• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,104 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Dredger, Dredger, Faster Than Lightning

From a distance, tiny pulses of gold light billowed from deep within the fog. Bursts of mana blew open pockets in the haze—only for them to close up after themselves with very little time to spare.

The mists covering the southern struts were beginning to recede, but at an agonizing slug's pace at best.

By now, a large crowd of nervous onlookers had gathered along the Central Platform of Red Barge. Many families—consisting of non-dredger stallions, old mares, frail elder stallions, and dozens upon dozens of foals—gazed out at the southern decks. The citizens of the Barge murmured among one another, squinting their eyes and gasping at each flash of gold or burst of errant steam. Gradually, the edges of the misty cloud dissipated, revealing more and more slumped bodies of dredgers, stirring in and out of pained unconsciousness. The eyes of the citizens lit up at this, and the commotion in the air stirred louder and louder... bordering on joyous.

All of this, Chandler observed from his lofty position. He gazed due south over the balcony bordering Skagra's office. His green eyes caught sight of a gaggle of colts galloping straight out of the mists—including a one-eared little foal who took up the rear of the scrambling procession. The children reached a bridge between struts. Once there, they stood on the sidelines of a deck full of steam vents. Turning around, they gazed deep at the mists, watching as more and more groaning bodies of throttled dredgers littered the rusted decks.

Chandler's jaw dropped. The shivers in his body doubled, and he clutched his studded robe in a vain attempt to keep himself still. Swallowing a lump down his throat, the would-be-Magistrate stared deep into the remaining cloud, watching as the gold pulses flashed and flashed and—


Rainbow sweated. She backflipped, barely avoiding the latest stream of gold magic by burning inches. The steam in the air above her cleared, then went cloudy again as she rolled to the side, ran up a length of bulkheads, and leapt once more to dodge a blast—

FL-FLASSSH! Longaze gnashed her teeth, marching icily forward as she fired beam after beam from her horn. “Make this easy on yourself! Give up! You'll be taken in alive! That is my boss' promise to you!”

“Grnnngh!” Rainbow grunted, spinning her body in mid-air and dodging another blast.

“Her boss?!” Rarity exclaimed, phasing through steam and rust as she struggled to keep up with Rainbow's movements. “What in blazes could she mean by that?”

“Have you been refusing to keep your receipts, Dashie?!” Pinkie Pie hollered.

“A... little help... here... guys...!” Rainbow snarled, struggling for breath.

“Unnngh! I'm tr-trying!” Twilight yelped, her ghost body sweating profusely. Her horn burned with lavender energy as she struggled to keep her gaze locked on Rainbow's foe. “But she's too well-trained! I can't predict when or where her next blast will strike!”

“Maybe from her horn?” Pinkie exclaimed, pointing at the source of the mana-blasts.

“Nrnnngh!” Rainbow crouched behind a bulkhead. “Dang it, Pinkie! No gold star for you—” POWWW! A golden blast shattered the bulkhead in front of her to bits. “Luna poop!”

“This isn't the best place to fight her!” Fluttershy said. She flew in to support Twilight's ghostly figure, holding the unicorn close. “You should get out of here!”

“What?!” Rainbow ducked low, avoiding another blast. “No way!”

“I agree with Fluttershy, darling!” Rarity shouted. “There's an open straightaway of decks just two left turns from here! There's nothing to be ashamed of in a strategic retreat!”

“I'm not... g-gonna ditch Keris... mmrrrnngh... here alone with... the Secretary of Tartarus!” ZAP! “Ow!” Rainbow shook a singed rear leg, collapsing to the deck. “Friggin' horseapples...”

“Last warning!” Longaze galloped and skidded to a stop, overlooking Rainbow's limp figure in the middle of the floor. Her trained horn cast a golden spotlight around the pegasus. “Give up! I won't offer you an opportunity like this again!”

Rainbow stared back, sweating, gritting her teeth.

“Honestly, Rainbow, who did you tick off while we were gone that they would send the likes of this hussy?”

“I have a better question!” Pinkie Pie leaned over, shrieking in Rainbow's ear. “Why haven't you just hit her yet?!?

“Grnnngh...” Rainbow Dash rubbed her fuzzy ear. “...it's not as easy as it...” She gulped. “...looks.”

Longaze's brown eyes blinked. “Who are you talking to?”

Fluttershy leaned towards Rainbow. “Shhhh... Rainbow.”

