• Member Since 18th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen March 15th

Calm Wind

We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.

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Chapter 191 update (And my life update) · 6:39pm May 5th, 2023

Hey all, long time no update, huh? I wanted to stop in and let everyone know whats currently going on with both the story and myself. For starters, I'm sorry to say that not much work has gotten done on the next (half) chapter. Ive done a little, but writing time has been a bit hard for me to come by as of late. So whats going on? Nothing bad, im doing just fine but theres been a recent hard shift in my daily life that's thrown a wrench into things.

Some of you know (and for those of you who don't know) i work for a small investment/hedgefund. More recently i was moved from my datakeeping/media analyst/communications roles to being part of the trade operations team. basically i was put onboard with the guys who execute stock trades for the rest of our team and our clients who have portfolios with us. At first i was only doing a little bit of it, but roughly a week after i submitted chapter 190, my boss pulled me into his office to tell me that i was being promoted to more or less handle ALL of it, or most of it including our outside clients on top of getting a nice raise, bonus for the work ive done so far, and a plan for further raises later if i handle the job well. Obviously this is awesome, because this is something i CAN do and i basically doubled my previous paycheck.

But here's the caveat, i am basically under FIRE every day at work now. On the phone 95% of the time, rapid trades, taking calls, and handling one particular client who has more money than god but is a bit difficult to deal with (old, not tech savvy, and doesn't quite understand modern systems). Boy howdy let me tell you i have been DRAINED at the end of every work day... and have more or less flopped onto my couch or desk chair to deflate each night... which until right now was when i usually dedicated at least an hour a night to writing if i could.

So needless to say, im in a bit of a pickle right now. ive done some writing on weekends, but its been hard to make that shift after nearly 11 years of writing for this site. In short: my work life balance has been thrown WAY out of whack and im still trying to figure out how to balance this going forward. It certainly didnt help that my pace was already slowing leading up to this.

So there we go, ive been meaning to make this blog for a week or so now, but being tired at night has screwed that over as well. Thanks to a quiet day at work right now i was able to get this out there :derpyderp2: Just wanted to let ya'll know what was going on with me cause im sure more than a few of you are wondering whats been going on.

bear with me, i've got some things of my own to sort out, but the story shall go on.

Report Calm Wind · 928 views · Story: Piercing the Heavens · #LolDongJokes
Comments ( 11 )

Man, this might actually be the perfect time to get caught up on the story lol

well man, you take your time to work things out, even if that means less time for writing, a lot of us have been with you for the long haul, this likely isn't going to change that

Excellent life progress! You'll have everything sorted out eventually, and if it leads to less common updates, so be it. It looks like you're doing very well for yourself and you are supported either way.

Good to know you've been doing alright Calm, I can't imagine how draining and stressful the work your doing is, but its awesome to hear your climbing the ladder up and up :pinkiesmile:
Don't worry about us, we understand that this is a time of change and adjustment for you, hopefully given time you'll get a new routine worked out but until then focus on yourself and getting to a spot you want to be at :yay:
All the best Calm! :derpytongue2:

Good to hear your doing alright calm.

Also nice touch with fleet foot, and glad she helped you push through.

It’s not like you have a photo or a body pillow of her right… right? By the way what that over by your bed?

All good bro, take your time, we ain't going anywhere.

Will some 🍪s help you relax?

Good to hear you're doing good, life is tough, Take all the time you need, have some High winds to cheer you up


Hang in there, man, and hang on to that passion. Happy to hear about the job opportunities, and I'm sure you'll figure out a good rhythm once you have some time to adjust.

Hey Calm Wind,

It is good to hear that you are doing alright and that you are still with us. We as a community and your fans appriciate you for who you are and can wait patiently for whenever you get the chance to carry on with this wonderful tale, nah world that is more like it that you have created for us to enjoy.

Real life is a bitch believe me I know and understand all to well. I work full 12 hour shifts looking after disabled and elderly people so I am like permanently tired all of the time.

Love ya man and please take all the time and care that you need and require.

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