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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Fueled by courage and armed with technology and a van, the tornado ponies are on Earth to both study tornados for the benefit of humans and gather data to improve predictions. Dusty's a grizzled veteran of storm-chasing, and the ponies were born for it, but neither pegasi nor humans can totally predict where a tornado will go or what it might do.

A story for Ponyville Ciderfest's Scattered Pages

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 73 )

“It’s the wonder of nature, baby.” He helped her put the maps back in the expanding folder. Just then his phone chirped.

He said the thing!

Happy to see the tornado team again! They're always a joy to read!

I really liked this fanfic.

Comment posted by Airwalker deleted Dec 9th, 2023

Posted in
Admiral Biscuit's Fleet (group)
Ponies on Earth (folder)


Such a fun time. Bravo to your work and involvement.

All around her, pegasi were waking up. A dozen total, counting herself. An exploratory team, summoned to see if pegasi could fight tornadoes on Earth. She’d been one of many applicants, seeing it as a chance to reinvent herself, to avoid becoming stagnant back home, and she’d made the cut more for her interpersonal skills than her raw wingpower.

IMO, the ability to speak the local language would be a BIG help.


Man, a van full of ponies would hit ridiculous choral harmony on the fourth "whoa-oh-oh" of Kyrie. But I finished the fic to the tune of St. Elmo's Fire after the phenomenon showed up. Surprising how relevant some of the lyrics are.

The dashboard lights were still on, giving the crushed interior of the van an eerie glow.


Not quite a title drop, but I'll take it.

Your Ponies on Earth stories are always good reads, and this one was more exciting and action-filled than most!

Good to see Dusty made it with minor injuries. Shorted-out equipment packs and vans chewed up by a tornado can be replaced, but people, human or pony, can't.

I really do like your storm/tornado chaser series! I like it so much. I love how Silver Glow was responsible for it... and I wonder how she feels about it?

This many years later, with the portal rules surely less strict, I like to imagine that Silver still visits Earth from time to time.

This was such a nice read after having a tornado pass through town myself today. Just hoping everyone is ok.

note to self since my wings cant handle st elmo's fire figure out a solution to avoid crashes

Heeyyy!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Another round of tornado chasers, wooooo!!!

Your anti-brony rant, followed by your anti-furry flag made me laugh.

Not that I consider myself a furry, (I just watch this show for the plot, as the saying goes), but what is up with the Islam crescent and German cross on your furry flag of hate?
If it is just for +2 Edginess with a minor buff of +1 Teenage Angst then I will be very disappointed.


I didn't know I needed an Admiral fic today, but here I am and oh was it good. Especially this crew, amd ESPECIALLY the Twister references. That movie was part of my childhood.

Good job Admiral. Wonderful story.

I wouldn't think I'd be all that interested in Dusty and the tornado ponies, but I've enjoyed reading about their adventures. This was a gripping reminder of the dangers they race toward every day.

I'm glad that it looks like all the pegasi now realize that Dusty isn't just a glorified chauffeur, although it's too bad this had to happen for them to come to that understanding.

Do they though? They may care about him but some might still think that he's basically a chauffeur, albeit one willing to take risks.

I overall really liked the fic. There’s just a couple nitpicks that were a little jarring to me. The first is that while the technology seems to be at least on par with what we have today, if not a little more advanced, they’re still using the old outdated fujita scale. Was this a conscious choice (i.e. it’s easier to say “F3” than “EF3” as an in-universe explanation), or is that unintentional? The second is that you described the radar as being all red, but that shouldn’t necessarily be the case unless someone really unlikely is going on. Generally tornadoes will show up as velocity couplets on radar (red and green next to each other to show that air is flowing away from the radar right next to air flowing towards the radar). Of course this could also have an in universe explanation as a freak event of some kind. Other than those two minor nitpicks I think you really captured the chaos of storm chasing really well! Kudos!

I do NOT envy those pegasi. Flying in the high-shear zone of a tornadic storm sounds like a BAD TIME.

As you can see by studying tornadoes up close, they aim to unravel the mysteries surrounding these destructive forces of nature, ultimately benefiting humanity in its quest to Find safety and be prepared.
2 player games

Not only a great singer, but also a good actor who played some . . . interesting roles.


He said the thing!

At least one somebody would have been upset if Dusty didn't say that.

The other big reference line was one AlwaysDressesInStyle suggested; in one episode in G1 Firefly said "Danger is my life, Medley" and I just had to have a nod to that in this story.

Happy to see the tornado team again! They're always a joy to read!