The pegasus tilted her muzzle over her shoulder. “What?”

“Wait for it...”

Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-Thap! Scraping claws—from the side.

Longaze turned aside to look—WHAM!—right into the fist of Keris. “Oooomf!” She flew back, bounced off a bulkhead, and straight into his one good talon.

“Rrrrrgh!” He twirled, wincing from the force's pull on his injured limb. Still, it didn't stop gravity from assisting him with the mother of all suplexes. Whud! Longaze crumpled across the deck in a dull heap.

“Unnngh...” Her horn flickered, flashed, then went dim as her eyes rolled back.

Rainbow exhaled in relief.

Keris looked over, wiping his feathered brow. He reached a talon out. “You alright?”

Peachy.” Rainbow reached her hoof up. As the griffon helped her back on all fours, she exhaled: “Thanks a ton, Lieutenant Dude. I'm pretty sure there's no way in heck I could bring myself to hit that.”

“You're a curious butterfly, Miss Dash.”

“Yeah. Love you too.” Gulping, Rainbow Dash squinted down at the suited mare. “Where in the heck did she come from, anyway? Everything about her is total... anti-muck.”

“That's a very good question,” Keris said. He took several deep breaths, magenta hawkeyes peering. “This... this is wild speculation at best, but I daresay her garb resembles Consortium hoofwork.”

“Consortium?” Rainbow Dash stammered.

“An industrial organization responsible for the distribution of much dredge coal.”

“What are they doing way out on this junk heap?”

“Difficult to say.” Keris' beak hung open as he stood over Longaze. “Unless, of course...” He blinked. “My Goddess... could they be connected with all of this?”

“Huh?” Rainbow cocked his sweaty head to the side. “Could who be connected to what—?”

Fluttershy suddenly hollered. “Rainbow Dash!

“From the left!” Pinkie yelped, her legs quivering. “Something sharp—”

“... ... ...!” Rainbow noticed the skinny shadow on flurrying legs in her peripheral. Her first impulse was to lunge forward, shoving Keris out of the way. The injured griffon fell hard on his feline flank. Meanwhile, a dagger—

Sliiiiiiink! “Aaaaaaugh!”

—ripped violently across the pegasus' left fetlock, staining the rusted hull with blood.

“Rainbow!” Rarity shrieked while Twilight gasped.

“Ggrrrgh!” Rainbow stumbled backwards.

“Hrmmmf...” Skagra twirled in the mists. He threw his dagger up with one hoof and re-gripped it with the other. Schiiiing! “Fail, monster, FAIL!” And he charged straight at her.

Frowning, Rainbow Dash leaned back, preparing for the attack with both forelimbs raised...

...or so she thought. Skagra threw a curve, sliding underneath her at the last second and bucking both of his rear hooves up. WHUMP! They contacted Rainbow's flanking, causing her to fall forward towards his upper body. He met her collapse with a sharp shive aimed at her soft belly.

“...!” Rainbow shot her right wing out, catching the ground before she could fall on his blade.

Grip! Skagra wrapped his fetlock around her neck and—“Hah!”—stabbed the blade straight into her throat.

Rainbow only had to twist her chin just the right way. CLANK! Sparks flew as the blade ricocheted off her pendant. Skagra snarled, scrambling to stab again—when Rainbow knee'd him violently in the groin... a second time... and then followed it up with a hoof to the scarred half of Skagra's face.

“Unnnfff!” Skagra rolled over until he slumped up against a set of pipes. He hugged himself, curling up and sobbing in pain. “Nnnnngh-guhhhhh... please... pleeeeeeeeeease...” He covered his head with one hoof while waving the other fetlock around. “Ohgoddesspleasepleaseplease don't hit me again! It hurrrrrttssss... I surrenderrrr!

Keris looked up, blinking.

With a seething breath, Rainbow stood up, leering down at the stallion.

“So sorry... sososososorrrrrry...” Skagra wept.

“Rainbow...” Rarity drifted past the mare's head. “His vest is full of metal blades.”

Twilight wheezed. “He's faking it.”

“I know.” Rainbow seethed. Her hooves scuffled across the deck as her muscles coiled. “Give it up, dude. You're in a battle that you can't—”

“Rrrrrghh—HAAAAUKT!” One eye flaring, Skagra spontaneously shot up, unleashing a veritable fan of knives in Rainbow's direction.

