• Published 3rd Jun 2014
  • 25,228 Views, 28,002 Comments

Piercing the Heavens - Calm Wind

Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse?

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Chapter 38: Stupid Sexy Stallions...

Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 38:

Spitfire slumped into her seat and groaned while wrapping her arms around her abdomen and grinding her nose against her tray of food. It had barely been over a week since her body… started burning, to put it lightly. This was by far the worst this “time” had ever been for her.

She couldn’t do anything without her mind or eyes wandering. She did her best to suck it up and remained composed whenever in a meeting, but as soon as she was alone she’d go right back to swearing and punching herself in the gut. There was no relief. The gym offered none… her work offered none… not even a nice meal offered any. Here she was, once again at breakfast… more than certain she’d start ogling every stallion that came through the door.

Wave Chill.

Fleetfoot was right. The way Spitfire and Wave had been coming along, it offered an EASY source of relief… too bad she didn’t find it proper to have such encounters with one of her officers. Not to mention the two were… still sort of avoiding each other.

She felt pathetic. They had a good friendship going and she was enjoying his more casual company. One awkward moment set them into a downward spiral with no end in sight. She always got on Soarin’s ass about Dash and not letting things get in his way… but she was starting to feel like a hypocrite.

She picked her head up and stared at the food on her plate. Eggs, pancakes, and… sausage…

“DAMN IT!” Spitfire groaned while tilting her head back and groaning. This was unbearable. Anything slightly phallic caught her attention… who was she, Fleetfoot?!

“Morning Hot Buns!” On cue Fleetfoot chimed in, sat down next Spitfire, and flashed a cheerful smile. Keeping her head tilted back, Spitfire folded her ears down and flattened her brow as she turned her head slightly towards Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot snickered as Spitfire gave her an extremely unamused look. “Aren’t you a bundle of sunshine!” she turned and started poking at her food. “Did you wake up on the wrong side of Wave Chill this morning?” Fleetfoot asked with a mischievous grin. When she got no response, she glanced back at Spitfire to see her in the exact same position only with a heavy glare aimed at Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot burst out laughing.

“HAHAHAWHOA!” Fleetfoot tipped back too far in her chair and almost toppled.

“It’s not funny Fleet…” Spitfire sighed as she looked back forward. Her eyes landed on the Streak twins as they entered the cafeteria and got in the food line. Spitfire’s eye locked onto them for a moment. Her face flushed and she quickly shut her eyes. “It’s… really, actually turning into a problem.”

“PFFFFFFFFF…” Fleetfoot released a long scoff with half a pancake stuffed in her mouth.

“I’m glad I have your support…” Spitfire rolled her eyes sarcastically. Fleetfoot shook her head, swallowed her food, grabbed a banana off her tray and pointed it at Spitfire.

“You’re making it a problem,” Fleet said while subtly jabbing the end of the banana towards Spitfire. “Just spend a night with Wave. I’m sure he won’t complain.”

“Fleet I’m not—” Spitfire paused as she felt something poking her arm. She turned and saw Fleetfoot tapping her arm with the end of her banana while bouncing her eyebrows. “STOP THAT!” Spitfire snarled as Fleetfoot tried desperately to hold in the laughs. “We CAN’T do that Fleet. I’m the lead captain of the Wonderbolts! I’m the ICON of the organization. I must show composure and discipline at all times! I can’t go backing my plot up to one of my officers that’s—”

“You could always be on top…”

“FLEET!” Spitfire slammed her hoof down. She blinked and looked up to see Fire and Lightning Streak standing across the table from them. They looked like they were about to sit down, but had frozen in place. A raging blush crossed Spitfire’s face. She reached up and pressed her ears against her head while groaning and lowering her nose back down to her plate, nestling it right into her scrambles eggs.

“I think we should sit elsewhere…” Fire suggested as he caught on.

“I dunno bro, I kinda like where this conversation is going,” Lightning smirked. Fire reached back and pulled Lightning along with him. Spitfire picked her face up off of her plate, blinked, and licked up the stray bits of eggs around her mouth before shaking her head.