They're a lot of fun to write, too :heart: If you missed it, there's a tornado team story in the Tales from the Con, too . . . I don't remember the story number off the top of my head, but it's the one titled "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service."

Thank you! :heart:

IMO, the ability to speak the local language would be a BIG help.

Yeah, but as long as they've got a couple of ponies who can they can work with it, and the rest can learn, or not.

Although I will say I missed an opportunity back in the day by just assuming they could all speak English. It'd make for some interesting storytelling opportunities if they couldn't all . . . and a bit of light comedy if a pony or two on the team could speak an Earth language, but not English (i.e., maybe Rocky Storm is fluent in Spanish, or Prism Glider speaks Ponish, Draconic, and Hebrew).

Thank you! It was joy to participate in, and to see all our work come to fruition at the con. I'll be honest, I did have some worry that nobody would want to use the app or buy the book, but we got good app usage and also sold out of the books.


Man, a van full of ponies would hit ridiculous choral harmony on the fourth "whoa-oh-oh" of Kyrie.

A van full of ponies would hit ridiculous choral harmony on just about anything, which I think would make it a real treat to have them all in the back of the van. Well, unless you hated musicals and power ballads, but then what's the point of living then?

Also semi-related, if we accept that ponies like being musical, than it stands to reason that some of them might sing other genres or other ways, something I was thinking about just recently as I was listening to the live version of Anna von Hausswolff singing Ugly and Vengeful . . . when I have time I might write a blog on the subject.

[As an aside, I heard the song for the first time at work a few days ago, it's over sixteen minutes long, and I actually said out loud to a co-worker that I didn't even know what was happening in my ear but I was very much enjoying it.]

Also also it just now occurs to me that one of the ponies in the van is named Medley, and I bet she can sing.

But I finished the fic to the tune of St. Elmo's Fire after the phenomenon showed up. Surprising how relevant some of the lyrics are.

Y'know, I knew that song but I'd never paid any attention to the lyrics . . . you're right, they're relevant :heart:


Not quite a title drop, but I'll take it.



Your Ponies on Earth stories are always good reads, and this one was more exciting and action-filled than most!

Thanks! I don't write enough action, and I really should.

Good to see Dusty made it with minor injuries. Shorted-out equipment packs and vans chewed up by a tornado can be replaced, but people, human or pony, can't.

Totally agree. The van's nothing, it's easy to find another. The equipment packs are a little more difficult to replace, but they're expendable (after all, they're being used in tornadoes, anybody who thought they wouldn't have a high attrition rate is a fool). Human or pony life is far more valuable than either.


I really do like your storm/tornado chaser series! I like it so much.

Thank you! :heart:

I love how Silver Glow was responsible for it... and I wonder how she feels about it?

She'd be right onboard with it, and she'd totally understand. After all, she knows what it's like to be on the ragged edge in a storm, a thrill like no other.

I hope you're okay and things didn't get too damaged. The only one I've been through wasn't very powerful and barely touched down in town; no injuries and minimal property damage (although it was about a week before all the power lines got fixed) . . . we got lucky and I hope you did as well :heart:


This many years later, with the portal rules surely less strict, I like to imagine that Silver still visits Earth from time to time.

She might, just to catch up with friends or maybe visit Meghan's parents (with Meghan). Probably still gives the airplane directors headaches (although I'd assume Dori and the grumpy man would be happy to hear her on the radio again).




note to self since my wings cant handle st elmo's fire figure out a solution to avoid crashes

Maybe avoid intense electrical situations in the sky (including volcanoes, 'cause they can cause electrical disturbances), and maybe also keep a parachute as a backup?


Heeyyy!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Another round of tornado chasers, wooooo!!!

Tornado ponies are best ponies :heart: Especially Paradise, she's the best of them all. And Dusty, he's pretty cool too.

Your anti-brony rant, followed by your anti-furry flag made me laugh.

Funnily enough, I never saw the comment. But he's been banned, what a shame.

Good idea!
Backup Parachute is something so simple how did i not think of that?


I didn't know I needed an Admiral fic today, but here I am and oh was it good. Especially this crew, amd ESPECIALLY the Twister references. That movie was part of my childhood.

That's a darn good movie. Can't go wrong with it, honestly. And I do love writing the tornado ponies . . . once I get other stuff sorted out, imma publish the uncut version of this story which is at least twice as long.

Good job Admiral. Wonderful story.

Thanks! :heart:

Also, we really gotta get together soon . . .


Yeah! I'm trying to plan a beer, pizza, and chainsaw party at my dad's house. Let me know when younare free.

Was it you who suggested that EQ had contact with the ancient Greeks? Ponish could be related to Ancient Greek (pre Alexander the Great, Greek was a MUCH more complex language). Linguists could work this out.

