• Published 19th Apr 2013
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MLP Time Loops - Saphroneth

Twilight Sparkle has been here before. In fact, she's been here so often she's thoroughly bored. Time Loop stories for Equestria.

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MLP Loops 147

147.1 (Filraen)

Pinkie Pie was deep in thought. After all this was an important decision, one on which her fate for the rest of the winter hung. Immutable to even the surprisingly catchy tune in the background, blue eyes looked at the two options in front of her.

"Take the muffin, Pinkie!"

On her right there was a freshly baked strawberry muffin cooked with an extra hint of vanilla in the formula, its sweet aroma taunting her nose with the promise of deliciousness.

"No, the cookies are better."

On her left there was a plate of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. With a quick observation Pinkie decided the cookies had about 25 chips per cookie, which in her experience made the best combined flavor on each bite. After all chocolate chip cookies were more than the sum of cookies and chocolate and that was the magic to its success.

Truly, it was a most important decision. After all, choosing the proper snack was a critical part of a meeting with her friends on the last day of winter.

"Hey, Pinkie! Have you decided yet?" Rainbow Dash shouted from her seat at Sugarcube Corner.

"One more minute!" After deciding on the cookies Pinkie Pie joined her friends at the table.

"What took you so long, sugarcube?" Applejack eventually asked her pink friend after finishing her pastry.

"We couldn't agree and I had to make the deciding vote." Pinkie answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"'We'? But you were alone there."

"No, silly. I was with her." And with that Pinkie Pie raised her hand to point to her right shoulder.

Suddenly something appeared from Pinkie Pie's hair and stood on her shoulder. It was a small figure, a quadruped, apparently with the same kind of hair as Pinkie and no bigger than her hand. "Hi everypony! I'm Pinkie Pie, I'm Big Pinkie's pinkie angel!" The small figure said to the other four humans at the table. "By the way, why you didn't choose the muffin?"

Ignoring how low her human friends' jaws were hanging the human Pinkie Pie grabbed a cookie and gave it to the small figure on her shoulder. "Because I can share these you you, silly."

Silently, Fluttershy was quickly getting over her surprise by being captivated by the adorable image of the little Pinkie eating a cookie too big for her. Had she had a spare thought, however, it would have been about how she hated being seated by the window and being unable to get to the pony Pinkie Pie.

Meanwhile the human Pinkie Pie had grabbed another cookie and put her hand by her left shoulder. "I haven't forgotten you either!"

Another quadruped appeared, this time not was a Pinkie Pie lookalike, much to Rarity's silent relief; the world wasn't ready for two Pinkie Pies, much less three. The newcomer was a black winged unicorn, about the same size as the pony Pinkie Pie, who hovered a bit in place before landing on Pinkie Pie's left shoulder and accepting the cookie. "Thanks, Pinkie." But before she started eating the cookie she turned to address her human audience. "Hello, my name is Nyx. Today I'm Pinkie Pie's... dark angel. Please don't call me devil, I'm not evil thank you very much."

Snapping from the sight and deliberately ignoring the small voice shouting how impossible this all was, even for Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, Applejack looked at the winged unicorn. "You sure you ain't going to cause trouble?"

"Don't worry, Applejack. I'm covering here just because Pinkie Pie asked me" Nyx said while pointing to the other equine before showing her food. "If you want to check for yourself you can always join the dark side. We have cookies."

147.2 (RowanEx)
(A Late Mother's Day Tribute)

Twilight entered the library, exhausted from an unusual request Nyx asked. She then noticed something.

One, the library is unusually messy.

Two, there were traces of glue and paper all over the floor, sticking on Twilight's hooves as she walked cautiously.

Three, why did Nyx request a bag of red gems?

Her questions were answered as Nyx poked from the stairs holding a card which she accidentally dropped and somehow flew towards Twilight.

"Nyx, come here please." Nyx gulped as she went closer to Twilight who was reading the card. Twilight then looked at Nyx and pulled her into a hug.

Nyx then pulled out a few of the red gems and with Twilight, they carefully glued the gems into position.

On the card was the words, "Happy Mother's day!" along with a crude drawing of the filly and Twilight together, the gems forming a heart.

147.3 (Crisis)

Twilight sat in the rather odd waiting room of the Pie clinic, thinking about why she was doing this.

"Hey, Twilight? You still having trouble dancing?"

"Kinda, why d–"

"Great! Do you want to try and fix that?"

"Uh..... y–"

"Excellent! My family runs this super-duper-awesomazing clinic this Loop! Be there this time tomorrow and we'll get you all fixed up!"

On the one hoof, this was Pinkie Pie. Which meant that whatever solution she had in mind likely involved shenanigans Twilight would spend the rest of eternity trying to live down. On the other hoof, she was really curious as to whether or not they'd work despite that.

"The nurse will see you now," Marble Pie, or was it Inkie Pie this Loop? Twilight couldn't remember, announced from the receptionist desk and Twilight stood up and walked through the door the other mare pointed towards.

"EEEEEEE!" Pinkie's squeal made Twilight's head ring as she closed the door. "You really came! This is gonna be awesome! Now," Pinkie pulled out a clip board from her hair, "according to this you claim an inability to dance, true?"

"Uh, yeah," Twilight gave her friend a level gaze, "you know that alr–"

"Tut-tut!" Pinkie scolded. "The proper procedures must be observed. Now, when was the last time you tried to dance?"

Twilight sighed. "Three weeks ago at Vinyl's rave. I bruised seventeen ponies before they banned me from the floor."

"Ach!" Pinkie blurted in a bad accent. "A most serious case! I need ze closer look!" Pinkie then drew out what looked like a pair of those cheap x-ray glasses one ordered from the back of a magazine and put them on before staring at Twilight intensely. "Attempt to dance please."

