...yes, I know the base increase required is 3%. But if we reached 290%, then I could have the emergency room on standby...

You can find the Tip Jar Of Future Agony here.

ETA: for those wondering why that popped up in my YouTube feed... I had just watched a video about the changes Hasbro recently made to D&D Beyond. I guess the algorithm just figured one tabletop system was as good as any other.

Report Estee · 413 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

My favorite F.A.T.A.L. joke is that the creator supposedly intended it as a means of redirecting violent and sexual impulses.

The punchline is he might have succeeded, because anyone who's actually attempted to play it has their violent impulses directed towards the creator.

Georg #2 · 4 weeks ago · · ·

5780101 Something worse than Diplomacy for turning friends into enemies? That's a high bar to clear.

My own gaming experience was mostly back in the mid 1970s to the early 1990s.

There are 2 types of gamers
1) Those who, upon being told "There is a 2 page flowchart to help you use the combat system." run right out & buy it.
2) Those who wouldn't touch it to please a dying mother.

I had Aftermath for over a decade but never found ANYONE willing to play it.



the only time F.A.T.A.L. has ever worked as a system is if at the end of all the horror, all of the players, in unison, shout "THE ARISTOCRATS!"

I watched all of it with a friend of mine. We started it as part of our new years eve tradition of get shit faced drunk and watching the absolute worst garbage we could find.

I needed alcohol to get me through each episode. We just finished the final one tonight. Its over, thank god. Don’t worry, it skips a LOT of content all related to magic… horrible horrible gross magic I am happy we don’t need to visit.

Good luck, it helps to have a strong drink and someone to riff on it with you when watching.

That only solves half the issue, though, right?

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