Rainbow leapt backwards, hugging her body and curling into a ball in mid-air. In spite of trying to make her body as small as possible, several of the blades knicked the edges of her legs and shoulders. Sl-Sl-Sliiink! “Grrrghhh!”

Skagra hadn't even finished his last breath by the time he chose to spin towards the array of steam pipes behind him. CL-CLANK! He knocked a valve off with a club, snapping an array of metal tubes loose. FWOOOOOSH! Hot steam billowed out in misty white vomit. The agile stallion leapt up, catching the gust of wind with his body, propelling himself like a bifurcated bullet straight at the pegasus. “Burn with me!

WHUMP! Skagra speared Rainbow's figure, and the two went barreling off, collapsing over a ledge of metal bulkheads and falling into the fog beyond. “Ooof!”

“Miss Dash!” Keris shouted. Wincing, he struggled back onto his remaining limbs and hobbled swiftly towards the direction of the chaotic fight.

Meanwhile, behind him, a certain unicorn's eye fluttered open. Longaze came to, glancing up. Her horn pulsed, the magic instantly grabbing the first body she saw.

“Unngh!” Keris grimaced, feeling himself being tugged backwards. Frantically, the griffon looked left and right in mid-flight. He spotted a crowbar lying beside a collapsed dredger. Schiing! Picking it up in his good talon, Keris spun around, swinging the bludgeon full-force at the soul who was pulling him in. “Rrrrgh!”

Longaze squinted one eye. The magic fluctuated, bending the crowbar at a sharp angle before the end of it could make contact with her skull. With her mana spent, she spun around and flung the griffon's body down the corridor of metal pipes.

Keris slid to a stop on three legs. He seethed, glaring at the mare. “Stand down. I have to help her stop that madstallion!”

“Not something I can afford.” Longaze cracked the joints in her neck, summoning mana into her horn again. “You're a witness, and you need to be neutralized.”

Keris shouted, “I am a Lieutenant of the Right Talon of Verlaxion!”

“And I don't care.” Longaze levitated a mess of discarded weapons and projectiles.

Keris braced himself, breathing tightly through his beak—

“Rrrrgh!” And Longaze flung all of her debris towards him at once. Fw-Fw-Fw-Fwooosh!

Wham! Rainbow exhaled sharply as she felt herself slammed to the rusted deck yet again. She winced, struggling to get up.

“Dashie!” Pinkie hollered. “He's right behind you! Coming from the lef—”

Rainbow barely had time to turn around. SCHIIING! A swing of a dagger nearly lopped off her nose. She backtrotted, jerking left and juking right as Skagra came at him like a tornado of shivs.

“Hah! Hraaugh! Hkkkt!” The enraged stallion seethed, practically foaming at the mouth. His dagger-slices were so swift that they cleared tiny, temporary swaths of empty air through the steamy mists.

Rainbow dodged again and again—but barely. Every other attack knicked at her skin or plucked away at her feathers' quills. “Grnngh... augh!” She tried lunging forward to punch the stallion—but instantly regretted it.

“Httt!” He pirouetted to the side, spun on his front limbs, then bucked both rear legs into her. “Haaaugh!”


Rainbow slumped into a pile of scrap metal. “Oooomf!” Wincing, she spotted his galloping figure in the reflection of a water-slick steam tank.

“Now he's coming from up high! To your right—” Pinkie hollered.

Grunting, Rainbow picked up a square slab of metal and raised it over her head. Clankkk! She met his dagger swipe with a shower of sparks. “Make it short, Pinkie!” Rainbow shoved against him with the slab—then instantly found herself on the retreat, shielding herself more and more desperately with the metal tile as he came in with relentless dagger stabs and knife swings. Cl-Cl-Clank! “Just give the bearings—”

“His weight's shifting!” Rarity cried.

“Top left!” Pinkie chirped.

Rainbow swung the shield up. CLACK!

“He's sliding—!”

“Lower left!” Pinkie followed.

“Haaugh!” Rainbow slammed the slab down, blocking Skagra's sliding legs. For a second there, she thought she had the upper hoof—

CLANG! Skagra punted the slab straight up with his hooves, uppercutting Rainbow with her very own shield. The mare stumbled backwards, nose bleeding.

“Dashie! Duck!”

Without thinking, Rainbow instantly fell limp. Swisssssh! A pair of outstretched daggers sang past her skull as she dropped to her back. The stallion was presently diving forward her, his body stretched out. If she reached her hooves up, she could catch his legs.