"What, now? I mea–"

"Yes, now. I can put on ze music if you like, but I am needing to observe ze movements of your muscles and bones to determine ze cause."

"Ooooookay...." Twilight hesitated before beginning to do her best attempt at dancing, jerking and spasming as usual while Pinkie hmmed at regular intervals and took notes while simultaneously dodging Twilight's limbs and peering at her intently.

"Ach!" Pinkie exclaimed eventually, causing Twilight to stop. "Zis is quite serious indeed!"

"What?" Twilight blinked. "Did you actually find out what's wrong wi–"

"Your Rumba vertebrae... It is out of alignment!"

"My wha–"

"Yes, yes! Quite possibly ze worst case I have ever been seeing! Or not seeing! Dear, dear... Normal chiropractic measures will be insufficient to correct zis... No, I am afraid zis requires... ze surgery!"

"Now wait a minu–"

"Twilight," Pinkie dropped her bad accent to stage whisper, loudly, at Twilight, "trust me, the more over the top I play this, the better it works."

Twilight groaned mentally. It was worse than healing with shenanigans. It was healing that ran on shenanigans. But... she still wanted to be able to dance for real. Even if it was just for one Loop. "Alright... I'll agree to the surgery."

"Zen we operate at once! Sign here please..."

Twilight signed the document Pinkie presented to her. The moment she finished the last letter of her full name, Pinkie screamed at the top of her lungs.


"Local or general?" Twilight asked curiously while trying to shake the ringing out of her ears.

"Hold still please," the stoic voice of Maud Pie sounded from behind her.

'Of cou–'

Twilight's mental sigh was cut off by a sharp blow to the head rendering her unconscious.

147.4 (Evilhumour)

"Hey Dash, can I ask you something?" Vinyl looked up at the cloud where the rainbow tail was hanging tantalizing in front of her, begging her to bat it around, tug it like a kitty cat or even nom on -

"Uh sure, I guess, but are you Awake Vinyl?" Dash grumbled, shaking Vinyl out of her weird cat like mindset. She had no idea what just happened, and she was a bit worried she was getting a bit too bored.

"I wouldn't be bugging you if I weren't feeling Loopy." Vinyl rolled her eyes, watching the tail swing out of her reach, although if she pounced with her wub ho- "Okay, I seriously need to ask the Big Guy about this!" She muttered to herself, blushing as she shook her head clear.

"What was that Vinyl?" Dash blinked, looking down at her with confusion on her face.

"Uh, nothing at all Rainbow Dash!" she chuckled weakly, blushing as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I was certainly not thinking weird cat thoughts about your tail Rainbow Dash!"

Dash raised an eyebrow at this before backing up slowly. "Okay... what did you come here for?"

Vinyl sighed, kicking the dirt while she removed her glasses. "You know in the loops that we, you me and Flutters, sometimes don't have parents?"

"Yeah..." Dash rubbed the back of her head, looking to the side as the mare brought up this topic. "I do get paired up with that rainbow stallion being my dad from time to time, but if I have to guess you don't get that that often?"

"No..." Vinyl sighed, rolling her eyes before squeezing into herself. "Some of the times I just get one parent, and even then, they're usually not really there for me." Vinyl gulped before squatting low, leaning against a tree. She wasn't aware she had been walking but the solid trunk was good for her. "I mean, they are usually really supportive of me but at times...."

"They're real pieces of work?" Dash asked, looking at her square in the face with a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah," Vinyl nodded her head, trying to look to the side, but Dash's look held her in place. "At that's not even counting the orphanages I've looped in as a little fil-"

"Hey, orphanages are usually bad by narrative causality from the get go, we all know that." Dash pulled her into a hug, smirking a bit. "So let me guess; a slew of bad parents when you were Awake with Octavia not being available for you talk to made you want to chat with someone that deals with fluid parents details?"

"Yeah." Vinyl nodded, leaning into the hug, wiping her tears on the mare's coat. "That and Flutters isn't Awake and Big Mac isn't looping either."

Dash huffed at that, before burying a hoof into the blue mane. "Oh, so I'm you last choice, eh?"

"Gah!" Vinyl protested weakly, trying to break away from noogies. "Stop that!" She giggled, flailing as Dash continued to noogie her.

"Not unless you tell me what the whole deal with my tail is about Vinyl Scratch." Rainbow Dash then stopped and stared at the unicorn pinned under her strong arm and wing.

Vinyl simply gulped at this, knowing that things would be getting awkward fast.

147.5 (Evilhumour)

Part Six of One Crazy Week

Twilight groaned as she walked down the path to her home, tired and emotionally aware. It would have been better if she was emotionally drained from everything Chryss and she did but noooooo the changeling decided to do the right thing before sending her off and refill her with all of her borrowed emotions from their tests. She had experienced all of her emotions at once so she was very happy, very angry, very nervous, very calm, very excited, very scared, very bored and almost either other emotion she could think of!

Mostly, she was very frustrated and annoyed at everything, mostly the fact that she had to walk home with the array of different paint still on her coat which would take a very long time to wash out now and she still had this collar around her neck and the cork on her horn. Pulling in her wings, she remembered Chrysalis testing if she had been properly drained of her anger after being told she took hundreds of pictures for blackmail. Luckily for the bug, the test was a complete success as Twilight could not have cared less.

Glaring at the raising sun, and cursing it, she missed the dust up ahead in the street. She did not miss when the familiar wagon pulled up in front of her, with a snickering blue mare that was desperately trying to stick to her lines.