“I just don’t know Fleet, I—” Spitfire froze as she turned her head. Fleetfoot had peeled the banana and was slowly licking it from the bottom towards the top while slowly widening her eyes and looking directly into Spitfire’s. “You’re NOT helping!” Spitfire fumed while turning back forward and grinding her teeth together.

“Of course I am! The more I drive you insane about it, the sooner you’ll do something about it!” Fleetfoot giggled as she took a bite out of her banana and leaned back.

“You make it sound so easy Fleet… I’m not like you. I don’t just sleep around for fun…” Spitfire commented with a bit or anger in her voice. Fleetfoot flattened her ears.

“Yikes Spitty, don’t make me sound like a slut or anything…” Fleetfoot pouted.

“Is there a better way to put it?” Spitfire was visibly miffed.

“Of course there is!” Fleetfoot leaned an elbow on the table and rested her head in her hoof. “I don’t just pick a random stallion, I gotta like them too!”

“You like me?!” Lightning’s voice came from the table across from them. Spitfire suddenly snorted as Fleetfoot shot a glare at Lightning.

“When I’m drunk doesn’t count…” she muttered. “Spitty, do something about it. Hell, if Wave is the only one, go with him. I’m not suggesting you get to know the male Wonderbolts like I have…” Fleetfoot paused and bounced her eyebrows once. “I just know that once you take care of it you’ll feel a lot better! Drop the stern captain act… think of yourself for once!”

Spitfire released a long, exasperated sigh as Fleetfoot went back to her food. Spitfire had barely touched her food, but was too busy being distracted by her “situation” to give much of a damn. Fleetfoot was right. Spitfire didn’t want to admit it, but Fleetfoot was completely right. Spitfire wasn’t a party girl like Fleetfoot, but as she said, Fleetfoot didn’t just throw her plot around (unless she lost count of how many drinks she had).

Spitfire had dealt with this in the past… but it was unbearable this time… and…

She looked up towards the food lines. Front and center were Misty Fly and Surprise. Surprise was bouncing happily with Misty smiling right behind her… then as soon as Misty moved out of the way, Wave stepped forward. Spitfire kept her eyes locked on him as he gathered his food. He turned and took a few steps towards the tables, but stopped and turned back after forgetting something. It was bad timing.

“Move it! Move it!” Silver’s voice came from outside the doors near the line. Wave soon found himself engulfed in the crowd of recruits pouring through the doors, luckily moving his tray up to avoid dropping it at the last second. Silver stomped in behind them all and sniffed the air sharply. “It smells like fear and sex in here!” he took a few more whiffs, and then nodded in satisfaction. “Just like all of my mornings!” he exclaimed as he followed behind.

Spitfire looked away before Wave could emerge. The last thing she wanted at the moment was Wave to catch her doing him with her eyes. She looked around for something else to take her attention as Misty Fly sat down beside her.

Good, somepony that wouldn’t bother her. Talk about a contrast, she had Fleet the chatter box on her left and Misty on her right. Surprise had sat down at the other table with the Streak twins, instantly talking their ears off, but they were used to it. Spitfire was surprised Misty sat by her, it was rare to ever see Misty apart from the Streak twins, or at least Fire. Spitfire leaned over and noticed two trays were already down in the last two spots at the other table. She looked out towards more of the serving tables and saw Blaze and High Winds by sandwich line.

“You heard me! Jalapñeos!” Blaze yelled at the chef.

“On an egg and bacon breakfast sandwich?” The chef asked in confusion. “We already put normal peppers on it. That would just be ridiculous… and probably burn your tongue off!” He flinched and yelped as Blaze reached over the counter and grabbed him by the apron.

“I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM BACK THERE! JALAPEÑOS! PILE. THEM. ON,” she demanded as she shook him. High Winds had fallen asleep with her head on the serving counter beside her, sleeping through Blaze’s yelling.