So she did just that—but her grip didn't last for long. With grunts and hissing shrieks, Skagra wriggled out of her grasp and scampered off into the mists like a mad banshee.

“Mrmrrfffngh...” Rainbow stumbled to her hooves. “Slippery little melon fudge...”

“I... I-I've lost him!” Pinkie gulped. “He could be anywhere, Dashie!”

“Fluttershy?!?” Rainbow barked.

“I... I-I'm trying!” Fluttershy stifled a sob, panting as her eyes darted all over. “But... but he's just so fast! I feel him everywhere at once—”

“Above us!” Rarity spat. “Someone's picking up a loose pipe!”

“Twitchy tail!” Pinkie yelped.

“Guh!” Rainbow blindly somersaulted while—high above—a stallion's figure came billowing through the mists, swinging down a mercilessly heavy pipe. POWWWW!

The sheer proximity of the impact sent Rainbow stumbling to the side. She slumped against an array of valves and levers, panting for breath.

“Good Goddess!” Rarity stammered. “He almost flattened Rainbow with that!”

“Rnngh...” Twilight rubbed her horn. “Don't... d-don't think he's after Rainbow.”


“He's coming again, Dashie!” Pinkie hollered. “Even level with—”

Rainbow turned to meet him, hoof raised.

But Skagra was faster. His hoof snaked in... wrapping around and under the mare's pendant.

Rainbow gasped. The four spectral bodies around her flickered in and out of lavender existence.

SrkkkktRainbowwww!” Fluttershy yelped. Her and the other girls warped, stretching inward as is being sucked towards a yellow vortex deep inside Rainbow's being. “Your Element—”

“Hmmmm...?” Skagra's leering faces reflected off a wide pair of ruby eyes. “Did I find the monster's blowhole?”

“Grnnngk!” Rainbow shoved him off her, then clutched her pendant, re-fastening it.

“Hehhhh-heheheheh!” Skagra's left muzzle grinned while the right side grimaced. “Breathe it in, shiny shiny dolphins!” Schiiiing! He flung three daggers at the pipework behind the mare. “Burn with every gasp!

Cr-Crackkkk! Hot mists screamed out of the tubes, cascading over Rainbow Dash.

The mare shrieked, rolling away from the scalding heat—only to make contact with Skagra's hooves.

“Rrrngh!” WHAM! He kicked her hard, shoving her across the deck as the air grew thicker... denser, resonating with his hissing voice. “Mmmmmm—let's have a baptism, shall we?” And he leapt upon the struggling mare once more. “Haaaah!”


Keris weathered blast after blast of golden manabursts.

Longaze sweated, concentrating denser and more complex leylines through her horn. No matter what she threw at the griffon, the Lieutenant rolled with the punches, keeping his breaths even as he patiently dodged the bulk of her assault.

The distance between them closed.

Longaze noticed it, and so she started scuffling backwards, bracing herself at a junction of metal corridors.

At last, Keris caught his breath. He ducked a chunk of debris being thrown his way via a wave of golden telekinesis. Then, with agile paws, he sprinted straight for the mare.

Longaze was prepared for it. “Grrrrrnngh!” Her brown eyes flickered amber as she launched her thickest wave of mana yet.

As a result, the griffon came to a floating stop just a few feet in front of her. He hovered limply in place, blinking.

“Hmmmff...” Shaking, sweating, Longaze nevertheless smirked at her foe. “Some Talon. You're not used to fighting unicorns, are you—?”

The griffon's beak opened wide as—all of a sudden—the Lieutenant regurgitated the lumpy remains of breakfast from his avian stomach.

SPLUT! “Aaaaaugh!” Longaze stumbled backwards. The glow of her horn shorted out as she grimaced, swinging her head left and right to shake loose the curds and half-digested rice. “Verlaxion's Sleet—!”

Keris dropped. He twirled in the air before landing, sweeping Longaze's legs out from underneath her with his tail. She lifted up—only to be met with Keris' paw to her belly and slammed straight back down onto her spine. Clannnnnnng!

“Oooooof...” And Longaze fell unconscious.

Keris brushed his feathers, then wiped the excess vomit from his beak. “Filth is filth,” he spat. “Now stay down.”

With a surly breath, he looked up, squinting across the steamy fog. His headcrest ruffled at the sound of a distant scuffle, and he sprinted off in the direction of the noise.

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