"I, the Great and Powerful Trixie," she snickered, causing Twilight's eyebrow to twitch several times. Blinking, she noticed several ponies leave the back of the wagon who were vaguely familiar to her. "Wish to have a magical duel with the mare known as Twili-" she coughed, hiding back a snort of laughter, with the other ponies biting their lips. "For a seat within Celestia's School for Unicorns!" She shouted, throwing a blind flare in front of her, which reminded Twilight that despite Chrysalis's attempt, there had been some side effects besides the whole overload of emotions at the end. Headaches. And this one was a zero point seven on a Pinkie filled with the super sugar invented by professor Membrane scale level of immediate pain and annoyance.

"Trixie, why the spruce are you bothering me about this?" She groaned, trying to facehoof but her damn collar blocked her. "Can you not talk to Celestia about th-"

"BAH!" Trixie shouted, causing Twilight's ears to fold back. "Trixie wish to prove that Trixie deserve this place, and how else can Trixie do it if not by defeating her most prized and trained student in a magical duel? My, the only reason that Trixie can see that her student recently turned alicorn would refuse is," she gasped, playing to the surprised crowd of professors now noticing the purple unicorn they recently saw had wings now. So being an alicorn was ignored when she was covered in paint, wearing a stupid collar and a cork on her horn? "Is nothing more than a fake!"

Growling and grinding her teeth, Twilight tried to deal with sensibly so she could get home and hide the entire day away. "Trixie..."

"Is completely right, Princess Sparkle," a tall, beautiful mare said walking towards them. She was odd, now that Twilight focused on her. She had only been present on Saturdays if her loop memories were correct, she claimed her umbrella cutie mark was related to weather magic but she could not remember actually seeing it now and- "If you cannot prove you can defeat miss Lulamoon here, then we will have no choice but to expel you from the school, cut off your funding, and have you repay us for your trickery."

"Wait what?!" Twilight squeaked, her mind still trying to understand what exactly was going on. The mare didn't have that power over her school life, did she? And why did she agree to Trixie's pl-

"That sounds fine to Trixie, Miss Saturday." the blue mare in front of her smiled as she removed her hat and cloak from her person. "On the count of three, Twilight!"

"Wait, I don't-" Twilight sputtered, trying to take control of the situation. The mare Saturday had to have something to do with this fused loop she was in. She needed to-

"Two," Trixie's horn was glowing, forcing Twilight to focus back in front of her.

"Trixie, stop, I can-" She started to back up, unsure if it would be safe to use her magic now or if she had to wait longer.

"One, go!" Trixie shouted as she fired a stunning bolt of magic that caused Twilight's coat to puff out as it made contact.

Twilight was dimly aware as she ran from her friend, that Saturday would be no day for rest for her.

147.6 (Scorntex)

Vinyl Scratch Awoke.

That came as something of a relief, as the last thing she remembered was noise, explosions and fire. In her defense, she'd been really drunk at the time, and the last truly conscious though she had was "here, hold my dri-", and then it all turned into a noisy, fiery blur.

Actually, she still felt kinda drunk-y. Or hungover. Which explained why her eyes hurt so much.

So, it's gonna be like that, is it, Loop?

She tried getting up... whichever way up was. Then she became aware of the Purple Blob and the Blue-Purple Blob. Or, as she realised when she focused, Twilight Sparkle and Trixie (who was holding a martini glass... and grinning).

"Vinyl." Twilight said, once she more-or-less solidified (though Vinyl was going to have to ask her to stop swaying so much).

"Frugl." Vinyl responded, not daring to nod, due to the serious alarms from her stomach.

Twilight Sparkle frowned. This wasn't a "quest" thing, was it? Vinyl didn't feel up to quests, unless it was an Aspirin Quest.

"Do you remember what you did, last Loop?" Twilight asked.

Vinyl tried to convey, without saying anything too long or incriminating, that she didn't remember her last Loop at the moment, to say nothing of her Loop Memories (there was a voice that sounded like Octavia somewhere behind the alcohol fuzz, though). Twilight seemed to get the general gist.

"Well, no matter." Twilight sighed. "Because there are those who did."

Vinyl nodded. Well, she tried tilting her head slightly. Her neck really hurt for some reason.

The word "Trixie" came to her attention, and she looked in the general direction of Trixie. "wh s hre?" she managed to get out.

"Schadenfreude." Trixie said, far too loud, before sipping her martini glass. "Cheers." She boomed.

"I suppose I could explain..." Twilight said, "But I think this might be more effective."

"This" turned out to be several images, a large amount of which featured Vinyl, alongside several disreputably rich looking people, the sort of rich where they'd lost the ability to wear tasteful clothing, yet somehow managed to make it look good. Quite common among these photos were two things: musical instruments, and two words. "Disaster Area".

Vinyl looked at the photos, then at Twilight, then back to the pictures.

"Huh." She eventually managed to produce.

"Yes." Twilight hissed. "As it turns out, getting as drunk as you did, and talking Disaster Area into playing the greatest hits of Queen with you is not a good idea, by any metric."

Vinyl blinked. Then she felt a hoof impact against her. It was Trixie, gently patting her.

"Don't feel down. The supernovae were spectacular to watch." She grinned.

Through the lifting haze, Vinyl noted the use of the plural. She felt her jaw drop. Twilight just looked increasingly annoyed.

"Yes. I was getting to that part." She stated. Then, she removed something from her pocket. It looked like a slide projector. Vinyl was now just sober enough to feel afraid. She took full advantage of it. Especially once she noticed the door to her room was closed. Suspicion told her it was most likely locked.

"So, we're going to have a private seminar." Twilight said. "It's called What Vinyl Did Wrong."

Vinyl felt something nudge against her. She looked down. It was a bottle.

"When the time comes." Trixie hissed, "You'll know what to do with this. Good luck."

