• Member Since 12th Sep, 2021
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"If you are afraid to look ahead, and it hurts to look back, look beside you and there will be your friends."

More Blog Posts20

  • 12 weeks
    Made an oopsie

    Real sorry, but I had to fix a lot of stuff in my book. I finally have it all planned out, and that meant I needed to make some changes. The story will be a lot more serious now, and I have the full intention of making it a good one. The prologue is an actual prologue now, and the first chapter is longer. The second will be out soon, do not fret.

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  • 27 weeks
    Minor News.... RETCON!

    The April Fools Interlude is being Retconned. I will post the same thing in chapter 54 in the author's notes, but I thought I'd let you all know in advance. Minor spoiler, I intended for the April Fools Interlude to be canon at the end of the story. Due to a continuity error of my own doing, I need to make some adjustments. I will not spoil what I am changing, but it will come

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  • 36 weeks
    Just a little something to say.

    Sometimes, life can throw a curveball your way. Sometimes it hits you in the face, knocks you to the ground, and mocks you. There are things going on in this world, evil things, and sometimes it seems people turn a blind eye to it. It's better to stay in disbelief, because these things are so horrible, that it is unfathomable that our society is falling so low. We see it in our education systems,

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  • 57 weeks
    Big News! It is happening....

    Hello once again everyone! I am writing this blog post in order to announce something incredible! A story called Lost and Fallen was places on a hiatus back in 2015, with no hope of being continued. The story was to be left in the depths of this wonderful website, collecting dust and giving people a good read on the chance that they were to find it.

    But now this will change.

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  • 77 weeks

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, an Atheist, or anything else, this is still a time for celebration, family, and friends. There are dark things in the world today that would seek to destroy the Christmas spirit, and there are many different means of which evil can try and influence people and steer them away from the light.

    I say this:

    Love yourself,

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    1 comments · 143 views

Christmas · 5:33am Dec 26th, 2022

Merry Christmas everyone!

Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, an Atheist, or anything else, this is still a time for celebration, family, and friends. There are dark things in the world today that would seek to destroy the Christmas spirit, and there are many different means of which evil can try and influence people and steer them away from the light.

I say this:

Love yourself,
love your friends,
love your family,
love your neighbor.

Nothing can beat the power of love, it works in real life as much as it does in movies. If you are feeling depressed, down, like life isn't working for you anymore... then just hold on. There is always going to be someone out there to talk to, and there will always be someone who loves you, even if you don't know it yet.

The reason I am saying all this is because I have been hearing and seeing bad things. Very bad things. This world is devolving into one of hate and suffering, deception and persecution. I didn't write this to be political, but if people want these things to change, then they need to step up. Do your own research, see all sides of the argument, find out the truth between the lies and deceit. We are all busy fighting each other while the ones puppeteering this debacle are laughing behind the curtain. It's not the rights fault, or the left. It is a group who hates us all, and wants everyone to suffer.

This Christmas, we need to find love more than ever. If we do that, then we as a people will be victorious over evil. Love your neighbors, your friends, and your family... and everything will be alright.

God Bless, and Merry Christmas.

Comments ( 1 )

I know I’m late on saying Merry Christmas.
But now I want to tell u Happy new year!!!!

Yeah I agree that we do live in a toxic world, built on hate and many people suffering. For example I’m surrounded by toxic people myself who are just jealous of me, jealous of my sister, jealous of my brother, and also they’re jealous of my mom and dad too! We haven’t done anything to them, if u ask me they’re just damn idiots and nobodies who are just hellbent on hating anyone!

Bossypants thanks for the message fam, our world is far from perfect, if only Equestria ever existed, myself and others would just live there, such a peaceful place, yes it’s true they have some problems here and there, but the level of toxicity in their world is rather low compared to our world.

Bossypants for now all we can do is rely on each other, our friends, and family to go through tough times, also most importantly we must rely on God’s guidance when going through any tough time, for only he truly understands our pain and what we go through. Growing up I was always taught that God has something beautiful planned for all of us in the end, all we need to do is be patient for he will give us what we want and desire and for that we should be thankful for any beautiful thing that he will give us by his will.

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