“Alright!” the chef yelled as he freed himself from her grip, reached down into the refrigerated cabinets below where they kept the deli food for lunch, and pulled out a container filled to the brim with jalapeños. Blaze removed herself from over the counter and bumped her flank against High Winds’ face. Winds’ head slipped off the counter and she fell into a heap on the floor. Blaze blinked and looked down.

“Dammit Windy…” she reached down lightly slapped Winds across the face a few times. Winds awoke with a start and stood up fast.

“And extra relish! And… wait, is it dinner time yet?” she yawned.

“Breakfast, now wake up and HEY!” Blaze yelled as the chef tried to put the jalapeños away.

“What?!” he blinked and looked at her in confusion.

“What the hell is this shit?!” Blaze pointed to her egg sandwich. There were six jalapeños on it. “Give me that!” She reached over, grabbed the container from the chef, and dumped all of the jalapeños onto her sandwich. The chef’s eyes widened as Blaze discarded the container, and put the top of the English muffin on the pile of jalapeños, effectively making her sandwich ten percent egg and bacon and ninety percent ‘hell in your mouth.’

“I’ll just have mine normal please…” Winds asked casually as Blaze laughed maniacally at her tower of a sandwich.

Typical Blaze… Spitfire thought as she looked for more things to distract herself from Wave. She saw him approach the tables and sit down at her table. She didn’t want to make it look obvious… but she was avoiding eye contact.

Squad seven suddenly emerged as the recruits were rushed to the tables. Spitfire locked on them. ‘Observing Storm Front’ seemed like a good excuse, so she went with it. Storm was the first to get his food and crossed the rest of the cafeteria eagerly to get eating. It was interesting to see an elite squad member act with an overcharged sense of urgency like a new recruit.

Unfortunately his eagerness made him collide with Blaze as their paths intersected.

“WHOA!” Blaze yelped as she barely managed to keep her jalapeño sandwich from scattering everywhere.

“Ah! Sorry!” Storm quickly apologized, but he this was Blaze.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going! I swear if I had lost one of these damn good jalapeños I woulda—”

“Hrg…” Winds groaned from behind her. She reached over and stuffed her hoof in Blaze’s mouth. “Blazey, I’m hungry, quit yelling at everypony that looks at you funny.”

“But he—!” Blaze tried to retort.

“Nope,” Winds reached back with her wing and spanked Blaze’s plot fairly hard.

“WHOO!” Blaze yelped in surprise as she lurched forward. “Alright! I get it!” she grumbled as they finally sat down and let Storm be.

“Pff…” Spitfire rolled her eyes at her half-sister and turned her head slightly. She instantly stopped and looked back at the other table.

This was bad… she was afraid to just look at him.

“GAH! HAAAAAA!!!!! HOOOOOO!!!!!” Blaze suddenly coughed and choked off to the side. Spitfire looked over to see Blaze downing all of her water, then reaching over, grabbing Lightning’s water and chugging his too. Fire Streak shrugged while leaning slightly towards her.

Honestly miss Blaze… what did you think was going to happen?!” he questioned as Lightning absolutely lost it beside him.

Spitfire shook her head and tried to focus on something else… anything. Then she saw Misty looking sternly towards the recruits. Spitfire blinked and tried to follow her eyes. Misty had locked onto somepony, but it was too far away to figure out which.

Misty suddenly stood up and began trotting towards the recruits. Fire blinked and watched her leave, turning to keep his eyes on her as she did. As soon as she was half way to them, Fire got up and began following.

Misty stopped in her tracks when Silver suddenly started yelling at the recruits again. She was right beside squad seven’s table. She glanced at them before focusing on Storm Front. She tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at her and paid attention as Misty began giving signals to him.

Fire froze mid-step. As soon as she say Misty conversing with Storm, he proceeded no farther. He watched them converse as Misty kept eying the recruits, then turned around and returned to his seat with a sigh. Lightning glanced at Fire, and then peeked back at Misty with Storm. He lifted an eyebrow and shook his head before going back to his food.