And with that, the showmare teleported away, leaving Vinyl alone with Twilight, and her slideshow. And the bottle.

147.7 (Evilhumour)

Twilight blinked as she tried to say something with nothing coming out of her mouth. Tilting her head, she tried to access her loop memories when Pinkie Pie bounced over.

The purple pony tried again to say something when Pinkie Pie flapped her gums in her usual rapid fashion, before holding up a large card with fancy writing on it.

'Twilight, you know how we are sometimes a cartoon in the hub word?'

Twilight tried to yes before remembering that there was no sound. She then blinked and facehooved.

She opened her mouth, spoke before taking the card into her own hooves.

'It's one of those loop variants, isn't it Pinkie?'

Pinkie Pie nodded her head before bouncing away, with a grin on her face.

147.8 (Evilhumour)

"-and while I am very pleased with your work, my faithful student, I have an important task for you this upcoming summer sun celebration." Spike read the letter as he Woke up. "I wish you stay at the palace and pay more attention to your studies?" Spike blinked and pulled back at the latter to reread it, letting his loop memories kick in-Oh tree sap!

Sighing, he left the empty room to find the party queen and hopefully get Twilight back to the palace before Celestia caught her breaking her curfew again. That, and hopefully get some blackmail material with Twilight 'The Rave Queen' Sparkle dancing up a storm.

147.9 (Evilhumour)


"Yes Dashie?"

"We agree to never speak of this again?" the pegasus looked at the griffon behind her.

"Agreed." Gilda nodded her head, walking alongside her friend, spitting out multicoloured hair from her mouth. "So how are you going to explain your tail to Rarity? She'll flip if she sees it all short like if you cut it and the bite mark would be kinda obvious if you leave it as is."

"Gilda, once we agree to never to talk about you pouncing my tail and nomming on it, you do not talk about two seconds later!" Dash shouted, turning her blue coat red.

147.10 (Detective Ethan Redfield)

Celestia thought she had appeased the Pink Cultist. She had even had her birthday party, which Pinkie had baked the cake for. It was Luna who had scared one of her cult preachers in the street, and Luna had apologized for it profusely. Why and how did this happen? Not the countless clones of Pinkie that surrounded her tower, that was easily explained by the mirror pool. No, why were the all Alicorns? Her eyes traveled around the room, noting that abnormally wide grin and the presence of horns and wings.

She picked herself off the center of the floor, where she had curled up into a ball, shivered in fear and wished they'd all go away. Her horn glowed as an ink well, feather and paper floated over. Twilight would know. This called for another letter.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Am I dreaming? Have I died and gone to Tartarus? Is this a new level the architects have designed and implemented, the Pink Level of Hell? Surely you would know why I am sitting in the middle of my tower with my windows and doors locked, surrounded by dozens of Alicorn Pinkie Pies. Have you been sneaking in to Canterlot's Star Swirl Wing again? Did she throw a Mega Ultra Deluxe Super Duper Massive Party? I know that was her life goal, but she Pinkie Promised to warn me before she did, so why am I surrounded by ascended Pinkie Pies?

Please tell me this is all a dream or that last evening was even more exciting than Zecora told me. Tell Pinkie she's not allowed to use the Mirror Pool ever again, with or without wings. And if this is all a dream or hallucination, tell her anyway. I can only fear what torment Luna is experiencing with so many Pinkies around.

Princess Celestia

Twilight turned to Pinkie, who looked a bit put out, "Might have gone overboard in my prank."

Twilight didn't say anything as she pulled out volume 3 of Things Pinkie is No Longer Allowed to Do in the Time Loops and thumbed it to chapter 5, regarding the Mirror Pool. She pointed a hoof at the top which read, 'When using the Mirror Pool, never combine ascension and clones. It never ends well.'

147.11 (Gamerex27)


"What do you think you're doing?"

Nightmare Moon paused mid-gloat, and looked around, furious. "Who dares interrupt me?"

"No, you interrupted me!" said a mare as she walked out from backstage. Who looked exactly like Nightmare Moon. From the armor to the Cutie Mark to the reptilian eyes to even the few stars in her ethereal mane clustered a bit too closely together, in the way some strands of hair would be out of place on somepony's mane. "I have no idea who you are! I'M Nightmare Moon! I will be the one to bring Eternal Night, not you, impostor!"

"You...you dare!" Nightmare Moon sputtered, her composure momentarily lost. "I am Nightmare Moon!"

"No, I am." the other alicorn said, as her eyes narrowed. "Do you see this?" she said, pulling a mirror from backstage and shoving it in front of her. "Your mane is off! My mane-the mane of the true Nightmare Moon-is black with white stars! Yours is blue with white stars! Such an obvious pretender!"

"You foal!" the first dark alicorn hissed. "Who are you to decide what ou-my true mane color is!"

"Neither of you have the right to decide that! Because I am Nightmare Moon!"

The crowd, frozen in a mixture of awe and confusion, gasped as a third Nightmare Moon touched down on stage, this one having a tail several inches higher on her backside than the other two.

"What is-who are-no!" the first Nightmare Moon ranted. "You must be illusions sent by my beloved sister to discredit my rule!"

"You're the illusion!" the second mad Luna shouted, shoving herself into the first Nightmare's personal bubble and right into her face.

"I have no idea who the two of you think you are," bellowed the third Nightmare, "but I am the true Nightmare Moon! If you don't get out of my sight in the next five seconds, I will trap you in the sun right alongside Celestia!"

"You should make room for three, then," said a fourth Nightmare Moon (this one with a shorter horn) as she materialized on the stage in a burst of dark magic. "Because you are clearly all impostors! I am Nightmare Moon!"