Also, Johnathan Swift had Gullible travel to a land of talking horses... (4th voyage.)


I loved him in rocky horror that movie fucking rocks.



Yeah! I'm trying to plan a beer, pizza, and chainsaw party at my dad's house. Let me know when younare free.

Now that sounds like my kind of party! :pinkiehappy:
I’d probably do the chainsaw part of the event prior to the beers , though! :twilightsmile:

I'd like to think so as well!


I wouldn't think I'd be all that interested in Dusty and the tornado ponies, but I've enjoyed reading about their adventures. This was a gripping reminder of the dangers they race toward every day.

Thank you! I like to think that they grow on you as you learn more about them (both Dusty and the ponies). Or else it's just the thrill of tornadoes, the most Lovecraftian of weather.

I'm glad that it looks like all the pegasi now realize that Dusty isn't just a glorified chauffeur, although it's too bad this had to happen for them to come to that understanding.

Well, like 11772112 said, I'm not sure that this would entirely change their view, since Dusty can't fly and can't experience a tornado the same way that they can. At the same time, he'll have certainly earned more respect since he's now been in one, about as up close and personal as a human can get to a tornado. And I do think that they appreciate both his chauffeuring and the insanity that is chasing tornadoes, and getting in front of them on a van that's limited to roads.

This is kind of complicated and maybe I'm not explaining my thoughts quite right. :P Like, I think that some of them would instinctively view him as not an equal just because he can't fly, he can manipulate clouds and weather--even for all his scientific instruments (which they, of course, don't have), he can only ever experience weather as a bystander, not one who can actually affect it. And being hit by a tornado doesn't change that, although of course it's good for team bonding.

On the other hand (or hoof :heart:) some of them might have always had more respect for him just because he can't experience weather like they can, he can't change it, and he puts himself in danger to study it anyway. One of those crazy human things (I think that Paradise falls into this camp).


I overall really liked the fic. There’s just a couple nitpicks that were a little jarring to me. The first is that while the technology seems to be at least on par with what we have today, if not a little more advanced, they’re still using the old outdated fujita scale. Was this a conscious choice (i.e. it’s easier to say “F3” than “EF3” as an in-universe explanation), or is that unintentional?

That was laziness on my part, honestly; I'm used to the non-enhanced version, or else I just unconsciously ignore the "E" part of "EF-x." Comes as part of the system being changed during my adulthood, I suppose.

The second is that you described the radar as being all red, but that shouldn’t necessarily be the case unless someone really unlikely is going on. Generally tornadoes will show up as velocity couplets on radar (red and green next to each other to show that air is flowing away from the radar right next to air flowing towards the radar). Of course this could also have an in universe explanation as a freak event of some kind.

I know that now :derpytongue2: I was actually watching some tornado footage and it showed a radar return which was exactly how you described it. I probably should have sent this story to a pre-reader who knows more about weather . . . hopefully I remember to make the change in the embiggened version of this story which will show up later (I'm putting in a note in the document right now :heart:)

Other than those two minor nitpicks I think you really captured the chaos of storm chasing really well! Kudos!

Thank you!


I do NOT envy those pegasi. Flying in the high-shear zone of a tornadic storm sounds like a BAD TIME.

They're right where they want to be--the worse the weather is, the more they want to be up in it. It was what some of them were born for (you don't get a name like "Stormbreaker" by staying home when it's rainy, after all).

Yes, that is basically their goal.


Yeah! I'm trying to plan a beer, pizza, and chainsaw party at my dad's house. Let me know when you are free.

Could do a Friday after Christmas, I think. That's pretty much the only night I don't have obligations and tend to get out of work at a reasonable time (weekends can be hit or miss; sometimes I've got Sundays free and sometimes I don't).


Was it you who suggested that EQ had contact with the ancient Greeks? Ponish could be related to Ancient Greek (pre Alexander the Great, Greek was a MUCH more complex language). Linguists could work this out.

I don't think that I came up with that, although I have put some minor Greek references in here and there. I think you might be thinking of Riverdream at Sunset by GroaningGreyAgnoy (that's the first fic that comes to mind, anyway).

Also, Johnathan Swift had Gullible travel to a land of talking horses... (4th voyage.)

He did, the Honiyhyhhbauglkiou8ins or however it was spelled :P


I loved him in rocky horror that movie fucking rocks.

Yup, and I love that they ate Meatloaf for dinner. He was also good in Black Dog, a movie that is both good and bad in equal parts. (With Meatloaf, Patrick Swayze, and Randy Travis playing a wannabe country singer)

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