• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
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Jamin P Rose

I write fetish clopfics and other things. Commissions: Not Open, working on existing commissions.

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War - FimFetch List · 6:13pm April 3rd

I'm sure some of you have heard about this already, but the owner of FimFetch has decided to release a list of people who are/have/might again write/draw/rp/etc foalcon content. You can find the list linked in this thread. This person started removing foalcon stories from the FimFetch Archive months ago and now has gone too far, basically declaring war on foalcon authors/artists/rp's/etc.

I am not asking people to go out and attack them, or send hate mail. Nor am I saying it's right to do so, but what I am saying is that DataByteBrony, who is involved in multiple different things, has crossed a line. If anything, feel free to report their Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/fimfetch) and post links to the explicit stories on FimFetch.net.

Once again, I am not asking you to attack or send hate mail, or even interact with them in any way. Just sharing the info I have access to.

Edit: I want to be clear, I respect that there are people who have different opinions and views on this matter. They are free to respectfully disagree. I ask that you show that respect in kind.

Comments ( 19 )
Artist #1 · April 3rd · · 15 ·

I mean foalcon is wrong, so maybe it’s good that they’re doing this.

I’m not saying people shouldn’t be entitled to their own opinions that’s fine, but I don’t ever want to read anything that has to do with children and pornography.

Also, I just read in your bio that you write mature content, since I do not wish to see this, I will be unfollowing you.


It's fine to have your own opinion, and by all means, have a good time browsing what you want to read. You proved that there is a respectful way to do things, unlike what that person is doing.

Indeed, my name is on that list.

I have made clear my feelings on foalcon before, that being that, so long as it remains constrained to fictional things, such as clearly made-up stories, or obviously drawn pictures, I have no reason to throw a fit. I know how to use a blacklist. I know how to filter results. Case in point:

You are not required to unfollow. If you scroll up to the top of the page where it says "settings," there's a toggle switch that says "view mature." If that switch is red, you can just look at all of the safe content without seeing anything mature. That way you can still read "The Reaper in Red." More than twenty percent of his stories are safe.

It is upsetting to know that I, and a lot of other fairly innocent perverts, are now on a watchlist and likely being looked into by law enforcement officers that have a lot more important things that they should be doing. Granted, this will inevitably turn up some positive results, but for most of us, this is pure fantasy.

Foalcon is the fourth-largest NSFW group that caters to a specific fetish. Right under futa, incest and (weirdly) human-on-princess. It has a lot of members (pun not intended, but appreciated). This is not going to go over very well.

So this means that if you ever play FPS games or join any FPS game related groups you'll be ok with being put on a list of potential violent mass shooters list and investigated by multiple three letter agencies.

After all by your own moral framework you just argued killing people in video games is wrong and basically the exact same thing as killing someone in real life so it's just as morally wrong

Here's the thing, one of the biggest issues of this list is some people are on there by association. One of my friends made it on there for a single story they wrote, even though it's explicitly stated in the description that it isn't FoalCon content. This means that DataBytes is putting thousands of people on blast without doing the proper research. He, quite literally, just looked for anything fetish-related to foals and threw their name on there. I can understand banning FoalCon from your archive, but this is an overreaction beyond comprehension.

Right? I should be praised!

Do you know how many demons I've slaughtered? How many villages I've saved from dragons? How many times I have personally stopped the apocalypse?

Why don't they focus on that, instead of the fact that I didn't skip the mission "No Russian?"

So true, and yet ike so, so many things, all that they focused only on was what they do not like. I am on that list, do I care that I am on that list? Not at all. Does it feel like they threw down the gauntlet by posting it? Hell yes it does. Does that mean I am going to pick up the gauntlet? I haven't decided yet, but I sure as shit am not going to be intimidated by a coward and a hypocrit.

Then, please explain to me why I am getting so many dislikes on my comment?

I never play such games because my mother tells me that it makes violent people, I of course don’t believe her because I play Call of Duty but yeah.

That is a good question, I would wager it is those who disagree with your position. I for one upvoted it.

To anyone who's angry with what they said but doesn't wish to express beyond a downvote, I may not agree with Artist, but I respect their choice and their control not to make a big fuss or be rude or attack me. So please show respect in kind.

Thank you, I’m not very well respected on this site because I write stories about ponies with disabilities, and lash out at anyone who doesn’t like that because I believe that writing stories about ponies with disabilities is a good thing because you don’t see enough of that in media like movies or books or whatever.

I decided to follow you again because you do have some stories that are not mature, so I might be reading those, I actually recently read one.

Kiernan #14 · April 4th · · 1 ·

I believe that your comment was downvoted because the first sentence was stating that foalcon was inherently wrong on a post in defense of fiction authors that have written it. You then end that post with the threat to unfollow.

It's a bit confrontational when a lot of people are already reeling.


But I didn’t threaten to unfollow him, and he respected my decision even though I did unfollow him. I only said I was going to.

I didn’t threaten it.

Kiernan #16 · April 4th · · 1 ·

Saying you're going to unfollow and threatening to unfollow are essentially the same thing.

My point is, a lot of people that don't deserve it have just been attacked by this list, and kicking them while they were down is probably why a lot of people downvoted your initial comment. That's all I'm trying to say.

Well, I just found something really really shocking.


There's no need to drag this on, so please let it lay where it is.

Artist #19 · April 4th · · 1 ·

Ok, well I will.

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