• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 2,509 Views, 924 Comments

Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 31

The door to the throne room opened and Commander Stormwind entered, flanked by a pair of Solar guards.

He was a dark coated pegasus with slicked back white mane. I couldn't see his cutiemark because of his armor. Only reason I could tell his mane and natural coat was because he wasn't wearing his helmet, leaving the uniform enchantment of the armour off.

His two companions, a pegasus and unicorn respectively both looked like guards usually do. White coat, blonde mane. They stopped inside the doors and he continued on.

Coming to a stop, he bowed, "Prince Page."

"Captain Stormwind," I said with a smile, "Welcome back to Nocturnis. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

He stood back up, "I have several guards ponies that have not reported back from leave. I understand they are in the Nocturnis jail?"

"To my understanding that is correct," I agreed, "That is usually what happens when you get arrested."

"Your highness, surely you can understand that it is important to get them back to the base to continue their training. Surely everything can be cleared up. I looked at the reports, nopony got hurt."

"That's up to the judge to decide," I said, "I don't know the specifics of their cases."

Captain Stormwind frowned, "Prince Page, in the past-"

"What happened in the past clearly was not working, Captain," I told him seriously, "Because it and similar things kept happening. It's not the same ponies either, so it's clearly a structural and cultural problem."

He scowled, "Your highness, soldiers can get a bit unruly on leave. It happens, especially when stuck on base for most of the time. Surely they can just pay for the damages done?"

"As I said, not up to me. And as I don't know the charges the judge will apply, I can't comment. But I would expect guards ponies to get in a bit of trouble, that is true. But there is a difference between getting drunk in public, and hitting somepony or wrecking a market stall. I'm sure the judge will be fair in her rulings. If the charges aren't serious, I'm sure it's just a fine or some community service instead of prison time."

Stormwind lived up to his name, his ears flicking back for a second as his feathers puffed up, "Prison!? If anything serious enough to warrant prison, it should be handled by the solar guard. Your highness, if the safety and safe return of my guard ponies can't be guaranteed, I won't have any choice but to cancel all leave to Nocturnis."

I smiled at him, "Excellent, saved me the trouble."

He blinked at me in surprise, "Prince Page?"

"Well, I was thinking that if this didn't work and incidents kept popping up, I may have to ban any and all members from your command from entering Nocturnis. Sure, the few bits your ponies bring in is nice and all, but they have necessitated that we start construction of an actual prison, if a small one. It'll be decades before the bits your ponies bring in even start to break even on the construction costs alone. So I would be more than happy to send you all out on your tails if things don't improve."

"You can't do that, it is against Equestrian law," he said firmly, "No town, city, province or village can exclude, hinder or prevent the movement or actions of the royal guard."

"Correct," I said and smiled, "But I can. It's within my personal authority."

"Prince Page, surely you see that this is a severe-"

"Keep talking and you'll find yourself a private assigned to the Staliongrad garrison latrines."

His muzzle snapped closed with a click of teeth.

I regarded him for several long moments before I let a sigh out, "Captain Stormwind. You want your guard ponies out of trouble, finishing their advanced training and then sent back. I want your guard ponies out of trouble and couldn't give a toss about the rest. There is no reason for us to be opponents on this. Keep your ponies under control and it won't be a problem. I don't care how you do it, but if you won't, we will."

He glared at me for a moment before he nodded curtly. Then he turned around and marched out, his two guards following alone.

The throne room was quiet for several moments before I smiled, "That went well," I commented, drawing a small smile from Leaf and Wind.

Flower sighed softly from her desk, "It'll be trouble, sir."

"It's already a problem, Flower," I said with a small sigh, "Let's see if this helps. Well, that was a nice thing to have to deal with first thing in the evening. What's next on the schedule?"

Flower pulled her calendar closer, "Next is-"


I slipped into Sanctuary, the dream realm being replaced for a moonlit forest clearing.

Tonight had been a really long night and I just needed to get away for a bit. Luna would likely join me in a while, I had gone to bed early. Or rather, perch. With Sunny and Sparks away, it was really no reason for me to use the bed. So I was hanging from my tail in the rafters instead.

Make as well take what positives I can out of this.

The air was cool without being cold and there was a slight wind from the west. It didn't look like it was going to rain either anytime soon, the sky was clear and stars shimmered on the bla-

There was a rustle of leaves behind me and I turned around, finding myself staring at a little filly.

She stared at me with wide eyes and I stared right back.

She was a earthpony, looking about ten years old with pink coat and darker pink mane, a piece of amber as her cutiemark.

"...Hello there," I said in surprise, "I'm Blank Page. Who are you?"

"Tree Sap," she said, taking a small step back, "A-are you really Prince Page? Where are we?"

I smiled, "We're in a dream realm. What's the last thing you remember?" I asked, trying to figure out how the buck she ended up in Sanctuary.

"I-I was in the hospital, my dad was reading to me and I was-" she started to say before she blinked, "I fell asleep!"

"What was he reading? Anything good?"

"Kinda, it was a book about knights and battles and stuff."

Oooh. Sanctuary is a word that might come up there. If it happened just as she fell asleep... that would explain how she ended up here!

Huh, and I thought I picked a codeword that wouldn't come up when trying to sleep. Damn it, I should have gone with something more difficult and obscure.

"Sounds interesting," I said with a smile before I frowned, "You're injured?"

"Sick," she sighed, "Been for ages. Miss my friends."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said with a small smile. I had planned to just make her wake up, but... this is likely the first time she's been out and about for a bit. It wouldn't really hurt to let her stay until she woke up naturally would it. Not like she'd be able to figure out how to get back anyhow.

I smiled and glanced around, "Want to know a secret?"

"What?" she asked and shifted a bit closer.

"This place has chocolate bushes," I whispered to her.

"...No, that's not a real thing."

I smiled, "Totally is," before I turned slightly, "See that biggest tree in the forest? At the base there are a bunch of them."

"...But it's dark and scary."

"Nothing to be afraid of, Sap," I told her, "This is my realm. No pony eating monsters allowed. Besides... I'll let you in on another little secret. Do you know how to whistle?"

She nodded.

"Alright, whistle three tones, pause and then three more," I said with a grin, "Go on," I added as she hesitated.

Six tones rang through the meadow and a light appeared among the trees. It fluttered closer, resolving to look like a ball of blue light, lighting up the area like a streetlight as it fluttered up to hover before her.

"Go on," I said, "Tell the sprite where you want to go. She'll guide you."

"I-I want to go to the chocolate bushes by the large tree, please."

The sprite bobbed in the air and started to flutter off.

"Go on Sap, have fun," I told her with a smile, "If you get lost, just whistle and a sprite will join you."

"Thank you, your highness!"

I watched her quickly galop after the glowing mote of light and smiled. She might have arrived here by accident, but it was a happy one at least.