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  • Today
    Looking for a regular editor/prereader

    Now that I'm writing again, I thought it would be nice to do something more than post my docs drafts in various Discords begging passers-by to preread at the last minute. Would any of you be interested in editing/prereading for me on a regular basis, or know someone who might be? I would gladly return the favor if you are a writer as well!

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  • Sunday
    2024/06/15 Update

    whoa, time flies! since my last update:

    1. i published a new story!

      This morning was supposed to be a goodbye.
      Bicyclette · 3.3k words  ·  15  2 · 159 views

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  • 1 week
    Announcing: The A Thousand Words Contest III (2024 Jun 09 - Jul 14)

    copied from the forum post below the break:

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  • 1 week
    Yearly Contest Schedule

    so i've been running contests for a while now! and at this point i would like to commit to some sort of regular schedule. there are at this point three "main" contests that i would like to keep doing on a yearly basis, and in any particular year i may run at most one more "big" contest, for a total of four:

    • The Science Fiction Contest: Early March to mid-April

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  • 2 weeks
    2024/06/02 Update

    so i've given up on the notion of anything like a regular blog schedule! i'll just post these whenever i have news, as a sort of record for any horsewords-related activities i've been getting up to.

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[Flash Sentry Contest] Results! · 5:39am Feb 23rd, 2023

copied from the forum post below the break, because i really need you all to read these amazing stories!

firstly, ugh, so sorry for blowing past the results deadline! when i set it, it was contingent on me having a normal set of weeks, and that has not been true recently. i’ll try to be better next time. and thank you so much to my co-judge daOtterGuy for both the work of co-judging and actually being the one of us to make the deadline!

as for the stories, oof, you really didn’t make it easy! i know i say often that it’s so difficult to do these rankings because it always results in leaving out so many great stories, but it’s somehow even more true for this one. of the six entries, not one of them failed in bringing something great to the table, and i do beg you all to read them.

and it pains me to even have to choose two to declare the winners. i wish we could pick three, or four, or five, or all six! but three winners means three people feel like they got no higher than fourth, et cetera, when in reality this was a tough choice. i really did love all of them!

so here are the prizes:

  • First Place: $50
  • Second Place: $30

and here is a blurb for each entry in reverse order of submitting, followed by the winners:

Honorable Mention: Flash Memory by SilverNotes

though we don’t see much of human Flash Sentry in canon, we do get a better sense of his vibe and background due to the American/Canadian high school tropes that Equestria Girls draws upon. we don’t have this with pony Flash Sentry, but boy does this story provide it, fleshing out his backstory and Equestrian culture in a way that made me feel immersed like few other fics manage to do. if you love good character pieces and cultural worldbuilding, i can’t recommend this enough!


EFlash Memory
On a visit to Cloudsdale, Flash thinks back on the path his life almost took. He's not who he used to be anymore, but is that all a good thing?
SilverNotes · 5.6k words  ·  18  0 · 318 views

Honorable Mention: Soul Bound by Moproblems Moharmoney

this piece really stood out with the vividness of its idea and setting, casting Flash Sentry as a put-upon shōnen animé protagonist soul-bound to a Demon Sunset Shimmer he can’t get rid of. the elements of Equestria Girls translate all too well into this vibe, and though this story is only a glimpse into its world, the possibilities are promising and exciting.


TSoul Bound
We all have our inner demons, Flash just has more than most...
Moproblems Moharmoney · 2.4k words  ·  33  3 · 735 views

Honorable Mention: The First First Meeting by EileenSaysHi

An excellent contender with an incredibly strong emotional core and introspective look into Wallflower working through the ramifications of her choice to use the memory stone. Her and Flash's interactions were wonderful to read as Flash acted as his usual considerate self and Wallflower panicked as she tried to figure out how to salvage one of her better relationships that she had unfortunately removed.


TThe First First Meeting
Flash Sentry meets Wallflower Blush for the first time. Twice.
EileenSaysHi · 3.6k words  ·  50  7 · 653 views

Honorable Mention: A Spectator's Sentryence by gapty

This entry was bonkers and I loved it. The setup is misleading with an excellent payoff that is resolved with one of the greatest and dumbest solutions I could have possibly believed. It has a decent dose of humour and an excellent breakdown of Flash's perceived feelings of worthlessness in the face of literal magical girls. A fun ride start to finish with an intriguing and terrifying villain.


TA Spectator's Sentryence
Flash Sentry discovers that Sunset Shimmer lives in his house. To make it stranger, she has become a unicorn. And to make it worse, she reminds him of everything that he has hidden inside himself.
gapty · 10k words  ·  22  2 · 503 views

Second Place: An Unpleasant Reflection by Tumbleweed

A regular writer of a particular brand of Flash Sentry, and one of the best interpretations out there. This is a good foray into the verse of this particular author and expertly done comedy fic. The laughs hit right every time with a brilliant sense of timing. Flash is the specific kind of machoism in this fic that just comes off as incredibly hilarious and Carrot Top is a banger of a character in this as the straight pony of the crew. The plot is simple, but the characters are fantastic and draw the reader into a stellar comedy. Absolutely fantastic read and deserving of its podium placement.


this story was my intro into the long-running series of The Flash Sentry Papers, which made it all the more impressive how quickly and easily i got sucked into the tale and its world. the voice of pony Flash Sentry as the self-aware, self-deprecating, and self-preserving cad of a narrator really made this piece shine, as he deals with the mere existence of naïve high schooler human Flash Sentry. the short arc of its “adventure” not only fits thematically with the contrast between the two Flashes Sentry and their respective worlds, but also ends neatly and hilariously, highlighting just how well-drawn all of the story’s characters are.


TAn Unpleasant Reflection
Flash Sentry, certified Hero of Equestria, not to mention self-confessed liar, coward, and all-around-scoundrel, finds himself facing ... himself?
Tumbleweed · 6.6k words  ·  43  1 · 432 views

First Place: Flashing Before Your Eyes by FanOfMostEverything

A solid fic about the multiverse and the universal constant is a kind and annoyingly understanding Flash Sentry. The humourous tones hit all the right notes over the course of the plot and do a wonderful job of introducing Flash in all of these different contexts and planes of existence. Our main protagonist is the ever lovable Derpy whose growing frustration is amusing to watch as she zips from plane to plane. I can also assure readers that you do not in fact need to be familiar with the world of Oversaturation to enjoy this fic and this is still well worth the read and potentially an excellent opener to the greater verse this fic is based in. Regardless, it's a fun ride from start to finish and well worth the read for the chuckles.


it’s fitting that the winner of the contest is the story with the most Flashes Sentry in it! i just loved how well this piece immersed me in a brand-new world through that world’s Flash Sentry’s eyes before zipping off to the next, the worlds themselves spanning a range from the just off-IRL mundane to the delightfully creative and strange. in that, this story is not only an exploration of what it means to be Flash Sentry in an AU setting, but also feels just as much like a love letter to the genre of speculative fiction. and the Flash Sentry of it all is wonderful, so i am happy to award it First Place.


TFlashing Before Your Eyes
The more things change, the more he stays the same.
FanOfMostEverything · 6.3k words  ·  70  5 · 897 views

and that's an (overdue) wrap! see you all for the next Personal Contest, or how about one of the following ongoing ones:

peace out, and keep on Flash Sentryin'!

Report Bicyclette · 212 views ·
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