"WHAT THE HAY IS-ENOUGH!" the first Nightmare Moon screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "Your lives are forfeit! You will all die here, never to witness my glorious night for your crimes!"

"It's too bad, then, that you must die, too," said a fifth Nightmare Moon as she climbed up on stage, apparently having hidden in the stunned crowd for several minutes, glaring at them with eyes a tad closer together than her counterparts. "Because I am Nightmare Moon!"

"No, I am!" screamed the second.

"Foals! Clearly, I am the true Nightmare Moon!"

"What nonsense you all spew! Clearly, I am Nightmare Moon!" the second yelled. "Do you not see this polished armor and obviously correct mane?"

"This is all a load of road apples!" screeched a sixth Nightmare Moon as she walked onto the stage from the back of the theater. "You are all liars! Ah'm-er, I am the true Nightmare Moon!"

"AAAAAAAARGH!" the first Nightmare Moon screamed, falling onto her haunches and clutching at her aching head with her forehooves. "WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?!"

"Heeeey, everynightmare calm down!"

As one, the Nightmare Moons cut off their arguments and glared at the small pink pony who had stopped their debate.

"Now, I'm not totally sure what's going on," Pinkie Pie said cautiously, "but clearly there's only one way to figure out who the real Princess Luna is!"

"...and your method is..." the fourth asked.

"A NIGHTMARE MOON TRIVIA GAME!" Reaching into her mane, Pinkie pulled out a scoreboard, a large table, and five alicorn-sized chairs. "Whoever answers the most questions about Nightmare Moon's life, routine, body, brand of mane conditioner she uses, and all that other stuff will be crowned the real Nightmare Moon!"

"That makes no sense!" yelled the fifth Nightmare.

"Do you have a better option?" the third asked her. "Even though you are all obviously impostors, we are evenly matched in terms of strength. It is fitting that the true ruler of Equestria shall be determined by wits rather than looks."

"...fine," pouted the first Nightmare Moon as she sat down. "Let's get this farce over with."

As they sat down, nopony noticed two of the Nightmares locked eyes, and one mouthed a set of words to the others.

And even if they could read lips, they would have had no idea what "Best. Prank. Ever," would mean in this context.

147.12 (Evilhumour)

Viny grinned to herself, banging her head as she played her wubs in the club, thrilling the crowd. It was good to get back to the basics, remind herself that was not only Vinyl Scratch, the best musical pony out there, the wub queen, the Looper Whose Own Awakening Had Been Dubstep, but DJ-PON3, the best DJ in all of Equs-

"THERE SHE IS!" A voice shouted out, causing the crowd to stop dancing and stare at the Captain of the Royal Guards run into the crowded room with other Day Guard unicorns running beside him. Before Vinyl could even react, she was in Shiny's pink shield bubble as the guards around him began to issue command to the crowd. Shaking her head, Vinyl tried to look at the furious Shining Armor but she tripped over her own hooves and landed splayed out on her belly as Shining Armor carried her out of the club she Woke up in and into the wide carriage, already being lifted into the air by bat ponies.

"Hey Shinny, what gives? You Awake over there? You know you don't go taking away mares to unknown places, right?" Vinyl tried to push herself upright when Shining gave her bubble a spin that made her land on her back. "Oooph!" Grunting, Vinyl rolled herself to a normalized position and glared at the stallion in the moving carriage. "You know, I wasn't going to tell Caddy about this impromptu abduction but if you do that again, I'll sw-"

"Vanilla, you promised not to say anything about that!" Shining Armor blushed, looking to the side.

"Vanilla?" Vinyl blinked, sending out a Ping, and only getting a faint one in return. Shining showed no reaction.

"Sorry, Vinyl," Shining rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I forgot you don't like the name your mom gave you."

"My mom?" Vinyl blinked again, trying to get her loop memories quicker, as the carriage stopped moving.

"Yes dear," Celestia poked her head into the carriage. "Vanilla Scraffington Solaris, you have such a beautiful name," Celestia said while pressing her hooves into her cheeks. "Now while I do not mind you going out to practice your special talent, you do know that I would prefer if you had somepony with you to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Mom." Vinyl said reflexively, blushing and looking to the side before the Princess pulled her head back to face her.

"Now now, a princess does not pout, and girls that sneak out past their bedtimes are grounded for a week." With a smile, Celestia bopped her nose.

"But mom!" Vinyl protested louder only for Celestia to hold her mouth shut with her golden magic aura.

"Now now, none of that." Celestia shook her head, wrapping a wing around the DJ. "Now come with me, I'll take you back to your room as our dear friend here would like to visit your cousin again."

"PRINCESS!" Shining squeaked, looking at the ruler with a low hanging jaw.

"And can you two make sure you soundproof your room?" Vinyl shuddered as Celestia began to direct her out of the hanger and into the castle proper. "Hearing you two play your little games is not something I want to hear when I'm trying to go to sleep!"

Shining simply turned a rosy red, blushing from horn to hoof as the two princesses left the room. As soon as they were out of earshot, Celestia gave her a look with a raised eyebrow.

"So dear, when are you going to stop making fun of them playing Candyland together?" Celestia whispered downwards.

"Once it stops being so funny to see him trying to tell his guards that they're just playing a board game and nothing else." Vinyl grinned, her bright red eyes catching Celestia's pink ones.

"That's my girl." Celestia chirped out, puffing her chest out in pride as they turned down the private wing of the castle, laughing loudly together.

147.13 (Idea by AnonymousAsk, Rewrite and cleaning by BIOS-Pherecydes)

It was another normal day in Ponyville and Nyx was helping Twilight dust and re-order the Library's shelves.

"Mommy, can I...?" Nyx began to ask, but was immediately cut off by Twilight.