Spitfire wasn’t sure what to make of that situation, but before she could do anything else, a hoof suddenly grabbed the back of her head. Spitfire spotted Fleetfoot’s hoof in her peripheral vision. Before she could retaliate, Spitfire’s head was forced to the left, making her look directly at Wave Chill. Wave froze as the two locked eyes.

Fleetfoot went back to eating the instant after as if she did absolutely nothing. She waited a minute, and then glanced up at the two of them. Neither Spitfire nor Wave had said anything or moved.

“Wow!” Fleetfoot smacked her hoof against her head. She looked between the two of them. “Seriously you two?!” she threw her hooves out while glaring. Neither of them said anything, nor took their eyes off the other. “JUST DO IT ALREADY!”

“I KNEW YOU’D COME AROUND ONE DAY FLEETUMS!” Air Mach suddenly shoved himself right next to Fleet in her seat and wrapped a hoof over her shoulder. Fleetfoot’s eyes shot open and she pulled her face away from him in disgust.

“WHAT THE— Did you just call me… ‘Fleetums?!’” she glared at him and snarled. He kept going regardless.

“We can most CERTAINLY do it, hot stuff!” He said while pounding his hoof on the table eagerly.

“I WAS TALKING ABOUT THEM!” Fleetfoot made a head motion towards Spitfire and Wave. She pressed both of her hooves to Air Mach and tried to push him off, but he didn’t budge.

“My room later? Or hey, why not right now, where everyone can watch? I’LL SHOW MY FELLOW STALLIONS HOW A TRUE STALLION DOES IT!”

“NO!” Fleetfoot finally managed to pry herself from him. “Do you love hearing yourself talk or something?!”

“I love eating breakfast!” Air Mach reached down and picked up one of Fleetfoot’s pancakes. He shoved the whole thing into his mouth and swallowed it whole. “That’s what we’re talking about right?! REAL STALLIONS NEVER NEED TO CHEW THEIR FOOD!”

“UGHHHH!!!!” Fleetfoot groaned while grabbing her ears and yanking them as hard as she could. Air Mach grabbed another one of her pancakes.

“Breakfast is full of tasty morsels!” he ate the pancake in the exact same manner as the first. Fleetfoot turned and glared at him. He smirked right back in her face, before leaning back slightly. “Say…” he tipped his sunglasses up and began eyeing Fleetfoot up and down. He eventually stopped at her flank and kept staring. “You’re a pretty tasty morsel yourself!”

Fleetfoot’s expression changed from a glare to an extremely flat expression with her ears flattening out as well. She lifted up her tray and grabbed her plate off of it.

“Here, hold this for me?” she handed the plate to Air Mach casually.

“Sure thing!” he complied without question and took the plate from Fleetfoot.

“Thanks,” said Fleetfoot as she hopped up and stood on her chair, held the tray by one end, pulled it way back over her, and slammed it down as hard as she could over Air Mach’s head. The plastic tray broke completely in half and all the Wonderbolts nearby turned and looked in alarm.

But Air Mach didn’t flinch, nor did he even budge. He simply ate another pancake off of Fleetfoot’s plate and pumped a hoof in the air triumphantly.

“How did you know I like my breakfast rough? IT’S LIKE THE HEAVENS MEANT FOR US TO BE TOGETHER!” he yelled out proudly.

“That’s it…” Fleetfoot dropped the broken half of her tray on the floor and hopped down. “Spitfire, let me know when we start working out today, I have to go swear into my pillow for an hour or something,” she quickly trotted out.

Spitfire just stared as the whole scene concluded. Oh well… Fleet had it coming.

She turned back and saw that Wave had disappeared in the cacophony. She actually reacted. She stood up quickly and looked around frantically, but Wave was gone. Probably finished and left before anything else bad could happen.

That tore it, Spitfire had had enough… she had to find a way to face Wave… even if it was during a rather… heated time for her.

