• Member Since 20th May, 2021
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Captain Neckbeard

Creating prose through the power of majestic facial hair (Hey/Dude)


Show yourself · 12:57pm May 23rd

You can come out now. Who downvotes everything I do. Show yourself instead of being a little underhanded twat. If you have a problem, say it to my face. Here, or in PMs. I'm waiting.

P.S. But I am flattered that I have such a dedicated "fan and follower" :raritywink:

Report Captain Neckbeard · 54 views ·

Princesses · 6:17pm April 23rd

>when in the final editing pass before posting, you realize a "princesses" was left in, despite they not being such in the story
Yeah, such is when certain characters are always depicted in the same era, and the same roles. Conventions are a powerful thing. I also got used to "princess" so much when I referred to Celestia or Luna in the story, that early on, I actively hunted for the moniker to edit it out.
They aren't princesses. Not yet.
Just a funny thing I wanted to share.


[SPONSORED CONTENT] If you love dragons, give it a look! · 12:50pm March 4th

My long-time friend, The Psychopath, recently reached a milestone in his writing endeavors, and published a full-lenght novel for the first time. Reverting Scales is a fantasy tale, starring a dragoness named Naydrus. If that's up your alley, follow the link provided. And if you read it, tell him what you think, authors love feedback!


It's out! · 10:29pm February 19th

My first long-form story, By the Will of the Council, featuring a young Celestia and Luna, is getting released... NOW!
Accompany the not-yet-royal sisters on the first of their many journeys that shaped Equestria, and find out about the past they never spoke about.


Progress update - what is to come · 6:21pm Dec 7th, 2023

Hello to everyone reading this (all five of you, yes)!

If you've been wondering about the radio silence recently, and thought I abandoned what I was writing, then I have some good news: My story focusing on Luna and Celestia is almost complete. (I'd say, the manuscript is 95% written). The way I put that (the absence of "Princess", and also, the order of their names) is on purpose.

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(Belated) Anniversary 2 · 12:28pm May 21st, 2023

As of yesterday, I've been a Fimficcer for two years. Not much has changed since the same time last year. I published one story (two if you count the one I unpublished), so you could think things are slowing down, and I won't even create anymore...?

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Milestone · 9:55pm Oct 22nd, 2022

I thought "No Explanation Necessary" could break 4000 views by the time it reached one year old. I was wrong. It already did.
So holy shit, a LOT of you like random bullshit involving the funny green man. It has more views than all my other stories combined. It has more votes than all my other stories combined. It's the elephant in the room, and compared to all the "effort" I put into it, it is by far my most popular fic.

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Anniversary · 8:43pm May 20th, 2022

As of today I've been a part of Fimfiction for one year. I'm kind of a latecomer, yes, but I only felt so inspired last year to actually make an account, and start publishing stories. I hope that inspiration won't wane, and I'll be here in the years to come.
If you came here, you might as well read some statistics. In one year, I have:

  • Published 29 360 words, spanning 6 stories
  • Wrote 4 blogposts (including this one)
  • Accumulated 28 followers

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My Ars Poetica · 4:15am May 15th, 2022

I think I finally realized my ars poetica. It could be summed up in this one simple animated image.

Expect more stories, just don't expect them to strictly adhere to canon (or at all).


Being featured, how does it work? + Jinglemas 2021 · 7:02pm Nov 10th, 2021

Hey my dear Followers!

Here comes another (mostly) unnecessary blog post from your homie, Neckbeard.
So here's the deal: I wrote this really silly one-shot story, the one I tagged, and how, I'm still not entirely sure, but it got featured. It was in the featured box for three days straight, and it even hit the #1 spot for like, half a day. I know this shouldn't be a big deal, but this was the first time it happened during my short Fimfic career.

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