"But..." Nyx began again.

"No!" Twilight repeated.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask!" Nyx protested.

"The same thing you asked this morning, and yesterday and at every available moment all last week. No Nyx, I know you want one, but you cannot have Sebastian as a pet." Twilight said sternly.

"But why not? I will train him, and feed him, and go walking with him and..." Nyx pleaded, but Twilight stopped her again.

"First of all, how are you going to train a Manticore?" she asked.

"D'uh, I'm a powerful filly alicorn and the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon, not to mention your daughter. Plus if I have any problem the crusaders could help me." Nyx replied confidently.

"Of course they could." Twilight answered with a sigh. She could hear it already. 'Cutie Mark Crusader Manticore Trainers Yay'

"But I think you're forgetting we live in the middle of Ponyville? This is not a good place to try training a manticore as a pet, what if something were to happen?" Twilight questioned.

"But... But... Fluttershy has Angel and he's way more dangerous." Nyx retorted, trying to convince Twilight despite her mother's reasoning.

"But Fluttershy is an expert in animals and Angel Bunny is not as dangerous as a Manticore." argued Twilight.

"Do you really think anything is more dangerous than Angel Bunny?" Nyx asked in disbelief.

"I... Okay, point taken... But a Manticore is still not a good pet. You're just a filly, what if there's a problem?" Twilight asked.

"Im not just a fiily, I'm the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon... and we have a problem almost every week, how much worse could having a pet make things? Please Mommy, pretty please?" Nyx begged Twilight with puppy eyes.

"Sorry Nyx, That's not going to work on me, I'm already immune. If you want a pet, just ask Fluttershy for one, but don't disturb Sebastian or any other beast from the Everfree." Twilight stated, putting her hoof down once and for all.

"So... If it's in Fluttershy cottage and I ask Fluttershy you will let me get one pet? Thanks mommy, I love you!" Nyx said quickly as she ran out the door.

"A NORMAL PET!!" Twilight shouted after her daughter's retreating figure.

147.14 (Detective Ethan Redfield)

The Unsung Loops: Celestia's Cake

Luna felt just slightly bad doing this, but it was just too much fun. The Lunar Diarch had commissioned a single hallway in the castle with a podium at the end and an observation station warded with notice me not charms to avoid detection by the research subject. From there, she could put a wall, blocking access to the podium. She had tried glass, cardboard, plywood, and now she was on steel. She placed the catalyst on top of the podium, removed the cover and slid the steel blockade into place. Finally, she hid inside the observation station and waited.

She didn't have to wait long as the door to the hallway was gripped in a white magical aura and torn off its hinges. A familiar White Alicorn galloped right through the steel barrier, destroying it as if it were tissue paper, and gripped the catalyst in her mouth. She looked both ways, and trotted off to eat her cake in peace.

All the while, Luna was giggling quietly in the observation station.

During Discord's release, Luna waited with a box that supposedly held the Elements of Harmony. "Tsk, Tsk, not as good with your hide and seek anymore, are you my dear Luna?"

The box vanished from Luna's hooves, leaving her with a bouquet of fish on her back. Luna closed her eyes and watched the already scrambled scrying spell she had placed on the box:

Discord gripped the box and flipped it open, revealing a full on Cheese cake. Since Luna was never much of a prankster, Discord held the cake for several seconds, scanning it to figure out the cake's secret. Only for a familiar White Alicorn to land a few feet away, grip Discord in her Telekinesis and fling him all the way to the moon. She trotted up to the cake, gave a look one way, then the other, and walked away to a private place to eat it in peace.

Luna watched with morbid curiosity as a changeling landed on the wedding cake and splattered it to pieces. The Diarch shook her head, "Oh, you shouldn't have done that."


Celestia's eyes opened, fire burning in her eyes as the power of cake empowered her to stand once again. When her eyes landed on the ruined wedding cake, a great cry rang out throughout Equestria, expelling the invaders and sending them all the way back to the badlands.

(Eons of Loops later)

Celestia covered her face in embarrassment as Luna and the other loopers laughed uproariously. Applebloom had set up her memory to video device she used to show DT previous loops, and Luna had commissioned the mechanically inclined pony to build a movie theater in Ponyville for a "movie night."

Trixie raised a hoof, "Trixie asks, can you compile several memories together along with a musical number?"

Applebloom asked, "What did you have in mind?"

Trixie looked at her hooves, "Oh, just all of Golden Oak's more spectacular destructions played to the 1812 Overture."

Rainbow and Pinkie raised their hooves too, "Could we have one?"

Twilight facehooved, "My friends, everypony."

147.15 (Idea by AnonymousAsk, Rewrite and cleaning by BIOS-Pherecydes)

It was a week after Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding, and Twilight was talking with Celestia when suddenly the doors of the throne room opened and Chrysalis appeared.

"I have had enough Celestia, I demand you stop with your anti-Changeling spell and the hunting of my hive!" Shouted Chrysalis, surprising Celestia and Twilight.

"Chrysalis? After what you did at the wedding, you have the nerve to appear in front of me now and attempt to give me orders?" Celestia stated in outrage.

"Yes, I demand equality, I and my children deserve to be treated like any other pony!" Chrysalis shouted back with equal offense.

"That is what you want? After what you did at my niece's wedding? What of your crimes, are you prepared to face the consequences of your actions?" Asked Celestia, only to be surprised as the changeling queen nodded acceptance.

"Of course, if you will stop hunting my children you may scold me as much as you wish." Chrysalis responded, staring into Celestia's confused gaze.

"Scold? For your crimes you and the other changelings will be imprisoned in the Canterlot Jails." Celestia retorted.