Spitfire was about to sit back down, but she stopped. She looked around at all the Wonderbolts present. She seriously had not noticed until just now.

“Where the hell is Soarin?”

“If you’re late, you have a hundred push-wing-ups with me sitting on your back!” Silver yelled as he slammed the door to the barracks behind him.

“Must he slam the door every time? It seems a bit excessive…” Little Star huffed as she and Dash turned and moved towards their footlockers. Each bed was flanked by a footlocker on both sides, one for each occupant. Dash held in a snicker as she almost lost sight of Little Star over the other side of the bottom bunk. She still couldn’t get over how short Star was.

“I think he just likes being loud,” Dash commented as she opened her locker. She heard a scoff from directly beside her as Thunderlane walked up and opened his footlocker placed right beside hers for the next bunk.

“What tipped you off on that one?” he rolled his eyes, opened his footlocker and fished around in it. Dash did the same until she found her flight goggles and put them around her neck.

“How are you holding up by the way?” Dash asked out of curiosity. Thunderlane shuddered.

“I think I’m gonna fall apart,” he whined as he rotated his wings and the joints made painful cracking noises. “Oo! Ow!” he winced as Dash grimaced at the sound. “Well, that’s one way to get them loose…” he took a deep breath as he closed his locker. Dash chuckled as he exaggerated the pain.

“You might want to get those knots rubbed out after today at least,” Dash turned back to her locker as Thunderlane trotted elsewhere. She pushed some of her things around and stopped when the picture of her and Soarin showed itself slightly.

She blinked as she stared at it before quickly reaching down and pushing the Daring Do book back over it. She closed her locker gently, but didn’t move for a moment. She just stared down at the closed locker. She slowly reached her right hoof up to her chest and held it over her heart. She took a deep breath and exhaled as she felt the steady beat within her chest.

Why did her heart jump the night before? She had a very strange and awful feeling that it involved Soarin. Under normal circumstances, such a thought would seem absurd… but after Soarin’s description of his sleepless nights during her first visit… and especially after being informed her magical imprint on him and how her presence calmed the magic…

Could something have happened to Soarin? She hadn’t thought at all about the effect she had on the dark power within him. Could their recent disconnect… be hurting Soarin?

Dash shook her head out, turned, and sat down on the side of her bed. She didn’t even know if it had anything to do with Soarin. It could have just been a weird position she laid in… or something. But the possibility was enough to send a shock of dread through her. She and Soarin were currently at odds… but she didn’t want him to get HURT. NEVER!

She couldn’t do anything at the moment though. She had to report to gym number two half an hour for ‘basic element handling.’ She could figure it out later. She had a free day tomorrow… or at least that’s what the schedule said, who knew what Silver might make them do. If they were, in fact, free she would see what she could find out.

She decided to try and take her mind off the subject. It would be easier to get focused if she wasn’t worrying so much. She hadn’t really taken a good look at all of the recruits yet. It was a mix of her being nervous, and knowing which recruits she felt comfortable around. She wondered if she’d recognize any more from the tryouts… at least physically.

Dash looked around. Something interesting caught her eye. There was a group of three pegasi sitting in a small huddle. They had their arms out, resting on the shoulders of the other two to the left and right of them as if they were having a little secret meeting. One of them was a pure black pegasus stallion with a mane styled similar to Dash’s but it was colored black and white. To his left was a dark blue mare with a messy back, ice blue mane. The last was a light blue mare… with a curly, bright green mane in a style that reminded Dash of Pinkie Pie or Surprise. From the angle Dash could only see her cutie mark out of the three… it was a potato… wearing sunglasses... and a top hat… and had a stylish moustache... whut?

Dash tipped her head to the side and blinked as the three seemed to bounce excitedly as they conversed. She couldn’t hear what they were whispering, but they looked like they were enjoying themselves. They were setting themselves apart, but it’s not like Dash wasn’t talking to the same three recruits at all times. She kinda talked to Twister… and Squall was… an ass for lack of a better term.

Dash looked around her, eyes falling on Matteo. Then she looked to Thunderlane. Then to Squall. She looked around more, but Little Star and Twister were nowhere to be seen. Probably in the bathroom.

“Dammit…” Dash cursed. This wasn’t working. She was still worrying about Soarin. She decided just to get up and head to the gym. Maybe the walk would help clear her mind, and she’d be the first one there. She might get a suck up comment from Silver, but whatever, she needed to focus and it wasn’t working in the barracks.

Dash stepped out into the barracks hallway and made her way to the set of doors leading into the lobby. She trotted through past the reception desk, but stopped briefly when she saw Fleetfoot walking around.

Fleetfoot was walking from object to object in the lobby. Chair, plant, statue, everything, and checking behind it.

Dash was… still a little sheepish about talking to any of the lead squad. Sure the conflict was with Soarin, but as Applejack had said back before she returned, ‘One of them also chose Storm over her.’ She just wasn’t sure how to approach them.

So Dash went on her way, turning to her left and down the hall. She took about ten steps and stopped.

“Wait…” she blinked, turned around, and examined the hallway. “This is the wrong way…” she mumbled to herself. The last time she reported to a specific gym, her bearings were from the entrance. If she was coming from the barracks, it was reversed. She’d get used to that after a while, but at least no one saw her blunder. She turned around, but as she did she stopped in her tracks… setting her eyes on exactly what… or rather who Fleetfoot was looking for.

Rivet was scurrying along the ground, staying as low as possible to avoid detection. Dash could see him subtly making his way around the lobby furniture and towards the hallway she currently stood in. Rivet put his back up against one of the leather chairs, only one more piece of furniture to pass by before he was home free. Dash remained still. She actually felt kinda bad for the little guy, so she didn’t want to blow his cover…

Art by: MyLittleXyo

“Rivet! Come oooooooooon, I’m stressed out! I need something soft and cuddly to hug!” Fleetfoot cooed while looking IN one of the potted plants. She was leaving no stone unturned. She had clearly already seen him once or else this whole scenario wouldn’t be happening. Rivet leapt out and dove into one of the potted plants that Fleetfoot had already checked. It was the last obstacle. He peeked out over the top to see Fleetfoot still looking through one of the plants as if digging through it would find him. Rivet focused on the hall and readied to make his last move…

Art by: Pie Is Epic

Unfortunately, he didn’t time it very well.

“AHA!” Fleetfoot yelled as she looked up. Rivet flinched upon hearing her voice and made a break for the hall… but Fleetfoot was the famous Silver Streak of the lead squad… you don’t outrun her.

“EEP!” Rivet yelped as Fleetfoot landed in front of him before he could get two steps away from the chair. He made a break to the left… but that was another critical blunder. Fleetfoot gave chase and ended up cornering him where two of the lobby walls met. He had no way out.

“Why do you run from me? I just wanna hug you!” Fleetfoot pouted at him.

Dash snickered and shook her head. Fleetfoot was ridiculous… it was awesome, but she still felt sorry for Rivet. Being small may have its advantages at times, but apparently to Fleetfoot, that made him a stuffed animal. Dash peeked out to see Rivet cornered against the blue walls.

Rivet suddenly crouched down, his fur puffed up, he extended his wings and turned them down flat… in the same manner a small cornered creature would try to make itself look bigger.

Line art by: foxenawolf Coloring by me.

Fleetfoot stopped and her eyes widened. This was the first time she had actually cornered him. Rivet still looked terrified despite the ‘intimidation’ tactic… as if it was a reflex and he couldn’t control it. Either way… Fleetfoot completely lost it.

“OH MY GOHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!” She clutched her stomach and keeled over. Rivet’s face went from scared to blank. He had no idea what he had done. “THAT!” Fleetfoot wiped a tear from her eye as she continued to guffaw uncontrollably. “That’s the most ADORABLE thing I’ve ever seen!”