"Jail? Ha! On what charges?" Asked Chrysalis

"Umm... We can start with your mind control of my brother and the flower girls." Twilight responded, having finally recovered her wits from the unexpected entrance.

"An offense which is punishable by a scolding, which you can begin" Chrysalis responded calmly.

"What? No! Such a crime is punishable by imprisonment." Celestia corrected.

"That's incorrect. Need I remind you Celestia of the incident involving your student? Does the name Smarty Pants mean anything to you? Your student brainwashed almost half of Ponyville! Your punishment was telling her it was wrong. If you were to punish me with jail time, you would also have to do the same with her." Chrysalis countered.

Celestia felt as if she had been struck.

"Uh...Yes well, What about your attempted invasion and the chaos you caused? My little ponies even now still have nightmares about the events of that day." Celestia said.

"Three words Celestia... Grand Galloping Gala." Chrysalis replied in a deadpan tone.

Again, Celestia felt as though she had been hit.

"Well... Err..." Celestia began hesitantly.

"What about kidnapping Cadence and trapping Celestia in a pod? Attacking the royal family." Twilight accused confidently.

"Meh, your friend Rarity also attacked a member of the royal family, and when she told Celestia she just laughed." Chrysalis commented uncaringly.

"But that... That is..." Twilight spluttered angrily, before Celestia interrupted her.

"Enough Twilight... She come here to be punished, and she is going to be punished, now leave us alone." Celestia said firmly. Unhappily, Twilight nodded and exited the room.

As the doors closed leaving Chrysalis and Celestia alone they both turned to look at one another, before breaking out into laughter.

"Sometimes is good to see that face on Twilight. I was surprised by your entrance, why didn't you tell me that you were Awake?" Celestia asked after she recovered.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, also this way I could see Twilight's surprised face when she lost." Chrysalis answered with a smile.

"You know that it is only because we have a Stealth Anchor and she isn't Awake this loop that you won, right?" Celestia asked.

"Maybe... I had a few comments about Nightmare Night and King Sombra as well, but I didn't want to give her spoilers." Chrysalis replied.

"I see... Well... Twilight is waiting while I 'scold' you, so what do you want to do for the next hour?" Celestia asked curiously.

Chrysalis pretended to think about that for a moment before smirking. "Think about how to prank Twilight?" she suggested.

"Think about how to prank Twilight." Celestia agreed with a matching smirk.

147.16 (Alex Prior)


Twilight yawned at the latest Celestia mock-up. So far, her mentor had been possessed fifteen times. THAT. DAY.

Celestia going Nightmare had lost its novelty rather quickly. The first time it had happened, she'd blasted her with the Elements rather quickly. The second time she'd shrugged it off as readjustment issues and given her counseling. Third time she'd been a bit worried. It wasn’t until the seventh time that she'd realized it as the Loop quirk it was. She was rather embarrassed at her slow reaction. Oh well.

"Are you even listening, you moonlover?"

Twilight groaned. "You're decaying. Do knock it off, will you? This is getting ridiculous."

The flaming mare puffed herself up. "You dare?!?"

Twilight nodded. Yep. She dared all right.

"I will burn off all your coat," threatened Celestia.

"That's nice."

"I will use you as a pillow."

"Nice to hear."

"I will send all your bananas to the moon."

"Good to know."

"...Your brother's pregnant."

"I'll send him a card."

"...can I go surfing?"



The gleaming mare shed her armor and took off to the sun. Twilight shook herself out of her stupor.
"Wait, what?"

She growled. "That... Sunbutt was Awake the whole time, wasn't she?"

Twilight started pacing. "If she wanted to go surfing, she should have just ASKED, but noooo, she has to go Nightmare every. Fifteen. Minutes. Every. SINGLE. DAMN. DAY!"

She threw her hooves sunwards.


147.17 (Masterweaver)

Ellen Ripley looked at the strange, flippered form writhing out of her crewmate's chest. "...What?"

The green creature shrugged. "Yeah, this is new to me." She glanced at the face of the woman she was crawling out of. "Oh come on!"

"Ah... do you and Lyra know each other?" Ripley managed.

"Yeah. We're the same person." The creature sighed. "Long story..."

147.18 (Gamerex27, Masterweaver)

Twilight Sparkle Awoke. As did Spikelight, Applespark, Rainbow Sparkle, Sparkle Pie, Fluttersparkle, Twilight Rarity, Princess Sparkle, Princess Twilight, Derpy Sparkle, Bluesparkle, Twilight Bunny, Sunset Sparkle, Lemon Sparkle, and many, many more.

Slowly, every single pony in Ponyville left their houses and stared at one another.

"Remind me to yell at Mikasa sometime," muttered Rainbow Sparkle.

"It's not her fault that this glitch popping up," Fluttersparkle pointed out. "It's just named after her."

"Sooo...now what do we do this Loop?" Sparkle Pie asked. "I mean, from what I can tell, everypony in Ponyville is us. I-we-whatever have had Lonely Loops before, but never like this."

"Run experiments?" Twilight Sparkle Prime suggested. "I mean, we've got five years to work with this, and these circumstances can't really be duplicated. Anyone have any ideas?"

Dear Princess Twilight:

Today I learned that it's surprisingly easy to play pranks on yourself when there's more than one of you. Just because you have similar ways of thinking, doesn't mean that you always know what you're going to do to yourself. This is actually helping me to understand my own thought process a lot better, so I can get to know myself on a whole new level! Sometimes, an outside perspective can really help with this kind of stuff.

Your faithful double,
Twilight Sparkle.


Look, you don't have to be so formal with me. Pine's sake, I AM you! And we'll get all the memories of all ourselves merged together at the end of the Loop, so I'll-we'll-know this either way!