Dash admittedly thought it was hilarious too. She never would have seen that coming either… She wondered what Rivet was waiting for. He had a chance to escape now… it looked like he really was frozen in place.

But then…

“Huh?” Dash blinked. Rivet… disappeared. Literally disappeared. She blinked a couple more times as Fleetfoot rolled over and stopped laughing in an instant.

“What the…?!” Fleetfoot got up and looked around. Rivet had vanished… he was just there with the blue walls at his back. Fleetfoot began hopping around, looking for him again. “Where did he go?!” she made her way through the lobby and over to the mail desk. The orange mail pegasus had just turned around to grab a few papers, only to yelp as Fleetfoot reached across the counter and shook him by the shoulders. “WHERE DID RIVET GO!?” she yelled in his face.

“Whoa! I just handle the mail!” he frantically answered as she let go and he fell over from the force.

Dash was puzzled… ponies just don’t disappear like that… how did he—

“OOF!” Dash grunted as something suddenly ran directly into her. Then just like that, Rivet appeared in front of her at eye level, fell as if rolling off of something, and plopped on the ground. He looked up at Dash and held his hooves up in front of his chest defensively. Dash just pulled her neck back while wondering how the HELL he suddenly was in front of her.

“Whoops! Sorry about thaaaaaahey there!” A voice spoke. Dash flinched in surprise and looked around. Rivet hadn’t said anything, she was looking right at him. “Right here,” the voice spoke again. It was to her left. Dash glanced to her left… and looked right into a pair of FLOATING yellow eyes.

“WHA—!?” she yelped.

“Shhhh! Don’t blow my buddy’s cover!” said the eyes.

Dash shook her head out and blinked before squinting real hard. She could just barely, barely see it… the outline of a pegasus stallion. She also could faintly see a pure black, short mane. The pony was literally blending into the dark blue walls of the compound.

“Ah!” Rivet squeaked as the pony picked him up, put him on his back, and folded his dark wings over him. Just like that, Rivet was gone. Completely camouflaged by this pony’s ridiculously dark blue wings.

“Haven’t seen you around before…” the eyes kept talking to her.


“Nice mane, never seen a rainbow color… kinda awesome, hey are you free tonight?” the invisible pony suddenly asked.

“What?!” Dash could barely keep her thoughts together as this mystery pony just kept talking.

“Oh wait, haha rewind, my name is…”

“Riiiiiiiiveeeeeeeeettt!!!!” Fleetfoot whined as she approached.

“Whoops! Gotta get this guy back to his workshop! I’ll see ya round!” and just like that, the pony was gone. Dash didn’t see him leave. She blinked and furrowed her brow.

What the hell was that all about? Come to think of it, she remembered when those two other large ponies helped out Rivet, something that was hard to make out flew in and made an escape with Rivet in tow… was it this stallion?

Who were these Rivet saviors anyway? All three of them seemed to have a bit of a presence and it was clear the other Wonderbolts were aware of them… but who were they?

Dash shrugged and began walking through the lobby in the right direction. If anything this helped get her mind off of Soarin… her curiosity was set on these three mystery stallions.

The Wonderbolts and their secrets… Dash wouldn’t be surprised if they had some top secret underground complex or something at this rate…

--- To Be Continued ---

Author's Note:


I actually buckled down and finished a chapter... and my brain is officially shot... i can't believe i got this out so early =3= sleepy...

But ah yes... finally we visit another secondary POV... think i forgot about all the Spitfire Wave chill and Fire Misty Fly goodness? And the rest of the Wonderbolts? Of course not... there is relevance in the story for all of them. Plus... it was meant to drive home Spitfire's realization... all these shenanigans... and Soarin isn't there? *GASP*

And yes we had a few Cameo's this time among the background recruits... if you recognized yourself congrats on making me want to use you xD

Anyway i must sleep... tired as hell... next chapter will probably be out this weekend. Don't know which day for sure.

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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