Also, I don't think the replacements extend beyond Ponyville and Canterlot, nor do I know how this all happened before we all Awoke. I'm getting rumors from the Twilight Guard that some other places think I'm a cult leader inducting other ponies into the Cult of Twilight. That doesn't really make sense, since there's no shapeshifting or mind altering affect on the town itself.

Also, please ask Luna Twilight-or Princess Sparkle, whatever-to put the moon back into its normal orbit. It's not supposed to be a hoofball, even if she did shrink it down to use in a game.


Sparkle Pie galloped into the library. "Prime, we've got a breakdown in progress, Sugarcube corner."

"Right." Twilight Prime saddled her bags. "What's the issue?"

"Cupcake Sparkle just found out she's pregnant."

Twilight Prime blinked. Then she blinked again. "...right, the... twins, and, and Twilight Cake was her husband pre-awake. Yeah, I can see how that would be an issue." She galloped out the door.

Tirek came to Ponyville expecting an easy feast, from the banquet of stupid, weak ponies.

He did not expect an entire town filled with countless copies of one angry alicorn, all of them pointing their horns at him and blazing menacingly with magic.

Naturally, Tirek did the only thing he could do in that situation.

He screamed like a little filly, turned tail, and ran all the way back to Tartarus, locking the door behind him.

147.19 (Masterweaver, wildrook)

"Well," said the sorting hat, "this is... unprecedented."

The miscellaneous Lyra smiled as she summoned an extra chair at the mental round table between Sweetroll and Human. "That's just because you're not looping. I'm sure some other DIOD people have been to Hogwarts before."

"Mmmm, perhaps. But it does put me in a bit of a conundrum." The hat accepted the seat with a grateful nod. "I could, I suppose, sort you individually, but that would be confusing to outside observers. Or I could sort you all at once, but that wouldn't be entirely fair..."

"Ooo! Wait! Wait, wait!" Seapony bounced up and down in her chair. "So, I'm Griffyndor, right? And Misc over there can be Ravenclaw, mad scientist--"

"And you know, as a human-conspiracy theorist, I've obviously got the ambition and cunning to be Slytherin." Unicorn Lyra ran a hoof through her mane. "Matches my coat too."

Human Lyra frowned. "Hey, wait, does that mean I'm Hufflepuff?"

"You are pretty hardworking compared to the rest of us," Sweetroll pointed out.

"That's because I don't live in a magical world!"

"Alright, so you're a squib and I'm a Hufflepuff!"


The sorting hat cleared its throat. "Nevertheless, the point is made. You could all fit into separate houses--"

"And that's exactly what we're going to do," Miscellaneous Lyra said with conviction. "You are going to sort us into all four houses at once." She grinned broadly. "It'll be a great prank!"

The sorting hat sighed. "Well... you are fairly unique. I suppose I can go with that...."

"Gryffindor! Hufflepuff! Ravenclaw! Slytherin!"
"Oh, are these all the houses I am in?"
"Slytherin! Ravenclaw! Hufflepuff! Gryffindor!"
"I'll do my best to honor all four!"

Luna and Lyra stared at each other in silence.

Ron coughed. "Ah... what are they doing?"

Hermione palmed her face with a sigh. "Telepathic conference. That's eleven personalities talking to each other at once."

"...Right, I'm making a runner. If anybody asks, Sirius kidnapped me."

"He hasn't escaped yet Ron."


"And how did you get sorted into all four houses, young lady?"

"Oh, I'm actually five people."

Cornelius Fudge sputtered. "Five--Five people? That's preposterous! No one person can be five people, and there are only four houses anyway!"

Lyra grinned broadly. "Well, one of us is a squib. The rest of us are magical though, pureblood, halfblood, muggleborn, and another muggleborn."

Her grin broadened as the minister continued his sputtering. She couldn't resist Veritaserum, but she could send it straight to her pocket from her tongue, a skill she'd developed that one time Bonbon was a mad scientist.

"Miss Heartstrings," Dolores Umbridge said, "you will write down 'I do NOT have multiple identities' onto the parchment 500 times...wait, what is that?"

Harry heard the explosion and face-palmed.

"Seapony Lyra?" Ron asked him.

"In the same room as Umbridge," Harry replied. "Really, anyone who goes up against a Seapony without expecting overkill deserve no sympathy at all."

Bellatrix sneered as the girl fell, green smoke rising from her chest. Voldemort would be quite pleased to know that another of Potter's scumblood allies had fallen---

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The girl sat up, glaring as tears poured from her eyes. "YOU BASTARD! YOU KILLED SWEETROLL!"

The death eater had a moment of shocked confusion before the witch was on her again.

Hermione coughed. "Wouldn't the Sweetroll personality return next loop?"

Lyra blinked. "Oh. Oh yeah, that's right!" She shrugged, absentmindedly delivering a high-kick to Bellatrix's chin. "Still pretty traumatic though."

The other young witch held up a finger, paused, then shrugged. "I'm not going to question it."

Author's Note:

147.1: Shoulder alicorn?
147.2: For me it's kind of "early", I'm a Brit.
147.3: Toon surgery.
147.4: Twitcha twitch.
147.5: Continued havoc.
147.6: If Trixie approves, then you may have overdone it. (Hitchiker's Guide cross)
147.7: *piano music*
147.8: That's one strange variant.
147.9: Catlike reactions.
147.10: It's a long series.
147.11: The tried and true method.
147.12: Miss Interpretation.
147.13: This is my... normal pet. He is called... Mann t. Core.
147.14: Movie Loop.
147.15: Royalpolitik.
147.16: Nag for victory.
147.17: Ew. (Aliens cross)
147.18: It's all sparkles all the time!
147.19: Best of all four worlds. (Potterverse cross.)

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